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Escape With Me: A Midlife Love Story (Love With Me Book 1)

Page 7

by Krista Lakes

  “You did more than that, happy-face girl,” Janessa informed her. She finished off her drink.

  “He might have felt me up a little,” Cassie said, feeling her face start to heat. “We would have done more, but someone interrupted us.” She gave a pointed look to Janessa.

  “Me?” Janessa's eyes went wide, and her mouth opened. “You were going to get some?”

  Cassie nodded solemnly.

  “Well, damn it. I didn't know that. I would never have interrupted if I had known.” Janessa frowned and her crown tilted forward. “You were late. You're never late. I was fairly sure sharks had eaten you or you'd drowned. If I'd known you were getting some, I'd have paid the jet-ski guy off myself.”

  Cassie sipped on her water, grateful for the dim lighting of the bar. She was blushing. She wasn't big on kissing and telling. Corporate Rule 4: Keep guests lives as confidential as your own. And there was Corporate Rule 9: Be personable but not personal.

  “It was pretty hot,” Cassie admitted. “I haven't felt like this in years.

  Screw the rules, she thought to herself with a smile.

  “I think I like this new Cassie,” Brianna said.

  “Me too,” Janessa agreed with a nod that nearly knocked her penis crown off her head. She pushed it back up and then looked at her empty glass. “I need another drink.”

  “You're going to have some water,” Cassie told her. “Then you can have another drink. It's a marathon, not a sprint.”

  Janessa narrowed her eyes. “I want fun, Cassie. Not rule Cassie. More drinks!”

  “She's right,” Brianna told her, taking the empty glass. “We have all night. You need to pace yourself. I don't want you passed out in an hour.”

  Janessa sighed. “Fine. But I am getting drunk tonight. It's a rite of passage.”

  “Yes, you are.” Cassie reached over and straightened out the penises on Janessa's head. “And we're going to have a blast.”

  “Good.” Janessa's smile faltered. “Guys, don't let me do anything stupid. I love my Kyle. I just want to have a crazy fun night. Don't let me flirt too much or do anything I'll regret later.”

  “You got it,” Cassie assured her. “A little bit of flirting, but nothing that you can't tell Kyle about in the morning.”

  “We'll just have to live vicariously through Cassie,” Brianna teased. “She's already gotten more action than either of us on this trip.”

  Cassie rolled her eyes, but it was true. Janessa and Kyle were staying apart until their wedding night, and Brianna was recovering from leaving her last relationship. She was still in the “men are scum” phase.

  “You need a drink,” Janessa told Cassie. “I want more details about this guy, and you'll be all prim and proper until you have a drink. Something about Corporate rule-thirty seven.”

  “Thirty-seven has to do with laundry,” Cassie informed her. Janessa rolled her eyes.

  “I'll get her one,” Brianna said. She glanced around. “Aren't we supposed to have a private bartender for this party?”

  Janessa nodded, sucking on her empty drink straw like she might manage to get more alcohol to magically appear.

  And that's when Wyatt walked through the door.

  Cassie heated instantly at seeing him, and her girl-parts remembered just how he'd felt touching her. An echo of her orgasm shivered through her just being near him.

  “Oh, hell yes,” Janessa whispered, glancing from Wyatt back to Cassie. “Not only do I get a hot bartender, but he's totally going to bang a bridesmaid later. That's a thing, right? Like in a movie?”

  “You need more water,” Cassie said, taking the empty drink away from Janessa.

  Janessa grinned at her. “Go get a drink, Cassie.”

  “Grab me one too,” Brianna chimed in sweetly.

  Cassie looked at the two of them and shook her head. They watched her like she was some sort of fascinating soap opera as she walked to the bar.

  “I need two sex on the beaches and a glass of water,” Cassie said, standing demurely at the bar.

  “Today wasn't enough sex on the beach for you?” Wyatt asked, a grin filling his face as he pulled out two glasses and began prepping her drinks.

  Cassie tingled in all the right places. “I could go for more.”

  “Me too,” Wyatt replied, his green eyes settling on her and making it hard to breathe. He was so damn sexy. All she could think about was how good he'd felt underneath her on the beach.

  “So, are you following me?” she asked him, watching his hands make the drinks. He was quick and sure in his movements, just like on the beach. “When you said you had to work later, I assumed it would be at the tiki bar. Not as my own personal bartender.”

  “Well, first of all, I'm her personal bartender,” Wyatt explained, pointing his head toward Janessa. She giggled and gave a little wave. “And secondly, I was supposed to be at the tiki bar, but the schedule changed.”

  “So you're not following me?” Cassie put on a big fake pout.

  “I can if you want me to,” he replied, setting the two drinks out for her. He poured the water and added a wedge of lime to it.

  “Maybe a little,” Cassie admitted, taking one of the alcoholic drinks and sipping it up through a straw.

  “Are you two going to be flirting the whole time?” Janessa asked, coming up and putting an arm over Cassie's shoulder. “I need my alcohol.”

  “The water's for her,” Cassie told Wyatt, giving Janessa a grumpy side-eye.

  Wyatt pushed the water with lime across the bar. “Well, I'm not really supposed to flirt too much with the brides. Boss says I broke one too many bride's hearts this year. But for you, I might make an exception.”

  He gave her a sexy wink that had Cassie feeling just a tiny bit jealous.

  “I like him.” Janessa chuckled and nudged Cassie. “Carry on.”

  With her water in hand, Janessa went to greet her guests. Various women were starting to arrive. Katy, Janessa's daughter came in wearing a tiny black dress. Everyone was dressed in short shorts and sexy tank tops or short skirts and sexy tank tops.

  Cassie was glad Brianna had talked her into wearing her new shorts and the low cut top they'd purchased at the store. She also wore an oversized necklace that sparkled every time Cassie moved, also from Brianna. She was glad Brianna was there to dress her, make her look good, and fit in with the crowd. This was much better than the short sleeved, very conservative maxi dress she'd been planning on wearing.

  Especially since Wyatt was checking her out when he thought she wasn't looking. That was a better confidence booster than three shots of tequila. For the first time since her divorce, she felt sexy, and there was someone in the room that agreed with her.

  “Hey, you know it's my job to flirt with the guests, right?” Wyatt caught her wrist as she reached for Brianna's drink. His touch was gentle and she looked up into worried eyes.

  “It's how you make tips,” she replied. “I get it.”

  His serious eyes stayed on her. “Yes. But, I want you to know, it's all an act for them. Not for you.”

  Warm heat surged through Cassie's stomach and she felt like giggling. He liked her. The little twinge of jealousy vanished like smoke in the wind. The way he looked at her right now told her that she was the center of his attention.

  Wyatt released her hand and she missed his warmth immediately. She wondered if Janessa really needed a bartender for tonight, or if she could just steal him away for a few hours to finish what they'd started on the island...

  “You coming, Cassie?” Brianna called from across the room. “You said you were getting me a drink, not making the rum yourself!”

  Cassie decided to let the party keep the bartender for now. She was already planning on having him after the party anyway. She could wait.

  Cassie gave Wyatt a wink as she picked up Brianna's drink and headed to mingle with the other bachelorette party goers. Other than Brianna, Katy, and Janessa, she didn't really know any of the women here, but they
were all pleasant and excited to be on the island for the wedding.

  It looked like it was going to be a great night.

  “Cassie, we have a small emergency,” Brianna whispered, motioning her over. Cassie handed Brianna her drink.

  “What's wrong?”

  “I got the wrong batteries,” Brianna explained. “For the games. I need AA batteries and I brought AAA batteries.”

  “I saw a little shop near the lobby,” Cassie said, checking her watch. “I'll go grab some. AA batteries, right?”

  “Yes. Thanks,” Brianna replied. “I'll keep setting up the games. Don't worry. I'll tell your bartender you're coming back.”

  “You better,” Cassie told her with a smile. She glanced over at Wyatt, hoping to get his attention, but he was busy making drinks for the new guests. She thought about saying something, but the store was about to close. She had to hurry.

  Cassie jogged across the lush gardens of the resort to the main lobby. The sun was already dipping behind the ocean and tiki torches burned against the starry sky above. Everything was warm and humid, but the gentle sea breeze made it comfortable.

  Cassie made it to the small store just in time. She found a stack of overpriced AA batteries and headed back to the register. Along the way, she saw a condom selection.

  She grabbed a box. Just because she was being fun-loving, risky Cassie didn't mean she had to be that risky. She could still be her prepared self and have fun. She made sure to grab the extra thin for her pleasure variety.

  Luckily, the attendant didn't even blink an eye at her purchases. At least she wasn't wearing Janessa's penis crown while buying batteries and condoms. That might have at least made the clerk look up.

  The party was in full swing by the time Cassie returned. She tucked the condoms deep in her purse, not wanting Janessa or Brianna to see them. She didn't mind their gentle teasing, but she also didn't want to give them ammunition either.

  Music filled the room, and dance lights flickered around the dance floor. Cassie looked for Wyatt and found him behind the bar.

  Unfortunately, Lorna had discovered him as well.

  She wore a sexy little black dress that showed off more cleavage than Cassie could ever hope to achieve. The skirt was nearly nonexistent, and everything was skin-tight. Her blonde hair was piled up in a sexy, careless style on her head that Cassie suspected took a serious amount of time.

  For the first time all night, Cassie felt plain. Her sparkly necklace felt gaudy. The shorts were too short and her low-cut tank top not low-cut enough. She didn't stand out against Lorna.

  She was boring. Like usual. She wasn't worth attention. Corporate Rule Five: Remain inconspicuous. Guests are here for the hotel, not the staff.

  Cassie hung toward the back of the room, hiding in the dark. This party and outfit weren't her. She didn't take risks. She wasn't the kind of girl to walk around with a box of condoms in her purse. She didn't sleep with men until at least the sixth or seventh date, and not until she was absolutely sure they weren't married and that they had a healthy 401K plan.

  She didn't want to make the same mistakes she'd made with her ex-husband. She didn't need to be forgotten and unwanted again. She was the kind of person that worked in the background, getting things done. She didn't draw attention to herself. That's who Cassie was. She wasn't the kind of girl to take a chance like this. Stealing the bartender away from Lorna wasn't her style. She thought about leaving. Janessa would understand.

  But then Wyatt looked at her. He looked up and across the room and found her. Relief filled his features that she was still there. He smiled at her. He ignored Lorna and her overflowing cleavage. In fact, Lorna looked downright annoyed that he wasn't giving her the time of day.

  He was giving Cassie the time of day. He was giving her the whole damn clock.

  Maybe the risk was worth it. There were things in life she regretted because she didn't take the chance. She'd always played it safe. That's why she was so good at her job. She liked being safe and her company rewarded that. No innovation, no mistakes, but no growth. She was stagnant.

  She needed to be a little risky.

  She needed to take a chance. And Wyatt looked like the best chance she had.

  Chapter Ten


  Aunt Suzette sang in a key generally reserved for cats in heat.

  The bar sang along, belting out the warbles and key changes along with Whitney Houston. Cassie would never hear “I Will Always Love You” the same way ever again. The song would forever be about tonight.

  Cassie was having a blast.

  The music was loud, the drinks strong, and the people fun. Everyone was singing and dancing under the glittering disco lights of the karaoke bar. Color and laughter filled the room.

  “Time for blow-jobs!” Wyatt yelled from the bar. The women all turned and grinned.

  Wyatt had eight shot glasses filled with liquor and topped with a healthy dose of whipped cream. He'd been calling out dirty shots all night. So far they'd had sex on the beach, banana “dick”uiri, buttery nipples, and a pink climax.

  Every one of them had been delicious, but Cassie was careful only to take half the shot. She was still embarrassed by the last time she'd had too much to drink.

  “So, the rule here is no hands,” Wyatt explained as women lined up at the bar. “You have to take the shot using just your mouth.”

  All the women giggled and grinned at Wyatt as he added a little more whipped cream to Janessa's shot glass.

  “Show me how you do it,” he told the women, winking at Aunt Suzette. Aunt Suzette was well over sixty and happily married, but she still blushed like a love-struck school girl.

  “Oh, you,” Aunt Suzette giggled. She snuggled up to the bar, wrapped her lips around the shot glass, tipped her head back, and took it like a champ. She carefully set the glass down and then licked her lips. “Yum. Better than the real thing.”

  Janessa howled with laughter. Katy stared, stunned. Aunt Suzette looked like the perfect church lady in a pale blue knit set and conservative skirt. She even had a pair of reading glasses hanging from a sparkly chain around her neck for reading the karaoke lyrics.

  Wyatt cracked up from behind the bar as Aunt Suzette sashayed back to the karaoke stage.

  “Bride's turn,” Brianna announced, pushing Janessa forward. “Gotta get your practice in.”

  “Oh, I have plenty of practice,” Janessa assured her. Katy made a disgusted face and shook her head.

  Janessa squared her body to the bar, took a deep breath, and bent forward. Whipped cream covered her face when she stood back up.

  “Looks accurate to me,” Cassie quipped.

  “That's how you know it was good.” Janessa managed a dignified blink before taking a napkin from the bar. She dabbed politely at the whipped cream near her eyebrow. “How about you show us how it's done, Cassie.”

  Cassie looked up at Wyatt in time to see his pupils dilate and then constrict. He grinned at her, leaning against the bar with an interested look on his face.

  Butterflies fluttered in Cassie's stomach. Everyone was waiting on her. She could do this. She'd never done this shot before, but if Aunt Suzette could manage to make it look easy, then Cassie could do a decent job.

  Lorna elbowed in, pushing Cassie out of the way. “I'll show you how it's done.”

  Lorna made eye contact with Wyatt the entire time as she bent over, showing him her displayed cleavage. She wrapped her ruby-red lips around the shot glass, moaning slightly as she tipped her head back and swallowed.

  Lorna set the glass back down, licked the rim of the glass suggestively, and stood back up. She adjusted her strapless corset-top and ran a pink tongue over her red lips.

  “I still have those strawberries,” she said to Wyatt, looking him up and down.

  “I think it's Cassie's turn,” he replied, turning his body away from her and sliding a glass toward Cassie. He looked at Cassie and grinned. “I want to see how she takes it.”

  The preference for Cassie was obvious. One of the drunker aunts snickered. “Oh man, he turned her down hard.”

  Lorna's cheeks flamed even in the dim lights of the bar. Her chin rose, and her seductive look turned petulant. She glanced around the bar at the other bachelorette party guests and then turned and flounced off.

  Inwardly, Cassie winced. This wasn't something Lorna was going to forgive or forget. Lorna did not do well with humiliation, especially when it came from someone she believed was beneath her.

  But at that moment, Cassie didn't care. Wyatt was looking at her with green eyes that made her heart flutter and her thighs tremble. Her body remembered the orgasm. She hummed with the way his skin felt against hers.

  It was time for a blow-job.

  Cassie carefully situated herself in front of the shot glass. Now that she'd seen several people take the shot, she had an idea of how it would work. She was careful. She had a plan.

  She lowered her head, wrapped her lips around the top of the shot glass, and lifted her head. The shot was delicious. Amaretto and Irish cream mixed with the creamy sweetness of the whipped cream as it slid down her throat. She swallowed and carefully returned the shot glass to the bar top.

  “You missed a little,” Wyatt told her, reaching across the bar and wiping some whipped cream from the edge of her mouth. He then sucked that whipped cream from his fingers. Cassie flashed with heat.

  Apparently, so did half the bar. Cassie could hear heavy breathing and appreciative murmurs from behind her. She glanced back to see Janessa and Brianna looking like proud parents. Lorna was glaring at her from a table.

  “My turn,” one of Kyle's attractive aunts shouted. “And I know I'm going to get whipped cream on my face if that means the bartender will lick it off.”

  The bar laughed, and the party resumed. Wyatt did not lick off the whipped cream from Kyle's aunt's cheek, but he did reach out and gently dabbed her face with a napkin. He was playing the part of a flirt, but it was obvious who he was actually interested in.

  It was Cassie. Her knees trembled with the thought. He wanted her. He could have his pick of women in the room, and he chose her.


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