Escape With Me: A Midlife Love Story (Love With Me Book 1)

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Escape With Me: A Midlife Love Story (Love With Me Book 1) Page 18

by Krista Lakes

  She opened the door to find Cesar waiting outside. His eyes went wide as he did an up and down of her body.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered, shaking his head with awe.

  “I can't get the zipper,” Cassie informed him.

  Cesar quickly pulled the zipper the rest of the way up for her. “Come see,” he said, stopping once again to admire her. He motioned her to a full-length mirror.

  The woman in the mirror was a movie star. She was a model. She was a fairy tale queen who any mortal would fall instantly in love with only a glance.

  “Wow.” Cassie could scarcely believe it was her. “Amazing what the right dress can do,” she whispered.

  “The dress only highlights beauty,” Cesar informed her. He carefully smoothed a flyaway strand of hair. “The beauty is you.”

  Cassie blushed a crimson to match her dress, but Cesar didn't seem to notice.

  “It's time to get you to the ball,” he said. Cassie could only imagine that this was how Cinderella felt. Instead of a pumpkin, it was a black SUV, but Cassie still felt like a princess. She couldn't wait to meet her Prince Charming.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  Cassie bounced her knees with excitement and just a little bit of nervousness as the SUV drove up to the ball. The hotel looked like a castle as they approached, and Cassie couldn't help but stare out the window.

  She'd been here once before for a conference. The hotel was a legend with eight pools, two golf courses, spa, and stunning mountain views. The ballroom was the biggest in the state and usually booked out for months. She'd peeked into the rooms during the conference, and the hotel manager in her had fallen in love.

  This was bigger than anything she wanted to run. While she enjoyed working at a major hotel, she preferred a more intimate experience. She liked interacting with guests and making the experience personal to them. That was hard to do in a huge hotel.

  Still, she loved this hotel. It was like going to Disneyland. It was a chance to see how things were done on a bigger scale with a larger budget. Cassie's hotel only held business events, so getting to see a social event would be new and exciting.

  The charity ball was held here annually. Wyatt's company held several of these balls in multiple states across the country. All the proceeds went to charity, and it was usually one of the most significant social events for each individual city. It was pure luck that the Phoenix ball was being held the week Wyatt was in town.

  Expensive cars lined the drop-off area in the front of the hotel. A red carpet rolled out from the entrance and into the lobby. Photographers snapped photos as the high society of Phoenix arrived for the charity ball.

  Men and women in beautiful clothes stopped and paused for photos as Cassie exited the SUV. Her stomach twisted and churned with nerves. For the first time, she was a guest at one of these events, not a worker.

  As an event manager, she knew where the kitchen staff was supposed to be. She knew what table linens and silverware should be out, and that the emcee of the event would keep the schedule.

  But, as a guest, she wasn't sure what to do. Should she go to the ballroom? The dinner area? Was there a posted schedule?

  Cassie stepped out onto the red carpet and was immediately assaulted by camera lights.

  “Are you and Wyatt Landers a couple? Why is he back in town? What's Wyatt Landers doing in Phoenix? Are the rumors that he was working on an island true? What island in the Caribbean were you on? Is this a publicity stunt to launch a new product?”

  She didn't know how to answer so many questions thrown at her at once. She shied away from the cameras and hurried inside the hotel. Inside at least, the security kept the press out. Only a few photographers were in the lobby, but they all wore a very clear badge indicating they were associated with the ball. They, at least, asked before taking a photo.

  Elegant guests milled around the beautiful lobby, sipping on drinks and murmuring with conversation. The red carpet led directly to the ballroom, where Cassie hoped she'd find Wyatt. They hadn't really discussed where they were meeting, which Cassie was now regretting. The last thing she wanted to do was wander around an event like this without the guest that brought her, so she followed the carpet, feeling a bit like Dorothy trying to find the Emerald City.

  Two massive and ornately carved doors stood like guards to the ballroom. Cassie continued to follow the red carpet, trying hard to blend in with the other guests. Despite the dress and the hair, she still felt like everyone could see she didn't belong here. Every time someone looked in her direction, she wished she had on her simple black work suit and had a clipboard and headset.

  The ballroom shimmered with light. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling and iridescent fabric draped delicately around the room. It looked like something out of a fairy tale. Cassie stood near the entrance, open-mouthed and smiling as she looked around at the grand display.

  “You look amazing.”

  Wyatt stood in front of her, his expression filled with awe. The look on his face made everything worth it. He looked like he was under her spell.

  “So do you,” she told him.

  He looked good. Really good. The black tuxedo fit perfectly, outlining his broad shoulders and trim waist. He'd slicked his blonde hair back into a sleek style that looked like he'd stepped out of a GQ magazine.

  She was Cinderella, and he was indeed Prince Charming.

  Wyatt offered her his arm, just like in the fairy tale. She rested her hand lightly on the stiff fabric of his jacket as he walked her to their table.

  They were forced to stop and pose for pictures no less than three times in the fifty-foot walk to their reserved table. Everyone was polite, but she knew that cell phones were snapping photos of them even as they walked past. Wyatt kept smiling and moving them along, staying polite but giving away nothing.

  Everyone wanted a piece of the missing billionaire and his mystery woman.

  “They're all staring at us,” Cassie whispered, feeling dozens of sets of eyes glance their way. Even over the soft classical music, she could hear the whispers as they walked. Wyatt's name echoed softly at every table they passed.

  “I can't blame them,” Wyatt said. “You are absolutely stunning.”

  She took the compliment with a smile and a slight shake of her head. He was trying to make her feel comfortable, and it was working. Now that he was with her, her nerves were starting to settle. She felt like she could make it through the night without needing a million drinks. Her stomach still knotted up inside of her, but at least she no longer felt like puking.

  “How do you do this?” she asked as Wyatt pulled out a chair for her to sit. They were near the front of the ballroom, near the stage at a prime table. “This ball is a little overwhelming.”

  Wyatt chuckled. “Why do you think I ran away to the Caribbean?” He shook his head as he looked around the room. “It's beautiful and grand, but... this life is hard in its own way. You must always be ready to perform.”

  “I feel like we're on display. Like monkeys in the zoo. Pretty monkeys, but still just something to look at.” Cassie reached for her glass of water and realized her hand was shaking.

  She had a feeling she would never get used to this. She didn't like being the center of attention. She liked working in the background and making sure events like this ran smoothly. This was the exact opposite of what she enjoyed.

  “Well, at least you won't be on display on your own,” Wyatt told her, motioning with a smile to the guests heading toward their table.

  Janessa looked lovely in a strapless purple gown. Kyle had stopped to say hello to another couple at an adjacent table, but Janessa waved and grinned.

  Cassie waved back and then smiled at Wyatt. “Did you do this?”

  “Brianna is coming too,” Wyatt informed her. “I asked Julia, but she had to work.”

  Cassie's heart melted. “Thank you.”

  Wyatt shrugged like it was nothing. “I want this to be a good e
xperience for you. And, I want you to know that you can always have your friends with you.”

  “Thank you.” She leaned over and kissed his cheek, breathing in the scent of him. Clean soap with a hint of richness, and somehow a touch of the ocean. Even this far from the water, he still reminded her of where they met.

  “This is so beautiful,” Janessa announced, coming over to the table. She hugged Cassie and grinned at Wyatt. “I'm glad you told Kyle you were coming. We nearly skipped this year. This is a much better table than we usually get.”

  Kyle's family was very wealthy. It made sense that they would get an invite to something like this. Kyle arrived at the table and hands were shaken and greetings made.

  “Cassie, where did you get that dress? It's amazing. You look like a princess.” Janessa grinned at her.

  Cassie blushed a little. “Thanks. Wyatt got it for me.”

  Janessa turned to Wyatt. “You are now allowed to pick out my wardrobe as well.”

  Wyatt chuckled. “I wish I could claim credit. I hired someone. My expertise is in surfboards, not women's clothing.”

  The group laughed, and Cassie could feel herself relaxing. With Janessa, Kyle, and Brianna here, she wouldn't feel like an outsider.

  “Wyatt, there you are!”

  A woman in a sleek blue dress hurried over to him. Her short blonde hair was modern and chic. She looked like she belonged here.

  “Olive.” Wyatt grinned and stood up to greet her. The hug he gave her sent a small shot of unnecessary jealousy through Cassie's chest.

  “Wyatt, I'm so glad I found you,” Olive announced, taking the empty seat next to him. “I'm in a pickle.”

  Wyatt frowned, concern creasing the edges of his eyes. “What's wrong?”

  “Our emcee for the auction is sick. Do you know the band, The Tones? We were supposed to get the lead singer to run the auction for us, but he's lost his voice,” Olive explained. “We need an emcee.”

  “Oh, no. Not me,” Wyatt said, shaking his head. “Find somebody else.”

  “Wyatt, it's your company that's putting this on,” Olive told him, sounding like a mother reminding her child to do his homework. “It's kind of your responsibility.”

  Wyatt sighed and slumped in his chair. “Fine. When you put it that way.”

  Olive grinned. “Thank you. I'll go get everything set up. It'll be easy. Promise.”

  She flashed him one more grin and then disappeared.

  “Who was that?” Cassie asked, trying to keep her voice neutral.

  “That's the charity manager,” Wyatt explained. “She is responsible for running the whole ball.”

  “Oh.” Cassie still didn't like the green envy sliding through her ribs. Olive was attractive. She knew how to navigate this billionaire world. Even though Wyatt hadn't done anything other than greet the woman, Cassie still felt like Olive had something she didn't.

  “Oh, here comes Brianna,” Janessa announced with a happy smile. Her smile then faltered. “And Lorna.”

  The mention of Lorna's name made Cassie's stomach sour. She suddenly wished she had a stronger drink. Lorna was the last person in the world Cassie wanted to spend this evening with.

  Cassie turned to see Brianna in a black halter-dress walking toward the table. She also wore an uncomfortable look as Lorna hung off her arm. There was no way Lorna was letting go of Brianna and going to a different table.

  Cassie wondered if she could just crawl under the table and hide. It was that, or possibly punch Lorna in the face.

  Neither seemed appropriate for a fancy ball.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “Look who I found on my way in,” Lorna announced as they arrived at the table. “I'm so glad I found her. Otherwise, I would have been sitting at the wrong table all night. Here's where the party is, right?”

  Lorna wore a poison-apple-green skin-tight dress. The mermaid tail flared out at the knee, but the rest was practically painted onto Lorna's body, highlighting her trim figure. While stylish, it was also loud and over the top, much like Lorna.

  Brianna smiled weakly.

  “You sit next to Kyle, and I'll sit at this spot here,” Lorna said, practically pushing Brianna at Kyle. Lorna took the empty seat next to Wyatt.

  Cassie tried not to bristle. She decided not to let her anger and jealousy rise to the surface. She could be the bigger person. Tonight was for charity after all.

  “Brianna, I'm sure Cassie wants to catch up with you. Trade me seats?” Wyatt asked, looking innocently at Brianna.

  “Sure.” Brianna hopped up, and the two switched seats. Cassie felt a surge of smug pleasure at the way Lorna's face twitched with annoyance. She was now seated as far away from Wyatt as possible.

  “I'm so sorry,” Brianna said softly to Cassie. “She ambushed me. I feel like a mountain lion stalked me. I'm not even sure she actually has a ticket. She just grabbed onto me as we walked in the front door.”

  “It's fine,” Cassie told her, trying to believe it herself. “She's just being Lorna.”

  “Excuse me for a moment. I see a business partner I need to speak with,” Kyle announced. He nodded around the table and then left.

  “So, Wyatt, tell me, how has Phoenix been treating you?” Lorna asked, putting her chin on her hands and blatantly showing off her cleavage to the person sitting across the table from her. She was definitely making lemonade out of her lemons.

  Wyatt cleared his throat. “It's been a great city,” he replied. His eyes went to Cassie and warmed. “It's exactly what I was looking for.”

  Little tingles of energy rippled down Cassie's arms with his smile. He wasn't looking at Lorna's cleavage. He wasn't interested in Olive's fancy haircut.

  He liked her. He'd come back for her. Not them.

  “I'd love to show you around town,” Lorna tried again. She shifted her shoulders so that her chest somehow stuck out just a little bit more. The green fabric struggled to stay attached at the seams.

  “I'm good, thanks.” Wyatt gave her a polite smile, making sure that his gaze wasn't where she wanted it. “If you'll excuse me, I need to go prep for the auction.”

  Wyatt stood up and instead of leaving directly, came over and kissed Cassie's cheek. He made it sweet and sensual, and slightly possessive.

  “I'll see you soon. Don't bid on too many of the bachelors,” Wyatt teased, his hand grazing a bare patch of skin on Cassie's back. She shivered with the touch, wanting more.

  “Sure,” she replied, feeling a little dazed from the kiss. She wasn't sure how a kiss on the cheek could be more sexual than one on the lips, but Wyatt had definitely done it. He winked and disappeared behind the stage. The goofy grin on her face stayed for a moment before fading. “Wait, bachelors?”

  “After a kiss like that, I'm not surprised you can't think straight.” Brianna chuckled, knowing that Cassie's brain was still in kiss mode and unable to function properly.

  “The auction is a bachelor/bachelorette auction,” Lorna replied, her voice haughty. “Didn't you even look at the invitation?”

  “Did you even get one?” Brianna shot back. Lorna just rolled her eyes.

  “He's not listed on the auction page,” Janessa assured Cassie. “They do it every year. All the single socialites and local celebrities put themselves up for a date. Last year, we even had that actor from the vampire show. He got a ton of money.”

  “The blond one or the really tall one?” Brianna asked, leaning forward. “Because if it's the blond one, I will use my life savings.” She paused and then grinned. “Well, to be honest, I will use my life savings for either one of them. They are so good looking.”

  The conversation between Janessa and Brianna on the workings of their favorite vampire show took over the table. It was light and easy, with a shallowness that was easy to navigate. Cassie was glad she didn't have to hold up the conversation.

  As much fun as getting dressed up was, this wasn't her thing. She wasn't a high-society kind of person. She
would much rather be curled up on the couch with Wyatt watching reruns of the Twilight Zone. She had a feeling he would rather be on the couch as well.

  “You doing anything interesting this weekend, Cassie?” Lorna asked. She smiled, looking almost innocent. Unfortunately, Brianna and Janessa were deep in conversation, leaving Lorna with only Cassie to talk to.

  “Um, just staying in. Wyatt and I are planning on trying a new restaurant tomorrow,” she replied. “He says it will be super romantic. Then we'll just go back to his place. Like we have been all week. It's fabulous.”

  Cassie knew it was shallow. She knew she was being petty, but she didn't care. She wanted to rub it in Lorna's face that Wyatt was with Cassie.

  “How lucky for you.” Lorna's sour face turned away, and the conversation thankfully was over.

  The lights dimmed, and Olive came out on the stage.

  “Ladies and gentlemen,” she announced. “It's time to begin the auction.”

  A drum-roll filled the ballroom as guests hurried to their seats. Lights flashed and the stage filled with swirling lights. Stage smoke rolled across the floor, and Wyatt stepped out, looking like he was made for TV lights and being the center of attention.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, it's a pleasure to have you,” Wyatt said into the microphone. He walked casually across the stage, smiling and handsome. “We're about to auction off some very exciting dates. If you're single and looking to mingle, or even if you just want a chance to talk business, here's your opportunity. All proceeds will be going to the House For Home charity, so be generous and brave with your bids.”

  Lorna sat with her lip between her teeth and fawning up at the stage. Cassie knew the same look was on her face. Wyatt held the stage wonderfully. He was a natural, even though Cassie knew he would rather not be the center of attention.

  Cassie didn't bid on anyone. She didn't need to. Brianna put in a bid for a date with a professional football player but was quickly outbid. Lorna only bid once, and not very much. It made Cassie slightly nervous that the money and status hungry woman wasn't throwing dollar bills up on that stage to get dates. It seemed like it would be the perfect opportunity, yet Lorna wasn't taking it.


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