Escape With Me: A Midlife Love Story (Love With Me Book 1)

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Escape With Me: A Midlife Love Story (Love With Me Book 1) Page 19

by Krista Lakes

  “And that's our last date,” Wyatt announced. “I'd like to thank everyone for their generous bids, and the bachelors and bachelorettes for the donation of their time.”

  Olive walked out on stage and took the microphone from Wyatt.

  “Can I get a hand for our emcee, Wyatt Landers?” She held open her arms to loud applause. She waited for it to die down. “But, I'm afraid Mr. Landers is incorrect. We have one more date to auction off.”

  Confusion filled Wyatt's face as he looked down at his notes. It was apparent he didn't see any more names listed for auction.

  “For our last date, we'll be auctioning off a night with the recently returned billionaire, Wyatt Landers!” Olive announced. The crowd went wild. Lorna looked ecstatic.

  Surprise flooded Wyatt's features. Cassie could clearly see him mouthing “no” to Olive, but she just pressed on, ignoring his unhappy reaction.

  “Do you want to know where Wyatt Landers has been hiding out the past few years? Ask him as he takes you to Sur la Table, where the chef will prepare a romantic dinner for just the two of you. It can't get more romantic and intimate than this, folks. Bidding starts at two thousand dollars.”

  Time moved in slow motion. The bids were far more than she could afford. Even if she cashed out her 401K and took out credit card loans, she couldn't afford the prices people were shouting out.

  “I have twenty-eight thousand dollars,” Olive called out. “Going once... going twice...”

  “Thirty thousand,” Lorna called out, standing up. Her voice shook slightly.

  Olive beamed on stage. “The record bid for our auction is twenty-eight thousand, five hundred and I now have thirty thousand! Going once... Going twice...”

  Cassie closed her eyes, wishing this moment could end. Wyatt looked panicked up on stage. Brianna squeezed Cassie's hand under the table.

  But there was nothing she could do. She didn't have anywhere close to thirty grand. Especially not to drop on a single date. Cassie thought she might throw up.


  Applause filled the room. Lorna sauntered from the table and up to the stage to get her certificate. She posed for the camera, flaunting her curves and wealth as they praised her for her generous donation to charity.

  Only it wasn't generous. It was selfish and cruel. Cassie could have dealt with just about anyone else winning a date with Wyatt. But Lorna?

  Cassie wanted to punch her in the face.

  Wyatt hopped down from the stage and came back to the table. Lorna tried to follow him, but she was diverted to follow Olive to write the check for the date. At least Cassie got a bit of satisfaction from the annoyed look on Lorna's face as she was forced to hang back.

  “We'll think of something,” Brianna promised. “Let me talk with Janessa. We'll come up with a plan. It'll be okay.”

  The sentiment was sweet, but Cassie knew there wasn't much her friends could do for her. Brianna gave her a quick hug and then got up and went to sit next to Janessa to hopefully plot something out.

  “I'm so sorry,” Wyatt said as soon as he was close. He took Cassie's hands in his and kissed them. “I swear I didn't know she was going to do that.”

  Cassie believed him. The look of shock was too real to be faked. “It's okay,” she replied. “Maybe you can just put it off forever.”

  Wyatt chuckled, but there wasn't much mirth to it. “Why didn't you bid on me?” Hurt filled his green eyes.

  “I don't have that kind of money.” Cassie shook her head. “I don't even think I have a credit card with a limit that high.”

  “You could have used mine. I would have paid you back,” he told her.

  Cassie closed her eyes and felt the fool. “I didn't think of that.”

  “It's okay.” Wyatt squeezed her hands. “Maybe I can convince her to bring you along.”

  Cassie laughed at the idea. Lorna would do that the day pigs flew and the sun set in the east. She had a feeling that even if Wyatt offered to buy her out, she wouldn't take it. Lorna wanted this date. She wanted Wyatt and was willing to do just about anything to get him.

  Cassie kissed Wyatt's cheek, and they both sat down. Dinner would be served soon.

  “Well, hello my date,” Lorna purred, coming back to the table. She wrapped her arm around Wyatt's shoulders.

  Wyatt shrugged her off, but Lorna didn't seem deterred. She sat down in the seat next to him.

  “We're going to have so much fun.” Lorna purposefully thrust out her chest and looked up at him through her eyelashes.

  Cassie had to wonder if Lorna had back issues from arching her back that much. It certainly didn't look comfortable.

  “I'm actually rather busy for the next few weeks,” Wyatt replied. “There's lots of business for me attend to. And then I have some traveling. You'll have to talk to my assistant about scheduling.”

  “Well, if you're going to be busy, I understand.” Lorna nodded thoughtfully. She looked a little crestfallen, but understanding. Cassie thought Wyatt was doing an excellent job of putting her off. Cassie nearly believed him.

  “I'm glad you understand.” Wyatt gave Lorna a flat smile. Cassie squeezed his hand under the table, telling him he was doing a good job.

  “I just had the best idea,” Lorna announced. “If you're going to be busy, then we should have our date right away. I'm sure Cassie will be alright with giving you up tomorrow night. She said you had a romantic dinner planned. Just switch the two of us out.”

  Lorna giggled. Her eyes met Cassie's, and Lorna's grin was sinister.

  “I really don't think that's a good idea...” Wyatt began.

  “Of course it is. You can pick me up at six. There, see? It's settled. And this way, you can get this date off your schedule. I am very accommodating.” Lorna ran her tongue across her upper lip. “I can do whatever you want.”

  With Lorna's focus on Wyatt, across the table Brianna was miming over the top sexual faces at Wyatt, underscoring the ridiculousness of what Lorna was saying and how she was saying it. Brianna licked her lips the way Lorna did. She made kissy faces and outrageous winks. She fluttered her eyelashes and opened her mouth as if she might orgasm at any moment.

  Wyatt was having a hard time keeping a straight face. His mouth kept thinning as he held back a smile. Cassie had to pick up a napkin to hide her smirk. At least her friends could make her feel better, even if they couldn't stop the date. She had a feeling that tomorrow night, Brianna, Janessa, and Julia would be showing up at her front door with ice cream and movies to keep her distracted.

  Lorna glanced across the table, and immediately Brianna schooled her face into a polite smile. The motion had Cassie in silent stitches. Janessa had to pretend a cough to contain her laughter.

  “Well, since it's settled, I'll see you tomorrow,” Lorna said, turning back to Wyatt. She ran her finger seductively across his lapel, biting her lip and giving him huge bedroom eyes.

  She got up slowly, making sure to move in the most seductive manner she could. Everything was arches and curves as she paused to give him a good view of her ass.

  “Remember, I'll do whatever you want.” Her voice was low and seductive as she wiggled her hips slightly to make a point. She then sauntered away, her hips swinging with every step.

  Cassie made eye contact with Wyatt, and then with Janessa, and finally Brianna. Brianna batted her eyelashes and blew a kiss. Cassie couldn't help but bust out with laughter, and the whole table followed her into giggles.

  “At least she gave thirty grand to a good cause,” Brianna said, clutching her chest and wheezing with laughter. “If nothing else, she actually did a good thing.”

  Janessa nodded, trying to take a sip of water. “I will definitely give her credit for that. I have no idea where she got the money, but I'm glad it's going to a good cause.”

  “And don't you worry, Wyatt,” Brianna said turning to him. “We'll take good care of Cassie tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, just don't get too comfortable,” Cassie added on.
“You're supposed to be with me.”

  Wyatt leaned over and kissed her cheek, making her heat from head to toe. “Don't you worry, Cassie. I know where my favorite person is.”

  Love and warmth washed through Cassie in waves that made her blush. The other two girls aww-ed from across the table, but Cassie didn't care.

  Wyatt was hers. Not even Lorna stealing a date from him could change that.

  Even though she was sure, she couldn't figure out why she had such a horrible nagging feeling that this was going to lead to nothing but trouble and heartbreak?

  Chapter Thirty


  “Well, other than the auction fiasco, I think the night was a success,” Wyatt announced, kicking off his shoes at the door of his apartment.

  Cassie followed him in, adding her heels to his shoes. He liked the way they looked tumbled together.

  “I had fun,” Cassie said, walking into the kitchen and pouring a glass of water. She grinned at him. “Thank you for inviting me. I don't know if I want to do it again, but once was fun. It was definitely different.”

  “You want to live the billionaire lifestyle all the time now?” he asked, loosening his jacket and tie.

  “Hell no.” She shook her head. “I'm exhausted mentally, and I didn't have to do anything. All those people? I just want to curl up with you and not move for a week. My brain is totally and completely fried.”

  He thought about asking her to come to the islands. Now was the perfect time, only... she just said her brain was fried. Asking a huge decision right now was going to end poorly.

  Maybe he was just afraid of rejection, or perhaps he sensed something about the night, but she didn't want to ask. He blamed it on Lorna's purchasing of him. He knew that it grated on Cassie.

  So, he didn't ask.

  “You look so amazing,” he said, staring at her in the kitchen. Her red dress pooled around her feet and her hair was slowly coming out of its perfect curls. She looked absolutely stunning. He couldn't imagine a more beautiful woman.

  She was perfect.

  She grinned at him. “You look pretty good too,” she replied, setting down her water. “But, you have too many clothes on.”

  It was his turn to grin. Instead of asking her to run away with him, he just took the most beautiful woman in the world to his bed and showed her what his words couldn't find the way to say.

  The next morning was dark and cloudy. It matched Wyatt's mood well. He was not looking forward to this evening. Not even a little bit.

  “I've heard that the restaurant is amazing,” Cassie said, sipping on her coffee. She looked over her phone at him.

  “What restaurant?” he replied, shrugging and pretending that he wasn't already dwelling on the date.

  “I know you're thinking about tonight,” she told him. “You've moved the salt and pepper shakers around a dozen times, yet you've barely sipped your coffee. You usually have had two cups by now.”

  He looked up at her. “You noticed that?”

  She smiled, and it was like the sun had come out. “Yes. I notice a lot about you. Like how you frown, right here, when you're worried about something.”

  She leaned across the table and gently pressed her fingertip into his brow. “When it's something you don't want me to feel bad about, you get these little lines near your eyes. Right now, you have both.”

  “Come here,” he said, motioning to her. She grinned and happily settled into his lap. He loved the way she felt against him. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her shoulder, breathing in the soft scent of her.

  She smelled like flowers and his soap. He loved the way she smelled like him. Like she was now a part of him.

  “You smell so good,” he murmured. He nuzzled her shoulder with another kiss.

  “I need a shower,” she replied with a giggle. She turned in his lap and grinned. “Care to join me?”

  As if he could say no.

  In a smooth motion, he picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. She giggled and clung to him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. He loved the sound of her laughter. He loved the way she felt in his arms. He loved everything about her.

  And he was going to show her just how much in the shower.

  “I wish we could just stay like this the rest of the day,” Cassie murmured. Her hand drew lazy circles on his bare chest as they lay tangled in bed sheets. Her breasts pressed against his ribs, reminding him she was there with every breath she took.

  He'd already had her in the shower, and then again now in the bed, yet, with her breasts touching him like that, he was practically ready to go a third time. With Cassie, he felt like a teenager. She made his body feel young.

  “I would like that,” Wyatt agreed. He tried to ignore the clock on the nightstand. It was almost time for his date, and they both were avoiding it. With every moment that ticked closer, dread settled a little more firmly around his shoulders.

  “Brianna says the hotel is finally losing some of the photographers. Lenny has been telling them I'm not there all week, but then he loves to preen for the camera and tell them all about how our hotel attracted such a big name.” She shook her head. “I hope I can go back to work soon.”

  “You don't have to, you know,” he said, trying to keep his voice neutral. He didn't plan on asking her to the island just yet, but if it was a natural question...

  She sighed. “I know. I just miss my old life.” She stilled and then sat up on her elbow to look at him. “I mean, I love having you here. I do. I just miss being able to go to the grocery store. I miss working and being busy. This has been great, but I don't think I could live like this forever.”

  Wyatt nodded. He took a deep breath. He could ask her now.

  “Anyway, that's not really important right now.” Cassie smiled down at him. “You have to get ready. I don't want Lorna complaining because you were late. Knowing her, she'd just say that means she gets to keep you for double.”

  Wyatt let out the breath. He would ask later. In business, timing was everything. If you asked a client for something too soon, you would lose the deal. It paid to be careful and make sure that the client was in a mood to say yes before offering a contract.

  Slowly, reluctantly, he rolled out of bed. Cassie kept her eyes on him, watching him dress. He loved the wicked gleam in her eyes and the way she looked at him.

  He dressed in dark blue slacks with a matching business jacket. No tie. He wanted to look presentable to the restaurant, but casual at the same time. He didn't want to give Lorna any ideas that this was anything more than a pre-arranged meeting.

  “Now, don't forget me,” Cassie said, coming out from the bed. Her naked form stole his breath as she sashayed up to him. She went to her tiptoes and planted the sexiest kiss he'd ever had on him. There was something incredibly hot about being fully dressed while she was bare.

  “As if I could,” he whispered. His body was begging to go another round with her. He didn't know how she did it to him. She just kept turning him on, and his body kept responding. With Cassie, he felt like he would never run out of sexual energy for her.

  She grinned and pulled her hair back. “It won't be that bad. At least you're going to have good food.”

  He kissed her, pulling her soft skin into his clothed body.

  “You should get dressed,” he told her, keeping her close to him. “Your friends will be here soon.”

  She gave him one more small kiss and then pushed him away. He didn't want to go. He would rather go have a root canal than spend a romantic dinner with a woman that wanted him only for his money.

  Slowly, he left the apartment and the woman he wanted to spend the evening with behind.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  The ride to the restaurant didn't take long, but Wyatt moped the whole way there. He knew it was childish and that he was a full grown man, but since no one but Thor would see him, he pouted.

  When the car door opened to get out though, he wo
re a polite smile.

  Lorna was waiting for him at the table. She wore a tiny black dress that showed massive amounts of cleavage and left little to the imagination. Wyatt had to admit that she was very beautiful, but he much preferred Cassie's simple but elegant style. He liked having something left to the imagination.

  “Hi, Wyatt.” Her voice was low and breathy. She stood up sensually and stepped toward him.

  “Hello, Lorna,” he greeted her. He held out his hand and made it a point that he was shaking her hand, not giving a hug.

  She stared at his hand for a moment and then shook it with a surprised smile. “How professional.”

  He was a perfect gentleman. He had a plan to get through this. He pulled out her chair and helped her sit before going to his own seat.

  “So, Wyatt, tell me about yourself.” She leaned forward, showing off cleavage along with her eager smile.

  “I'm sure you've read most of it online,” he replied. “Or that Cassie's told you.”

  Her smile faltered slightly at Cassie's name. “Well, tell me about the boat you have at Cannes. I've heard it's amazing.”

  “I sold it,” he confessed. “I'm rarely in Cannes. It's too rich for my blood. I've found I much prefer being out of the spotlight. It's something Cassie and I share.”

  Lorna's eye twitched slightly again at Cassie's name.

  “Oh, look, the waitress is here.” Wyatt quickly scanned his menu. “I'll take the lobster special, please.”

  “What do you think I should have?” Lorna asked him. “What do you want for me?”

  “I don't know,” he replied. “Cassie always picks her own food. You should too.”

  Lorna's smiled dropped, and she glared at the poor waitress. “I'll have the lobster too. And the recommended wine.”


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