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Page 16

by Sam Crescent

  Stepping out of it, she kept her heels on, which she’d stepped back into on the way back to the car. He turned her again with her hands above her head, his gaze on hers. She breathed in deeply, and he started to look down at her body.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said. “So fucking beautiful.”

  She gasped as his hand cupped her tit. His thumb skimmed across the nipple, teasing her, playing with her body as if it was his and only his.

  It is his.

  Only for this moment and not for much longer.

  Again, she focused on Axton’s touch. Not on the guilt she felt for enjoying herself or anything else. Just his touch and how he looked at her.

  She could get used to the way he stared at her, as if he was hungry for her and only her. No one had ever looked at her like that.

  “Spread your legs.”

  “You’re very bossy.”

  “I like to get what I want.”

  “And what else do you want?”

  “At the moment, for you to be quiet.”

  She pressed her lips together but still smiled, watching him, waiting. He traced a finger between her breasts, circling each nipple before sliding down. Going past her stomach, after dipping into her belly button, he moved down a thigh, then up again, going down the other one. He reached around, gripping her ass cheek, and she cried out, knowing there would be bruises from his touch.

  “I want to fuck your ass,” he said, kissing her shoulder. “There’s so many dirty things I want to do to you, Taylor.”

  She pulled her hands from where he held them, ignoring the burn from his grip. Pushing his jacket off, she released a few of his top buttons then pulled his shirt apart.

  “The only way to do dirty things to me, Axton, is to be naked.”

  Within seconds she had his clothes off, and they stood naked. His ink surprised her. He wasn’t covered by it at all. There was one on his arm, his top left shoulder, his stomach, and one across his heart. The one on his heart she recognized. The crown with four points for each of them.

  Stroking a hand down his chest, he caught her hands, holding them away from his body.

  “You don’t want me to touch?”

  “I want a whole lot more than that.” His gaze stared at her. “Turn around. Bend over.”

  She raised a brow but didn’t question him as she turned, giving him her back. Bending over, she waited for his next instructions.

  “Grab your ass, spread your cheeks open. I want to see your ass and pussy.” Gripping her ass cheeks, she wasn’t in any doubt that he’d see her. When he turned the light on, he’d be able to see every single part of her.

  He moved up behind her, and she gasped as his finger slid in deep to the knuckle.

  “Hold yourself still.”

  Axton added a second finger, pushing in and out. She closed her eyes, enjoying the way he teased her body. When he pressed a second finger within her, she moaned, rocking back against him.

  “How long has it been?” he asked.


  “Since you’ve been with a man? How long?”

  “Erm, a couple of years.”

  The only person she’d ever been with was David. How pitiful was that? She’d used him, and he’d showed her everything. She had also paid him for the pleasure of his teaching.

  Axton gripped her tit as he continued to finger-fuck her, stretching her open.

  “I like to do a lot of dirty things, Taylor.”

  “Like what?”

  “It depends on what you’re willing to do, how far you’re wanting to go with me.”

  This was the opening she needed.

  She wanted this, was curious about what he wanted.

  “Then take me on this ride with you, Axton. I’m not going anywhere.”

  He pulled his fingers from her pussy and spun her around, dropping her to her knees. “Suck them.” He pressed his fingers to her mouth, and she sucked each one. When he had all three fingers in her mouth, she couldn’t help but drool, but he still didn’t stop, pushing into her mouth, making her take it all.

  When they were clean, he took his fingers, sucking her saliva from them.

  “Open your mouth.”

  She opened her mouth, and he placed his cock inside, and she sucked him hard, moaning as he plunged all the way in, making her gag.

  He fucked her mouth for several thrusts before pulling out.

  Axton took her hand and started to pull her into his bedroom. Within seconds he had her bent over the bed, ordered her to hold her ass wide open, and she watched as he pulled out a condom, and then a dildo. It made her giggle to see him with the large fake cock in his hands.

  He moved toward the bed, his cock covered with the condom.

  She gripped the sheets beneath her as the tip pressed to her entrance. Just by feeling him there, she knew he was a big man.

  Slowly, inch by inch, he sank deep inside her. He stretched her wide. She’d not had a cock like his before, so long and ready to take her. She gasped as he gripped her hips and slammed to the hilt.

  At first, she did experience a little pain, which shocked her. The pain mixed with the pleasure, and she didn’t want it to stop. She felt each pulse of his cock as he filled her. She clenched around him, desperate for more, needing more of his cock, hungry for it.

  He pulled out of her, and he wrapped his fingers around her hair and jerked her up. She stared across the room to see the mirror. She’d not seen it when she entered, but there it was now, showing the two of them. He pulled out so only the tip remained. The condom ruined the visual. She wanted to see his dick, the thick vein, all of it, sliding in deep. Axton slammed inside her, and she cried out, watching it and feeling it all at the same time.

  “Watch me fuck you, baby.”

  He took her, fucking her hard, taking her to the next level of pleasure.

  She couldn’t get enough. He suddenly stopped, pulling out and releasing her.

  She moaned. “Please, don’t stop.”

  “I love hearing you beg, baby, but right now, I want something else.”

  She looked over her shoulder as he picked up the dildo, and he began to coat it in some lubrication.

  Biting her lip, she stared at him.

  “Do you want it?”




  I want this so badly.


  “Don’t worry. I’ll go slow. I’ll make sure you love it.”

  She turned back to looking at the sheet.

  Not once had she ever been honest with David. She’d always told him the answers he needed to hear. The desire she thought she was supposed to have. She didn’t tell him once that she’d craved to feel a man holding her down, taking what he wanted. How she wanted to hold herself open as he brought her pleasure. Being fucked in every single hole, and then held afterward.

  The top of the cock pressed against her ass, and she couldn’t help but tense up. Axton soothed her ass, stroking the curve.

  “Shh, it’s okay.”

  She chuckled. “I don’t think you should be soothing me when you’re trying to get a big fat cock inside me.” She cried out as he pushed the dildo past her tight ring of muscles, filling her ass with at least half of it.

  “Watch as I fuck your ass with this, baby. One day soon, I’m going to fuck it and fill it with my cum. Watch it run out. I may even film it so that I have it with me for a long time to come.”

  She whimpered. She liked the thought of him taking his pleasure, of watching them fuck. She’d love to watch that video as well.

  He pushed the cock inside her ass, and she gripped the sheet beneath her as it filled her, stretching her.

  When it was all in, Axton stroked her ass once again, moving his finger between her thighs to tease her clit.

  “So pretty.” He gripped her ass and moved her so that her ass was in front of the mirror. “Look.”

  The dildo he’d used had been dark. As she stared at her ass,
she saw just how filled and stretched she was.

  Axton didn’t let her watch for long. He pulled her back into position, and this time as he plunged inside her, there was more of a burn, the dildo in her ass making her smaller. She heard him moan and then tighten his grip on her hips as he fucked her hard. Each slap against her butt rocked the dildo within her, and she ached for more, desperate, needy, wanting it all.

  “Please, please, please,” she said.

  “Yes, that’s right, you’re all fucking mine, Taylor. You’re not getting away. When I say, you will come to me, and I will take what I want, and you’ll love every single thing that I do to you.”

  She pushed back and cried out as he started to stroke her clit. With the dildo in her ass, his cock in her pussy, and his fingers on her clit, she just couldn’t stop. The pleasure was so intense, the next level of pleasure, of pain, of everything she ever wanted and more. She’d dreamed about this moment, of being completely taken over by her own needs, of wanting an orgasm and feeling him come. There was no time for anything else. He fucked her hard, showing no mercy as he took and took, and she gave him willingly. There was nothing she wouldn’t give to him. He could have everything. She wanted to give him everything.

  “Please,” she said.

  “You want to come, my beauty,” he said.


  He teased her pussy, bringing her to the edge, making her whimper and beg for more. “I’m the one that controls your pleasure. I’m the one that says what you can have. Me and only me.”


  She would agree to anything just so long as he’d let her come.

  Axton pushed her over the edge, and she came, screaming his name, begging him not to stop, to do anything but to keep the pleasure coming. Her orgasm was so intense that it pushed him into his own. He held her hips tightly as he pounded away, taking what he wanted from her, and she gave it to him.

  There was nothing she wouldn’t give to him. Every single part of her belonged to him and him alone.

  As the pleasure started to ebb away, she didn’t feel anything other than being absolutely sated.

  “That felt amazing.”

  “That’s just the start.”

  He eased out of her pussy, and she watched as he wrapped up the condom, then tied it together, but he didn’t throw it away in the trash.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Axton didn’t say. He walked out of his bedroom and her curiosity was piqued. Following him to the balcony, she watched as he placed it in a trashcan, and then set fire to it, using a small amount of fuel. She couldn’t bring herself to step out, to look over at the city. Axton looked unfazed by his surroundings.

  The cock inside her ass was still there, rock hard within her.

  Minutes later, he came back inside. “Why did you burn it?”

  “A lot of women will go to great lengths to have our cum. Think about the amount of child support they’d get. The cushy lifestyle.”

  “I have no desire to have kids. That is … insulting.”

  “I’ve walked in on women who’ve tried to push used cum inside themselves. If Easton, Karson, or Romeo left a condom … believe me, we don’t allow anyone to take advantage.”

  “You fuck a woman together?”

  “Sometimes. Sometimes we just watch each other.”

  “The bond of brotherhood?”

  “You sound pissed.”

  “Of course I’m pissed. Seriously, as an after-fuck moment, Axton, that one sucked. You grabbed your special condom and burned it. Newsflash, not every single woman wants your kid. Wow, I can’t. You know what, I want to go home.”

  She was so angry right now. How dare he assume she was after his money or his kid?

  “I do this all the time. No need to get upset.”

  Taylor laughed and snorted. “Just compare me to all of your money-grabbing whores. Huh. After all, we only want you for your money. It has nothing to do with actually having a good time.” She grabbed her bra, quickly putting it over her tits and strapping it up. “I don’t want your kid, Axton, or your money. I mean, I get that there are women out there, but believe me, I don’t want any of that crap. When I have a child, it’ll be with a man who loves me. Who’ll want to spend time with my child and with me. They won’t look at him or her and think about how he’s been trapped or used. That’s not the kind of life I’d ever want any children I have to face.”

  He stepped up to her, grabbing the dress. “Good.”

  “Give me my dress, Axton.”

  He grabbed the dress and tore it in half. “You’re not leaving.”

  “Wow, you really don’t know how to behave like a gentleman.”

  “I never claimed to be one. Don’t mistake me for one either.”

  “Oh, believe me, I won’t.” She folded her arms, glaring at him. “Take me home.”

  “No. I’m not done with you yet.”

  “You’re not going to get done with me. I don’t want to be here.”

  He cupped her cheeks, tilting her head back. “My dildo is still in your ass. Let me help you out of it, and then if you still wish to go home, I’ll take you.”

  She pressed her lips together. It was on the tip of her tongue to shout all manner of things, to finally tell him her accusations. Was he the one to get Carla pregnant? The way he handled the condoms it made her wonder if he wasn’t willing to take that risk for that reason. She’d meant every single word she said. She didn’t want his money or his children, just the truth.

  “Fine. But I want to go home.”

  He took her hand, and she expected him to push her to the bed and start to remove the dildo.

  Axton led her to the bathroom.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m not just going to yank that thing out of you. I put it in when you were highly aroused. With the way you’re looking at me right now, I doubt you are. You’re also tense. I want you to relax.”

  He filled the bath, and she watched as he placed some soaps into the water, swirling them around with his hand.

  It all seemed a little surreal to her that he was doing this, that she stood in his apartment. They’d just fucked, and it had been raw and fantastic. She’d loved every second of it. Now though, she felt a little empty, a little lost.

  David had warned her about this, had told her that she’d struggle not to feel that connection, to keep the barrier up where he was just another man.

  “It’s ready.” He took her hand, and she didn’t fight him.

  Climbing into the water, she slid down so that she didn’t jar the dildo inside her.

  She went to ease back, but Axton stopped her by climbing in behind her. She wanted to protest, but he pulled her against him, gently, his legs down either side of hers.

  The sheer size of him surprised her. In this moment, she felt small, delicate, and she didn’t want to be a hard-ass. Not right now. She’d just had mind-blowing sex. Even though she hadn’t lost her virginity, something had changed inside her. This was the first time she’d had sex just to feel good, not for any other reason, and she was worried that she couldn’t go back. That she’d ruined everything.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “With you I seem to be putting my foot in it.”

  She didn’t say anything. Right now, she was too exhausted.

  He ran his hands up and down her body.

  Even though she didn’t want to feel anything, his touch did spark her arousal. He made her ache, and she didn’t want him to stop when he kept on touching her. She wanted him so much.

  He wasn’t a job right now.

  Axton was something else.

  “I don’t like being accused of stuff I’d never do.”

  “I’ll try to remember that. You’d be surprised what some women would do to have an easy life.”

  She sighed. “That’s not me. I like working hard.”

  “I noticed.”

  “You did?”

  “Well, I notice your ass th
e most.”

  She chuckled.

  “Are you still mad at me?”

  She held her hand up so he could see. “Little bit.”

  “Well, I’ll have to make it up to you.”

  He lifted her legs up so that they were on either side of the tub, spreading her open. His fingers teased down her body, moving between her thighs. She watched his hand as it moved between her slit, stroking her clit.

  Everything was becoming clouded around her. She had to stay focused, but the moment he touched her, she wanted to forget everything else and simply bask in the pleasure of his touch and push everything to one side.

  Couldn’t she have a little time to herself?

  “Give me everything, Taylor.”

  As if the devil himself had spoken.

  She pushed past the guilt and took for herself, letting herself go to the pleasure of his touch.


  Taylor opened her eyes, staring across Axton’s bedroom. After he’d made her come hard in the bathroom, he’d taken out the dildo and admired the hole of her ass. It had been dirty and sinful, and then they fucked again before falling asleep, his arm wrapped around her waist, holding her close.

  She had to leave.

  It was nearly four in the morning, and she had to get home, or do something to get to her meeting.

  Besides, she didn’t want the awkward morning-after routine. Slowly, rolling over, she took her time, moving away from him. He let out a grunt, and she stilled. His arm didn’t pull her closer, and she quickly slipped out of it, easing out of his bed and standing on the floor. In her apartment she knew where every single squeak was.

  Tiptoeing away from the bed, she hoped that he didn’t have any creaking noises.

  She moved quickly through his apartment toward the door. She pulled on her dress, only to realize that it was fucking torn. He’d torn it from her. He owed her for a new dress. Gritting her teeth, she passed his kitchen and paused. As if by some miracle there was a laundry basket filled with clothes. They were neatly folded and placed as shirts or sweatpants. Not a suit in sight. It kind of made her curious to see him in this kind of clothes. The hanging-out clothes where he didn’t have to be the boss. Taking a shirt and a pair of sweatpants, she quickly pulled them on, gathered her heels in her hand, and was about to leave. The temptation was too great though.


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