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Page 15

by Jack Harbon

  “Definitely,” he smiled. “Oh, don’t forget your key.” After Donny had given him his keys, he’d made two extras. One was for Bria and the other was for Chad.

  “Ah, almost forgot,” she said. She scooped up the key and disappeared out the door.

  Once she was gone, Kit looked at his two friends and said, “Soooo, what’s on the agenda for today? I just went grocery shopping, but I haven’t received any of the plates or silverware that I ordered, so we’re gonna be rocking paper plates and plastic cutlery.”

  “Just like the old days,” Chad said. “I can order a pizza. I mean, it’s no Star Wars lamp or anything, but hey, I’m a modest man.”

  “You’re a cheap ass bitch, that’s what you are,” Kit replied. “Pizza sounds good.”

  “While he’s ordering that, I’m gonna set up my laptop and find something on Netflix to watch,” Michelle said. She carried her bag over to the TV and took a seat in front of it, hooking the laptop up to the television.

  While they got situated in the living room, Kit dipped out of the room and headed to the bathroom to wash off some of the paint. He scrubbed his hands together, looking at himself in the reflection. There was something different in his eyes. He hated to be that guy, but he couldn’t help but think that something different was happiness. It had been a long time since he’d been this elated, and considering everything that he’d worked towards these past few months, he deserved a little bit of happiness.

  Kit returned to the living room and spent the rest of the night with his friends. The pizza man showed up, and he seemed quite interested in Michelle. Kit was half tempted to invite him into the house and see if he wanted to watch this trashy show they’d found on Netflix. Before he could, Chad jumped up and paid the man, ushering him out of the doorway once he’d handed over the pizza.

  Kit took notice in how close the two of them had gotten. They’d claimed they were just friends, but watching the two interact, it was obvious that they were really into each other. Whether or not they were going to act on it and make this relationship official was the true question. And when he wasn’t thinking about their potential to become an item, his mind wandered to Roman.

  He wanted to spend this night with Roman as well, but he doubted the older man would get along with Chad and Michelle. Kit wasn’t as vulgar as them, and Roman could barely handle the jokes he told. Still, he longed for someone to hold him the way Chad held Michelle.

  “Kit,” Chad said, waking Kit from his sleep.

  He blinked a few times. The clock said that it was just past eleven. “Huh? Did I fall asleep on you guys?”

  “Kinda,” Michelle giggled.

  “Sorry, it’s been a long day for me.”

  “It’s fine,” Chad said, shrugging. “Michelle and I are gonna head out though.” The look Chad gave Kit told him everything he needed to know.

  “You guys have fun. Thanks for the pizza and the lamp.” He sat upright and stretched out his legs.

  “No problem,” Michelle said.

  Chad led her out of the door and turned back to Kit. “I’ll catch you later, okay?”


  Kit rose from his seat to lock the door behind Chad. Before he headed to the bathroom to wash up and get ready for bed, he put the leftover pizza in the fridge and cleaned up the beer bottles.

  Afterwards, he showered, washed his face, and brushed his teeth. He was ready to climb under the covers when his phone rang. The sight of Roman’s name on his caller ID made his heart jump.

  “Hey,” he said, yawning.

  “Did I call at the wrong time?” Roman asked.

  “No, no, I was just getting ready for bed. What’s up?”

  “I was calling to see how that apartment renovation was going. You told me yesterday you were going to paint an accent wall. How did that go?”

  “It went good! My sister helped out with it, so we got it done in no time. The hardest thing I did today was set up all my furniture. I pushed my bed around at least five times before I found a place that I liked.” Kit rolled over onto his side and stretched out, stroking the pile of cool pillows on the other side of the mattress.

  “You should have called me. I would have come over and helped set things up,” Roman said lightly.

  “It’s okay. I don’t know if I’m ready for my sister to meet you like that. I haven’t exactly told her that we’re kind of together.”

  “There’s no ‘kind of,’ Kit. We’re seeing each other.”

  Kit hated how his stomach flipped hearing Roman say that. It made him want to bury his smile in his mountain of pillows and laugh like a child. “Okay.” That was all he could muster.

  “I do expect an invite over there soon, otherwise I just don’t see how we’re going to christen the new place.”

  “Ahhh. So, that’s why you wanted to come over. Fair enough. I feel like the little bonus you gave me gets you pretty much anything you want.”


  “Mhm,” Kit said. He played with one of the tassels on his pillow, waiting for Roman to say something else. There was a long silence, and though he had no way of telling, it just felt like Roman was cheesing on the other end of the line.

  “I’ll be redeeming my prize, soon. Now, to completely kill the mood, I wanted to confirm that this musical you’re dragging me to is next weekend, yes?”

  “Yep,” Kit said. “And don’t be so negative. You’re gonna have a good time.”

  “I’m only teasing. It will be our first date, I believe. Our first non-work-related date, that is.”

  “It will be. I’m looking forward to it. I think you’re gonna love the show,” Kit said. He’d been to one of Trish’s shows before, and she knew her stuff.

  “We’ll see. I’m going to take it up with you if it turns out that I have a miserable time there.”

  “You do that. If you hate it, I’ll make it my personal mission to make it up to you.”

  “You’re a dangerous one, kitten. You pretend you don’t know the double meaning of the things you say, but you’re actually far too smart for your own good,” Roman said.

  Kit laughed and rolled onto his back. “Yeah, well, I’m also too tired for my own good. I’ll see you at work tomorrow?”

  “Indeed, you will.”

  “Good. G’night, Romy.”

  “Goodnight, kitten.”


  After the phone call he’d had with Roman the night before, Kit was determined to make something happen today. He woke up extra early and went through his morning ritual with added intensity. His picked out the tightest slacks he had and undid one too many buttons on his dress shirt. He looked casual, but also like he might be attending a photoshoot soon.

  At seven, Kit walked into the office confidently, immediately meeting eyes with Roman. With everyone else looking his way as well, nobody but Kit caught the hungry, lingering eyes Roman gave him. Kit was warm inside, pleased to know that the outfit was doing its job.

  But that wasn’t all of his plan.

  After handing the coffee cups out to everyone, Kit ‘accidentally’ knocked off a pack of sugar. He bent down to pick it up, giving Roman the perfect view of the pants that cupped him in all the right places.

  He was no Nicki Minaj, but in this get-up, the shape of his body was clear as day. It worked like a charm. Roman’s grip tightened around his cup, and for a moment, Kit expected him to squeeze hard enough to puncture the cheap paper.

  Roman cleared his throat, adjusted his tie, and got back to the meeting. Kit took a seat in one of the rolling chairs, swaying back and forth slowly. Being that he was the only one moving in the office, Roman’s eyes continued to fall on him, but never once broke his focus on the words he was saying. Kit had heard the spiel before. They were doing great, Ari was very pleased with the rate projects were moving, yadda yadda.

  Kit’s final move came to light when unwrapped the single bubblegum sucker he’d brought with him. He’d seen it at the bodega by his apartment thi
s morning and he couldn’t turn it down. Not when his goal was seducing Roman in front of everyone.

  The mischievous gleam in Kit’s eye only brightened when Roman tripped over his words, his eyes nervously flitting around the room, everywhere but the place they both knew he wanted to look. Yolanda made a face, narrowing her eyes at Roman. Even Barbie took notice of Roman’s sudden bout of stutters.

  Finally, Roman ended the meeting and everyone was sent off to work. Before Kit could even move, he heard Roman’s voice.

  “Kit. My office.”

  Kit rolled his tongue around the circumference of the sucker once before he said, “Yes, sir.”

  He made his way to Roman’s office as slow as humanly possible. He wanted Roman to suffer as long as he could, drawing this out and leaving him in his office to stew. He finally leaned against the door frame. Roman stood in the middle of the room, his back to Kit.

  “Close the door,” he said.

  Kit didn’t need to be told twice. He stepped inside and did as instructed. “You needed to see me?”

  “Have you lost your mind?” Roman asked, turning around to face Kit. “Do you know who could have seen what you were doing?”

  Kit’s smile never once faded. “Don’t be so uptight,” he said, taking a step closer to the man. “You liked it. You were probably trying not to tent your pants, huh?”

  Roman’s mouth was a hard line, but he didn’t deny it.

  “Exactly. You were thinking about me the entire time. Imagining you in my mouth instead of the sucker.”

  “You give yourself way too much credit.”

  “No, I don’t,” Kit said. “It’s written all over your face.” He stepped close enough to Roman for him to run the sucker over his lips. Roman stared at him darkly for a moment, then let his tongue slip out and clean his lips.

  Roman reached for the candy and tossed it in the trash. Without a word, he yanked Kit closer, off balance, and kissed him. Between flicks of his tongue, Kit let out a noise of approval. Roman reached around to cup his ass, squeezing desperately.

  “You really are dangerous,” Roman said, spinning Kit around and pushing him against the wall. He tilted Kit’s head to the side before dragging his nose up and down the side of his neck. His lips came second, peppering kisses down his shoulder, and Kit’s knees nearly buckled.

  “Am I dangerous?”

  “Very. You like pushing my limits, don’t you? You like pressing all the buttons you can and hoping I’ll give you the response you want.”

  “Mm, yeah.”

  “I bet you even like the fact that there’s only a thin wall between us and them.”

  Kit opened his eyes and looked through the two-way mirror. He saw Barbie and Yolanda talking on their way to the elevator, and Logan by the watercooler, filling up a disposable cup.

  Roman slipped his hand around and pawed at the front of Kit’s slacks. This elicited a sudden whimper from the younger man. “Do you like that, kitten? Seeing them out there while you’re in here, pressed against me, feeling how much you turn me on?”

  Kit couldn’t form words. All he could do was nod and groan.

  “You showed me I was yours last time. Now, you’re mine.”

  Before Kit knew what was happening, he was pressed face down on the desk and Roman’s hands gripped the back of his pants. He was impatient, fumbling to get them unbuttoned and down to his knees. Kit groaned again, quickly covering his mouth. His coworkers might not have been able to see him, but he was positive they could hear him if he was too loud.

  Kit heard the zipper of Roman’s pants come down, and soon felt the weight of his length against his ass, teasing him. Roman slapped it down, allowing him to feel the heat, the pulse of his arousal. The hot breath on Kit’s neck sent chills down his spine.

  “I’m going to fuck you here and send you on your way back out there. If you’re too loud, I’ll stop. Do you understand?”

  Kit nodded biting down on his palm.

  “Good boy.”

  Roman reached across his desk for a few necessary items, quickly covering his cock with both the condom and a bit of lubrication. He snapped the bottle shut then snaked an arm around Kit, holding him tight.

  “Open up for me,” he instructed, pressing the head of himself against Kit. Kit winced and clenched his fist, breathing through his nose as Roman pushed inside. He wasn’t as gentle as before, and Kit had a feeling he might enjoy the sting he was delivering. When Roman’s length slid across that bundle of nerves inside of him, though, he whimpered and writhed under his grip, the pain all but vanishing.

  Roman didn’t stop until he was flush against Kit’s ass, buried to the hilt. He eased backwards, and with a quick jerk, stuffed himself back in, withdrawing a sudden, pleasant noise from the younger man.

  “Fuck,” Kit sighed. He reached back, digging his fingers into his skin as he spread himself for the man. “Take it, Roman.”

  “I will,” he said, swatting at his ass. “Tell me it’s mine.” He reached forward, seizing Kit by the throat. “Tell me this ass is mine, kitten.”

  “I don’t have to tell you,” Kit challenged, looking back at Roman, his cheeks a deep red. “You already know it’s yours. So fucking take it. Make it yours.”

  Roman let out a low noise, a mix of a growl and groan, and began thrusting, faster than Kit was prepared for. He pressed his forehead to the wood and bit his tongue, taking each jab inside of him as best he could. He reached down and wrapped a hand around himself, pumping his fist in accordance to Roman’s moves.

  Roman made no noise except for the soft murmurs of approval, clearly pleased with the way Kit took him. Without warning, he pulled out of him, flipped him onto his back, and slid back inside. Kit brought his knees to his chest, eyes up in awe as he pounded away at him.

  Kit stared as Roman went harder, rocking the desk with each thrust forward. His lips parted, silent when he wanted to scream out in pleasure. Roman smiled and leaned in to kiss him. He pulled away only an inch, enough for Kit to feel his warm breath wash over him.

  “Beg for it,” he ordered, biting Kit’s lower lip. “You need it, don’t you?”

  “So bad,” Kit panted. “Since this morning. I’ve wanted it, wanted you. I need it, Romy. Fill me with it.”

  The man’s face contorted, and he stood upright, steadying himself on the desk. Kit wasn’t sure if he could remain quiet given the pace Roman moved. It was a flurry, the sound of skin against skin, the electric heat of Roman inside of him. Kit came hard, his eyes squeezing tight. He left a mess on his chest, just inches away from the shirt he'd pulled up past his stomach.

  Roman's orgasm hit as he and Kit kissed once more. In a flash, he pulled out of the younger man and pushed him down to his knees. “Open,” he ordered, tearing the condom from himself. Kit obeyed, eyes up, tongue out, waiting. Roman held his head steady as he pumped. In a matter of seconds, he coated Kit’s tongue with his seed, shooting out enough to paint his lips and cheek.

  When he was empty, he slapped the hefty weight down on Kit’s tongue, encouraging him to clean off every drop. He sucked the last of him down, swallowing eagerly.

  “Fuck,” Kit groaned. He wiped the corners of his mouth with his thumb.

  Roman tucked himself back into his pants, took him by the chin, and stole one last kiss. “Clean yourself off.” He returned to his seat at his desk and picked up his pen, turning his attention back to his stack of papers.

  Kit reached for the box of tissues on his desk, using a handful to wipe himself clean. He adjusted his clothes, making sure nothing was out of place. He wanted to say something, something poignant and smart, but all he could do was catch his breath. Finally, Kit made his way out of the office. Before he could get too far, he paused.

  “Do you need me for anything else, sir?” he asked.

  “That’s all. Get back to work.”

  Kit smiled. Then he closed the door behind him.


  Standing Ovation

  “Kit, I
swear to god, I’m about to lose my marbles,” Chad said from the bathroom. Kit paused, unsure if he’d heard his friend right or not.

  “You’re about to what?”

  “Dude, come look at this.” Judging by the urgency in Chad’s voice, he needed help immediately. Kit climbed off his bed and poked his head around the corner of the bathroom, looking to see what it was that was going to make Chad lose his ‘marbles.’

  “Do you see this tuft of hair?” he asked. Chad pressed down the swoop of hair, only to have it come popping back up like it had never happened. “I’m about to start swinging,” he said.

  “Chill out,” Kit said. He stepped up to the mirror and removed the small bottle of cream from the medicine cabinet. Without saying a word, he uncapped it and turned Chad to face him. In a matter of seconds, Kit laid Chad’s hair down and smiled when it didn’t shoot back up.

  Chad turned his head and looked at himself in the mirror. “What the hell is that stuff? It smells amazing.”

  “It’s something Bria made. Moisturizes and controls frizz, but if you put a little more than the regular amount, it keeps flyaways down.”

  “Damn, black girl magic like shit,” Chad laughed. Kit snorted and shoved Chad out of the way.

  “I have to get ready. You done?”

  “Yep, I’m waiting on you, kid.” Chad leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. “So, I do believe this is the first time I’m going to meet your bae, correct?”

  Kit didn’t want to be reminded of that. When he’d asked Roman to come along with him and Michelle, he hadn’t considered the fact that Roman would actually have to meet his friends. He loved them to death, but they cracked dick jokes with the same amount of ease as they told the weather forecast for the day. He knew that they were going to embarrass him. Well, Chad was at least.

  “Yeah, it is the first time you’re meeting him, so don’t be a fucking creep. No jokes about ass-eating, no jokes about politics, and no jokes about me and him having sex, got it?”

  “Wow, this is censorship,” Chad said incredulously.


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