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Tamed (Cherry Grove Book 2)

Page 4

by Cole Lepley

  Elliot eyes me from across the table. I regret asking them both to come to the house for dinner. She has a way of sensing my mood and nagging the shit out of me until I confess. It’s kind of cute, but also annoying. The joys of having a sibling, I guess.

  She points her fork at me. “What’s your problem, Ollie? I’ve only seen you eat three pieces of chicken and it’s your favorite.”

  I lean back from the table and cross my arms. “Nothing. It’s just been a long week.”

  “It’s Tuesday,” she deadpans.

  I throw my arms up. “Well, it feels like at least Thursday.”

  Elliot laughs and leans into Hunter, whispering something in his ear.

  “Don’t start that shit,” I say harshly. “You two don’t need to be fucking shady anymore.”

  Elliot rolls her eyes. “We’re not the ones being shady. Now come on, we tell each other everything. You’re not being fair.”

  She pouts her lips at me, and I crack a smile. That little brat always gets her way. She knows I love her too much.

  “Okay, fine if you must know.” My shoulders slump with an exasperated sigh. “It’s about Charlie.”

  Elliot’s eyebrows float up. “Our old neighbor Charlie?”

  I pinch the bridge of my nose with my fingertips for a moment. My head already feels like it’s going to explode. “We kind of had a thing before she left.”

  “So, you two used to fuck?”

  “Geez, Elle. Who taught you to be so vulgar?” I ask in admonishment.

  She shoots me a look like I’m an idiot. Fair point.

  She motions for me to continue. “What else happened?”

  I exchange glances with Hunter. He knows I don’t want to talk about it which explains his silence.

  He pats her hand. “Baby, why don’t you ease up on him a bit? He’s clearly upset right now.”

  She leans over and kisses his cheek and I almost gag. “Okay, baby.”

  I toss my napkin onto my plate. “All right, I need some air. You two are disgusting.”

  Elliot’s laughter follows me as I walk out onto the driveway. I go down to the gate and immediately notice Charlie’s car isn’t there. After five years, what she’s doing shouldn’t bother me, but it does. The last thing she said to me before she left was that she loved me, and I didn’t say it back. If she said it right now, I would. I loved her then and I still do, even if it doesn’t matter anymore.

  Chapter 6

  Cross Me

  Charlotte - Then

  I’m licking cotton candy off my fingertips while glaring in Ollie’s direction. He’s being obnoxious tonight. Well, more than he usually is.

  Against my better judgment, I allowed him to choose where Liam and I have our date. It just so happens to be the same place everyone else is tonight. It’s the annual Fall Carnival, and for the past hour or so I’ve been watching Ollie win every prize the various carnies have to offer.

  What’s even more nauseating is the fact that there’s a girl clinging to his side. Carson Weaver. By all accounts, we should be friends. We’re both cheerleaders and run in the same friend group, but she’s an entirely different girl than me. Her nasally voice and high-pitched giggles are beyond annoying. She does it after pretty much everything he says. Don’t get me wrong, Ollie’s funny—but nobody’s that damn entertaining.

  He’s clearly enjoying the added attention, smirking down at her and sucking her face off every other minute.

  I shove another wad of sugary goodness into my mouth as Liam comes up beside me. He gives a weak smile and holds up a small pink teddy bear.

  “I tried, babe. Promise.”

  The look of disappointment on his face is adorable. I smile over at him and then plant a kiss on his cheek. I pull the small stuffed bear from his hand and hold it to my chest. “I love it. It’s exactly what I wanted.”

  The corner of his lip tips up a little more. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah,” I say and then hug myself to his side. When I glance back at Ollie, he throws his hands up in triumphant victory while yet another over-sized, plush animal is handed over to him.

  He shoots me a smirk while that stupid twit, Carson, claps in excitement. “You’re so good at that, baby.”

  Baby? They’ve been hanging out for like three seconds. But I guess it didn’t bother me when Liam called me babe a few moments ago. Or when he said it as he helped me onto the Tilt-A-Whirl earlier. Maybe it’s just weird when someone says it to Ollie? She’s not good enough for him. She doesn’t have the right to speak like she has a claim to him.

  As if sensing my inner turmoil, Ollie starts walking in my direction. His summer tan hasn’t faded much yet, and the gleam from his perfect teeth is blinding when he flashes me a smile. He steps up close to me, pushing Liam back a bit.

  “I got this for you, darlin’.” He leans down to my ear and his lips brush my neck. I’m pretty sure it was an accident, but it still sends shivers all the way to my toes. “I know penguins are your favorite.”

  A blush creeps into my cheeks and I smile up at him. I have to wrap both my arms around it to hold it to my chest. “Thank you.”

  He shrugs. “No problem.” He pats Liam on the shoulder with a smirk. “You did good, bro.” His eyes drift to tiny bear dangling from my hand. “She won’t have a problem carrying that around.”

  Liam glares at him, but Ollie keeps an amused smile on his face. He takes the penguin from my arms and shoves it to Liam’s chest. “Be a gentleman and take it to the car for her.”

  I offer an apologetic smile in an attempt to ease some of the hostility on Liam’s face. It works, because he smiles back down at me. “I’ll be right back.” He shoots Ollie one last look of disdain before heading toward the parking lot.

  I give Ollie a shove. “Don’t be rude.”

  He laughs, but I see Carson is now shooting daggers at me as she stands with Hunter and his date over by the gyro hut. Ollie looks over his shoulder and then back to me, that smirk continuously playing on his lips. He steps forward, slings his arm over my shoulder, and starts to walk us forward.

  “Some guys can’t handle a little competition.”

  My eyebrows float up as he directs us through the crowds of people. “What are you competing for?”

  “Nothing,” he says casually. He winks down to me. “I always win.”

  I pinch his side and he laughs again. “Never lacking any confidence, I see.”

  “Never, darlin’.”

  My stomach flips when he calls me that. I know it’s just the way he speaks, but I haven’t heard him say it to Carson. I hate the way he makes me feel sometimes. You shouldn’t look at your best friend and wonder how soft their lips are, or what they taste like.

  But every time his teeth graze across his bottom lip or his tongue darts out to wet them—I do. I’m not sure when I started looking at him differently. When holding his hand started to make my chest ache because I knew he’d eventually let go. That I wasn’t ever going to be the girl he kissed breathlessly at the end of the night. I was his friend. Nothing more.

  As if on autopilot, his hand drifts between us and he casually laces his fingers with mine. I let out a sigh and glance over my shoulder. Yep. She’s still watching. I hope we don’t do anything too interesting this week at practice. If I end up at the top of a pyramid, I have a strong feeling I may be dropped.

  Ollie gives my arm a tug and then nods to the Ferris wheel. “Ride with me?”

  I pull us to a stop and scan the parking lot. I make out Liam’s tall figure striding toward the main gate. Guilt surges through me. I came here with Liam, and now I’m holding Ollie’s hand and about to get on a moderately romantic ride with him. It’s no secret why most couples our age go there: if you’re not making out by the time you reach the top, you’re firmly in the friend-zone.

  I’m torn when I turn back to Ollie’s expectant gaze. I never tell him no, but it makes me feel guilty to basically ditch Liam for him. Even if it’s only for a few minutes, I kn
ow how guys are. If there’s the slightest reason to get jealous, they’ll find it.

  “I don’t think I should leave him all alone.”

  Ollie scoffs. “You act like we’ll be gone forever.” He leans down closer. “Besides, we’re at a fucking carnival with half the town here. He won’t be alone.”

  “You know what I mean.” I lower my voice. “And you have someone here with you, too. She’ll be pissed.”

  He stands upright and laughs before waving his hand dismissively. “Fuck her. She’s nothing, Charlie. I only brought her because Hunter wants to bang her friend.” He nods to the blonde draped all over Hunter and grins. “I think it’s working. He’s about to get laid.”

  I groan in frustration. “Is that all you two losers care about?”

  Ollie looks offended and puts his hand on his chest. “No, of course not.” He reaches for my hand again, his eyes gleaming with sincerity. “I want to take a few minutes with my very best friend to hang out alone. I haven’t talked to you all day, and I want to hear about your date.”

  He pretends to gag on the last word and breaks his stare. He’s laughing and I can’t help but join him. My laugh isn’t fake, though. Ollie may be an ass, but he makes me laugh more than anyone I’ve ever met. He does a lot of things to me nobody else can. I could be raging mad at him, and somehow all it takes is one pouty stare and a sad look in his hazel eyes. Even though he’s trying to act pathetic, it’s sexy as hell. I cave every time.

  I punch him weakly in the chest and he laughs. “Very funny.”

  His look turns more serious. “Come on. It’ll be fun.”

  I nod to Carson. “She looks pretty pissed. How would you feel if she got on a ride with another guy?”

  He sputters an incredulous laugh. “Darlin’, I wouldn’t care if she sucked Hunter’s dick in the parking lot. I already told you that.” He gives another nod in her direction. “Besides, you think she actually likes me for me?” He shakes his head when I don’t answer. “Nope. She wants to be seen with me, she wants to hook up with me so she can run and tell her friends. It’s not about me at all.”

  “You’re super terrible sometimes, you know that?”

  He shrugs. “I’m honest. Most people can’t handle honesty.”

  I can’t argue with that, I guess. Ollie is brutal most of the time and nobody ever questions him. I’m pretty sure they expect it.

  He’s still looking at me, now with a slightly irritated expression on his face. He hates waiting for other people. He’ll be late for his own funeral, but if you make him wait? It’s like the end of the world.

  “Fine,” I say with a sigh. He grins back at me and tugs me toward the short line in front of the Ferris wheel.

  Liam has joined Hunter and the others by the gyro hut. I shoot him another look of apology and then nod to the ride. He plants his hands on his hips, as he stands next to an equally pissed-off Carson. They’re definitely mad. Ollie is unaffected, and leads me through the metal gate and into the swinging car.

  He steps in first and offers his hand back to me. I sit down beside him and fasten the nylon belt around my waist. The ride jerks to a start, and we slowly ascend around in a circle. It only takes a moment for his hand to find mine again. I relish the warmth of his fingers for a second before sighing and pulling my hand back.

  His eyebrow arches in confusion. “What?”

  I shake my head and cross my arms. “You can’t do that anymore.”

  “Do what?”

  “Hold my hand.”

  He laughs once. “Why not? I always hold your hand.”

  I motion angrily to our friends on the ground below us. “I’m here with someone else. It’s not right.”

  His eyes harden. “You’re right. It’s not.”

  Now I’m confused. He has a strange habit of getting all possessive when I get interested in a guy. He has no problem making out with every girl that shakes her ass or bats her eyelashes at him—but when I do it? It’s suddenly an issue. It makes no sense.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I already told you I don’t fucking like him.” He turns away from me and drapes his arm on the side of the car, looking over the edge. “You didn’t listen me.”

  I laugh loudly. “I’m supposed to listen to you?” When he doesn’t answer, my laugh gets more bitter. “You’re not my boyfriend, Ollie.”

  His head jerks back to me, but his gaze is still dark. “Yeah, and I’m not about to let you date someone like me.” He shifts his body in the small compartment to face me. “I share a locker room with that motherfucker. I know the shit he says and the lines he uses to get into girls’ pants.” His jaw ticks. “I’ll be fucking damned if I hear him brag about you.” His fist clenches between us. “I swear to fucking God, Charlie. I’ll hurt him.”

  My eyes widen with his words and I lightly grab his arm. “Geez, Ollie. It’s one date.” I take a breath when his face softens a little. “He’s seriously been nice to me, and I swear you would be the first to know if he ever isn’t.”

  “I better be,” he mutters and then leans back in the seat.

  Silence falls between us as we start to crest the top. This is when he’s most infuriating. It’s not lost on me that he practically spelled out the fact he has no intention of ever being with me. His concern is sweet and all, but the over-protective, big brother bullshit is irritating. I feel bad for his sister Elliot when she gets older.

  Despite my brewing anger, I look at him and sigh. He’s brooding pretty heavily right now, and I hate when his face looks like that. It brings me peace when he flashes that cocky smirk and is his charming, slightly offensive self.

  I nudge his shoulder with mine, and he looks over at me. I offer a smile. “Thanks for looking out.” Even though I know I shouldn’t, my hand finds his again and I slip my fingers through his. This finally earns me the self-assured smile I’ve been longing for. “You’re important to me.”

  He leans over and kisses my cheek. His lips linger on my skin and then move to my temple. He presses his forehead to the side of my face. “Well, you’re the most important person to me.”

  Ollie leans back and settles beside me, as if not realizing his words made my pulse skyrocket. Sometimes when he’s like this, I forget how selfish and masochistic he can be. I forget about all the times he left me waiting or forgot about me completely.

  At the end of the day, he always finds his way back to me. I know that without a doubt, no matter what it was, if I really needed him—he would be there. But my trust in him has limits.

  One day he’ll grow out of this phase where he needs to have it all. I just hope I’ll still be around to see it.

  Chapter 7

  Someone I Used to Know

  Oliver - Now

  Charlie isn’t one for social media. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’ve stalked her online a few times, and the only account I’ve ever come across is her Instagram.

  Surprisingly, it’s not private, but she doesn’t post much. A few pictures of her sister and her family, posts about ballet, and a couple of her with some guy. The two of them appear to be a thing, so I search the tags on their pictures. His name is Jared Townsend, and they apparently went to NYU together. The last post including him was back in February, so I’m holding out hope that whatever they had is now over.

  I close my laptop with a sigh, and run my hands through my hair. I’m still sitting in my office and practice has been over for almost an hour now. But I can’t go home yet.

  It’s not like I don’t wish her happiness—I do—but the part of me that’s still very selfish wants her to miss me. I know that’s probably out of the question, but I can’t be the only one who’s been comparing every single relationship to what we had. Or what we never got a chance to have.

  Charlie was never my girlfriend. I’m not sure I would use that word to describe her if she was. I’ve never felt so connected to someone like I was with her. When she left, it was like part of me died that day. I spe
nt months drinking myself stupid, sleeping with any random girl that would have me—well, not any girl. I still have standards, after all.

  But that’s not the point. I was trying to fill the void she left behind, and my seventeen-year-old brain couldn’t formulate any other plan. It seemed simple—fuck her memory away. Because that’s what I’m good at right? Fucking everything in my path until I’m left with nothing but regret and an empty soul.

  God, I sound like a pussy right now. It’s been years since I’ve been this low. I almost talked to Elliot about it but stopped myself before I revealed too much. It’s not that I don’t want her to know I actually do have a beating, functional heart, it’s because it hurts too much to feel all of that again.

  Charlie was the only girl I ever loved and I couldn’t even tell her.

  I’m a fucking coward.

  I pause from wallowing in my self-pity when my phone buzzes with an incoming text. I groan after swiping the screen.

  Hunter: Where are you?

  He’s been like a nagging girl ever since Elliot told him Charlie is back. I guess it makes sense considering he’s the only person who’s ever seen me lose it. Like really lose it. He stayed all night on that bridge with me after she disappeared. He saw me break down and spill out every emotion I’d been holding in, and never once judged me for it.

  That’s how I knew he was truly my best friend and that’s how I know I can trust him to take care of my sister. He’s loyal as fuck.

  But right now, I don’t feel like being open and honest with him. I don’t want to talk about what will happen when she leaves again. Because she’s going to leave. We only have one last project to finish up before the house can officially be listed. Tonight could be our last night together.

  I swallow down the strange lump that forms in my throat and shoot him a vague text back. With another long sigh, I stand up from my desk and shove my phone in my pocket. I was never good with goodbyes and I have a feeling this one will be the hardest.


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