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Little Plaything: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Reighton Preparatory Academy Book 1)

Page 10

by Belladona Cunning

  “How? Hm?” Brett struts toward me, coming to a stop within an inch from pressing his body against mine. His heat assaults me, making me shudder. But not from arousal. It’s from fear of the unknown. “Did you like him petting that hungry cunt? Were you wet, thinking about all the things he would do to you?”

  I can’t say a word, because I was all those things and so much more. There was just something about Chaz and the way he dominated me in that dressing room that called to me. It made me melt into a puddle at his feet, my body readying for anything he would offer.

  I knew it was wrong; the entire time, I knew I should have pushed him away, but I couldn’t. My body had taken over, and the only thing I could focus on was my release. He had driven me to the point of no return, and it took Brett knocking on the door to snap me out of it.

  Would I have gone through with it if he hadn’t? The food in my stomach sours at the thought, because in the back of my mind, I know I would have. That’s the disgusting part about all this. Chaz knew how to play my body. But it was so sensual and hot, I couldn’t bring myself to stop him.

  God, I need to get laid. Just … not by any of these guys. They infuriate me to no end, and while hate sex is awesome, I’m still not going there with them.

  “Stop,” I whisper, hoping he gets the drift and doesn’t embarrass me further. But that is just a hope that’s quickly dashed.

  Wrapping his arms around me, I cringe at his hands tightening against my aching back. “Why?” He leans his face toward mine, licking his lips. I can’t stop my eyes from dropping to them, biting my own. “I’m right, aren’t I? You loved his fingers in your cunt so much, he nearly made you cream.”

  “Please.” I’m shaking in my boots, flashes of mine and Chaz’s time in the dressing room coming back to me. “Stop.”

  His breath coats my neck as he leans closer, an exhale falling from my lips as my eyes close to half-mast. When his tongue darts out and runs along the shell of my ear, my pussy clenches in need.

  “You hate that you want us,” he says in a gruff tone. “But you love the way we play your body like a finely tuned instrument. Why do you fight so hard, brat?” Another lick, and I gasp as he takes my earlobe between his teeth. “Give in and let me taste the sweetness between your curvy thighs.”

  I’m panting with need by the time he steps away from me. But once his proximity is no longer drowning my senses, I snap out of it. It’s a haze that falls away like cascading water. Anger swallows me whole as I narrow my eyes on his. There’s that thin line again, and I’m teetering on the edge.

  “Leave me alone.”

  He barks out a round of sadistic laughter. “Your pussy is clenching at the thought of one of our cocks pounding you into oblivion, but you still refuse to see it yourself. It’s pathetic.”

  It is pathetic, but I’m still not going to agree with him. It’s always been this way with me; I attract bad boys and thrive on the way they make my body sing. But that doesn’t mean I need to fall into the same, boring cycle here. I can be anything I want to be at RPA, and now I know that. My father may ignore my calls for Laura, but he did a good thing bringing me here, even if I don’t want to admit it yet.

  Here, I’m not the girl that fought for everything she has. I’m the girl with as equal an opportunity as the guys in front of me. There is no difference between any of us. Unless, of course, you add in the DLG’s and their obvious penchant for destroying my door and bullying me. Other than that, there’s nothing. We all have money. We all have power. The only difference if, I don’t abuse what I was given. Instead, I’m a person who came from nothing and won’t give them anything.

  That makes me stop. My eyes scan between all three of them.

  With that in mind, I look directly into Brett’s eyes. “It’s not me shunning you that pisses you off so much, is it? It’s the fact I came from nothing, still have nothing, and won’t give you everything. That’s it, isn’t it? You are all so egotistical and arrogant you believe everything should be given to you, and I’m the only person who won’t give you anything.”

  When his jaw ticks in irritation, I know I hit my mark. Brett, Chaz, and Dorran are so used to getting what they want, they have no idea how to act when they don’t. This is their version of a tantrum, and I know no amount of apologizing will make up for it. I could give in right now, but it would still chap their ass I didn’t in the beginning.

  But then, Brett scoffs, and I can’t lie and say it doesn’t knock the wind out of my sails. “You think too highly of yourself, brat.”

  “Oh, really?” Crossing my arms over my chest, I pin them each with a stare. “Then you won’t mind if I leave then, hm?”

  Turning my back on them, I make my way toward the door. I hear heated whispering come from behind but can’t make out what they’re saying. I wish I could; it would make a lot more sense than what the situation does now. I’m drowning; my head only breeching the surface of the cascading waves long enough for a tiny bout of oxygen. Eventually, I will drown, but it will not be because of my actions.

  It isn’t until I get to my bag and pick it up, that I hear three intakes of breath, then Brett absolutely fucking lose it.

  “You’re not leaving,” Brett snarls viciously, making me turn to see Dorran stop him. “You will stay in my room, and you’re not going any fucking where.”

  “Why?” I crane my head to the side.

  Out of all this, they have still yet to answer that. It’s all so perplexing, and the more tangled up I get, the more confusion befuddles me. Here are three extremely attractive guys, and they all want me. Yet, there are girls in this school that are prettier than I am. That’s not me being cynical or anything. It’s me telling the truth.

  The DLG’s are the epitome of perfection; possibly because of their medical enhancement, but that doesn’t truly matter in the gist of things. All that matters is they have pretty faces, banging bodies, and any guy would turn in his man-card to get a chance with any of them.

  These three guys are the only ones that have their attention. Yet, they’re standing here, forcing my hand to show them mine. It makes little sense. Hasn’t since the first day of school. Whatever game they’re playing will not settle well with me.

  “Why what?” Dorran asks, calmly. He’s the complete opposite from what he was earlier; cool, calm and collected. Probably trying to hide behind that facade he’s built up over the years. Well, too late, because I saw the real him when he was lying on top of me.

  When he tackled me on the lawn, I could practically feel the wrath leach off him in waves. He wanted to hurt me, make me pay for something. Except, I looked past all that hatred and fury and dug a little deeper. I saw that what he was showing me, was just what he wanted people to see. His cover; a mask to hide behind.

  All three guys hide behind their wealth, power, and influence. They don’t allow anyone to see who they really are, and in a way, that saddens me. It causes my heart to knock against my ribs as I peer at them, knowing what I do now.

  They’re just as broken as me, but they hide it better. They’ve been forced to hide themselves because of who they are and where they came from. It took a girl from the ghetto to see it; a girl that came from nothing, to see that having everything isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

  I lick my lips. “Why me? There are tons of girls that would literally kneel at your feet for a moment of your time. Yet, you three choose the one girl that wants nothing to do with you. Why?”

  Silence and heated stares are my only answer. But what they don’t get is in that silence, I hear everything.


  My eyes follow him around the room, watching as he picks up his phone, keys, and wallet. Brett is dressed to impress in brand name jeans, chucks, and a V-neck t-shirt. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he was a regular boy about to go do regular things. However, since I do, I know this is only something that will lead to disaster.

  He says nothing, but after a few taps against his phone screen,
he smiles lightly and pushes it into his pocket. I hate that I want to know what’s making him smile like that. And I do. I want to know, because it has to be something good. The only time he smiles is when he gets his way or he gets some, either way he’s getting what he wants.

  He seems too pleased with himself, and that has my hackles rising. My nerves are already frayed from earlier, but this … this is different. He looks like he’s planning something. I’m simply too tired to put up with his antics. My head pounds from my tumble earlier, and just as I predicted, my entire body is bruised beyond comprehension. They’re light, but as the days go on, they will become ugly and disgusting.

  “Where are you going?” I ask from my spot on his creamy sofa.

  He freezes on the steps leading from his dorm, as if he forgot I was here, then cranes his head to look at me over his shoulder. “Out.”

  Just like that? While I’m left in here to rot, he’s going to go out and pretend like he isn’t holding someone prisoner in his dorm room. The fuck? His sense of responsibility is glaringly twisted.

  I scoff. “Out? You went to all this trouble to get me here, and you’re going out?”

  This time, he turns toward me. His mouth curves into a semblance of a smile. If I didn’t know the devil behind those lush lips and angular jaw, it would actually trick me into believing he was a gentleman. But since I do, he’s literally smiling to the blind because I’m not falling for it.

  However, that doesn’t mean the rest of him doesn’t go unnoticed. My mouth waters at the sight of his muscles bunching; his shirt so tight I can see the ridges of his abs as he clenches them. I’m a sick, sick bitch, because I shouldn’t notice such things, especially about Brett. But that doesn’t mean I don’t. He is handsome with bright eyes and hair I want to slip my fingers into. But being handsome doesn’t just mean what I see on the outside; it has to seep into the inside of them as well.

  “We have you right where we want you, so why shouldn’t I go out and enjoy myself?” He cocks a brow.

  Fucking arrogant pig. “Um, I don’t know, because you’re forcing me to stay here. What the hell do you think?”

  “Are you going to give in?” His eyes run all over my body before settling on mine once more. “It would tempt me to stay if that were the case.”

  Rolling my eyes, I break our connection and glare out through the window. My gaze peers into the dark, ominous night surrounding us, while I fight within myself to just leave him be. Let him do what he wants, go where he wants, and just shut my mouth and fly under the radar. If he’s not here, then I won’t have to worry about being hit on, or worse, seduced like I was earlier.

  But a part deep inside of me stirs at the thought of him heading out to sleep with someone else. That while I’m a prisoner in his dorm, he will fuck someone else in theirs. It’s not right, and I don’t even know why I care.

  He couldn’t have slept with Kamila whenever he caught me in the shower. Because I wasn’t in there that long, and by the time I was finished and cleaning up the mess, she was already there. So, unless he’s a minuteman, there was no sexy time. I’d just assumed and didn’t really think about it until now.

  Plus, there was the whole ‘touching my ass thing.’ Brett may be an asshole, but I don’t think he goes out of his way to hurt the girls he fucks.

  From what she said, he should be more interested in getting on my good side, so I’d forget what they’ve done to me. They’re entire plight since I got here has been to sleep with him, or all of them. But now he’s going out and looking to get laid? Figures.

  I sigh. “Well, have a nice time.” Is all I offer. Silence ensues until I get a grunt and slam of his door in return.

  I wait, for what feels like an hour, before hesitantly moving toward the windows. Maybe his dorm is just like mine, and I can get out of here before he returns. Knowing him, he took Chaz and Dorran with him, because those three seem glued at the hip. Even though I’m new to this part of the world, I’m not new to the actions of wingmen. So, he’ll most definitely take them along to field the other girls he doesn’t want, for the one he does.

  Pressing on the windows, I make my way from one side to the other, dread settling in my stomach the longer I feel around. When I get to the wall, I pat my hand over it, but quickly come up empty. My entire body deflates like a popped balloon when I realize that I’m stuck here. Even that bodyguard from earlier is standing outside, so I know he won’t allow me to leave, even if I wanted to.

  What am I saying? Of course, I want to leave. Being in Brett’s dorm is dangerous, and I’ve had enough danger in my life already. I rub against the scar on my stomach, wincing as if I can still feel the serrated edges of the knife he used on me. No, don’t go back there, I tell myself, exhaling long and hard to get back in control.

  Sighing, I turn around and fall back against the window, sliding all the way to the floor. Wrapping my arms around my knees, I push my face into them, fighting back the tears coating my eyes.

  While he’s out having the time of his life, I’m stuck here—a prisoner. What’s even worse, I know deep down Brett isn’t above bringing someone back here. Just to prove their point from earlier, he’ll fuck some chick with me in the other room, unable to do anything except listen to her cry out as he pounds her into sweet oblivion.

  So, no matter what I do, I’m fucked. Whether figuratively or physically. This sucks.

  I don’t know how long I sit here, but the sound of a key being put into the lock pulls me from my reverie. Leaning my head back against the glass, I stare at the door as Brett steps through. His eyes scan the living room until they land on me, darkening for some unknown reason as his jaw clenches. But instead of saying anything, he makes his way across the room, then comes to a stop in front of me.

  The smell of cheap beer and floral perfume turns my stomach when I inhale. Eyes watch him through my lashes, and a spark of heat ignites in my stomach when I spy a smudge of lipstick just below his right ear. It’s too dim to make out the color, but I’m almost sure I know who it belongs to. Patricia; the girl that hangs all over him during school.

  “Come on.”

  He holds out his hand to me. My gaze flicks down to it, taking in every detail. He probably touched her in very intimate places with those hands tonight, and now, like a fool, he thinks I will take his offering. No, there’s no probably to it. If that lipstick stain on his neck says anything, he got what he wanted and then came back to his dorm to make my life more of a living hell.

  “Just get me a sheet and pillow.” I ignore his hand, bringing my eyes back up to his.

  His brows furrow in confusion. “Why?”

  “I’ll need something to sleep on the couch with.” That was a dumb question. It’s not like I’m going to be sleeping with him. No fucking way that’s happening.

  His eyes darken further as he licks his lips. “Not happening. You will sleep with me.”

  I scoff, shaking my head back and forth in exasperation. “Now that will never happen. Besides, you smell like a whorehouse.”

  “Get off the floor before I make you get up, brat,” he growls menacingly.

  Something tells me he’d do it. Brett always gets what he wants, and I don’t think he’s above using anything against me. So, what to do? I can stay on this floor all night, wishing I was anywhere except here. Or, I can take his hand, get up, and possibly sleep in a nice bed.

  I think I’d rather take the floor. Yeah, in fact, I’m sure of it.

  “I’ll stay here. Thanks, though,” I reply snippily.

  Since he’s making no move to get that sheet and pillow, I lie down right where I am. My abrupt movement has him stepping back a few paces to keep from being kicked. I turn away from him and flatten myself against the window, my exhale fogging up the glass in front of me. My eyes stare out into the inky darkness, much like the thoughts muddling around inside my mind.

  I can’t see anything more than a few feet away from the back of the building. But what I can see gives me
enough to transfix and forget about the brooding guy behind me. The guys whose eyes I can feel burning a hole right through me. It takes everything to resist the shudder building in my gut, but I do.

  “Fine,” he finally says, the sound of his shoes clipping against the hardwood. “Be pig-headed and stubborn. I’ll be in my nice comfortable bed, while you’re left to the floor.”

  At least the floor doesn’t lie. I know it’s unforgiving and damn near uncomfortable, but I’d rather be here than up those stairs, lying in a luxurious bed with Brett at my back. Shit knows what he did when he left earlier, and I don’t want any part of him touching me. It may be juvenile, but goddammit, this is my point to prove. He doesn’t get to go do whatever he wants, then come back and demand I fall in line.

  He may keep me here against my will, but he won’t have an accepting housemate. What he did tonight sickens me. Yes, I know he has needs; everyone does. Even I have a scratch that needs itching sometimes. But the difference between him and I is, I don’t rub it in someone’s face. He could have showered or something before demanding things of me.

  Yes, I wondered why he was going out when he went through all the trouble to get me here. But knowing what I do now, where he went tonight, it causes resentment and fury to rise to the surface.

  What the hell is wrong with me? Nothing Brett does should get to me, unless it reflects me personally. If he wants to kiss, fuck, and impregnate someone, it shouldn’t bother me. I will not allow it to bother me. He’s just living his life. The least he can do is not pull me down with him.

  I need to put all of those guys out of my head and just focus on me and my survival. And I hope that what I’m about to do doesn’t blow up in my face. I hope, with everything in me, they can help me out of this situation. I don’t care what I have to do. All I know is I need to do something.

  Checking over my shoulder, I catch the sight of his back as he retreats into his room. The lights douse, leaving me in quelling darkness, with just the click of his door signaling he’s shut me out.


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