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The Sixties: Diaries:1960-1969

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by Christopher Isherwood

  Kaufman, Doris see Dowling, Doris

  Kaufman, Leonard (Len) 3, 207, 500, 655

  Kaye, Danny 135

  Keach, Stacy 529

  Kearsey, A.H.C., War Record of the York and Lancaster Regiment 560

  Kennedy, Jacqueline (later Onassis) 68, 531–2

  Kennedy, John F.: 1960 election 20, 23–4, 25–6; Berlin crisis 70n, 95; and Gore Vidal 131, 299; and crackdown on U.S. Steel 182; Cuban Missile Crisis 241, 243; assassinated 297, 298, 299, 350

  Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier 299

  Kennedy, Paul 48, 54, 218; cancer and death 192, 193–4, 195, 196, 197, 199, 201, 202, 203, 205, 211–12, 212–13, 260; 655

  Kennedy, Robert (Bobby) 262; assassinated 518

  Kerouac, Jack, The Dharma Bums 403, 470

  Kerr, John 192

  Khrushchev, Nikita: Berlin crisis 70n, 98; exposure of Stalin’s purges 130n, 142; and Nehru 136; Cuban Missile Crisis 234

  Kid from Spain, The (film) 456

  Kimbrough, Clinton: and Gavin Lambert 391, 397, 427, 433, 460, 466; trip to Mexico with Lambert 393; acting career 427–8, 431, 433, 436, 438; 655

  Kincheloe, Bill 477

  King of Kings (film) 198–9

  King, Martin Luther: assassinated 502, 503, 504n, 506; funeral 506, 507

  Kingston, Jeremy 115, 656; The Prisoner I Keep (unpublished) 69, 70

  Kinsey, Alfred 50

  Kipling, Rudyard, “If” 369

  Kirov Ballet 345, 346

  Kirstein, Lincoln 114n, 147, 148, 153, 352–3, 366, 375, 594, 656; Rhymes of a PFC 353

  Kiskadden, Peggy 261; and Aldous Huxley 282, 297; C.I.’s relations with 297, 369, 380, 474; and Gerald Heard 457; breast cancer 494–5; 656 –7

  Kiskadden, William (Bill) 282, 494–5, 657

  Klein, Roger 286

  Kneale, Nigel, Quatermass and the Pit 98

  Knight, Franklin 133, 240, 301, 309, 657

  Knight (magazine) 522

  Knox, George 432

  Knox, Ronnie: relationship with Renate Druks 237, 259, 272, 387, 394, 405; family background 258, 259, 405; football career 258–9, 394; C.I. visits 272; at opening of Don Bachardy’s show at Rex Evans’s gallery 387; and Gavin Lambert 391, 466; friendship and socializing with C.I. 393, 442, 524; writings 394–5, 405, 522; deliberately scratches himself 409; Bachardy loans car to 502; drives Stravinskys’ car to New York 524; 657

  Kolisch, Dr. Joseph 134, 279, 657–8

  Kopit, Arthur 81

  Kowloon 303

  Kraft, Henry (pseud.): relationship with Don Bachardy 269, 277, 280, 282, 283, 289, 291, 295, 296, 298, 455; leaves boyfriend 286 –7; photography 287; C.I. gives books to 288; C.I. refuses to meet again 289, 296; calls with news of Kennedy assassination 297; C.I. encounters at cinema 534

  Kraft, Mickey (student at U.C. Riverside) 395

  Krakatoa eruption (1883) 356

  Kramer, Stanley 176

  Krishna (earlier George Fitts): character 9; visits C.I. 23; in Laguna Beach 212; at Trabuco 278–9, 598; and Prema 278–9, 313; trip to India with Prabhavananda and C.I. 301, 302, 308, 309, 314, 315, 318, 322, 323–4, 333; 658 Krishna Menon, V.K. 236 –7 Krishnamurti 135, 539, 545, 658

  Kruger, Rayne, Goodbye Dolly Grey 560

  Kubrick, Stanley 200, 499; 2001 506, 519, 525

  Kuch, Dick 97

  Kuh, Fred 488

  Kurella, Tania see Stern, Tania Kurtzman, Dr. (dentist) 466

  Lady Chatterley’s Lover obscenity trial 71

  Laguna Beach xvi, 18, 174, 175; “monks’ picnic” 210, 285, 286; Camel Point Drive (Ruth Conrad’s house) 212, 286

  Lal, P. 329

  Lambert, Gavin: friendship and socializing with C.I. 4, 5, 129, 130, 140, 194, 199, 202, 207, 221, 229, 234, 241, 250, 366, 397, 433, 435, 460, 478–9, 496, 498, 503, 505–6, 507; screenplay for The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone 5, 32; collaboration on script for The Vacant Room 35, 159; and Don Bachardy 42, 169, 170, 185; at Marguerite Lamkin’s party 46; praises C.I.’s Down There on a Visit 54; new house 129; recommends doctor 177; and Paul Kennedy 192; C.I. reads novel 193, 194; concerned about stock market 193; screenplay for The Night of the Iguana 216; buys Bachardy’s portrait of Lotte Lenya 222; on Cuban Missile Crisis 234; Another Sky 250; trip to Mexico 258; sees psychotherapist about panic attacks 261–2; and Gore Vidal 262; and Dorothy Parker 280; comments on C.I.’s draft of A Single Man 283; undiagnosed dysentery 285; composes telegram to Time magazine with C.I. 287; recuperates at Joan Houseman’s 287; advises taking Librium 299; criticizes Spender’s article on Huxley 299; in C.I.’s dream 308; suggestions for C.I.’s Exhumations 339; lends book to C.I. 345; Budd Cherry stays with 362, 366; outburst against Jews 367; reads drafts of C.I.’s A Meeting by the River 367, 371, 397; trip to Europe 377; at supper with Allen Ginsberg 387–8; and Clint Kimbrough 391, 397, 427, 433, 460, 466; trip to Mexico with Kimbrough 393; trip to Haiti and Central America 430, 434, 435, 436; Norman’s Letter (novel) 435; goes to Ingrid Bergman’s birthday party 465–6; abscess 466; at Jerry Lawrence’s blue movie party 476; praises John Rechy’s Numbers 478–9; and Stephen Spender 506; at Marlene Dietrich show 511; at Jennifer Jones’s party 523; and proposed film of Tennessee Williams’s “One Arm” 525; dislikes Jack Larson’s play 529; and stage adaptation of C.I.’s A Meeting by the River 529, 543; watches Apollo 8 lunar mission 534; attends Krishnamurti seminars 539; anecdote about encounter in public men’s room 584; screenplay for The Woman Who Rode Away 584–5; 658–9

  Lamkin, Marguerite: C.I. stays with in London ix, 447; marriage to Rory Harrity 6, 8; C.I. socializes with in California 46; twenty-first birthday party for Don Bachardy 119; in New York 146, 153, 156; interviews C.I. 156; Bachardy stays in New York apartment 299; trip to Cambridge with C.I. 448; Charles and Muff Brackett enquire about 501; Bachardy stays with in London 503; 659

  Lamkin, Speed 130, 229, 659

  Lanchester, Elsa (Mrs. Charles Laughton): relations with Laughton 14, 17, 29, 32, 38, 139, 202, 204; acting career 15, 36, 41, 47, 55; and Ray Henderson 29, 203–4, 500, 505, 514, 598; and Terry Jenkins 32, 204, 210; friendship and socializing with C.I. 129, 203–4, 277, 508, 513–14; and Laughton’s final illness 194–5, 196, 198, 202, 207–8, 210, 211, 221, 222, 237–8, 239, 244, 246, 249, 514, 515; and Laughton’s funeral 249, 250, 251–2; house neighboring C.I.’s 260, 435, 533; argument with Cecil Beaton 277; Don Bachardy’s views on 277; at opening for Bachardy’s show at Rex Evans’s gallery 387; and proposed Dogskin musical 475, 500, 505, 526, 579; research for book on Laughton 508, 513, 514; Bachardy dreams about 543; 659 –60

  Lane, Homer xxiii, 660

  Lange, David 1, 55, 660

  Lange, Hope: friendship and socializing with C.I. 1, 6, 10, 34, 36, 39, 40–41, 55, 219; relationship with Glenn Ford 1, 40–41, 138–9, 140, 219, 263; marriage to Don Murray 40; at opening of Don Bachardy’s show at Rex Evans’s gallery 223; 660

  Lansbury, Angela 10n, 114, 173, 661

  Lansbury, Bruce 173, 661

  Laos crisis (1960-61) 38, 39, 40, 41, 70n, 661

  Larmore, Alexandra (Xan) 130, 239, 661

  Larmore, James 239, 280, 661

  Larson, Jack: friendship and socializing with C.I. 192, 216, 217–18, 229, 297, 366, 392, 397, 402, 426, 433, 494, 496, 500, 507, 599; relationship with Jim Bridges 192, 361, 366, 426 –7, 433, 477, 496, 509, 510, 540, 555; and Montgomery Clift 217–18, 402; and Paul Kennedy 218; in C.I.’s dream 308; dog killed in accident 356, 361; acting career 366; at opening of Don Bachardy’s show at Rex Evans’s gallery 387; reads C.I.’s A Meeting by the River 397; and death of Frank O’Hara 402–3; worries about aging 426; libretto for Lord Byron 427, 554, 555; mental attacks 427; at Timothy Leary show 440; in New York 472, 526, 554, 555; at Jerry Lawrence’s blue movie party 476; buys Frank Lloyd Wright house with Bridges 477, 493, 494; Leslie Caron stays with 502–3, 507; patriotism 502; trip to San Diego with C.I. to see Hamlet 517–18; Bachardy consults about co-writing of A Meeting by the River 526; watches Apollo 8 lunar mission 534; and The Living Theatre company 547;
organizes protest letter against Life magazine 564; 661–2

  Cherry, Larry, Sandy, Doris, Jean, Paul (play) 521, 522, 526, 529, 563, 570

  Las Vegas 507, 557

  Latouche, Paul (pseud.) 280, 281

  Laughlin, Michael 545n, 563, 573, 662

  Laughton, Charles: Plato/Socrates project with C.I. xii, 6 & n, 7, 35, 37, 38, 41, 42, 49, 139, 140, 143, 144, 148, 154; life-style xxix, 7–8, 204, 513; gall bladder operation 6n, 7, 13–14, 514; house neighboring C.I.’s 7, 29, 129; travels to Japan with Terry Jenkins 13, 17; relations with Elsa Lanchester 14, 17, 29, 32, 38, 55, 139, 202, 204; violent self-harming attacks 14; on Lanchester’s acting 15; relations with Jenkins 15, 29, 32, 47–8, 139, 195, 208, 514; acting style 91, 129; in New York 193; final illness 194–5, 196, 198, 201–2, 204, 207–8, 211, 221, 222, 514, 515; spiritual beliefs 195, 202, 247; in Cedars of Lebanon hospital 210, 226 –7, 237–8, 239, 246 –7; refuses to leave hospital 244, 246; returns home 249; death 250, 261, 366; funeral 250, 251–2; Lanchester and Ned Hoopes work on book about 508, 513, 514; 662

  Laughton, Elsa see Lanchester, Elsa

  Laughton, Frank 237, 239, 250

  Laurence, Marlene 190, 196

  Laurents, Arthur 245, 662

  Lavenham, Suffolk 74

  Lawrence, Brother, The Practice of the Presence of God 527

  Lawrence, Christopher 96, 97–8, 109

  Lawrence, D.H. 404, 451, 555, 571, 589; Lady Chatterley’s Lover 71; The Virgin and the Gipsy 140; The Boy in the Bush 585

  Lawrence, Frieda 555n, 589

  Lawrence, Jerome (Jerry): all-male parties xxxi, 47, 354, 476 –7; New Year’s Eve (1960) 37, 39, 40; friendship and socializing with C.I. 44–5, 170, 216, 219, 257, 266 –7, 467–8; and Paul Kennedy 205; at opening of Don Bachardy’s show at Rex Evans’s gallery 223; lecture with C.I. at UCLA 225, 236; arrangement of books in lavatory 267; and Dorothy Tutin 270; signatory to telegram to Time magazine 287; reads final draft of C.I.’s A Single Man 290; on success of Cabaret 424; life-style 467–8; 662–3

  Lawrence of Arabia (film) 256

  Layard, John xxiii, 18, 663

  Lazar, Irving (Swifty) 543, 663

  Lazenby, George 597n

  Le Corbusier 129

  Leacock, Stephen 575

  Leary, Timothy 439 –40, 453

  Ledebur, Christian (Boon) and Henrietta 40, 663–4

  Lederer, Charles 37, 39, 40, 349, 664

  Lee, Robert (Bob) 287, 519 –20, 664

  “Legend of Silent Night, The” (T.V. special) xxxiii, 401, 403, 407, 422, 425, 428, 534, 536, 597

  Legg, Bill 355

  Lehmann, Beatrix (Peggy) 103–4, 586, 664

  Lehmann, Helen 68, 664

  Lehmann, John 99, 103, 299, 544, 546, 547, 548–9, 552, 664–5

  Lehmann, Rosamond 134, 453, 665

  Leibermann, Rolf 359n

  Leigh, Vivien 75, 344n; death 453; 665

  Leighton, Margaret (Maggie) 99, 150, 400, 435, 665–6

  Lenya, Lotte 26, 104, 174, 222, 666

  Leonard, Rosemary 537

  Leopard, The (film) 292

  Leopold, Michael 362, 379, 429 –30, 666

  leprosy 320

  Lesser, Julian 189

  Lester, Dr. Jim 253

  LeSueur, Joe 403, 427, 434, 435, 496

  Levant, Oscar 41, 666

  Levitt, Amy 518

  Levy, Miranda (Mirandi) 254, 359, 552, 666

  Lévy, Raoul 386

  Lewenstein, Oscar 34

  Lewis, C.S., The Screwtape Letters 452

  Lewis, Dr. Jack 16 –17, 131, 666

  Lewis, Jerry, restaurant of 262, 263

  Lewis, Sinclair 134

  Lieberson, Goddard 57

  Life (magazine) 285, 310, 393, 409, 534, 564

  Limerick 445

  Lind, Roger (pseud.) 484

  Lindbergh, Charles, We 267

  Lindsay, John 350

  Linville, William 373

  Lion in Winter, The (film) 551

  Lions and Shadows (C.I.) xxiii, 441

  List, Herbert 216n, 412, 667

  Little Rock, Arkansas 181–2

  Littlewood, Joan 85–6 Livermore, Robert 364

  Living Theatre, The (theater company) 547–8

  Locke, Charles O. 462, 667

  Lodge, Carter 34, 36, 70, 159, 239, 551n, 667

  Loew, Arthur 339 –40

  Lokeswarananda, Swami 319, 320

  Lolita (film) 200

  London: C.I. joins Don Bachardy (1961) xiii, 58–9; Bachardy visits alone (1961) 44–5; (1968), 502, 503, 504, 509, 514; (1969) 572, 576 –7, 578, 581; youth fashions 61; traffic 62; C.I.’s views on 71, 83, 131, 413; C.I. stays on return from Austria (1966) 412–13, 419, 422; C.I.’s trip to (1967) 447–8, 452–3; see also England

  London Magazine 170

  Long Beach, California 241–2, 575, 576

  Long Beach State College, C.I. lectures at 475, 481–2

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 251

  Loos, Anita 452

  Lord, Bart 49, 667

  Lorenz, Konrad, On Aggression 537

  Los Angeles: smog 41–2, 214, 377, 465, 486, 567; hillside developments 46 –7; brush fires 79, 130, 132, 137, 144, 478; downtown 175, 365; freeway construction 230, 253, 365, 567; high-rise developments 365, 385, 388, 469 –70; landslides 497, 542, 544, 545, 598

  Los Angeles City College 183, 184, 185

  Los Angeles County Museum of Art 44

  Los Angeles Herald and Express 17

  Los Angeles Herald-Examiner 550, 551

  Los Angeles Press, personal ads 512–13

  Los Angeles State College (L.A. State): C.I. teaches at xii, 9, 140, 144, 159, 166, 169, 170, 175–6, 177, 181–2, 190–91, 192–3, 195, 468; C.I. declines teaching positions 23, 66, 192; chariot races 186; Pacific Coast Writers’ Conference 280; see also California State University, Los Angeles

  Los Angeles Times 130, 136, 141, 224, 377, 384, 424, 459, 464, 550, 552

  Loskota, Bill 477

  Louis, Dorothy (Shraddha) 226

  “Love-in” (Elsyian Park, 1967) 444

  Loved One, The (film) xxix, 336, 337, 338, 339, 341, 344, 346, 348, 352n, 356 –7

  Loy, Myrna 106, 146, 184, 383, 667

  LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) 2, 244, 254, 297, 306, 480, 481, 542

  Luce, Clare Boothe 139, 254, 255, 257, 379 –80, 391–2, 409, 667–8

  Luce, Henry 139, 254, 379 –80, 409, 667–8

  Lüdecke, Wenzel 382–3

  Ludington, Wright 24, 249, 261, 668

  Lurie, Alison 362

  Luscombe, John 109

  Lyme Cage (hunting lodge) (Cheshire) 420

  Lynes, George Platt 45, 668

  lysergic acid see LSD

  M. see Isherwood, Kathleen Bradshaw (C.I.’s mother) and Gupta, Mahendranath

  MacBird! (stage production) 446

  McBurney, C.B.M. 105

  McCallum, Pat 539, 721

  McCarthy, Eugene 508

  McCarthy, Mary 505

  MacDermott, Christopher 395–6

  McDonnell, Ken 275–6, 462–3, 469, 471, 488–9

  Macgill, Moyna 224

  McGuire, Dorothy 194

  Mackenzie-Young, Mr. (dentist) 104, 115

  McKinnon, Russell 126, 131, 225; supports Don Bachardy’s studies at the Slade 35, 37–8, 41, 42, 43; 672

  Macklem, Francesca (Jill) 15, 668


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