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Phoenix Ashes Master

Page 21

by Anne, Melody

  “Let’s get to work,” she told Sadie. The two girls pulled out supplies from a small hidden bunker, immediately laying out blankets and setting up tables to hold medical supplies. They had to try to keep everything as sterile as possible. It was going to be a long day. She hoped her mother and father arrived soon.

  The first of the injured stumbled in, and Phoenix and Sadie fought nausea when they examined the burnt skin on one of the small children.

  “It’ll be okay, Amy. We’re going to put some medicine on here that will make you feel so much better,” Phoenix assured the girl.

  “Where’s my daddy?”

  “He’ll be here soon, baby. He promised to be here soon,” her mother said as she laid a hand on Amy’s head and comforted her crying child.

  “Help, please. Somebody help!” Sadie turned to find two guys carrying a woman. Sadie rushed over and nearly passed out. The woman had a huge slash running across her ribs with blood seeping out.

  “Lay her on the table.”

  It only took a few moments for Sadie to assess the situation. The woman was dead. The next couple of hours were more of the same. Some people came in with minor injuries while others were either dead or soon to be. There was only so much they could do for their people without proper hospital facilities, and full-on medical training. They did a lot, but some wounds were too much for any of them to fix.

  Trying to push the tragedy of the situation out of their heads, Phoenix and Sadie worked hard, keeping busy enough that they didn’t have time to worry about their parents or the others they loved.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  *** Jayden ***

  “Pick up the pace. We need to get there now,” Jayden yelled as he sat up straight in his seat. Panic was overwhelming his ability to think. They neared the base just as the last of the darkness was replaced by early morning light.

  He looked above the treetops as they rounded a bend, his gut clenching as he saw smoke rising above the trees. He heard a gasp while the men behind him had their gazes glued to the windows.

  “That’s too much smoke for only one building to be on fire,” Ben said as his foot slammed down on the accelerator, maxing out the speed on the truck, the other two vehicles staying right behind them. They knew there was trouble, and they needed to get there quickly to help their friends and family.

  They pulled up to the gate, the guards looking panicked as they watched the vehicles stop just before smashing into the solid metal chain.

  “Open this gate, now!” Ben thundered at the young guard who rushed to the controls and hit the button after a few shaky tries. The second there was enough of an opening for them to squeeze through, Ben floored the gas again, rushing into the base, then slamming on the brakes as they pulled up on the crowds of people rushing toward them.

  “They’re following the evacuation plan,” Steve said, with outright wonder and pride in his voice that people were keeping as calm as possible in the face of danger.

  “Everyone get in position — do what you were trained for. Do not deviate,” Jayden called out over the radio before he jumped from the vehicle.

  He ran toward his cabin. He had to grab his supplies, and he was hoping the cabin hadn’t gone up in smoke yet. Just as he reached the place he’d called home for months, he heard the thundering noise of an immense storm brewing.

  It wasn’t just any storm. Exceptionally strong, dark powers were at work. He listened, his body tense as he took a moment to calm himself. The panic he was feeling wasn’t his own. He could taste the fear of all those around him, feel every emotion flood through him as the people fought dangers coming at them from every direction.

  His entire being wanted to make sure Phoenix was secure — save her first — and then come back for the rest. He slowed down and focused, closed his eyes, and reached for her, searching through the chaos erupting around their base. With a relieved breath, a sudden calm settled over his body, focusing his mind, and letting him know exactly what he was supposed to do.

  Phoenix was scared, but she wasn’t hurt, and not in immediate danger. She was running as she clung to Sadie’s hand, and they moved quickly through the chaotic dawn. She’d make it to her destination unharmed. Now that he knew she was safe, he had to save those who were too panicked to make it out on their own.

  He grabbed what he needed and then moved to his open door when his breath caught. Knowledge hit him seconds before a demon stepped over the threshold. He recognized it at once, a creature called Masciatol, basically a sewer rat. It was a small immortal, easily able to slither through holes, striking its victims fast before they had a chance to know it was there.

  The beady red eyes glared up at him from its position on the floor as it took a retreating step. It had counted on catching Jayden unaware, and the monster knew it had little chance of defeating an immortal with his power without the element of surprise. It also knew it didn’t want to face its master’s wrath if he found out the creature had scurried away in fright.

  Jayden wanted to know what was happening. Why the sudden attack? Was Vyco there? Was this all so Phoenix could be captured in the ensuing chaos? Vyco had been smart in sending a Masciatol after him. The demon lord had made the creatures incapable of speaking so they weren’t able to be tortured into spilling the underworld’s secrets.

  As if the creature had finally made its decision, a screeching howl rumbled from its mouth, its eyes feverishly glinting at him in the dim emergency lights flashing overhead, and its body twitching in anticipation of an attack.

  With a quick step, Jayden reached for his sword, a gift from Cassidy he’d gotten not long ago. It was pure silver, deadly to the creatures who roamed the night. When fighting inhuman beings, many human myths had a ring of truth behind them.

  As if the creature had no self-preservation instincts, it leapt forward, heading straight for Jayden, its head down as it zipped quickly across the floor, trying to get lost in the shadows before it made a strike.

  Jayden didn’t give the thing time to gain an advantage. With a quick twist of his body, he moved as the creature leapt to attack his lower body. He kicked out, slamming it back to the ground before the gleaming silver sword arched through the air and sliced the Masciatol in half.

  Jayden knew it wouldn’t be the last of the disposable demons Vyco would send in force to destroy the mortals who wouldn’t join him.

  With no more thought of the scurrying creature, Jayden stepped into the burning chaos that had grown supernaturally quick in the short time he’d been inside.

  Fires burned all around him, people screaming as they ran in groups to their designated checkpoints. Shots rang out as the trained soldiers fought against unseen forces. Fear was evident in the sporadic firing of semi-automatic weapons.

  He turned his head, and to his horror, watched as a ball of fire shot through the air, flying into Marcy. Her face contorted as her clothes went up in flames. He reached her with superhuman speed, quickly smoothing his hands over her charred flesh, but it was too late.

  As he looked into her eyes and saw life start to leave their depths, he knew she wasn’t going to make it.

  “I . . . I love you . . .” she gasped before her body jerked and then went still. He knelt frozen to the ground, unsure of what to do. She’d been delirious, scared. She hadn’t really loved him — probably hadn’t even known it was him. He’d never done anything to lead her to believe he was available to anyone other than Phoenix.

  “This is all your fault. Can you see yet what your desire for seeking blood has done? More people are dying, innocent people. I hope their souls torture you for eternity!”

  Jayden stood to find Miranda glaring at him, a few of her followers dutifully sticking by her side. It took him less than a second to assess the situation.

  “You helped start this fire,” he said incredulously. How could she help kill so many of the people who’d taken her in?

  “Blasphemer. I think you’re the one w
ho started it,” she shouted as she turned to run off. Jayden wanted to strike out, send her flying into the burning flames. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t figured out sooner that she was working for Vyco. The evidence was written in her emotions. She hadn’t expected the outcome of what Vyco had done, hadn’t expected him to strike them all down, including her.

  With a strength he didn’t know he had left, he turned away from her. She wouldn’t last long in this battle, and he had people to save — not absolution to obtain.

  “Where are you?” he shouted, his frustration echoing across the base.

  He didn’t know if he was yelling at Vyco or Josiah, but it didn’t matter. He had to find Vyco and destroy him, but Josiah should have been there as well. He should be protecting his people, watching over them. It was clear that Vyco had broken the rules, so why wasn’t Josiah doing more to intercede?

  “Jayden, this way!”

  Jayden turned to find John and Cassidy quickly approaching. He should’ve felt their presence and known they were back. He was all off. His trip to another realm was making him hazy. Jayden felt a spike of fear that he’d lost some of his senses in the other realm. He didn’t have time to dwell on it, though. Too many lives would be lost if he didn’t do what had to be done.

  “Do you know what’s happening?” Jayden asked as he moved quickly, closing the gap between his sister and brother-in-law.


  John spit out the name with the disgust it deserved.

  “Look out!” Cassidy yelled as she looked behind Jayden. He turned to see a Monith flying at him. With precision speed, he pulled his sword from its sheath and sliced through the air. The creature’s head rolled away from its body as the rest of its parts fell to the ground and quickly went up in smoke.

  “Where’s Josiah?” he asked Cassidy.

  “I don’t know. I can’t get through to him. He hasn’t come when I’ve called. I don’t understand anymore,” Cassidy said with despair ringing in her voice.

  “We have to move. There’s no use dwelling on this now. Round up the wounded, kill the demons, and meet at the checkpoint,” Jayden said before taking off. He must complete his mission so he could get to Phoenix. The longer he stayed away from her, the more his fear grew. Vyco was after her — and it looked as if he wouldn’t stop until he succeeded.

  Vyco didn’t realize the love and loyalty Jayden had for Phoenix. The demon couldn’t possibly understand that kind of a connection. That was the one weakness that could take the dark lord down.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  *** Vyco ***

  “Come to me,” Vyco commanded as Jessica entered the room.

  His eyes followed her graceful movement as she slid across the floor, his eyes narrowing at the sight she made in her newly formed demonic body.

  “I’m so pleased you’re back, my liege,” Jessica whispered as she moved to his throne and knelt in front of him. His hand moved out and traced the black stripe on her cheek, then moved down the stripe across her throat and over her chest.

  “You’re stunning,” he said, his voice filled with awe.

  “I’m glad you’re pleased. I want nothing more than to please you.”

  “Mmm, I wonder . . .” he said as his voice trailed off and he stood to his full height.

  “My lord?” Jessica questioned, her tone sufficiently obedient.

  “I can’t see your thoughts Jessica, but I can easily look into your eyes. You’re greedy for power — hunger runs through your veins. I like that, don’t get me wrong, but if you ever think about crossing me, I’ll end your pathetic existence,” he said, his tone turning to steel as he gripped her chin and forced her eyes to look at him.

  Jessica fought the rage brewing in her. How dare he mistreat her like this! She’d have his throne if it were the last thing she accomplished. She’d go along and play his game for a while, but when the opportunity struck, he’d be the one pleading for his life.

  “I see the anger brewing. You don’t like my threat, Jessica?”

  “I’m sorry, my liege. It’s just the thought of not spending my eternity with you is too much for me to bear,” she quickly said, hoping there was enough sincerity in her voice.

  “You’re a danger to me, Jessica, but I haven’t tired of you yet. I have to say I also like your new form. It’s quiet pleasing. You’ve turned into an incredible sight to behold,” Vyco said.

  Jessica was vain enough to enjoy his praise. She wanted all of the beasts to fall at her feet, worship her beauty, and give her everything she ever wanted. It pleased her beyond anything else — almost beyond her desire for more power.

  “You’ve nothing to fear from me, Vyco. I’m your loyal servant.”

  “I don’t fear anything!” Vyco thundered, causing several of his demons in the room to quake.

  “Of course, my lord. I wouldn’t desire you so if you were anything other than the magnificent, all-powerful leader you are.”

  “That’s right, Jessica. I’d show you how your new form pleases me, but we don’t have time. We have much to do this night. Your previous camp will be destroyed, along with several other mortals who have fought me. I’m tired of waiting for the soldiers to do what they should’ve completed by now. The people are rising against them, starting to gain confidence again. I can’t have that. My demons are moving toward them as we speak. Would you like to watch the show?”

  “Yes, very much, my lord,” Jessica responded excitedly. She greatly wanted to watch the demise of Phoenix. The only thing that would give her greater satisfaction than Phoenix’s death would be if she were the one inflicting the fatal wound.

  “I see the glint in your eyes, and I’m warning you, if you harm Phoenix, your death will be as promised — painful and long. She’s mine!”

  “I wouldn’t betray you, Vyco — never. I only want to be on your arm as the world continues to burn. What have you planned?”

  “My demons are going to dismantle Phoenix’s precious base, and take as many lives as they can get their hands on. They’ve moved throughout the West Coast, capturing many humans who have resisted me. We’ll see how many of them join me on the other side of the veil,” he said with malevolent delight.

  “Oh, that sounds good, my lord. Shall we go?” she asked, eager not to miss a minute of the bloodshed.

  “Yes. We leave now. Hold on,” Vyco told her as he pulled her body against his. Jessica wiggled her hips, teasing him with her added curves before the two of them were surrounded by fire and transported from the dark realm up to the fragile land of the light.

  Jessica looked out at the thundering sky as the two of them appeared on a mountain overlooking the small island that Phoenix and her crew thought was so safe. She watched as giant waves built out at sea, waiting for Vyco’s command to rush to the beaches and overtake the island, pulling everyone and everything in its path back to the depths of the ocean.

  The people would be luckier to die by a tsunami, their deaths quick. If the demons got hold of them, their lives would slowly dwindle as the monsters fed on their flesh and tortured them, eliciting screams of pain from their weak, frail bodies.

  “Why can’t we get closer? We aren’t able to hear the sound of their cries from this location,” Jessica asked, wanting nothing more than to feed off of the sound of mortal pain.

  “I won’t let you that close to Phoenix, Jessica. I’m not a fool — no matter how much you think you might have deceived me,” Vyco replied.

  Before Jessica could defend herself, Vyco grabbed her, shoving her to the ground before placing an invisible bind on her that kept her motionless. He gazed down in delight as she struggled to break free.

  “What have I done to displease you?”

  “I know everything, Jessica — remember that. Now, you’ll please me as I absorb the pain and fear of the humans below as they fight for their lives.”

  Jessica’s eyes widened in fear as Vyco transformed, no fondness showing in
his expression. What he was about to do to her wasn’t in the least about pleasure. As the first strike against her body absorbed into her skin, she screamed out in pain.

  By the time Vyco finished torturing her, her immortal soul was barely alive, her flesh torn, her powers drained. Vyco took his pleasure from her — then left her on the mountain to die, leaving his immoveable bindings still in place. Before she slipped into unconsciousness, her only thought was on revenge against him, to show him pain unlike anything he could ever imagine.

  He should’ve killed her while he had the chance. Now, she’d get her revenge, and it would be ever so sweet.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  *** Phoenix ***

  The ground began to tremble, sending a table crashing to the quivering surface, and causing the injured people, who were lying on thin blankets on the floor to cry out as their bones rattled and their open wounds were jarred.

  “What in the hell is going on now?” Sadie shouted, causing Phoenix’s head to whip around. Sadie was the calm one, always having her head on straight in stressful situations. To hear her start losing it was almost a relief — Sadie was as imperfect as the rest of them.

  “I don’t know, but I don’t like it. The last time the freaking ground started to shake, a huge hole opened up and pulled me into it. I really don’t feel like hanging with Vyco at the moment.”

  Sadie looked at Phoenix, surprised her friend could make even the slightest joke. Their base was destroyed, more injured were still coming in, and now the earth felt as if it was opening up to swallow them whole.

  “What happens next, Phoenix? I don’t know what to do,” Sadie mumbled as she bandaged the last person to stagger into their growing group. The two girls looked at the crowd milling around them. A couple hundred people were standing, sitting, or lying down, waiting for further instruction.

  “The elders will be here soon. They’ll know what to do,” Phoenix reassured her.


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