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Unbelievable (Heroes of Calvano Security Book 1)

Page 9

by Nikki Rome


  She looked up into his eyes. “I kept telling Francis I thought someone was following me. Once time I actually caught him taking my picture. It was weird, but I’ve been so paranoid since the attack I thought I was just seeing things.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her on the top of her head. “You’re not crazy love.”

  “But they can’t arrest him for that.”

  “No, they can’t, but we uncovered a lot of evidence against him for other crimes. You should know there was another girl, one in college, he brutalized. It may come up in the news and I want you to be prepared. He’s going away for a long time. Christy, I promise you I will do whatever I can to make that happen.”

  “I wish I never pulled you into any of this.” Her arms squeezed around him and she closed her eyes.

  The day had worn her out. The entire week had worn her out. Jason was certain the retelling of everything had her in a worse state of mind than she would admit. It seemed before he came back around she had a good handle on her anxiety. He felt guilty for putting her through this, so he did the only thing he could think of and held her tight. She laid with her head on his chest and the both of them dozed off to sleep.

  Christy woke a few hours later to the feeling of Jason’s hard body next to her. She had turned in his arms while she slept and her back was to him. He had been placing light kisses along her hair line and softly caressing her side. It felt wonderful laying in his arms like that and it helped keep her distracted from the events of the day.

  “Hmmm. That feels good,” she quietly told him while pressing her body back into him. From the feel of his hard length pressed into her, he was enjoying this.

  “You feel amazing in my arms, in my bed, it’s like my wildest fantasies are slowly coming true.”

  She turned to face him. “You said we’d go slow.”

  “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

  “I have to go home tonight.”

  “Stay with me. I’ll bring you home in the morning so you can get ready for work.”

  She nodded and leaned in, placing her lips on his in with the softest touch. Christy’s breathing was labored, and she could feel her heart starting to race with a mix of excitement and fear.

  Jason cupped her ass and pulled her tightly to him. There was no mistaking the length of him hardened between them.

  “Are you wet for me?” he growled into her ear.


  “Are you sure you want this Christy?”

  “I do.”

  The need in her voice was unmistakable. He adjusted their position, nudging her legs apart, and she complied with ease. Christy couldn’t help the moan that left her lips as he slipped his fingers inside of her. Jason took his time, reaching that spot deep inside her. It made her entire body quiver with need as he stretched and prepared her for him.

  Jason was having a hard time containing himself. The slight noises and pants Christy was making while he pleasured her was making it impossible to control his dick. She whined when he pulled his hands from her. “I’m not going far. I just need to get rid of these clothes.”

  As he undressed, he watched a blush burn her cheeks. She was staring at him with an intensity he hadn’t expected.

  “You’re perfect,” she whispered from the bed.

  “You don’t have to flatter me, Christy, I’m a sure thing.” He grasped his cock, palming it up and down to show her how badly he wanted her too.

  “Take all that off.” He pointed at her t-shirt and panties.

  Even though he knew it made her uncomfortable, he knew she needed to do this on her own. While she finished undressing, he crossed the room to his nightstand and covered himself with a condom. Christy sucked in a breath when he leaned over her and nuzzled her neck. He wrapped an arm around her, drawing her body closer to his. Making his way down her curvaceous body, he looked her in the eye and watched as her eyes expressed a mix of fear and desire.

  “I will be gentle. I promise you.”

  She nodded quickly but looked away from him as he lined up the head of his thick cock to her soft, slick entrance. “Christy look at me, sweetie.”

  She turned and he could see the panic in her eyes. This was harder for her than he thought it would be.

  “Look me in the eye Christy, it’s just me and you.” She tensed underneath him and he ran his fingers down the side of her neck and brushed his lips to hers. When she relaxed again, he pressed himself into her, groaning with pleasure and looking up at her to make sure she was okay.

  It killed him to see she had tears in her eyes. “What is it sweetie, did I hurt you?”

  She said nothing, but she shook her head no.

  Jason looked down at her, and he knew this wasn’t working. “Tell me what you need Christy, I just need to know how to make you comfortable.”

  “I need, I need to be on top.”

  He grinned. “Easy enough.” With one swift movement he had their position adjusted, so she was atop of him.

  Suddenly Christy felt like she could breathe again. “I’m sorry,” she said looking down at him.

  He raised a finger over her lips. “Never apologize to me for being uncomfortable.”

  Christy was believing he would give her anything she needed from him. This was a position she was comfortable with. Slowly lowering herself back on to his cock, she felt fuller than she had before. In this position, she could find her rhythm quickly. She was doing good; she was with him, and they were in this together, and he felt amazing underneath her. Rocking back and forth, she picked up her pace. Her small hands braced themselves on his chest as she moved her body to pleasure them both. Her long, dark hair fell around her shoulders, framing her face.

  “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” He reached up, caressing her breasts, running his thumb over her nipples as she continued to move over him. He could feel the tingle in his body and knew he would not be able to hold on for much longer. Her tight, wet cunt was gripping his cock and as she moved, he experienced the best form of torture while trying to hold out for her.

  “Christy, I want to savor this moment, but sweetie, I will not last like this. I need you with me all the way.” With that he lowered his hand and used his thumb to apply just the right amount of pressure to her clit. She moaned and bucked forward in his direction. She ground herself into him harder and faster. He watched as she closed her eyes and threw her head back in pleasure.

  Moaning and crying, with tears in her eyes, Christy felt her orgasm overcome her. His body tensed below her and he groaned as he lost himself inside her. Her heart swelled knowing she brought him the passion and pleasure he had provided her. Christy couldn’t hold herself up any longer and collapsed on top of him. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and they just laid there, holding each other, listening to the other's heart beating.

  “You know I found no one who could compete with you,” he said, breaking the silence.

  She tensed.

  “Relax. All I’m saying is in all these years apart, I’ve never found someone who makes me feel the way you do,” he said, giving her a soft kiss on the top of her head.

  Then he slipped out of her while placing her next to him and rolled to his side. He looked in her eyes and said, “Rest now, sweetie, we have all the time in the world. I love you.” She smiled softly at him and closed her eyes.

  He got out of bed to dispose of the condom when he returned with a warm cloth for her, he saw she had dozed back off to sleep. He cleaned her up gently and then pulled her back onto his chest. Nothing in the world compared with the feeling of holding his woman while she slept safely in his arms.

  Chapter Eighteen

  It had been weeks since she and Jason had headed out to her self-defense class together, but it felt like a lifetime ago. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. The events that transpired were neither expected nor unexpected. Jason had taken her down to his office the morning after he told her about Devon and ask
ed her to put in for some time off. The morning of the meeting he insisted he go with her because the thought of her telling her boss alone made him nervous for her. Christy made him promise to keep his mouth shut and kept her explanations as general as she could. Her ex had been abusive, he was just arrested and the media was very involved. She felt the time off would be best for her and the firm until she could be sure they would leave her name out of the media circus. To her surprise, her cut-throat, egotistical boss was more than understanding. He had told her to take whatever time she needed and that he would catch up a partner on her cases, so she didn’t need to worry.

  From there, it was the move over to Jason’s apartment. Refusing to move in for good, she packed a bag and some personal items she would want for the next week. If she was honest with herself, she knew being at his home was just easier for him and the work he had to do. To her surprise, she learned the office on Maple Street was just a front. They ran the real epicenter of Calvano Security from multiple floors in the building where he lived. His was an oversized penthouse apartment on the top floor. No one would ever know, as the hallways still looked like normal apartments, but behind the doors were security officers that all took direction from her man. Well, her man and Mike. There was something strange about their relationship. She was thinking Mike was more partner than employee, but she didn’t want to dig into something about their business that didn’t involve her.

  Referring to him as her man felt good. The nights spent in his bed were amazing, however waking up next to him every morning was even better. She still hadn’t told him she loved him, and he hadn’t repeated it after the first time he told her. It was like something was just hanging in the surrounding air. Unsaid, yet still there. She knew in her heart she loved him and was feeling confident that he felt the same.

  “Hey there, gorgeous,” he said as he walked across the apartment. Although he said he wouldn’t leave her side, he left her alone often to go down to the lower floors and meet with his team. She suspected he had the entire placed rigged with cameras because he seemed to always know what she had been up to. If she was honest with herself it helped keep her sane. She could spend that time doing whatever she wanted without his eyes on her.

  “Hey there to you too,” she said looking up from her book.

  “How was therapy?”

  “Fine,” she forced out a response to him.

  Sensing her annoyance, he reminded her, “We talked about this, you agreed to therapy, Christy.” He bent down and kissed the top of her head.

  “I was already going to therapy, you know that.”

  “I do, but having someone to talk to daily differs from appointments every few weeks.”

  “It was working fine.”

  “Maybe, but a lot has changed.”

  She liked her therapist, but meeting with the woman daily was exhausting. Jason wouldn’t budge and so she figured it was the least she could do considering all he had done for her.

  “I know, I know I agreed, but I don’t have to be happy about it.”

  “Come on, go get dressed. I have a dinner reservation for us.”

  She put her book down on the side table and stood to follow him into their room. “A reservation where?”

  They had been at his place for weeks and she was embarrassed to say she hadn’t stepped foot out of the building. They ordered in and cooked. She would meet him down at his office for lunch or they would go to the deli on the first floor, but the truth was she enjoyed just being home with him. Well, she enjoyed being home and safe. In her mind she knew Devon wasn’t a threat, but she still wasn’t clear on what his family’s course of action was. It’s likely they could try to retaliate, and that made her sick to her stomach. A few days after they announced that Devon was in custody, she received a few missed calls from his father. Jason refused to let her speak with him and she didn’t really want to, anyway. Multiple women came forward in the news, and they wrote a story or two about Christy. At first, it bothered her, but after reading one of them, she realized the stories that the media had spun was how he used his fiancee to hide his sordid past. By playing the perfect fiance in the public eye, no one knew he was an abuser. He looked like any other up-and-coming attorney with ambition to succeed in life.

  She crossed the threshold of their bedroom and came to a sudden stop. Every time she watched him undress, she couldn’t pull her eyes away. He was a few steps ahead of her, but he already had his shirt off and was unbuckling his belt. The artwork that covered his body drew her eyes in and a blush ran up her cheeks, raising the heat in the room about ten degrees.

  Jason looked up as Christy entered the room, and the look in his eyes undid her. His body was something she couldn’t get over. He was so fit it looked hard to the touch. She knew better though, laying in his arms at night with those muscles wrapped around her convinced her otherwise.

  “Do you like what you see?” The sound of his voice was just above a whisper. He straightened his stance and walked towards her. She didn’t respond to him; in fact, he knew she wouldn’t. She still seemed embarrassed by her response to him.

  Jason reached up and placed his hand behind her head, sliding his hands through her hair, he pulled her lips to his and placed a tender kiss softly on hers.

  Pulling back from her lips, he whispered, “You know when you look at me like that, I can’t resist you.” Bending his head, he placed another kiss just below her ear. She rewarded him with a soft moan and her arms came up to pull him closer.

  That was the invitation he was waiting for. He let his lips wander down her neck and to the top of her breasts since they were just visible from her low-cut shirt. Reaching his right hand up, he took her breast into his hand, rubbing her nipple with his thumb through her shirt, and watched as her head fell back. He could feel the lace of her bra underneath and he knew he needed more than what he was feeling. He wanted to feel her skin against his; that warmth that he associated with her was addicting. Jason reached for the hem of her shirt and lifted it over her head. With practiced movements, he reached behind her and unclasped the fabric that was keeping her gorgeous breasts from him.

  Christy gasped as he sucked and pulled her nipple with his mouth. He pinched the other one lightly with his fingers until he could tell she was panting with pleasure. He slid his hand down her center and reached into the soft lounge pants she had on to find there was nothing else keeping him from her. Pleased that he didn’t need to fight his way through a pair of lace panties he grazed his index finger back and forth over the lips of her labia. Writhing in his grasp, Christy couldn’t take much more. She kept rolling her hips into him as she tried desperately to get him to move things along. Her impatience brought a smile to his face.

  “Patience sweetie, I want to take my time with you.” The look she gave him would have cowed a lesser man, but he knew what she needed.

  He took a step into her, causing her to take a step back. This put her back to the wall, right where he wanted her. He lowered himself to his knees, taking her pants down with him. Caressing one ankle at a time, he nudged her until she was free of clothing. As he kneeled in front of her, he looked up at his woman, more beautiful than any other woman in the world. She looked down to him, her eyes wild, both hands resting on his shoulders, and she looked as if just the sight of him would bring her to an orgasm.

  He reached up with one hand and caressed the back of her thigh, pulling her legs apart so he was perfectly in line with her most feminine parts. Realizing what he was about to do, her hand lifted and dug into his hair. He leaned forward and awarded her with a long and thorough lick of his tongue through her slit, ending at the tight bud of nerves where her clitoris lay. Christy shrieked with pleasure. And he savored the sweet taste of her. He pulled her closer to him so he could ensure he had the angle he wanted while still holding her tight so she wouldn’t fall. Taking her right leg, he lifted it over his shoulder until he had perfect access to her.

  Jason continued sucking and pulling at
her clit as she held him in place with her hands. She tasted amazing and he could tell she was nearing her climax. He reached his hand up and with two fingers he slid into her, hitting that spot he knew would bring her crashing into a wave of utter pleasure. The moans turned to screams while he lapped the wetness between her legs as her inner walls clenched onto his fingers as if they would never let him go.

  Chapter Nineteen

  They were late for dinner, but it had been well worth it. Jason had plans for tonight. He reached into his closet for a dress shirt and jacket and walked into the bathroom to find his beautiful woman wrapped in nothing but a towel, leaned over the vanity putting on eye makeup. Damn, her ass looked great. But if he didn’t concentrate, they would never make their reservation. He had already called to push it back once, and he didn’t think they’d let him do it again.

  Coming up behind her, he placed a kiss on her shoulder. “You’re just as beautiful without makeup as you are with it. What do you think about going without it tonight?”

  Christy smiled. “Is that your way of hurrying me along?”

  He grinned and turned to walk away. “Perhaps, but I meant every word. Now hurry, I have a car waiting for us.”

  Jason had decided earlier in the day they would celebrate tonight, so he didn’t want to drive. He had called a car service, and they had already been waiting for some time. Standing by the bed, he finished getting dressed and reached into his pocket for what felt like the hundredth time that day. He had been carrying her ring around for weeks now. In fact, he purchased it not long after seeing her again. While out at a meeting, he passed a jewelry store and told himself he would just look. He left with a ring. Not just any ring. It was the perfect ring for her.

  He had immediately put it in the safe at his office. The following day he’d decided he would rather keep it on him. It gave him hope and the courage to continue his pursuit, so he had been carrying it in his pocket like a fifty-thousand-dollar reminder of what was to come. He would sit in meetings and think of her. Reaching in his pocket he would smile knowing it would someday be on her finger. His heart had belonged to her for most of his life. Even in the years they were apart, he knew now he had always loved her. Never once had he thought he would have a chance like this again. He wouldn’t blow it.


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