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Unbelievable (Heroes of Calvano Security Book 1)

Page 7

by Nikki Rome

  As his hands continued to move over her, she remembered she didn’t need to tell him. He was showing her he hadn’t forgotten how her body worked. Jason was coaxing pleasure from her that she hadn’t experienced since the last time she had been with him. Years ago, it was this same man that taught her how to love her body, and now he was teaching her the same thing all over again. Jason was hitting every little spot that made her blood boil and he wasn’t showing any signs of slowing down. She tried reaching for him, or for his towel at least, and he looked at her with a grin that could melt her panties.

  “No, love. This is all for you.”

  “But I… I can…” she trailed off as his fingers dipped just below her panty line while he was sucking on the soft skin just behind her ear.

  He worked his fingers to the soft folds between her legs. His hands felt so large on her, and his skin was rough, but it was him. It was her Jason, and she felt more than she ever imagined she would again. He leaned down over her and placed his mouth over her breast. Her left side was more damaged than her right, but that was the one he had chosen. With each gentle suck at her nipple, she could feel more heat pooling in between her legs. She was slick with her desire for him, and he could feel it, and took advantage.

  “That’s it, just relax into me.” He nipped at the skin on the side of her breast and looked up at her.

  “Does that feel good, Christy? I need to hear it. Tell me how you feel.”

  “Yes… I… Yes, it feels good, so good,” she gasped.

  “Don’t come yet, I want to taste you first.”

  He pulled his hand away from her center and his mouth from her breast. She nearly cried out at the loss of his touch. Then he was pulling down her panties and kissing his way down her body until he reached the apex of her thighs. Lowering his head and widening her legs, he looked up at her. Realizing she couldn’t see him clearly, he reached for a pillow and propped it up behind her head.

  “Watch me, Christy, I want your eyes on me the entire time.” He said as he resumed his position between her thighs.

  She looked down, and the sight of him undid her. He lowered his head and found that tight little bundle of nerves his fingers had been massaging with soft circles. He mimicked the same circular motion with his tongue and far too soon she felt the tingling feeling all over her body that was the telltale sign that she was about to fall apart. Bucking against his mouth, she screamed out his name as he added his fingers, thrusting them in and out of her.

  “JASON, oh my Jason… I can’t I…”

  He raised his head and said, “Let go.”

  Those last and final words sent her over the edge. It was like nothing she had ever felt before. All the pent-up aggression and energy she had been feeling exploded, at the same time her body just gave in to his control. She closed her eyes tight and felt each wave and pulse of her orgasm rush through her like a freight train.

  Spent and exhausted, she reached for him. It had been so long since she felt this way; she knew full well he was the only one who made her come undone like this. He came back up to her and kissed her and pulling away with one of those satisfied grins. She could feel the length of him hard and pressed into her thigh. She needed to reciprocate, and fast. Lying next to her, he just pulled her into his arms. She was naked as the day she was born, and he still had that stupid towel on. When she reached for it, he put his hand on hers, stopping her movement.

  “No, sweetie, not now. This was for you; I need you to trust me. I need you to believe me when I tell you I will do nothing to hurt you. We can move slow.”

  “But…” she trailed off as he kept talking.

  “I’m scared I won’t be able to hold myself back. I want you so fucking bad that I’m afraid I will scare you. So, for now, just let me hold you. Can I do that?”

  Dumbfounded and at a loss for words, she just nodded her head and then snuggled into his warm embrace. His words and actions made her question everything she thought she knew about him. But she was too sated to think about it now. Sinking into his embrace, she relished the arms that held her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  They spent the rest of the day in bed. Jason couldn’t remember the last time he had done anything like that. Having nothing to do usually gave him an uneasy feeling, but doing nothing with Christy was wonderful. He was holding her, and she was letting him. Rarely did she pull away or get a panicked look. It seemed like she was letting her guard down and starting to trust him. If he thought back to what had happened to her, it was amazing she had come this far in such a short period of time.

  “You will need to leave soon,” she suddenly said.

  His body tensed.

  “How about some food first? Come with me,” he said, getting up from the bed and pulling her with him.

  “Are you changing the subject?”

  “Maybe, but I’m also hungry,” he replied and gave her a wink.

  “I suppose I could throw something together for you.”

  He pulled her to him and leaned in to kiss her. Nothing sounded better than watching her cook. Some of his favorite memories came from seeing her create magic in the kitchen.

  Christy pulled away. “Stop distracting me,” she said with a laugh.

  Jason followed Christy to the kitchen and took a seat at the counter. He watched as she headed straight for the refrigerator and pulled out fresh tomatoes, garlic and heavy cream. Add to that the olive oil, pasta and seasonings she pulled from the pantry and he could not wait to eat.

  “Do you normally keep the ingredients for my favorite pasta dish in your fridge?” he asked.

  “Maybe it’s my favorite too.”

  “I’ve missed your cooking, I have missed you Christy.”

  She turned looking back at him. The look on her face was confusing, he couldn’t tell if she was pleased with his admission or not, so instead of guessing he stood and walked to where she was standing by the stove.

  “I promised you we will take things slow and I mean that. In the bedroom and in our relationship.”


  “No buts Christy, I don’t play games anymore. I am serious when I tell you I’m not going anywhere. I am yours, I always have been.”

  She stepped back from him and faced the counter to chop tomatoes. He reached for her arm; she jumped at his touch.

  “Christy, what’s wrong?”

  She cleared her throat, “Jason, I appreciate all you have done for me, I do, I just don’t think we need to go down this road again.”

  Taking a step back, he said, “I should have never let you go the first time. Maybe if I hadn’t, then I would have always been able to protect you. If you were with me all these years, we would be in a different place right now. A better place, and I’m not willing to give up that future. Not again.”

  Christy didn’t know what to say to that. She could already feel her heart breaking at the thought of him leaving, but she also didn’t think she could be in a relationship with him. She wasn’t certain if he wanted her because he wanted to protect her or if he felt love for her in the same way she did for him.

  He went on, “We spent years just hanging out and having fun. What I am after now is something more serious. Christy, I want you to be mine. No more screwing around.”

  She couldn’t believe her ears. The words coming out of his mouth were things she would have loved to hear when they were young. After hearing his words, her mind told her he felt obligated to protect her, but her heart wanted more. She was such a mess and yes; she felt better with him, but he still hadn’t seen what she went through every day. Jason would think she was insane. He would never stand for that level of high maintenance. It was best if she just let him go.

  “I can’t be with you like that. I don’t think I can be with anyone that way.”

  He felt like someone had just punched him in the gut. He could tell he was pushing her too far, too fast. He needed to pull back, reengage slowly and coax her to him like a frightened doe. He had to f
igure out what would draw her to him without resistance. Christy needed to know that he was going to do everything he could to protect her at all costs. She didn’t deserve to live in a constant state of worry. However, if he told her the plans he had for her asshole ex, it would terrify her.

  “Don’t make any harsh decisions right now. Let’s just see where everything goes. Can we do that?”

  Christy stood there thinking. Maybe she could try and still keep her heart protected. If she kept herself from falling in love with him again, then maybe it could work. Having him in her life was appealing, in fact just having someone who knew her history was nice. He was someone she could talk to. That was a start. Christy knew she would regret it, she knew that before she even said the words.

  “I guess we could try to be friends again,” she said calmly.

  Jason smiled. He would take what he could get. It was getting dark, and they needed food.

  “Let’s finish cooking and eat. After that I will give you some space.”

  Her shoulders dropped, and she frowned slightly. He could sense her disappointment. “Just know, I don’t want to leave, but I think we both need some time.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  “How about you let me take you for the weekend?”

  “The weekend?”

  “Yes, just a couple days away. Sometime out of the city. No phone, no computer, just me, you, some time outdoors. I’ll even watch more of those chick flicks you seem to love,” he winked.

  The sweetest smile crossed her lips and Jason could feel his heart race at the idea of a weekend spent with only her.

  “I suppose we could do that.”

  “Perfect, now let’s eat. I have something I need to take care of tonight but I’ll pick you up after your self-defense class.”

  “You mean you don’t want to play the role of the attacker again?”

  He rolled his eyes and gave her a look that made her laugh.

  “Oh, come on, the girls will miss you.”

  “I think you all will do just fine without me,” he said as he reached for the large pot and filled it with water to boil their pasta. He placed it on the stove in front of her, then pulled her in for one more kiss.

  Jason’s phone buzzed as he placed the kettle on the burner.

  Mike: What am I supposed to do with this ass hat?

  Jason: Keep him tied up, I’ll be ready in a couple hours.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Show me what you have,” Jason barked at Mike the second he got in the SUV.

  “It’s all in the digital file, there is a laptop in the back seat,” Mike gestured while driving.

  Jason grabbed the laptop and signed in through a secure portal.


  “I know. The guy may be a total douche bag, but it’s clear he knew who to hire. His PI is good, and he’s been following her for a while now. Did she say anything?”

  “She said a lot of things.”

  The silence hung between them before Mike finally asked, “Is she going to be okay?”

  “I’m going to make sure she is.”

  “Click on the other file.” Jason did, while Mike explained, “The team found that Christy wasn’t Devon’s first obsession. In college he had brutalized a girl and the sick bastard had kept pictures and souvenirs, which was how Athena tracked her down. She went out to meet with her earlier this afternoon. When she told her what happened to Christy, she wanted to help. The girl took a payoff from the family to keep quiet but never spent a penny. It’s been sitting in her bank account since she deposited the check. Oh, and get this, she kept everything from the night of the attack. She told Athena she never felt right about staying quiet and kept everything from her clothes she had on to what he left behind in her apartment stored in a box. Our internal counsel is reviewing everything. He said he thinks it may be enough for a case against Devon. If this woman could make a difference by speaking up, then she is willing to.”

  “Well, I’m not sitting on this. His family is high profile, and I don’t want them connecting his disappearance to us. Besides, I have a few choice words for that fucker when I see him.”

  “You know you can’t kill him, right?” Mike asked with all seriousness.

  Clenching his fists, Jason responded with only a question. “How much longer until we get there?”

  Devon’s family may know people in the justice system, but there was nothing they could do to stop what was coming.


  “You!” Devon sneered at him when he walked into the room, then spit in his direction. “I know who you are, you’ve been sniffing around my girl.” His guys didn’t have Devon gagged, he made a mental note to talk to them about that.

  “Your girl? What exactly makes you think she’s yours?”

  “She’ll always be mine. You just wait, you’ll see. They all will.”

  Jason grinned, “You seem to have a lot of things wrong.”

  “Oh, I’m not wrong, I’m never wrong. They want me to settle down, find a nice girl. They didn’t like her before, but now they do. So I’ll take her back, she will be mine.”

  Jason was tiring of his rambling on. “Who the fuck are they?”

  “My family, of course. They want her, so I do. It’s that simple.”

  “Let’s play a little game,” Jason said, as he walked around the chair Devon had been tied to. “I ask a question, and you answer it.” He finished kicking the chair, forcing Devon forward with a jolt.

  Devon grunted when he hit the floor, but met Jason’s eyes with an evil-looking smile. “Doesn’t sound like much of a game.”

  “Oh right, I suppose you want to know what you will get out of this. Well, if I like your answers then I will consider letting you live, if I don’t then I’ll let one of my guys tear you apart limb from limb.”

  “You can’t do that!”

  “Want to make a bet? You left an innocent woman tied to a bed, beat her and raped her senseless while she was carrying your child. You don’t deserve to live.”

  Devon laughed, “Why are you so hung up on her, anyway? She’s a little whore.”

  Jason stepped up and punched him so hard he might have knocked out a tooth. Still reeling from hearing Devon calling his woman a whore, he hit him again, and the fucker passed out. Shit, now he had to wait. Pissed as fuck, he punched the wall next to him and headed into the living room to debrief with his team.

  “Who is the ‘they’ he keeps referring to?” He asked while shaking his hand out trying to relieve the pain.

  Athena stepped up, “It looks like his family has been riding him pretty hard. I could get into his email accounts. His father and uncle didn’t approve of his latest girlfriend. They came down on him pretty hard for, and I quote, ‘Losing his shit on the one good girl he ever brought by.’ From there it just went into a bunch of issues with the campaign.”


  “His uncle is getting ready to run for office and they are doing everything they can to keep Devon in line.”

  “She means throwing money at everything he keeps fucking up.” Mac added.

  “I’ve already accessed all of his personal holdings. There wasn’t as much as you would expect. He has his salary from the firm, but as for the family money, it’s not in his name. He has what appears to be a monthly payment from a trust, though. I’ve drained all the accounts and I’m laundering the funds through some offshore contacts. There will be a clean, untraceable money trail behind the donations. I’ve located two non-profits who support woman and children who had been victims of domestic abuse. The money should be to them by the morning.”

  Jason nodded. He knew Athena was good. There was no need to question if any of this could come back on them. She and Mac had been part of the firm for years. They were two of the best agents he had, and although he suspected there was something more between them, he still let them work as partners. Alone they were both deadly, together they were unstoppable.

  “Any r
eal estate holdings?”

  “He has none, everything is in the family’s name. It’s clear they haven’t trusted him with anything important in quite some time. But we could gather enough information on a Ponzi scheme he had going a few years ago, and some illegal gambling rings he runs with another attorney,” Mac added.

  “This guy is an idiot. Someone get him up and ready. I’m setting up a meeting with my contact at NYPD. We will transfer him to them. Hopefully, we have enough evidence to have him held on charges against the woman Athena found. But if we don’t we have the financial crime evidence. Either way, I want him gone for good.”

  The transfer took longer than Jason would have liked, but everything was done. Devon was now in custody at the NYPD and he was headed to the office. He still had work to do before picking up Christy, and his hand was killing him from earlier. He needed one of his medics to help clean him up, get packed for tomorrow and have someone run by his cabin to make sure it was clean and stocked with groceries. It was going to be a long night.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “It has been years since I’ve spent this much time outdoors.” Christy said while relaxing with a cup of coffee on the porch of Jason’s cabin. “How long have you had this little piece of heaven?”

  “A few years now. A lot of the guys have cabins or houses outside of the city. The work we do can be stressful and after a long or complicated mission, I like to give everyone some time off. I figured I could use an escape too, so I bought it.”

  “It’s beautiful.”


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