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The Sixties: Diaries:1960-1969

Page 107

by Christopher Isherwood

  Salzburg 408, 412, 413–16

  Sambuddhananda, Swami 321–2, 401, 695

  Samoa 571, 576, 577–8, 579 –81

  Sampson, Arnim (Mitto) 72n

  Samuels, Lesser 35n

  San Diego 518

  San Francisco: C.I.’s fondness for 413, 589; C.I.’s trips to (1962) 219, 220–21; (1963) xxi, 269, 273–6; (1967) 469, 471–2, 484– 92; the “scene” 473

  San Juan Capistrano 174

  Sandwich, George Montagu, 9th Earl of 103, 197–8

  Sankarananda, Swami see Shankarananda, Swami

  Santa Barbara: Vedanta temple see Sarada Convent; KEYT television show 17, 18; Museum of Art 238; Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions 503–4

  Santa Barbara, University of California at, C.I. lectures and teaches at xii, 6 & n, 8, 9, 11–12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 25, 27–8, 33–4, 132, 187, 663

  Santa Cruz 488, 489 –90

  Santa Cruz, University of California at 489 –92

  Santa Fe, New Mexico 216, 347, 441

  Santa Monica boardwalk 495

  Santa Monica Canyon, development of 276, 385, 388, 389, 465, 467, 469 –70, 497

  Sarada (earlier Ruth Folling) 9, 132, 240, 339 – 40, 410, 469; leaves convent 383, 395; 696

  Sarada Convent, Montecito 24n, 26, 256, 278, 343; C.I. speaks at 86, 285; 696

  Sarada Devi (Holy Mother) 103, 198, 248, 279, 303, 310, 328, 338, 438, 562, 696

  Sardou, Victorien and Emile de Najac, Let’s Get a Divorce 491

  Sartre, Jean-Paul: No Exit 381; The Words 470

  Sarvagatananda, Swami 226

  Sastrananda 393

  Satprakashananda, Swami 212, 696

  Saturday Review (magazine) 171

  Sawtelle Veterans Hospital, Los Angeles 10–11

  Schaefer, George 512

  Schary, Dore 319, 696 –7

  Scheler, Max 216

  Schenck, Marvin 590, 697

  Schenkel, John 211, 697

  Schlesinger, Peter 505–6, 508, 521, 593, 697

  Schneider, Peter 555–6, 556 –7, 557–8, 561, 562, 563–4, 565, 569, 575, 576, 591, 596, 697–8

  Schorer, Mark 33, 166, 237, 238, 273, 698; Sinclair Lewis 134

  Schorer, Ruth 33

  Schreiber, Taft 49, 252, 698

  Schubach, Scott 2–3, 244–5, 698

  Schuster, Max 156

  Schwartz, Jacob 67

  Schwed, Peter 114, 116, 156, 296, 698

  Scott, Robert Falcon 217

  Scott, Zachary 189

  Scott Gilbert, Clement 566, 593, 594, 598, 699

  Screen Gems (television company) 499 Seagull, The (film) 534

  Sean, Michael (Allan Carter) 365, 396, 397, 405–6

  Searle, Alan 112, 119, 121–2, 384, 699

  Seattle World’s Fair (1962) 179

  Seldis, Henry J. 224

  Sellers, Dr. Alvin 131, 141, 699

  Selznick, Daniel 598

  Selznick, David O.: friendship and socializing with C.I. 20, 39, 195, 350; political views 20, 39, 350; enthusiasm for C.I.’s Down There on a Visit 160, 167; in New York 169; Don Bachardy’s drawing of 219; death and funeral 368–9, 370; planned film of Hersey’s The Wall 370–71; Bob Thomas’s biography 541; 699

  Selznick, Irene 598

  Selznick, Jennifer see Jones, Jennifer

  Sen, Keshab 178

  Seven Arts (production company) 200, 201

  Sewell, Elizabeth 191

  Shakespeare, William 85, 143, 342; Aldous Huxley’s last essay on 297, 298, 335n All’s Well That Ends Well 210n, 554; Antony and Cleopatra 451; Cymbeline 143; Hamlet 54, 518; Henry VI 140; Henry VIII 143; King John 59; Macbeth 138, 140, 148, 169; Othello 114, 124; Pericles 143; Richard II 52, 101; Richard III 143; Romeo and Juliet 285; The Tempest 252; Timon of Athens 143; Titus Andronicus 143; A Winter’s Tale 143

  Shankarananda, Swami 303, 322

  Shanti Ashrama, California 279, 480n

  Shasta, Dick (pseud.) 500

  Shaw, George Bernard 122, 352, 544

  Androcles and the Lion 366; The Doctor’s Dilemma 479; Saint Joan 520; see also Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search for God, The

  Shaw, Johnno 207

  Shaw, Robert 107, 113

  Shawe-Taylor, Desmond 76, 699 –700

  Sheen, Monsignor Fulton J. 317

  Shelley, Mary, Frankenstein 366

  Shepherd, Michael 121

  Sheridan, Ted 221

  Shikiya, Mr. (gardener) 230, 280

  Shoes of the Fisherman (film) 395, 396, 399, 422

  Show Magazine 298, 346

  Shraddha (Dorothy Louis) 226

  Shroyer, Frederick 173–4, 191, 700

  Siddhartha 564–5 Sidebotham, Mr. (Isherwood family solicitor) 51, 60, 134, 159

  Sikra Kulingram, West Bengal 322, 324, 327

  “Silent Night” (song), C.I. works on television special about xxxiii, 401, 403, 407, 422, 425, 428, 534, 536, 597

  Sillitoe, Alan 94, 114

  Sillitoe, Ruth 94

  Simon and Garfunkel (singer-songwriter duo) 446

  Simon and Schuster (publishers) 156; and Down There on a Visit 75, 79, 80, 87, 103, 114, 147, 159; and A Single Man 290, 296; and Ramakrishna and His Disciples 336; and Exhumations 351; and A Meeting by the River 423

  Simpson, James B. 209

  Sinatra, Frank 498

  Singh, Bhag 318

  Single Man, A (C.I.; earlier title The Englishwoman): Don Bachardy’s suggestions for xvii, xviii, 223, 246, 248, 264, 282, 283, 289, 296; modelled on Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway xvii–xviii; themes and symbolism xvii, xviii, 186, 221, 236, 246, 293, 295, 335, 405; C.I. views as his “masterpiece” xviii, 241, 291, 349; title 171, 223, 283, 294, 296; writing first draft 171, 173, 177, 178, 179, 180, 186, 193, 200, 202, 209, 211, 216, 219, 221, 224, 227, 241, 247, 248–9, 258, 260, 262, 264; characterization 223, 246, 283, 287, 289, 290, 468; second draft 266, 267, 269, 271, 275, 277, 280, 282; Gavin Lambert comments on draft 283; Edward Upward praises 284, 285, 287; dedication 289; Jerry Lawrence comments on draft 290; preparations for publication 290; response from agents and publishers 291, 296, 298; Chris Wood praises 293; refused by New Yorker magazine 298; Auden’s views on 335; dust-jacket 336; Gerald Heard praises 338; publication 340; reviews 341; word length 376; Iris Tree’s reading of 430–31; Tony Garrett praises 487; C.I. reads extract to students at U.C. Santa Cruz 489; possible film version 507, 543–4

  Sino-Indian War 236 –7, 242, 243, 700

  Sio, Kewlian 329

  Siporin, Thomas Victor 364

  Sitwell, Edith 98

  skateboarding 365

  Slade School of Fine Art, London xiii, 37, 41

  Sleep, Wayne 565, 567, 700

  Small, Bill (pseud.) 14–15

  Smith, Bradley (bookseller) 166 –7n

  Smith, David (student at L.A. State) 192, 289, 383, 700

  Smith, Dodie see Beesley, Dodie Smith

  Smith, Emily Machell (C.I.’s grandmother) xxxv, 92, 451, 459, 461, 511, 700

  Smith, Frederick Machell (C.I.’s grandfather) 511

  Smith, Jack (Cheshire farmhand) 89 –90, 93, 124

  Smith, Katharine (Mrs. Ivan Moffat; Kate) 79, 139, 169, 176 –7, 184, 450, 700

  Smith, Margot 200, 204, 205–6, 701

  smog 41–2, 214, 377, 465, 486, 567

  Snow, C.P. 32, 191

  Socrates xii, 6 & n, 7, 35, 154

  Sohn, Ira 363

  Sontag, Susan, “Notes on ‘Camp’” xxviii

  Sorel, Jean 149n

  Sorel, Paul 450, 556, 701

  Soule[s], Gerard 228, 229

  Sound of Music, The (film) 398n

  South Africa 464, 475; Boer War 542, 544, 560

  Southern, Terry 256 –7, 341, 701

  Spaak, Paul Henri 155

  space exploration 63, 99, 213–14, 221, 534; moon landing (1969) 569, 570, 577

  Spar, Al 201, 211, 259 Spectator (magazine) 95

  Spencer, Dick (architect) 544

  Spender, Elizabeth (Lizzie)
505, 506, 701

  Spender, Matthew 59, 88, 505, 701

  Spender, Natasha 84, 167, 168, 349, 505, 701

  Spender, Stephen: and Don Bachardy’s application to Slade 37, 41, 42, 43, 68; and Angus Wilson 59 –60; C.I. visits and socializes with in London (1961) 59 –60, 67–8, 82, 88–9; and Auden 60, 349, 444, 505; Bachardy’s dislike of 68, 84, 122, 167, 168–9; and British television show about thirties 73, 77, 79; at Glyndebourne 84; character 88–9; and C.I.’s proposed article on Virginia Woolf for Encounter 126, 130; reading of C.I.’s Down There on a Visit 126; in California 167, 168–9, 349, 502, 503–5, 505–6; C.I. feels vindictive towards 179; article on Aldous Huxley 299; at Bachardy’s opening at Banfer Gallery, New York 344; appearance 349, 504; marriage 349, 505; and CIA’s funding of Encounter 453; at conference at Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Santa Barbara 503–4, 505; concern about riots following Martin Luther King assassination 504–5, 506; on Germany 505; and David Hockney 506, 508; meets Eugene McCarthy on plane 508; in article on “British Writers and the Austria of the Thirties” 552; 702

  Spigelgass, Leonard 287

  Springfield, Missouri 286

  Stacton, David, Old Acquaintance 239

  Stalin, Joseph: exposure of purges 130n, 142; removal of body from mausoleum 130

  Stanford University 266, 267, 271

  Stanwyck, Barbara 118, 192

  Starcke, Walter 10, 702–3

  Stark, Bruce 507

  Steen, Mike 170, 180, 469, 479, 703

  Stein, Gertrude, Three Lives 184

  Steinbeck, John 236

  Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle), The Charterhouse of Parma 183, 184, 188, 196

  Stephens, Robert 114

  Stern, James (Jimmy) 103, 114, 119, 120, 400, 703

  Stern, Peter 103

  Stern, Tania Kurella 114, 119, 120, 400, 703

  Sterne, Laurence 144

  Stevens, Marti 498, 703

  Stevens, Wallace 471

  Stevens, Dr. (dentist) 270–71, 300, 344

  Stevenson, Robert Louis 378; C.I. visits house and grave in Samoa 571, 578, 579 –80 “The Beach at Falesá” 3, 6, 159; “The Suicide Club” 150; “Requiem” 580 & n Stewart, Donald Ogden 97, 703–4

  Stewart, Serena 149

  Stone, Irving 135, 136

  Storke, Thomas 249

  Story, Alice (Ala) 261

  Strachwitz von Gross-Zauche und Camminetz, Rudolf 573, 704

  Stratford-on-Avon 106, 114, 124

  Stravinsky, Igor: C.I. socializes with 55, 56, 250, 254, 262–3, 292, 294, 348, 359, 372, 378–9, 405, 523–4, 572, 579; Don Bachardy’s drawings of 67–8, 114, 119, 215; in New York 156, 594, 597; books of conversations with Robert Craft 179, 203, 208, 236, 262, 263, 379; concert tours 179, 210, 249, 442; and T.S. Eliot 179; C.I. declines to provide anecdotes on 183; in Santa Fe 216; visits Russia 250; black thoughts 262; drinking 262–3; health 290, 292, 294, 348, 372, 378, 464, 481, 524, 535–6, 540–41, 542, 552, 558–9, 572, 579, 597; C.I. dreams about 338; on composition 359; A Stravinsky Portrait (documentary film) 359; quarrel with Robert Craft 374, 379; on novelists and writing 378; on picture frames 378–9; Ed Allen acts as attendant 379; C.I.’s admiration for marriage 400; Requiem Canticles 405; C.I. feels snobbish about knowing 500; plans to leave Los Angeles to settle in Europe 524, 533; religion 541; fear of death 542, 572; and Mirandi Levy 552; financial problems 572, 597; 704

  Stravinsky, Vera: Don Bachardy’s drawing of 12; C.I. socializes with 55, 56, 250, 254, 262–3, 292, 348, 359, 372, 378–9, 405, 523–4, 535–6, 572, 579; in New York 156, 594, 597; saying on personal needs 168; recommends gardener 174; concert tours 179, 210, 249, 442; on enemies among critics 179; in Santa Fe 216; visits Russia 250; relations with Robert Craft 263; on Igor’s health 290, 292, 540–41; gives champagne as birthday present to C.I. 374; C.I.’s admiration for marriage 400; injures leg in minor car accident 405; name day celebrations 480; C.I. feels snobbish about knowing 500; health 523–4; plans to leave Los Angeles to settle in Europe 524, 533, 572; in Paris 533; birthday celebrations in California 535–6; C.I. takes to see Adventures of the Black Girl in Her Search of God 552; financial problems 572, 597; resentful of Igor’s children 572; 704–5

  Street, Clare (Amul) 319

  Strensall (Yorkshire) 445

  Stride, John 184

  Strindberg, August 188

  Stromberg, Hunt, Jr. 479n, 493, 494, 495, 499, 500, 519, 705

  Stross, Raymond 585

  Sturges, Solomon 185

  Stuurman, Douwe: friendship and socializing with C.I. 12, 21, 30, 249; character 20, 22–3, 33; house at Isla Vista 21, 30; second marriage 21, 22; and UCSB staff 27; visits Berkeley writers’ conference with C.I. 32, 33–4; birthday (1961) 41, 42–3; C.I.’s relations with 53; 705

  Sudhira (Helen Kennedy) 478, 705

  Suez Crisis (1956) 96, 97n

  Sujji Maharaj see Nirvanananda, Swami

  Sunday Times, The 171, 243

  Surmelian, Leon 280, 519, 705–6

  Susann, Jacqueline, Valley of the Dolls 498

  Sutherland, Graham 88–9

  Sutro, John 45, 51, 59, 60, 63, 706

  Swahananda, Swami 525, 706

  Swamiji see Vivekananda, Swami

  Sweeting, Charles 366

  Swinburne, Algernon 494

  Sydney 571, 584, 585, 589 –90

  Sykes family (Australian ranchers) 586 –7

  Sykes, Gerald 170

  syphilis 199, 200, 456

  Tagore, Rabindranath 145, 311; Gitangali 575

  Tahiti xxxv, 569, 570–71, 573–4, 575, 576, 580, 591

  Takami, Hideki 536

  Taking Mood, The (film) 583

  Tangier xx, 256, 257, 315

  Tanny, Vic 44

  Tarafdar, D.P. 311, 312

  Taste of Honey, A (Delaney; play) 4, 5, 6, 9 –10, 12, 24

  Taste of Honey, A (film) 60–61, 111, 114n

  Tate, Sharon 521–2, 573, 579, 706

  Taylor, Elizabeth 342

  Taylor, Jay 319

  Taylor, Paul 88, 222

  Teleny (anonymous novel) 485

  Teller, Edward 179, 285, 706 –7

  “Tempo” (British television program) 118

  Tennant, Stephen 76 –7, 707

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 335

  Ter-Arutunian, Rouben 352

  Testament of Orpheus, The (film) 559

  Texas, Hurricane Carla 111

  Texas, University of, purchase of literary manuscripts 102, 103

  That Man from Rio (film) 347

  Theater in the Street (charitable organization) 550

  Theater West, Los Angeles 578

  Thimann, Kenneth 489

  Thirroul, Australia 571, 589

  Thom, Richard (Dick) 133, 494, 497, 707

  Thom, Tommy 507

  Thomas, Bob, Selznick 541

  Thomas, Dylan 3, 483, 498

  Thomas, Hugh 77, 78, 81

  Thompson, John Lee 462

  Thompson, Nicholas 548, 563, 707

  Thomson, Virgil 392, 555, 707–8

  Thornhill, Anthony 451

  Thornton, Edward, The Diary of a Mystic 594–5

  Thurber, James 575

  Time (magazine) 79, 160, 171, 264, 285, 287, 310, 512

  Time and Tide (magazine) 211

  Times, The 120

  Titov, German 99

  Tokyo 301, 302–3

  Toland, John, The Last 100 Days 431


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