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Filthy Valentine: A Dungeon Demons MC Prequel

Page 2

by Elizabeth Knox

  I lean back in my chair and cross my arms and Cameron lets out a laugh. She knows I’m pissed and I’m sure she’s about to say something witty as hell. She always does when stuff like this goes on.

  “Man, I haven’t seen you pull a move like that since I was in high school and Derek broke my freaking heart.”

  “Let’s get one thing straight, Cam’. I didn’t ‘pull a move like that’ as you call it because Derek broke up with you. I lost my shit on the bastard who called my baby sister a fat cow and proceeded to make her first big breakup worse than it should’ve been,” I sneer as the memories come floating to the surface. I broke that bastard’s nose that day and carry absolutely no regrets. He deserved everything he got, and if he was an adult, I would’ve kept going in on him.

  Cameron holds up her arms in defense and laughs. “Okay, I’m not complaining. Derek deserved what he got, and I hope he never had the luxury of dating another curvy woman ever again.”

  Cameron isn’t a stick-thin woman. She’s got curves, and she’s fuckin’ gorgeous. She was always a thicker kid and she got picked on a lot, but our mother was always so determined to tell her everyone grows differently and we’re all beautiful in our own unique way. It did a lot to help my sister feel better for a time, but after a while the bullies got to her and she developed an eating disorder. She became bulimic and after we got her treatment when she was a teenager, she embraced the body she was born with.

  I wave my hand up in the air and signal the waitress we’re done with our lunch. It’s a bit past twelve-thirty now and I know we both have things to be doing. I have meetings this afternoon, so we both need to get a move on.

  Clearing my throat, I untense my body and look into my sister’s eyes. “If she doesn’t have her stuff back before the end of the weekend, let me know and I’ll go take care of everything, alright?” I’ll give this fucker a week to get his shit sorted, and if he doesn’t, I’ll be payin’ a visit with one of my brothers. By the end of it I doubt he’ll ever fuck with another woman’s heart.

  Chapter Three


  You’ve never been enough for me. Haven’t you realized that?!

  Scott’s words flood through my mind as the reality of the day finally sinks in. With a bottle of pinot noir in my hand, I have no shame drinking straight from it. Thankfully, my best friend, Cameron, is letting me crash in her apartment. She has a second bedroom she doesn’t even use and said it’s no problem that I stay here, but I feel so bad relying on her to keep me out of this mess.

  Looking at the dresser, it makes me think about earlier when I left the office and walked into the apartment. I went straight into the bedroom and saw a piece of lace. It wasn’t a bra, or even underwear, but more like a garter. I knew it wasn’t mine, so the second Scott came home from the shop I questioned him on it.

  Shockingly enough, he didn’t even lie about it. He told me he was stepping out, he admitted he was cheating, and he didn’t even apologize for it. We’ve been dating for six months, and we’ve known each other for a year.

  Hell, we got this place together a little over eight months ago. We’d both gotten out of rough relationships and agreed to be roommates, then one thing led to another. Now I’m betting he didn’t have a rough relationship at all. It’s more than likely he fucked it up the same way he did with ours.

  Sucking in a deep breath I take a swig of the wine and let the dry alcohol burn my throat. Thank goodness it’s the weekend and I don’t have to worry about being sober enough to go to work tomorrow.

  Don’t get me wrong, I cared for Scott, but it felt like there was something missing between us. I never even told the man I loved him, but I thought staying with him was the right thing to do. I thought over time my affection for him would grow into something more, but it hadn’t. Maybe I should’ve ended things before we even started, and I’ll take the blame for it . . . but what I don’t understand is what I’m doing to attract the same type of people into my life.

  I’m an attractive, capable woman, who’s really smart. I don’t just say that to fluff myself up either. I was valedictorian in high school and in college, and I graduated with honors. When I put my all into something, I put my all into it.

  Hell, I even canceled my spa appointment so I could sulk around Cameron’s apartment and try to understand what went wrong. This is like, the fifth or sixth relationship I’ve had as an adult that’s ended with some sort of cheating or wandering eyes. I mean . . . why is this happening? Cameron’s stuck at work for another couple hours, so she gave me the code to open her apartment door and told me to help myself to a bottle until she got home, and to not drunk text anyone. Not that I’m even drunk. I’ve been taking the tiniest sips of this stuff, still trying to wrap my head around it. I’m totally psycho obsessing.

  “God dammit, Scarlett. Maybe you’re just a fucking mess and all the decent guys know it,” I mutter to myself, falling back onto the plush white duvet Cam’ has in here. God, the room is gorgeous. It looks like an IKEA showroom, honestly. If she wasn’t such a damn good immigration attorney, I’d tell her to be an interior designer.

  “Not that you asked, but I don’t think you’re a mess at all.” His deep, almost stone-cold voice pops out of nowhere and practically makes me piss myself.

  I fly up on the bed and stare at the open doorway, seeing no one other than Preston Ortega leaning against it with his brows raised. He has a plastic bag hanging from his hand with a smiley face on it that reads ‘thank you’, and from the smell, it’s some damn good Mexican.

  I’ve known Preston and Cameron since I was about nine. They were the first people who had the balls to leave our small suburban town in Northern Florida. I actually went to the same college Cameron did and we managed to be roommates, but Preston . . . Preston’s a little over eight years older than us. While we were starting our careers, he was already getting once in a lifetime promotions. He’s a lawyer too, just like his sister, but he focuses in different areas.

  “W-what are you doing here?” I immediately question him, hoping he wasn’t paying attention to my silly stutter. I can’t help but do it when I’m nervous or thrown off guard. Ever since I was a kid I’ve been doing it, and alas, I’ve never been able to rid myself of the silly habit.

  “You really gonna ask me that? Think about who you’re living with now.” Preston laughs as he walks from the doorframe and heads into the main area of the apartment. There’s not much of a dining room area, but I notice he’s heading toward the island. “You coming to get some grub or what? I won’t wait for you all day, Allen.”


  I haven’t heard him call me that in years, but then again, I’ve avoided my best friend’s hot older brother like the plague, for obvious reasons.

  I rise from my bed and bring the bottle of wine with me, walk into the main area, and set the bottle of wine down on the island while Preston makes himself at home, digging through the cabinets grabbing plates, silverware, and glassware.

  I know I’ve just been broken up with, but I can’t help but stare at the way his suit fits him perfectly, or the subtle black and gray checkered pattern. “You work late tonight?” I question, needing something to fill the air. The silence is too much for me, pulls me further into my own head.

  “No, I had to go by the club and handle a couple things.” The club . . . oh yeah, he’s lawyer by day, outlaw by night.

  “How’re the boys doing?”

  Preston turns around, opens the bag, and begins putting food on the two plates in front of him, “Most of us are good. Shadow’s being a pain in the ass, but what else is new. The old man talks more than he should, and I don’t know why Kodiak keeps his ass around. He’s too much trouble, but not my business. We shouldn’t be talkin’ about me though. How are you?”

  I run a hand over my hair and breathe in through my nose. “I’m okay.”

  Preston raises a brow, like he’s calling me out on my bullshit. “Seriously, I’m okay. The truth of it is I don
’t think I ever really loved him, it was more a relationship out of convenience more than anything.”

  Preston shakes his head and starts to hand me my food, causing me to grow curious. “What? I can tell you’re holding yourself back. Tell me what’s on your mind,” I speak up, needing to know whatever he’s thinking. When I was younger, Preston used-to-be blunt as all hell. He never cared about hurting anyone’s feelings, but I think years of law made him realize he needed to have empathy if he was going to make it work.

  Staring me dead in the eyes as he places the plate directly in front of me, in his gravelly tone he speaks, “A woman like you should search for passion, not convenience. You never know where you might find it,” as soon as he finishes speaking, he turns around and opens the fridge. For what, I have no idea, but I highly doubt by the time he turns around that the warmth will be gone from my face, or my heart will stop beating so quickly.

  Chapter Four


  I saw her face flushing with the deep mauve color, telling me just how much my words impacted her. I’ve played the protective type for far too long. Cam’ asked me to come over here and make sure Scarlett’s alright, and from the looks of it she’s perfectly fine. A bit aggravated, sure, but she isn’t heartbroken at all.

  I’ve kept myself an arm’s length away from the woman because she’s my little sister’s best friend, but in reality, I think doing that only made things worse. For the last couple years, I’ve tried to slowly integrate myself into her life, waiting for the right moment, but fuck I’ve been lying to myself. There are no right moments, only golden opportunities.

  I grab a bottle of the bougie sparkling water from the fridge my sister’s constantly buying and twist it open. I saw an open bottle of tequila in there, and some unopened bottles of wine, but I won’t be drinking tonight. Not when Scarlett already is and I’m sure she’s still trying to wrap her head around the comment I just made.

  I could walk over to her right now and tell her exactly what I think. I could get straight to the point with her and lay down the law, but I won’t. Not today. Not tonight, when so much has already happened in the last twenty-four hours. More importantly, not today when she’s already been drinking.

  As I shut the door to the fridge and turn around, she’s already bringing the wine back up to her lips. Surely finding the courage to say something after my comment. I take a sip of my water and stare into her dark almond eyes, waiting because I know Scarlett Allen, and I know she won’t stay quiet. It’s half the fun right now. “Yeah, I deserve better,” is all the response she gives me.

  Silence fills the air between us and Scarlett picks up her fork, eating the Mexican in front of her. I follow her lead and opt to stand while digging my hands into the crispy guacamole tacos I got from my favorite restaurant here in Jacksonville. They’re crunchy, smothered in guacamole, chicken, refried beans, and cheese. I could’ve gotten some pollo like I normally do, but after today I needed a cheat meal. I’m usually pretty good about watching what I eat, making sure I’m getting a good amount of protein in, not too many unhealthy carbs and whatnot, but today I’m going in for the good shit. That’s just been how my day’s been. Hell, I even got a client off death row so I’m feeling pretty damn good. He told me he didn’t do it but judging him isn’t my job. My job’s getting him out of whatever mess he allegedly got himself into, and I’m doing a damn good job at it.

  We both eat in silence for a few minutes before Scarlett clears her throat. “You must be having a cheat meal, or a celebratory one.” Like I said, we’ve known each other for years so at this point she knows my habits.

  I nod, shoving another nacho in my mouth I chew on it and swallow before answering her. “A bit of both. Now, not to dive deep into your shit, but Cam’ told me you didn’t get your shit from the apartment yet.”

  Scarlett’s expression immediately shifts to a somber one. “Yeah, I haven’t. I will, soon.” The way she pauses in between speaking makes me feel like it’s something she’s dreading.

  “I can go get it for you, Scar’, if you don’t want to be around him,” I offer. Little does she know I’m gonna go over there either fucking way. I’m gonna make sure a fucker like him doesn’t do the same shit to another woman, and that she gets not only her belongings back, but the money she put down on the apartment too.

  “You don’t need to do that, Preston. I didn’t ask you, and I can handle it.”

  “I know you didn’t ask me, but I’m still gonna offer. I don’t like seein’ you get walked all over. Surely you know it.”

  Scarlett’s eyes lock right onto mine and I watch the way she drags them down my body just a tad. Just as I’m about to think she’s going to give in, she does the exact opposite. Within a second she’s rolling her eyes. “I’m not getting walked all over and I don’t like it when you say I am. I’m just a woman who picks the wrong people, Preston. There’re always constant changes in life and relationships are one of them. So, will you relax? You’re acting like I’m some charity project or something.”

  “No, I wasn’t saying anything like that and I’m sorry if I insinuated it. I’d never . . . shit, I’m sorry. Just don’t want to see you hurt is all.”

  Scarlett closes her eyes. “Pain is part of life. None of us can evade it.”

  Her words make me think she’s putting on a tough face about her relationship being out of convenience. Even if she had a small care in the world for her ex, I’m sure it hurt her in some way. She’s a great woman, smart, beautiful, and witty, so seeing her heart aching in any way is unbearable. I understand she thinks this isn’t a big deal, she believes this isn’t hurting her, but her words and body language are telling me another story.

  “True, but promise me something for the next man who walks into your life,” I say, waiting for her to open her eyes and look at me. Once she does, I speak again, “Make sure he’s a man you’re passionate about, not one merely in your life so you aren’t alone.”

  Scarlett takes in a deep breath and nods. “I promise. I’ll nip my bad habit in the bud.”

  I pick up another chip and toss it into my mouth, wondering if she’s putting together the pieces yet. She’s out of a relationship, has started her career, and it’s no longer inappropriate for me to have lingering eyes for Cameron’s best friend. When she was eighteen, I felt it was a little too close to her being a minor, felt like she didn’t know what she wanted in life . . . but now the game’s completely changed.

  I’ll have Scarlett one way or another.

  Chapter Five


  It’s a new day with a brand new start, and I’m ready for whatever’s about to happen, no matter if it’s good or bad. That’s what I told myself the moment I slid out of bed this morning. Now I’m standing on the sidewalk in front of my now ex’s apartment, the place where I need to get all my shit from.

  It’s crazy how the light blue exterior now makes me feel nauseous, riddled with nerves. My anxiety makes it feel like someone is pushing their hand down on my chest, and my hands shake slightly, worrying about what kind of hell he’s going to make me go through. Scott won’t make this easy for me. He’s never made anything easy.

  Putting one foot forward, I walk up the brick stairs that lead to the apartment. Lifting my hand, I rap my knuckles against the door and hear the shuffling of feet from where I stand. “Shit, hold on a sec, okay? I don’t know why she’s here,” Scott’s voice rings out and my heart sinks into my stomach. Sure, we broke up . . . and yeah, I don’t know if I was in love with him, but I cared for him. It’s not like I didn’t feel anything for the man.

  My Nissan Altima’s parked on the street and I’m here ready to take whatever I can fit back to Cameron’s. She told me late last night I could move in with her permanently if I wanted, but I don’t want to feel like a hindrance. She’s my best friend and living together might be too much. She kept telling me it would be great and eventually I accepted her offer. Hell, she even told me her mom would stay at
her brother’s when she comes to town. She went on and told me how her mom even said Preston had the nicer place. Cameron thinks it’s because Preston has an oversized apartment, a three-bedroom, two-bathroom.

  Scott wouldn’t let me come here yesterday, but I’m hoping today things will be different. I know for a fact he’s off and I can’t keep living out of the maybe three outfits I have at Cam’s. I probably should’ve called, but oh well, the man doesn’t need my shit.

  Shirtless, Scott pulls the door open and is careful not to open it too far. He looks me up and down, furrows his brows and gawks. “What’re you doing here?”

  I blink rapidly at him. “Everything I own is here. I’m here to get my shit.” He has to be kidding me. Why else would I be here? I’m certainly not here to beg for him to take me back.

  “We can set something up later, Scarlett. Now’s not a good time.” Scott’s eyes widen as he says the last bit and I hear someone mutter something from behind him. I know for a fact that he can’t be alone. For fuck’s sake, when he broke up with me, he told me he found a woman who could fuck better than me, which only confirmed the fact he was cheating on me the entire time. God, what a fucking asshole.

  “I don’t give a flying fuck if it is or not. I’ve come here to get my shit, so get out of my way.” I push on Scott and he immediately backs up, but the second the door opens, maybe a foot, I see the unthinkable.

  A brunette-haired woman wearing my robe . . . and underneath is a spec of sea green and silver. It peeks up lightly from underneath the black satin. She crosses her arms under her boobs to push the fake things up and looks over to Scott, eying me up and down. “This is your ex?” she says it with a laugh, and Scott doesn’t say a thing, but I don’t expect him to.

  I immediately look over to him. “Did you let her wear all my clothes?”


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