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Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  Sex was just something that happened, not something she particularly wanted.

  Karson, Easton, and Romeo were easier to deal with.

  The only difference was they made her go out shopping for women they wanted to fuck or had fucked and needed someone to buy a special gift as a parting present. Their asshole ways knew no bounds.

  Each night she’d climb into bed and read the last page of Carla’s diary before she slept. It helped her to remember why she’d done what she’d done. All the years of hard work, of the training, of the teaching. It had come to this moment, and there was no way she was backing down.

  She’d heard the argument between Romeo and Axton.

  He had all the files that kept them all in place.

  Taylor didn’t understand why the men worked for such a fucking prick. There was no reason for it.

  Standing at the copying machine, she placed the sheet on top of the glass plate and put the lid down. Typing in what she needed, she waited.

  “You’re here early,” Easton said.

  She turned to see him leaning against the door. It was seven in the morning, and in order to actually get much work done, she always arrived early. If Axton’s car was in the parking lot when she did, she was always tempted to turn around and not come back.

  “I’ve got lots to do, so I figured I’d get started early.”

  “Axton would say that you’re not getting paid overtime. That you have more hours in the day to complete your tasks.”

  “What would you say?”

  “That you can do whatever the hell you like.”

  “Awesome,” she said, the sarcasm dripping from her voice. Keeping her back to him, she finished her copying and gathered the papers up.

  “You’re doing well.”

  “Why do you guys put up with him?” she asked. “I’m curious. You guys are supposed to be friends, but half the time you look like you want to murder him.”

  “We are friends. Make no mistake about that. We’ve all got … problems. Axton more than many. Being the boss, his father before him, there has to be a leader, otherwise you’d have chaos, and a business doesn’t thrive in that environment.”

  “So you all bow down to him.” She saw the flare in his eyes.

  “We don’t bow down to him.”

  “It’s okay. We all know what it’s like to have a friend that seems to take something with them,” Taylor said. “For me it was Carla.”

  She knew she’d have to talk about Carla to be able to do what she set out. Speaking her name in front of him though, she watched him wince, and that made her curious.

  “I am sorry about what happened all those years ago. It would be fucking awful if I had to do something like that. I never saw Axton move so fast.”

  This made her frown. “Move so fast?”

  What were they talking about?

  “We all heard your scream. I don’t know what was going on, but then you were in the water. Didn’t you hear your name being shouted?”

  “I can’t remember.”

  “Axton was at the lake, walking in, coming to get you on your way back. You were struggling with her … body. You were freaking out. He was the one that got you and her out of the water. Don’t you remember?”

  “I … don’t.” The night was still hazy to her. “I … you were all standing waiting to talk to the police. I don’t remember much else.”

  “He’s the one that pulled you off,” Easton said. “That stopped you from trying to revive her.”

  She recalled strong arms holding her back, maybe even lips at the back of her head. She didn’t remember the whole of it, but those moments she did. “I had no idea.”

  “My point is, at times he may not seem like a good friend, but he’s always got our backs, no matter what.” Easton touched her arm, clearly trying to offer comfort. Right now, she wasn’t feeling anything. “Hang in there. You’re doing well.”

  She watched him walk away, more curious now than ever about Axton’s deal.

  Why had Easton flinched?

  What did Axton have?

  Would there be information back at home in his old house?

  Where were all of their fathers?

  They’d overthrown them when the scandal had broken out and had been proven to be incompetent.

  People like that didn’t back down without a fight.

  There was more to this.

  She had to know more.

  Pulling out her cell phone, she sent a quick message to Paul.

  Taylor: Find the original four fathers.

  The moment it was sent, she deleted her message.

  She wouldn’t put it past Axton to search her bag again. It had been taken, she’d known it had. The bag had been by her chair, closed.

  When she came back to her desk, her bag was by her chair, wide open.

  Taylor didn’t know if he’d done that on purpose so she could start throwing accusations around or not.

  Paul had told her to tread carefully.

  They first needed Holly to step out of the way. It just so happened that the Four Kings’ Empire’s previous PA had a knack for writing code. Paul had picked it up and offered a huge amount of money that meant Holly didn’t need to work outside the home anymore and could stay home with her child. On paper, no one could be suspicious. It was pure luck for Taylor that with Holly’s ability, it helped to open up the job she needed. She didn’t have any personal contact with Holly, and to anyone who looked closely it was pure coincidence. Paul had been trying to convince Taylor to stop all of this nonsense and move on. She couldn’t do it.

  Placing her cell phone in her pocket, she walked to Axton’s office and knocked. There was no answer.

  Taking a deep breath, heart pounding, she opened up his door and stepped inside. The morning sun filtered through the windows on the far wall of his office. The artwork he kept was boring, something that had clearly been picked out by a designer that had no relevance to the man who worked here.

  Along one wall was a bunch of old business books. That side of the room looked more like a lawyer’s office than a businessman’s. In the past week, she’d come to see that Axton wasn’t like most men.

  He didn’t have any personal tokens here, no achievements, no pictures, nothing. It was like the office was void of who he really was.

  Stepping up to his desk, she saw it was neatly set out.

  Three pens on one side of the desk, his laptop closed, waiting to be opened. The Four Kings’ Empire letterhead notepad on his desk, waiting for whatever he wanted.

  Sitting behind his desk, she glanced up at the door.

  He could come in at any minute, catch her.

  Placing the letters down on the desk, she tried the top drawer, and found it locked. The second was also locked on either side. The third, however, wasn’t.

  Sliding it open, she saw a stack of files. She picked up the one on top and found her name. There were pictures inside. Ones of her with Paul and David. Others of her shopping. Even some of her at her apartment room window, closing her curtains.

  What made her go cold was the night of the interview.

  There was one that showed Paul. He looked furious.

  Axton was following her, or someone was. She didn’t imagine for a second that he would follow her.

  Snapping the file closed, she saw easily a dozen more.

  She’d put her file inside when she heard the click of his door. Dropping the files, she slid the drawers closed and sat back in his chair. She’d discovered that none of the four kings had cameras inside their offices. She’d overheard Axton talking with one of the guys from security. They’d been advised to install cameras within the offices but Axton had said no. The building had been previously run by their parents. They had security cameras everywhere else but not in their offices, which made her wonder what exactly went down.

  The moment he entered the room, she saw his anger.

  The rage.

  She was sitting in his chair.
/>   “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he asked.

  “I was at the copying machine.” She placed her hands on the desk, hoping he didn’t see her nerves.

  The bastard had gotten someone to follow her. Now she was going to have to try to act naturally so he didn’t suspect anything.

  “What you’re doing is dangerous.”

  Yeah, she was starting to get Paul’s warning.

  No matter how dangerous, she wasn’t stopping. She’d come this far, and if she didn’t find what she was looking for and bring these men down for good, everything she’d done had been for nothing.

  Her life wasn’t going to be one long waste.

  She intended to get justice, no matter what.

  “Tell me what you’re doing in my office, sitting behind my desk.”

  “A little over a week ago, you told me that everyone had a price. Since then you’ve worked me hard, and I accept that. You’re not the best at what you do without a little hard work. Anyway, as I was at the copy machine.” She held up his letters. “Which are here, I decided to leave them on your desk.”

  “You’re going to tell me what changed your mind between then and now, and why you’re sitting on my property.” He stepped inside the room, and she watched him flick the lock in place.

  That shouldn’t arouse her.

  Seeing him glaring at her, like he wanted to kill her, shouldn’t turn her on. He could snap her in half, and he had enough wealth and power at his disposal to make sure no one could find her.

  Still, as he walked to the desk, slowly, with purpose, she felt her tits harden. Moisture flooded between her thighs, and in that moment, she wanted him more than anything else.

  “I suggest you give me a good reason before I call security and have you tossed out of here faster than you came.”

  He stood at the desk, and she gasped as he reached out. His hands grabbed the side of her, his thumb resting beneath her chin.

  He pulled, and she stood out of his chair. He leaned against his desk, his legs wide open, and he held her close. They weren’t touching, apart from the hand holding her hair and neck. His touch was rough. He could easily strangle the life out of her.

  Easton’s words kept running through her mind.

  Axton had been the one to pull her out of the water.

  That night, he’d been the one to help her.

  Someone had, she just hadn’t known who.

  “You’re an asshole,” she said. “A big, giant asshole, and I’ve hated every second of working for you this week. After the copy machine, I sat behind your desk, and I realized you have to be. You have to be this way because there are people out there who’d take this from you. This is your entire life. Your hard work. You don’t want to see it fail. Sitting in your chair, I appreciated everything you do because you’re teaching me. You’re showing me how to be a hard worker. How to be better. That’s why I was sitting in your chair.”

  Her heart pounded.

  For several seconds, maybe even minutes, he didn’t say a thing.

  Not a word. There were no sounds in his office.

  She wondered if he heard the thumping of her heart against her breast.

  His gaze moved from her eyes, down to her lips, then her neck. His thumb stroked over her pulse. His grip seemed to tighten for a split second, and he pulled her in so that his breath fanned across her face. Still not touching.

  He was the one in control, not her.

  “Be careful whose chair you sit in. You may not like what you find out.”

  He released her so gently, she wasn’t even sure he’d been rough in the first place.

  Axton picked up the files, flicking through them.

  “This everything I need?” he asked.


  “Good. You may leave.”

  She stepped away, her legs like jelly.

  Biting her lip, she closed her eyes and stopped the action.

  Turning back to face him, she waited. “You’ve been checking through them with that red pen. I’m waiting for you to do it again.”

  “You want me to mark your work? I’ve been an asshole all this time. I wondered how far you could go.”

  She smiled. “I guess I don’t have a lot of limits.”

  Now it sounded sexual.

  From the look on Axton’s face, he recognized it too.

  “I’d be careful who you tell that. There are a lot of bastards out there who’d be willing to take a chance and show you how good it is to not have limits.”

  “I like to live dangerously. No one is going to save me. I’ve learned to bite back.” He continued to watch her. “I better get back to work.”

  She didn’t wait this time.

  Unlocking his door, she stepped out.

  She went to her desk and paused. There on her desk was a single white box. Sitting down at her desk, she looked over the box, not really sure who would leave her a gift.

  Seeing a card slid beneath the ribbon, she turned it over.

  Every lady should have designer.

  Opening the ribbon, she lifted the lid, and inside was a designer bag. An exact one like the tan one she’d bought at the market the other month. The instant she saw it, she’d wanted it. Hadn’t cared about labels or designer. She’d made a comfortable life for herself. Designer labels weren’t part of it.

  A nice apartment, food, bills paid, and a good, working car was what she spent her money on. Bags were something that she needed, not necessarily wanted.

  Still, it was nice.

  Looking up, she saw Axton at the door, watching her. His dark brown gaze was on her once again.

  He didn’t say anything, but he left the door open this time.

  You’re getting in way above your head.

  It had only been a week, but she was learning all kinds of things. Stuff that she didn’t think was possible. Most of them had to do with the fact the Four Kings’ Empire was indeed a force to be reckoned with. From what she’d seen, they worked within an ethic. Their takeover bids were legal and above board. There were no signs of manipulation or blackmail. She actually enjoyed working for them. The work was hard and never-ending. Axton was a force all on his own. She couldn’t help but admire his tenacity for his company.

  Licking her dry lips, she put the lid back on the box and slid it inside her drawer. She’d take it home and use it tomorrow.

  Taylor had never been one to turn down a gift, and she wasn’t about to start now.

  Seeing several letters in her tray, she picked them up.

  Starting up her machine, as it had fallen asleep, she quickly read through the files, seeing nothing of any importance. One from Romeo, one from Easton, the other from Karson.

  Business letters.



  Even rejection letters.

  Women actually asked them for dates via email.

  It was all just crazy.

  This world she was part of was crazy.

  Pushing some hair off her face, she quickly escaped to the bathroom, needing to cool down.

  Those few moments spent with Axton had fired her up inside.

  Stepping up to the sink, she ran the cold water over her hands, fingers, wrists, before pressing them to her neck. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes.

  Flashes of the past came to her mind.

  She couldn’t stop it.

  This was her life.

  Opening her eyes, she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

  Releasing a breath, she felt her eyes well up. In her mind she saw two people. The reflection of what she’d become and the girl ten years ago who had stood looking at herself. Her bag hiked up over her shoulder, hair in a ponytail, no makeup, happy. This woman, she looked … scared.

  This is what you needed to do.

  Don’t forget why you’re here.

  You have to bring justice for her.

  She chanted her mission in her head, refusing to speak the words aloud. No
one could know. David and Paul were the only ones that knew.

  No one else was allowed to know why she was here.

  No matter that Axton pulled her out of the lake.

  Or held her when the paramedics arrived.

  Nor the fact he’d been there when she’d been about to drive away.

  What she wanted hadn’t changed.

  She was going to bring them down once and for all.

  Chapter Six

  Ten years ago

  “No! Carla! No!”

  Axton heard the sound of Taylor’s scream. He’d heard her voice enough times to know exactly what she sounded like.

  He turned toward where he last saw her, near the lake, looking through her cell phone. He guessed she’d been waiting for her friend. Carla was set to arrive, and he knew for a fact that Easton was nervous. Carla wanted to tell Taylor the truth.

  The last thing he wanted was for her to know what Easton was going to do. How he’d been fucking her for a bit of fun. To piss his father off, and to show him what a bad boy he was. His friend was fucked-up in the head. Where Axton went after the power, Easton liked getting his small victories. Easton didn’t see the bigger picture.

  Axton did.

  “What the fuck is that?” Karson asked.

  Taylor broke through the thin sheet of ice. The water must be fucking freezing cold. She didn’t stop though, and he watched as she grabbed whatever was floating in the water. She kept screaming Carla’s name, and he ran to the edge of the lake as she started to swim to the shore.

  Breaking through the water, he felt how cold it was, going into his jeans and soaking his skin.

  Taylor struggled, and he reached out, pulling her against him, helping them both. Carla was dead.

  He knew that instantly. Her body was so heavy and so cold.

  There was no way she’d survive that.

  Taylor didn’t even stop as he helped her out of the water. She knelt over Carla’s still body and started CPR.

  She wasn’t stopping.

  Calling Carla’s name.

  Telling her it would be okay.

  Looking up, Axton saw Easton.

  His friend was pale white.

  This resolved his problem.

  One dead baby momma and Easton’s reputation would remain intact.


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