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Escape With Me: A Midlife Love Story (Love With Me Book 1)

Page 10

by Krista Lakes

  “Well, I don't care. I won't do it.” Lorna crossed her arms and looked stubborn. Everyone in the bridal party glanced around, unsure of what to do next. The bridal planner just stared at Lorna, her mouth working like a fish but nothing coming out.

  Cassie sighed. “I'll switch.”

  Janessa looked relieved. “You will?”

  “Of course.” Cassie smiled at Chad. “We'll have fun.”

  “Okay. Cassie, change places with Lorna, and we can continue,” the bridal planner announced. Janessa mouthed a thank you to Cassie behind Lorna's back.

  Lorna fluttered her eyelashes at Cassie's escort and puffed out her chest, obviously proud of her new arm candy.

  Cassie and Chad took their spots at the back of the beach as everyone reset. The 'aisle' was marked with stones and tomorrow there would be rows of chairs leading to the spot on the beach where Janessa and Kyle would say their vows.

  “I'm sorry about Lorna,” Cassie said as they waited for the planner to motion them forward.

  “Eh, it's okay,” Chad told her. “My girlfriend told me all about her. I'm trying not to take it personally. Thanks for doing what you did.”

  “It's no problem,” Cassie told him. “This way I'll get a better view of the bride and Kyle's face when he sees her.”

  Chad offered her his arm, and together they walked down the sandy aisle. Cassie's foot slipped on a pile of loose sand, and she nearly went down, but Chad caught her arm and kept her upright.

  “Thanks,” she told him with a chuckle. “See? I knew I was smart to switch.”

  Chad laughed and together they went down the aisle with smiles on their faces. Lorna came after looking pissed. She'd switched for Cassie's date, a tall and handsome young man, who as Lorna probably just found out from her expression, had a negative net worth.

  Luckily, the rest of the rehearsal went smoothly. Lorna didn't make any more fusses, and everyone understood what they were supposed to do the next day.

  “Thanks for coming and practicing, everyone,” Kyle announced, standing where he would be married tomorrow. “We have reservations for everyone at the Beach House for dinner. Just in case we don't remind you again, be sure you're here early tomorrow. Thank you!”

  Chad clapped Kyle on the back, and the two of them laughed.

  “So, you have to tell me everything,” Janessa said, coming up alongside Cassie.

  “Yup. I need details,” Brianna agreed.

  “I have no idea what we're talking about, but I want in,” Julia added, joining the group.

  “Cassie is going to tell us all about her hottie bartender,” Janessa said. “Because lord knows I need something to tide me over until tomorrow.”

  The four of them began to stroll along the beach toward the restaurant.

  Cassie sighed. “You guys don't want to hear about it.”

  “Girl, I haven't had sex in two weeks because Kyle wants it to be 'special,'” Janessa informed them. “I went from getting some every day to cold turkey. I'm dying. I need to live vicariously through you.”

  “Two weeks? That's it?” Brianna scoffed.

  “Yeah. How ever do you survive?” Julia added sarcastically.

  Janessa glared at them. “Do you guys want the details from her or not?”

  “Oh, I want the details,” Brianna replied. “She gives me hope. If Cassie can find a sexy man than there is a possibility that I can too.”

  “Even I want to know how things went last night,” Julia said. She bumped Cassie with her hip. “Tell us it was glorious. Give hope to us mere mortals.”

  Cassie couldn't help but chuckle. “He is definitely Greek God material,” she admitted.

  Brianna whistled. “I knew it!”

  “Tell me what he looks like,” Julia asked. She blushed when she realized how she'd phrased it. “I mean, his face. I don't need to know other parts.”

  “If his other parts are as nice as his face...” Janessa kissed her fingers like an Italian chef praising the food.

  “Beach body, beachy hair, strong jaw, pretty eyes,” Brianna listed off. “He's handsome.”

  “And everything matches,” Cassie added.

  Brianna clapped, and Janessa squealed with delight.

  “I'm going to have to see this guy,” Julia announced. She grinned at Cassie. “Way to go.”

  Cassie grinned. “He's sweet, too. He's good, and then he's good.” She shivered with the memory of just how good Wyatt had been last night.

  “You should bring him to the wedding,” Janessa said. “He can be your date. We've got more than enough space.”

  “You totally should,” Brianna agreed. “There's a couple of guests that couldn't make it, so you don't have to worry about food or anything.”

  Cassie liked the idea of him coming to the wedding. She liked the idea of having Wyatt as her wedding date and getting to spend more time with him.

  She just wasn't sure if it was such a great idea since he wasn't going to be a permanent presence in her life. This was a vacation fling, right? This was just something for the week she was here. In just a couple of days, she'd go home and back to her real life far from the warmth of the Caribbean.

  “Ask him,” Janessa counseled as if reading her thoughts. “I'm fine with him coming. If he says no, then that's fine, but you'll never know unless you ask.”

  “It might be against hotel rules,” Cassie said, looking down at the sand as they walked.

  Julia shrugged. “So? You'd have to ask to find out.”

  “Okay, I'll ask him.” Cassie felt nervous and excited about it at the same time. It felt like a relationship step. It felt like a real date and not just a vacation hook-up.

  It had a feeling of seriousness to it.

  Which Cassie found both thrilling and terrifying.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Dinner was just like old times. Cassie, Janessa, Julia, and Brianna all sat around the table making jokes and laughing as they reminisced and told stories. They remembered their late nights and early mornings, the boys and the heartaches, the adventures and the support they gave one another. They'd helped raise Janessa and Brianna's children as surrogate aunts. They were family, not just friends.

  Cassie loved being able to spend time with her college roommates. Time had changed them, but it hadn't changed their friendship.

  Brianna was still full of fire and quick sass. She was always ready with a sarcastic comment. Even though her last relationship had gone down in fiery chaos, she still believed in love. It helped that Janessa and Kyle had a great relationship showing her that love was still possible.

  Julia was softer, but still just as energetic. She was passionate about her job and seemed to be putting in even more hours than Cassie. Cassie suspected it had something to do with a very attractive boss, but Julia wasn't giving any hints.

  Janessa grinned the entire dinner. She was getting married to the love of her life tomorrow. She kept glancing over at Kyle and smiling without realizing she was doing it. Cassie caught her several times, and it made Cassie's heart warm.

  True love existed. Love was real. Janessa and Kyle had it. They'd been high school sweethearts, but it had ended in college. Janessa got pregnant with Katy while still in school. She'd been a single mom for a long time. It was only when Katy wanted to purchase a new car that Kyle and Janessa had reconnected. It had all fallen into place from there.

  “I'm going to bed early,” Janessa announced as they finished dessert. “I want to get lots of rest for my big day tomorrow.”

  “You're still hung over, aren't you?” Brianna asked, popping a piece of fruit into her mouth,

  “Yup.” Janessa nodded.

  “At least it means you'll sleep tonight,” Julia told her. “Instead of being all nervous energy and staying awake all night.”

  “As long as Brianna doesn't snore again,” Janessa teased.

  “I do not snore!” Brianna crossed her arms and glared at Janessa.

  “Right. Tel
l that to my poor busted eardrums,” Janessa replied.

  “Do you need to come back to our room?” Cassie asked Brianna.

  “No!” Brianna and Janessa both told her in unison.

  “No. You get another night to yourself,” Brianna said. “Or, mostly by yourself.”

  Julia and Janessa snickered, and Cassie rolled her eyes but thanked her friend.

  They all stood and said goodnight to the other dinner guests. Janessa and Brianna waved, heading off to their room and leaving Julia and Cassie at the table.

  “I want to see this guy,” Julia said, turning to face Cassie.

  “He's probably working right now,” Cassie told her.

  “Even better,” Julia replied with a grin. “He can't hide.”

  Cassie chuckled. “I'll introduce you,” she promised. Together, the two friends stood up and headed out of the restaurant.

  “Oh, Cassie?” Lorna called out after them. “Can I talk to you for a second?”

  Cassie paused. She debated just sprinting for the front door and pretending that she hadn't heard Lorna at all, but that would make tomorrow awkward.

  She put on her manager smile and turned. “Sure. What do you need?”

  “Well, Julia can keep walking,” Lorna said, giving Julia a pointed look.

  Julia made eye contact with Cassie. She wasn't about to abandon her friend.

  “I'll be right there,” Cassie told her. It was better to get this over with quickly.

  “Okay. I'll be in the chairs right in front of the restaurant,” Julia said. “Remember, we have that thing we're doing. I don't want you to be late, so be fast.”

  She gave Cassie's arm a gentle squeeze before brushing past Lorna. Cassie sent her mental thanks for giving her a great reason to keep the conversation short.

  “What's up?” Cassie asked Lorna.

  "I just wanted to thank you for switching with me," Lorna said with a smile. "I always worry about the pictures at these kinds of things, you know?"

  “I get it,” Cassie replied noncommittally.

  “Are you interested in him?” Lorna asked.

  “Who? With Chad? No. He's got a girlfriend,” Cassie said, shaking her head. Lorna had about two more questions before Cassie used Julia's appointment excuse to get out of this conversation.

  “Oh, no. He's so not your type,” Lorna said with a laugh. She put her hand on Cassie's arm like she was an old friend. “I meant the bartender. You two seemed to know one another.”

  “That's not really your business,” Cassie said, pulling away.

  “I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude or anything,” Lorna said with a soft laugh. “I just thought you might be into him. But, I'll warn you, he's not going anywhere. And I've heard that he just picks a different woman every week and has them fall in love with him and then...” She shrugged. “I just don't want you getting hurt.”

  Cassie's cheeks blazed with heat. “Thanks for your concern. I think I can handle it.”

  “I'm just looking out for you,” Lorna said, her expression innocent. “It's what girlfriends do for one another. If I were you, I'd dump him now before he breaks your heart.”

  Right, Cassie thought to herself. And that way you can pick him up right after.

  “There's something familiar about him. I don't think he's giving you the full story.” Lorna looked thoughtful. “I can't place where I know him, but I swear I've seen his face before. I never forget an attractive face.”

  “I need to go,” Cassie said, taking a step away.

  “If you ever want to talk about him, or any of your male friends or hotel guests, I'm here for you.” Lorna smiled sweetly. “I'd like us to be friends.”

  “Sure.” Cassie needed friends like Lorna like she needed holes in her head.

  “But seriously, you can do better than that guy.” Lorna's smug look gave her true motive away. She had struck out this trip to find rich husband number four and wanted the hot bartender as a consolation prize.

  “I'll keep that in mind. Thanks, Lorna. I'll see you tomorrow.” Cassie flashed her manager smile again and hurried out of the restaurant. Julia stood by the front doors, checking her watch.

  “Thirty more seconds and I was coming back in for you,” Julia told her. “What did she want?”

  “She thinks I can do better than Wyatt and that I should totally not talk to him the rest of the trip,” Cassie explained. “She's determined to try and snag him for herself.”

  Julia blinked twice. “Wow. That's low, even for her. Now I really want to meet this guy. If Lorna's falling all over him and he's not worth millions, he's got to be insanely hot. Does he have a brother?”

  Cassie chuckled. She thought back to their conversation on the beach. “I think he said he was an only child.”

  “Darn,” Julia responded, and Cassie giggled at the way she said it.

  Cassie thought she'd check the tiki bar where she'd had too much to drink that first night and then the lobby bar if he wasn't there. They had plans to meet up after his shift, but she didn't want to bring Julia up to her room and wait until then.

  Luckily, he was working at the tiki bar.

  “Is that him?” Julia asked as they got closer. Wyatt was busy laughing with some patrons as he poured drinks.


  He looked up and flashed them both a smile. Cassie's knees went a little wobbly.

  “Holy crap. No wonder Lorna wants to steal him away,” Julia said. She grinned at Cassie. “Way to go.”

  Cassie flushed, a smile filling her face. “Thanks.”

  Together, they sat down on tall bar stools and rested their arms on the bar.

  “Hello, ladies,” Wyatt greeted them, putting down napkins. “What can I get you?”

  “The usual,” Cassie replied.

  “I'll have what she's having,” Julia said.

  “Sex on the beach it is.” Wyatt reached for two glasses and began mixing the cocktail.

  “Oh my,” Julia whispered under her breath. She leaned over to Cassie. “Please tell me you misremembered, and he has a twin brother. Or any brother. Or a cousin. I'll take a second cousin twice removed, even.”

  Wyatt set down their drinks with a flourish before Cassie could say anything.

  “Here you go,” Wyatt announced, adding tiny umbrellas to each drink.

  “Thank you,” Julia said, reaching for her glass.

  “Wyatt, this is my friend Julia.” Cassie motioned toward her friend. “She just got in today.”

  “Hi.” Julia flashed a smile at Wyatt. “It's nice to meet you.”

  “Likewise,” Wyatt replied with a warm smile. “I hope you're enjoying your stay?”

  “So far,” Julia replied. She glanced down the empty bar and then at Cassie before picking up her drink and standing. “I should be getting back to my room. Have a good night, Cassie.” She grinned at Wyatt. “It was nice to meet you.”

  Julia squeezed Cassie's shoulder and then politely left the two of them alone at the bar. She hummed softly as she walked away.

  “How's your day going?” Cassie asked, sipping on her drink.

  “Good,” Wyatt replied. He grinned. “I get off in ten minutes.”

  Cassie grinned at him. “Then maybe I can make it into a great day.”

  She loved the way his smile widened, and his eyes sparkled. "It's certainly heading in that direction."

  Heat fluttered up in her stomach, and she could feel the smile on her face turn stupid with joy.

  It was definitely going to get even better.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Wyatt hummed the theme song to Mission Impossible as he carefully snuck out of Cassie's room and headed down to the lobby. He'd managed to extricate himself from her bed safely and was now on a mission of utmost importance: breakfast.

  The hotel had a small selection of breakfast food set up in the lobby. There was one restaurant on the property that also served breakfast, but that was on the far side from Cassie's room. Lu
ckily, the lobby's continental breakfast was more than enough.

  Wyatt glanced around as he grabbed a plate and began filling it with food. Several hotel guests lounged in chairs while sipping coffee and reading newspapers. Annette was at the front desk, and she just shook her head and sighed when she saw him.

  He wasn't supposed to take the guests' food. He wasn't supposed to be filling up a plate, let alone bringing a plate back upstairs to a guest he was sleeping with. It was very, very against hotel policies. But, Annette liked him, and he knew she would turn a blind eye to his doings.

  He gave Annette a wink as he passed the desk with a plate full of fruits and pastries. She sighed and rolled her eyes, but the hint of a smile crossed her face.

  The spy-based theme song continued to play in Wyatt's head as he carefully made his way back upstairs. He'd snagged Cassie's room key on the way out so that he could get back in, but he didn't want to come across another employee in the hallway accidentally. Not all of them were as fond of Wyatt as Annette was.

  Luckily, the elevator and hallways back to her room were blissfully empty. He let out a sigh of relief once he was safely back in her room with the door firmly shut behind him. He set her key card back on the table where she'd left it and headed into the bedroom.

  Cassie came out of the bathroom, toothbrush in her mouth and hair still mussed from sleep. Her frown quickly shifted into a smile as soon as she saw him.

  “I thght oo eft,” she mumbled around her toothbrush. She quickly ducked into the bathroom and spat. “I thought you left.”

  The edge of pain in her voice at the idea of him leaving pulled on his heart. He held up the plate of food. “Just to get breakfast.”

  She grinned at him. “That kind of leaving I can get behind,” she told him. “Let me finish brushing my teeth.”

  She hurried back into the bathroom, and when she emerged a few moments later, her dark hair was neatly pulled back into a ponytail and her face clean of sleep. Wyatt pulled back the curtains, and they both sat on the bed, looking out the windows at the ocean.


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