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Escaping From Forever: Tank & Kat's story, Part 1 (Battle Born MC Book 5)

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by Scarlett Black

  Escaping from Forever

  Scarlett Black

  Escaping from Forever

  Copyright © 2019 By Scarlett Black

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including but not limited to being stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronical, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, groups, businesses, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Cover Art by Dana Hoffman

  Edited by Dana Hoffman

  WARNING: This book contains sexual situations and VERY adult themes. Recommended for 18 and above.


  What can possibly be worse than death? Being trapped and living a lie.

  Blinded by the life you’ve lived until it could possibly be too late to fight for your future.

  Katherine was raised to be stronger than the men around her. Somewhere along the way, she started drifting. Not anymore, and over her dead cold body.

  Tank has everything he can ever want. Money and an endless supply of women and fun. Until one woman gives him a night that he can never forget, and her essence can no longer be ignored. But can he save her?

  After the dust settles, will there be a relationship to save?

  Some wars are won by sacrificing the Queen.

  Part One

  The beginning tale of Tank & Kat, a love found in the dark

  Chapter 1


  Las Vegas

  The beer bottle turns round and round in my hands while I sit and listen to the radio station play the top ten hits of the 90’s. My mind is stuck on replay, and I stare into the dark glass. The memories come back to the front of my mind, along with the anger of what happened six months ago.

  Ava jumps up and down in the airport, waiting for me over by the baggage claim as I come down the escalator. Both of us flew back in from the holiday vacation at the same time. Her long blonde hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and her lean legs flex with every jump. I slide my headphones off, leaving them around my neck, and turn my CD player off, then tuck it inside the front pocket of my University of Las Vegas hoodie.

  As soon as I reach the floor, she has her lips plastered to mine. It’s a dirty ‘I’m fucking your mouth because my dick hasn’t been used since I left Nevada for Christmas, and I would like nothing more than to cram my dick down your throat’ kind of kiss. I’m hard, and it’s painful in these jeans.

  I hear a mother clearing her throat as she’s pushing her kids along, clearly disgusted with my hand that’s full of Ava’s fuckin’ fine, cheerleader ass. A man accidently hits us from behind and Ava laughs.

  “How was Christmas break with your parents?” she asks tentatively while we walk over to collect my bag.

  “Hard. Alone and hard. I handled it though. I missed you.” My hand sneaks out and pinches her ass cheek.

  She squeaks and jumps out of my grip. “God, Lucas, stop!”

  I grin at her because I haven’t had my fill of her today yet. We walk hand in hand like the perfect looking couple that we are. Living up to our college years and sexy as fuck. Both of us come from well-to-do families, but we also want more out of life than money.

  When we reach the car, I toss both of our bags into the back of my Bronco, and we ride together over to my apartment. It’s a great place since it’s close to campus, and a solid bonus is that my parents pay for it.

  As soon as I shut the front door behind us and the bags hit the floor, so do our pants. My hands eagerly rip her clothes off as I’m chasing her around the living room, eventually getting her naked and on her back on the couch. My condom covered dick easily glides in and out of her. She gasps and pulls me into her body with her legs.

  “Fuck yes, fuck me, Lucas.”

  I pound her cunt like an Olympic Gold Medal winner as I’m holding back the release that’s been begging to be unleashed. Her little pussy clenches around me, and I explode, unable to stop anymore.

  “F-u-c-k,” I pant and fold over her, grinding one or two more times before pulling out to get rid of the condom.

  I snap out of it when Blade and Axl slide onto the barstools next to me.

  “Stryker wants us running a load up to Reno,” Blade informs me.

  “Hell to the fucking yeah.”

  I’m more than ready. After patching into the club five months ago, the road has done nothing but help me get my mind off that cunt, Ava. Live the high times and forget the family that pushed me away and the woman who sure as fuck didn’t deserve me.

  A month later after that day, I found out that she was engaged, and had been since Christmas, to her high school boyfriend who was about to graduate from law school. I was her side piece, someone to fuck away the time with and ride my dick and bike for kicks. It still stings, but fuck it, better to find out now than later.

  My parents learned about our split and wanted me to go home back to California, finish my business degree there so that I could work with my dad and take over his company eventually. When they found out that their son had been patched in as a ‘gang member’, they disowned me. It’s not good for business with men in expensive slick suits. Since then, I haven’t felt freer from the social obligations and inheritance and what all that meant.

  Axl smiles and lifts a bottle of beer, clinking it to mine, “Bitches and brew, brother.”

  “The B’s of life, boobs, bacon, beer, bitches and Battle Born.” We chug our beer and head over to the pool tables. Club pussy saunters up to the three of us. They rub their tits or ass over our bodies while we shoot pool and take hits off a pipe that’s packed with skunk weed.

  My mind drifts off to dirty deeds and the hot young piece of ass asking, no, scratch that, begging for my dick, when she grabs a handful of it. I sink the last ball and toss the pool stick up on the table. She giggles when I remove her panties and sit her on the edge. My pants fall to the floor and I grab a condom from the nearby table, ripping it open.

  “Play with your tits,” I bark at her, and she does unbashfully.

  Her petite hands roll her nipples around in circles, and the latex rolls down my stiff, eager shaft, all the way to the base. She moans when I grip her hips and shove myself into her hot, went cunt. Trixie loves to take my dick and others’. Two at a time, however we want it, she gives it.

  “You better rub that clit if you want to come, Trix.” She’s my main bang bunny.

  My fazing mind starts to catch up with what went through my head just as I start to come. Axl sets up the balls in the tringle and points at my reddening face, “What’s so funny?”

  A deep roar of laughter comes out of me, “Bang bunny.”

  Blade and Axl laugh along because they are as high as I am, and we spend the night finding more B words before we take off on a run up north. A van stocked with coke and weed to be delivered, and green cash ready to be brought back to Stryker.

  I love my brothers and the club. Fuck my parents and the rest. Living high and living how I want, free, that’s where it’s at.

  Hungover as fuck, the next morning at dawn, after only two hours of sleep, the three of us walk out of the clubhouse only to come face to face with a very pissed off Stryker and an amused Maddox, both standing out front by the van.

  “You fuckheads even sober?” S
tryker growls at us. Blade, the master of disguises, looks the most put together after the three of us smoked weed, fucked and drank all night. Axl and I wince at his deep voice.

  “We are good,” Blade easily lies and takes the keys from his old man.

  “Axl,” Maddox calls, “You gotta slow down, son, when you have runs. Keep your mind sharp for the club.” He shakes his head and pulls Axl in for a hug. “Quit being a stud and leave that dumb shit for later, yeah?”

  Axl smirks and takes a step back, “No worries, Mad, the boys and I got this, it’s an easy run.”

  Blade tosses me the keys and Stryker gives us the drop off locations, sending the information to our flip phones. We load the van, and, as soon as we are out of sight, Axl curls up in the back and Blade passes out next me.


  We spend the next few years just like this, in a blaze of fun as newly patched-in members earning our dues. Memories I know I will take with me to my grave. Like the day I met Axl and Blade as a young kid in sixth grade, looking to score a bag of bud and these two sold it to me. Shortly, Spider met up with our crew, and the four of us have been inseparable ever since. Spider’s always a moody fucker too.

  Later on, we made some serious cash supplying the kids at the college parties and they knew who to call. My clueless, uptight parents left Vegas for California about the time college started, but there was no way they could take me out of Nevada.

  Axl, Blade and Spider did not give a shit about school. I only went so that I could get cash off the parents and didn’t have to work.

  It worked out as it was meant to, though.

  Eventually, I got them to hang around for a few parties, and was making college an epic, never ending party. I bought a bike and Blade taught me how to ride. All my college classes became geared around mechanics and I kept up only a few credit courses in business. That came in handy for the club later, too.

  I never did graduate, not that I cared because I knew I had found my way. The B’s of life, bands, bank, bud, bitches, beer and bikes.

  I found the road that was only meant for me, a road dog.

  Chapter 2


  Mexico City, About three years ago…

  I gasp for air. I can’t seem to find enough to fill my lungs. My nails claw into his back, hopefully hard enough to draw blood.

  “Katherine,” Matias rasps, his lips grazing the shell of my ear. His breath feathers across my heated neck. “Don’t disobey me again.”

  My head is held firmly in place while he crushes me under him. I’m about to black out and see spots, but I try to fight it.

  The sick fuck loves it when I give in and he wins. It’s a twisted game we started all those years ago. He’s punished me ever since the day we married, not only with his hands and body, but he has also crushed my dreams and suffocated the softer part of me until it died.

  He continues pounding into my cunt, selfishly chasing his release.

  The devil finally lets go of my throat by releasing his iron grip, and the world stops just for a moment while I gasp for air and my head spins. His deep laughter fills the space and echoes across the room, making him sound like a maniac. I start coughing in between the deep breaths that I take.

  Matias pauses for a moment from his punishing pace to lick my nipples and suck them into his mouth. For a second, it’s a glimpse of the lover that I thought I had.

  As he pulls out of me and trails kisses down my stomach, I mourn the loss of something I never acquired and the game I lost at, love.


  He is the king of manipulation, playing mind games, and beating me at it at a young age, but I’ve learned so much since then. I let him have this moment, taking my flesh any which way as he wishes.

  His tongue aggressively laps at my clit, and he groans. The vibration adds to the intensity and to my pleasure. He proceeds relentlessly until my body completely betrays me and I come for him. He has a firm grip on my hips as he flips me over onto my hands and knees, slapping my ass before gripping my ponytail and pulling me back, arching me painfully to him.

  “Don’t fucking wear that black dress again. You are my wife, not my whore when we’re in public.” Spitting his hatred at me, he pulls my hair harder before impaling my body with his dick. Behind me, he pounds out his frustrations with his steal cock.

  The tears never come anymore and have been long gone now for years. Love and feelings are something I do not possess anymore, and that’s just how he wants me.

  Minutes pass while I’m being fucked, and my scalp is on fire from where he’s tugging on my hair. Finally, he comes, and releases his hold. I collapse forward onto our bed and force my muscles to relax when he curls up behind me.

  “Shower and wear the lotion I bought you, I want you to smell good,” he squeezes my side. “Te amo para siempre, mi amor. I have to work late.”

  He expects the words back out of respect for him and the man that he is, Cartel. “Te amo mucho.” The words taste sour, but, like a machine, I give them to him.

  “Bueno, good.”

  He rises from the bed and zips up his pants, then tucks his shirt back in. Never does he appear disheveled or un-kept. In the mirror above the dresser, he slicks his black hair back and combs through his goatee. Lastly, he straightens his tie and catches me watching him. The devil that holds my thoughts and life captive.

  His sinfully dark eyes gleam at my naked body from the reflection he sees there, and he grins. “Fuck, I love your body, be ready for me to fuck it later. I wasn’t hard enough on you today. Never satisfied.”

  Abruptly, without any further thought for me, he turns around and leaves the room to go back downstairs to the Cartel members who are waiting for him. More business to be discussed and finished. I, however, am just a toy, something to be played with.

  A week ago, he demanded that I arranged an elaborate dinner here for his associates and his father who is also the Cartel boss. Doing exactly as I was told, I performed as he wished and prepared the evening to dazzle the men and fawn over him. All to show off his wealth and status but also me, his trophy and submissive in bed.

  This morning, a package arrived, and, inside, there was a delicate silky black dress with a note from him.

  Wear this tonight for me, mi amor.


  For a split second, butterflies of excitement swarmed inside, and I thought he was sincere, until I saw the back. The plummeting cut was dangerously close to showing my backside. My hopes plummeted too, and I knew then that he’d set me up to fail this evening. Matias gets hard testing everyone around him and setting you in his trap.

  My weakened body screams at me when I push off the bed and pick up the ruined dress that he ripped off me, then walk into the bathroom. I toss it away into the trash and turn to stare at the large mirror above the sink. Some things can’t be tossed away like the dress. The ruined feeling sticks like a leach that’s sucking away anything that’s possibly beautifully bright.

  Gasps leave me at the sight of my neck that is red from the marks left over from him strangling me, and my arms are starting to bruise. Even though the pain physically starts to set in, my heart is different. Numb is how I feel in this moment and how I’ve been feeling for years after giving into his demands. My black eyeliner has run down my cheeks, and I hate the woman looking back at me. She hates the pathetic creature standing here, giving in.

  Ignoring the hollowness in my chest, I wash him away with a hot shower and scrub until it burns. On auto pilot, I soothe my skin by rubbing on the lotion Matias requested before pulling a silk nighty over my head.

  A shaky hand lifts the glass of water that’s sitting on my nightstand, and I walk over to the dresser, glancing at the pictures that I have displayed there. My finger draws a line over the sixteen-year-old girl and the young man standing next to her. Proudly holding her to his side, and she peers up at him as he’s looking down into her eyes. So young and so stupid.

  Not that I had mu
ch choice.

  A memory takes over, off to a time when I was a young woman, so in love, or so I thought.

  The back of mi papa’s hand comes down and slices across my face. If I could cry, I would, but I refuse to show this asshole that kind of ownership over me anymore. The sting spreads like fire across my cheek and heart. He and I glare at each other, waiting for the other to break first. Papa raises a brow and then slowly his arm, up as high as he can across his body, to slap me again.

  I can’t see past anything but the hate we exchange in our icy stare.

  “Cobra.” A younger man steps out from behind me and pushes Papa back, getting in between the two of us. I didn’t hear or see that he had arrived with the others. The men my father deals with regularly, the Mexican Cartel.

  “Fucking touch her face again, pinche pendejo, and we’ll see if mi padre won’t let me kill you.”

  Cobra doesn’t move a muscle other than the sneer on his face for me, his prized daughter. Who is to be sold off like a mule. The glare in my eyes would kill him on its own if it could.

  The mask comes down and hides the real man wearing it. Cobra. El Presidente de Los Reyes Malditos. The president of the Cursed Kings, Mexican MC, the man responsible for trafficking millions of dollars in drugs.

  “Con permiso, pinche ninás, sí! Excuse me, foolish daughters, yes? Come, let’s have tequila and go over business in my office before the party begins.”

  He flashes his winning smile over to me and walks like a king, herding his associates with him down the hallway.

  “Katherine,” the stranger turns to me with fire in his eyes.

  I may be turning only fifteen in a month, but I know and have witnessed enough to realize that what I’m seeing on his face is lust. He doesn’t touch my face or skin because it is forbidden to touch a virgin. The guards that stand around would tell mi papa, and I would be punished for allowing it.


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