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Liam Page 15

by Candice Blake

  “Can it wait until we land?”

  “That wouldn’t be any fun. Come on, Liam, just follow me and I’ll show you what’s in there. We can even bring Hayden.”

  Liam turned and looked toward the back of the plane again. His eyes were filled with uncertainty.

  I unbuckled my seatbelt and stood up. Liam looked up at me.

  He sighed and eventually got up too. I picked up Hayden from his seat and carried him with us. I couldn’t believe how well-behaved Hayden was, and somehow, he didn’t share the same fear of flying as his dad.

  I led Liam to the back of the plane. There was a bit of turbulence and he grabbed onto my waist, his body pressed right up against me.

  “It’s okay,” I said. “We’re okay.”

  I smoothed my hand on his back and opened the door. Liam looked around the room.

  “It’s a bedroom. You have a full-sized bed in here?” he asked.

  I nodded and smiled. “They’re actually two safety-regulated seats put together that can recline all the way back to become a bed.”

  Liam quickly sat down on the edge of it. I looked out into the main cabin of the jet and Damon and Liam were still facing the front minding their own business. I closed the door of the bedroom with only Liam, Hayden, and me in there.

  “We can lie down,” I said. “It’ll feel less like you’re on a plane here. I guess because it’s quieter and because there’s a bed, it’s almost like you’re in a real bedroom.”

  I grabbed the remote and pressed a button to lower all the blinds. I turned on the soft blue LED light behind the bed.

  “You’re right,” Liam said. “It’s not as bad in here.”

  I put Hayden down between the two pillows and I sat down on the edge of the bed next to Liam.

  In the dark room sitting next to Liam, all I wanted to do was kiss him, but it’d been over twenty years since we’d kissed, and I didn’t know if he’d want to. I looked into his eyes.

  I inched closer and closer to him until our faces were inches apart. I could smell his clean scent and my heart fluttered.

  “What do you want?” Liam whispered.

  “This,” I said.

  I leaned in and kissed him. The moment our lips touched, it was like time slowed down. All my senses were heightened and I felt goosebumps on my arms. I couldn’t believe we were kissing after so many years. I couldn’t believe he was kissing me back.

  I put my hand on Liam’s thighs, running up the sides before resting them on his ass, drawing him even closer to me.

  Liam clawed onto my back, kissing me without holding back.

  I pushed him down on the bed, and laid myself on top of him. I could feel Liam’s bulge under me.

  I hoped Damon and Jesse didn’t notice we were gone, even though they were bound to turn around and notice how we’d disappeared eventually.

  But I didn’t even care about it.

  I was so engulfed in the moment. Liam seemed to be less nervous as well. I ran my hands up his shirt, squeezing his abs and then his pecs. His body was just as tight as when he was eighteen, though he’d packed on more muscle.

  Liam moaned quietly as he opened his mouth to suck in my tongue alongside his, swirling them together, and his moans were like music to my ears.

  I’d invited Liam on this trip to spend more time with him without any expectation of anything happening between us, but I couldn’t even wait until we landed to touch him.

  I pulled back and looked him in his eyes.

  “Don’t stop,” he said. “Kissing you is a good distraction from the flight.”

  “Oh, is that the only reason why you’re kissing me back?” I asked teasingly.

  “Yes,” Liam said jokingly, before he quickly shook his head. “No, of course not, but it’s certainly helping with my anxiety.”

  Liam wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me toward him. I kissed him as I squeezed his thick ass. It was worth the twenty-seven-year wait to get to be intimate with Liam again.

  After all these years, I worried the spark would be gone. That we’d realize what happened in college was just two young men experimenting with each other, but as I kissed him and felt the strong energy between us again, I knew that wasn’t the case.

  I knew then that what I felt when I was eighteen was real, even though I was too young to realize just how special that feeling was.

  Now that I was older, I appreciated how strong our connection was. How the taste of Liam’s lips sent tingles and shocks throughout my body. How my cock ached in my pants and throbbed relentlessly.

  I wished the plane ride was longer so we could do more than just kiss, but in no time, we’d be landing in JFK, where dozens of paparazzi would be waiting for me.

  I was scared the media would somehow be able to discover what Liam and I had together. The tabloids were able to find out every little thing about me. Sometimes I felt like they knew me better than I knew my own self.

  I was scared of someone exposing Liam and me, not just because it would disrupt his life, but because I was nearing the end of my career, and I didn’t want it to define me.

  It’d be better if I waited until I retired from basketball to explore this thing I had with Liam, but I wasn’t sure if I could wait that long. This flame I had with Liam was red hot, and I wouldn’t be able to put it out even if I tried.

  “We should go back to the main cabin,” I said, touching his lips with my thumb.

  Liam nodded. “I think that’s a good idea.”



  Present Day

  When Shawn and I left the bedroom of the private jet, Damon turned with a slight smile on his face, looking toward me and Shawn.

  Jesse looked like he was sleeping, leaning against Damon’s shoulder.

  Shawn carried Hayden back to our seat.

  I figured Damon was smiling because he knew what we had been doing in there. I’d told him the other night about me and Shawn. To my knowledge, Shawn didn’t know that Damon knew yet.

  I wondered if Shawn minded that I’d told Damon about us. But I needed to get it off my chest so I told the one person in the world I trusted the most. I’d known Damon for as long as I’d known Shawn, and Damon was my rock when Shawn wasn’t there all those years.

  I thought about the kiss that just happened, and I wished we’d kissed for longer. I wondered if anything else was going to happen while we were in New York.

  “Gentlemen, we’ll be landing in thirty minutes,” the pilot announced. “Please fasten your seatbelts.”

  Shawn and I put our seatbelts back on, and then he put his hand on my thigh. I didn’t feel as scared as I did when we were taking off. Maybe it was because Shawn was there with me. His calm, cool presence assured me that everything was going to be okay.

  “How do you feel about your game tonight?” I asked, trying to make conversation to distract myself as the plane started descending.

  “I’m excited about it. Before every game, I always get this rush of adrenaline. I get in a really competitive mindset and all I want to do is win.”

  I smiled. “You’ve always been really competitive. It’s why you’ve become so successful.”

  “I think you’re pretty competitive too,” he said.

  I furrowed my brows. “You think so?”

  “Yeah, maybe not in an overt way like me. But a quieter sort of competitiveness. You strive to be a better version of yourself.”

  “I’ve never really thought about it like that, but you’re right. I always want to be a better person than I was before.”

  “And after all these years, look at how great you’ve become.”

  I gave him a look that let him know I didn’t quite believe him.

  “Seriously,” Shawn said. “I know you don’t believe me. You’ve never really been able to take compliments well.”

  “It’s hard for me, even after all these years, but in the back of my mind, I’m always reminded of what my parents told me I am—a failure, inde
cisive, and unlovable. I’m forty-five and I still can’t get rid of these thoughts about myself.”

  “You need to learn to let go of those thoughts one day. They aren’t serving you in any way, especially not now when you have to be a good role model for Hayden.”

  “I worry about that sometimes,” I said. “What if my lack of confidence is rubbing off on Hayden, or worse? What if I become exactly like my parents, where nothing Hayden does is ever good enough?”

  “We both know you’re not like that.” Shawn brought Hayden closer to him and kissed his forehead. Hayden was sleeping on Shawn’s chest like he usually did on mine.

  I thought about how nice it would be to have Shawn around all the time. I saw the way Shawn was with Hayden and I felt so much love. There was a feeling of warmth and fullness, and it was like my heart was going to burst.

  I hadn’t felt this way in a long time around someone. Shawn was stirring up these feelings I had when I was eighteen, when I didn’t know what those feelings meant yet.

  The plane shook as we passed through some dark clouds, and my nervousness started kicking in again. Shawn kept his hand on my thigh, stroking me, and I tried to breathe. After some rough turbulence during our descent, we finally touched down at JFK airport.

  “And we’re here,” the pilot said. “Looks like it’s going to be a beautiful day.”

  Shawn sighed.

  “I’m not looking forward to this,” he muttered under his breath.

  “To what?” I asked.

  “It’s going to be hectic when we get into the airport. Usually, it’s okay when I’m traveling alone, but I’m worried about the kids since some people do whatever it takes to get a picture.”

  “We’ll be alright,” I said. “Let’s try to be strategic and get to the car as fast as we can.”

  Shawn nodded. “You’re right. I’ll call the driver to make sure he’s waiting right outside our gate.”

  The pilot stopped at the private gate, and the flight attendant opened the door. A fresh breeze rolled into the cabin. Damon got up and stretched.

  “That was the most relaxing flight I ever had,” Damon said.

  I smiled. “Did you sleep at all?”

  “I didn’t,” Damon said. “But I did get some emails done while Jesse was resting.”

  Damon leaned down and kissed Jesse on the lips while he was still sleeping, and Jesse woke up with a smile.

  “What was that for?” Jesse asked.

  “For being you,” Damon said.

  Shawn and I turned to each other and scrunched our noses.

  Nathan stepped out of the cockpit. “I hope the flight wasn’t too bumpy and the babies enjoyed their first flight.”

  “It was perfect,” I said. “Thank you for bringing us here.”

  “No worries,” Nathan said.

  Jesse carried Brooklyn, and Damon carried Ari. Shawn held Hayden, and security escorted us to the airport. As soon as we stepped inside, a crowd of people rushed toward us with cameras in our faces. Shawn pulled his baseball cap lower and had both his arms around Hayden protectively.

  “Whose baby is it?” A cameraman yelled. “Is it yours, Shawn?”

  Shawn didn’t answer. Instead, he held Hayden even closer.

  The flashes were blinding, and my adrenaline was spiking from the horde of people.

  There were three security guards, one in front of us, one right next to Shawn, and one right behind us.

  The crowd grew bigger as we walked to the exit. I kept my head down, following the security guard outside.

  More photographers and fans were waiting by the car, and the crowd started getting out of hand. Even with three security officers, it was nearly impossible to get to the car.

  “Hey, give the baby some space,” Shawn said loudly, pushing one of the photographers aside. “Please try to be more fucking considerate.”

  Shawn put one arm around me protectively, as we made our way to the cars. There were two cars waiting for us. Damon and Jesse got in one of them, and Shawn and I got into the other.

  I strapped Hayden’s car seat in as fast as I could. The windows in the Range Rover were tinted, but cameras continued to flash around us.

  Shawn sat down and put his face in his hands. “Fuck, that was so stressful. I’m sorry I had to put you and Hayden through that.”

  I put my hand on his back. “It’s alright. Everyone’s okay.”

  “I know,” Shawn said. “But sometimes I wish I could play ball without all this extra nonsense. When I was younger, I always wanted all this fame. I still love it when I’m on the court. I just wish that there was a button I could press to turn it all off when I’m not playing.”

  “I guess that’s the downside of being one of the top players in the world,” I said. “I can only imagine how hard it must be to have to deal with this every single day.”

  “It’s the lack of privacy that gets to me. Like when some photographer asked me who the baby was, I almost wanted to tell him to mind his own damn business. People seem to think they’re entitled to know every single detail of my life just because I’m a pro athlete.”

  The driver honked at all the people standing in front of the car, and tried to merge onto the road.

  My hand remained on Shawn’s back, trying to be there for him. It felt good to give him support after he’d helped me calm down on the plane.

  We made our way to the hotel slowly through the New York City traffic.

  “Damon’s going to be excited to be here with Brooklyn,” I said.

  “I didn’t know he named him after the city,” Shawn said. “I’m just happy to be here with you guys again.”

  Shawn looked into my eyes, and he leaned in to kiss me. He didn’t seem to care that the driver and security guard could see us. I wondered if Shawn’s drivers and security guards had to sign some kind of non-disclosure agreement to not reveal anything they saw to the public. Maybe that was why Shawn was so unafraid to kiss me.

  As our lips touched, I felt my cock get harder. The kiss we shared was passionate and it made my heart beat rapidly in my chest. I opened my mouth to let Shawn’s tongue in, and his hand ran up my thigh. I trembled when his hand was close to my cock.

  Shawn pulled back and looked me in my eyes. “Did that feel good?”

  “It felt incredible. How could it not? You were the first person I ever kissed when I was eighteen.”

  Shawn smiled as if he was recalling that night we shared our first kiss twenty-seven years ago.

  “I always wondered if you remembered that day,” Shawn said.

  “Of course, I did. I could never forget the feeling of how forbidden it was, since your whole family was home at the time, and Damon was sleeping in the guest bedroom.

  “I’m hoping I can kiss you whenever I want in public someday. I want to explore this... thing we have together more, but how can we when we have so little privacy?”

  “We’ll figure it out,” I said. “When we went to the farm the other day, it wasn’t that bad. We can also just hang out in your penthouse or my place. We don’t have to go out or do fancy things. I’m content just spending time with you. I’m up for the challenge. Are you?”

  Shawn reached out to hold my hand, our fingers interlocking together. “I’m up for anything with you.”

  I could tell there was a lot on Shawn’s mind, especially since he had a game that night.

  We arrived at the hotel which was in the heart of Manhattan. There were already people waiting outside with phones and cameras.

  I unstrapped Hayden’s car seat and the security guard opened the door. Shawn got out first, and I walked behind him, holding Hayden.

  We went inside the hotel, and one of the hotel staff handed us our key right before we went into the elevator. I wondered if Damon and Jesse had arrived yet.

  We went up to the top floor and walked down the hallway into the room. The security guard remained in the hallway. As soon as Shawn closed the door, he kissed me hard against the wall. I was s
till holding onto Hayden’s car seat, as Shawn put his tongue in my mouth. His scent engulfed me, and I felt his heart beating against my chest.

  Shawn pulled back and smiled. “Do you think we’ll have enough time before Damon and Jesse get here?”

  “I don’t know what’s taking them so long, but... what do you want to do?”

  “With you?” Shawn asked. “Everything.”

  He reached for Hayden’s car seat, and he led me into the master bedroom. I couldn’t believe how big the hotel suite was. It was furnished beautifully with mid-century modern furniture and contemporary paintings.

  When we got into the bedroom, Shawn put Hayden’s car seat on the chair.

  Then, he pushed me down on the plush California-king bed. The sheets consumed my body as Shawn laid his warm body on me.

  I didn’t know what we were about to do, and I was a bit nervous because it’d been so long since I’d done anything with anyone.

  When Shawn and I explored in college, we didn’t go all the way. I wondered if we would now that we were both older.

  When I was with Shawn, he was always the one who took the lead, and I knew he would in the bedroom too.

  Shawn’s hands moved up my shirt until he touched one of my nipples. He lifted my shirt and began sucking one of them into his mouth. My cock pulsed against his leg, and when I looked down, Shawn was really hard too.

  I reveled in the fact that I got to kiss Shawn when there were so many people who’d do anything to be under him, but I’d also known Shawn before he was famous. I liked Shawn before he became anything, and maybe that was why our connection was so strong.

  Shawn started sucking my other nipple, and I clawed the sheets. I so badly wanted to pull my pants down to release the pressure off my cock, but I was nervous because it’d been such a long time.

  Watching Shawn’s cock pulse in his pants made me want to pull his pants down too. Until this day, Shawn remained the only person I’d ever sucked off, and the taste lingered in my mind after so many years. I wanted Shawn’s cock in my mouth again.

  However, I still couldn’t forget how much he’d hurt me twenty-seven years ago. I wanted to be completely vulnerable to him again, but I felt myself holding back because of our past.


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