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The Satanic Bible

Page 13

by Michael A Aquino

  between, then encroachers upon Canaan’s stable

  cities and cultures, the Hebrews needed the most

  vicious and threatening deity possible: both to

  terrorize their own, loosely-knit membership into

  cohesiveness and to propagandistically overcome

  any sponsoring gods of invaded communities. And

  so they adopted El.

  a. Appropriations

  Supporting stories, as needed to impress and

  intimidate the ignorant and gullible, began as

  corrupted fragments of pre-existing Canaanite,

  Babylonian, and Egyptian polytheistic legends,

  66 Haggard, Sir H. Rider, She and Allan, 1921. The Second

  Book of Ayesha, Leonaur Press, page #157.

  67 From Old French Ebreu, via Latin from late Greek Hebraios,

  from Aramaic ῾ib ray, Hebrew ῾ib rî “beyond the river”.

  - 150 -

  gradually coalescing into the Holy Bible’s “Old

  Testament”, absent either the crediting to or

  educational morality of these sources. 68

  A further Hebraic corruption - Dualism - was

  also appropriated, again imprecisely, from Persian

  Zoroastrianism (after Zarathustra, ca. 600 BCE); it

  involves a conflict between two opposing forces of

  the cosmos - in Persia Ahura Mazda vs. Ahriman,

  and later in Hebrew imitation El vs. Satan. 69

  b. Xodus

  If you thought you saw even a correct timeline

  in Cecil B. DeMille’s The Ten Commandments, think

  again: Neither Pharaoh Seti I nor his son Rameses II

  imprisoned a nation of Hebrew slaves, and Rameses

  didn’t lose either his army to the Red Sea or his son

  to an El-slaughter of Egypt’s firstborn. 70

  Nor did any of this occur during Rameses II’s


  68 Cf. Gerald Massey, A Book of the Beginnings (Seacaucus,

  NJ: University Books, 1974). This work was the first of his

  series on the topic. Among the topics addressed: Egyptian

  origins of practically every Hebrew and Christian myth, and

  Egyptian origin of the Hebrew language. Massey followed this

  2-volume work with two more equally-extensive sets, Natural

  Genesis and Ancient Egypt, further developing and

  documenting this information.

  69 While in original Persian Dualism the powers and influence

  of Ahura Mazda and Ahriman constituted a divine balance, the

  Hebrews and their Christian/Islamic variations, have never

  been able to resolve the dilemma of a supposedly omnipotent

  and good El with the existence of evil; the dilemma of theodicy.

  70 Rameses II was succeeded by Merenptah, the fourth son of

  his second wife, simply because by age 90 he had outlived all of

  his older sons.

  - 151 -

  Hard evidence of the Exodus event in the

  preserving deserts of the Sinai, where most of the

  biblical Wandering takes place, is similarly elusive.

  Although its climate has preserved the

  tiniest traces of ancient Bedouin encampments

  and the sparse, 5,000-year-old villages of mine-

  workers, there is not a single trace of Moses or the


  And they would have been by far the largest

  body of ancient people ever to have lived in this

  great wilderness.

  Neither is there any evidence that Sinai and

  its little natural springs could ever have supported

  such a multitude, even for a single week.

  Several 19th-Century vicars recognized this

  fact within a day or two of the start of numerous

  expeditions in search of Moses’ footsteps.

  “Escaping from the rigours of an English

  winter,” as one of them says, “in a land of the flock

  and the tent to which our only guide was the Bible”

  they quickly realized that the biblical Exodus was

  logistically impossible and that the Bible was a

  most ambiguous guide to that desolate region.

  The biblical description of the Exodus, then,

  flies in the face of practical experience. Indeed the

  closer you examine it, the further it seems

  removed from all of ancient history.” 71

  As for the Ten Commandments, El borrowed

  their content from the Egyptian-Hittite Treaties of

  1274 BCE ...

  The prologue of the Hittite treaty reminds

  the Hittite king’s vassals of his benevolent acts..

  (compare with Exodus 20:2 “I am the LORD your

  God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out

  of the house of slavery.”).

  The Hittite treaty also stipulated the

  obligations imposed by the ruler on his vassals,

  which included a prohibition of relations with

  peoples outside the empire, or enmity between

  71 Romer, John, Testament. New York: Henry Holt, 1988, page


  - 152 -

  those within.” ( Exodus 20:3: “You shall have no

  other gods before Me.”).

  Viewed as a treaty rather than a law code, its

  purpose is not so much to regulate human affairs

  as to define the scope of the king’s power. 72

  ... but didn’t get around to his own version until at

  least the 7th Century BCE. 73 This would have

  corresponded to the [Kushite] XXV Dynasty of the

  Third Intermediate Period; Seti I & Rameses II were

  of the [Setian] XIX Dynasty (1290-1197 BCE).



  If you’re unlucky enough to be one of El’s

  Chosen People (the Hebrews>Jews), you’re headed

  for the extremely unpleasant Sheol when you croak,

  and that’s all there is to it.

  So when Jesus and Mohammed promised

  Original Sinners a way out, they instantly got an

  attentive audience.

  And it sounded like a good deal: All you had to

  do was obey one of them, not El directly.

  “They”, institutionalized as churches and

  mosques, were nice as long as you unquestioningly

  obeyed and paid taxes to support them.

  d. Exodus 22:18

  If you weren’t interested, or chose the wrong

  Redeemer for your locale, you had the choice of

  either converting or being tortured and killed: in the

  72 Bright, John, A History of Israel (4th Edition). Philadelphia:

  Westminster Press, 1972, pages #165-70.

  73 Finkelstein, Israel & Silberman, Neil Asher, The Bible

  Unearthed. New York: Touchstone, 2002, page #70.

  - 153 -

  Christian Roman Empires, Dark Ages Europe, the

  Crusades, the genocidal wars of the Protestant

  Reformation and Catholic CounterReformation, and

  the Renaissance.

  If you happed to be a native of the Western

  Hemisphere or Pacific-rim Asia, Christian

  missionaries were quick to exterminate or enslave

  “Heathens” from the moment Columbus arrived.

  Islam cut just as bloody a swath where it

  advanced around the Mediterranean, Africa, the

  Middle East, and southern Asia.

  All of which has continued, past the European

  “Enlightenment”, to the genocidal religious wars of

  the 21st century: Shiite against Sunni Muslims,

  Jewish Israel against Muslim Palestine,

  Hindus against Pakistani Muslims, and Buddhist

  Myanmar against Muslim Rohingya.

  In the interest of fairness, here is a list of not

  just worldwide genocides, but even the smallest

  wars or massacres perpetrated by Satanists/Setians

  throughout history: [ ].

  Not just this striking contrast, but the scourge,

  persistence, and viciousness of nonSatanic religious

  violence speaks directly to the reason: insecurity in

  nonSatanic religious belief. In short, if you have

  little or no confidence in the validity of your chosen

  or compelled religion, even the existence of

  alternatives is an unacceptable threat and must be

  eliminated one way or another.

  Satanists/Setians feel no such insecurity,

  because this religion is based on solid premises. The

  existence, even the prevalence of the profane is thus

  a matter of disinterest, or, if considered emotionally,

  nuisance or pity.

  Profane religious neurosis and violence force

  attention only when, as in the Salem witch-hunts or

  - 154 -

  the 1980s’ international “Satanic Panic” pogroms,

  degenerate profane fantasies concerning this

  religion explode into open violence and attempted


  Ironically profane ignorance is so widespread

  that the victims of such vigilantism are more often

  than not innocent bystanders who know no more

  about authentic Satanism than their Inquisitors.

  e. CabalEmption

  At least Christians and Muslims could now

  breathe easier: All you had to do to qualify for

  Heaven instead of Sheol was to surrender your will

  to Jesus’ or Mohammed’s representatives and

  convert or exterminate as many heathens and

  heretics as you could reach.

  But El’s Chosen People, the Jews, not only

  didn’t have this promise, even if they kill every last

  Palestinian and “intrusive” Syrian, Lebanese,

  Egyptian, and American74 inconvenient to “Greater

  Israel”. Comments Arthur Schopenhauer in Parega

  #I, 13:

  The Jewish religion proper, as described and

  taught in Genesis and all the historic books until

  the end of Chronicles, is the crudest of all religions

  because it is the only one which has no theory of

  immortality - not even a trace of it. Every king and

  every hero or prophet is buried, when he dies, with

  his fathers, and there is an end of the matter; no

  trace of any existence after death; indeed, as if

  74 On 6/8/1967 the Israel air force & navy attempted to sink

  the U.S.S. Liberty research ship in international waters,

  planning to blame it on Egypt. Annoyingly for Israel, some of

  the American sailors survived to expose this “false flag”


  - 155 -

  intentionally, every thought of this sort seems to

  have been removed.

  But Schopenhauer is only partially correct.

  According to Hebrew theology, the soul - which is an

  animating force common to animals as well as

  humans - survives as a “shade” which endures

  eternal imprisonment in a dark, dismal prison called

  Sheol, from which there is no escape, redemption, or

  resurrection. Whether the soul-being was virtuous

  or vicious in life makes no difference; Sheol awaits


  But wait! If El hasn’t sent Jews a Redeemer as

  he has Christians and Muslims, might there be a way

  for them to escape Sheol by redeeming


  In the 13th Century CE Jews [and uncertain

  Christians] were offered a new hope for non-

  Messianic redemption from both Adam & Eve’s

  Original & their own additional sins. The Spanish

  Jew Moses de León authored a series of books, the

  Zohar (“Splendor”), claiming to reveal divine

  mysteries concealed in the Torah.

  The mysticism contained in the Zohar is known

  as [Hebrew] Cabala (aka “Kabbalah”, “Qabala”,

  etc.). The word means “aligned” or “corresponding”,

  and purported to chart an initiatory pathway to

  redemption by personal effort alone. Desperate

  Jews, as well as similarly-motivated Freemasons,

  Rosicrucians, Theosophists, and Thelemites eagerly

  made the Cabala the core of their teachings.

  Moses de León ascribing the Zohar to the 2nd-

  Century rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, who hid in a cave

  for thirteen years studying the Torah and was

  inspired by the prophet Elijah to write the Zohar.

  Unfortunately León’s widow confessed that her

  husband had written it, using the prophet for profit.

  - 156 -

  This trifling quibble seems not to bother the legions

  of Cabaloyalists, however. 75



  In “Might is Right” Arthur Desmond waxes

  particularly vehement on the subject of lies:

  The most dangerous of all enthroned lies is

  the holy, the sanctified, the privileged lie - the lie

  that everybody believes to be a model truth.

  It is the fruitful mother of all other popular

  errors and delusions. It is hydra-headed. It has a

  thousand roots. It is a social cancer.

  The lie that is known to be a lie is half-

  eradicated, but the lie that even intelligent persons

  regard as a sacred fact - the lie that has been

  inculcated around a mother’s knee - is more

  dangerous to contend against than a creeping


  Popular lies have ever been the most potent

  enemies of personal liberty. There is only one way

  to deal with them: Cut them out, to the very core,

  just as cancers are. Exterminate them root and

  branch, or they will surely eat us all up. We must

  annihilate them, or they will us.

  We have seen that the vaguely/mysteriously

  impressive “God” turns out to be nothing more than

  just one of a number of savage, sadistic Canaanite

  idols, first appearing millennia after far more

  benign, articulate, and educational cosmological

  principles such as the Platonic/Pythagorean Forms

  and the Egyptian neteru.

  Without exception the “wisdom” attributed to

  El turns out to be plagiarisms at best, malicious

  deceits at worst.

  75 Funk & Wagnalls, Jewish Encyclopedia.

  - 157 -

  The history of El-worship is an unrelenting

  bloodbath of torture and murder through the

  centuries, in return for which this god promises its

  servants an afterdeath eternity of nightmare in the

  desolation and misery of Sheol.

  But before the Satanist can apply “Ragnar’s”

  remedy to El, the two “proofs of his existence” most

  commonly advanced by his cultists must be

  demolished - which is not in the least difficult:

  Both “proofs” relate to the cosmological

  conglomerate of interrelated matter and energy: the

  Objective Universe (OU).

  The first proof, most famously advanced by

  Thomas Aquinas in his Summa Theologica (still the

  doctrinal backbone of the Catholic Church), is an

  attempted application of Aristotle’s “unmoved

  mover” proposition: that if the OU exists, something

  had to create it.

  That sounds reasonable, but actually isn’t.

  There is no reason to assume that existence follows

  nonexistence. The existence of the OU may just as

  logically extend infinitely into the past and future,

  requiring no creator. 76

  It is to “pre-substantiate” this argument that

  Judaism arbitrarily insists upon a cosmology of

  “linear time”, which requires a theoretical starting-

  point as well as ending-point: “In the beginning,”

  states “Genesis” - whereupon everyone from Adam

  to Albert Einstein is expected to salivate and salute.

  76 This principle - that there is no necessity nor cause for

  existence per se - was most famously expressed by French

  novelist Jean-Paul Sartre. The protagonist of his Nausea is

  horrified by the inexplicability of his own, hence the entire

  OU’s existence - ultimately being forced to admit that no

  “explanation”, no creative agency or rationale, is inherently

  necessary. [This is the core premise of Existentialism.]

  - 158 -

  But as the Egyptian sages recognized from their

  earliest astronomy 77, time (4D) is actually an

  arbitrary measure of convenience internal to OU

  phenomena; it does not exist objectively beyond it.

  Therefore the cherished syllogism that the

  existence of the OU requires El as a creator collapses

  as a tautological fallacy.

  A second argument, obviously much more

  fanciful since it requires Biblical or testimonial faith,

  involves the existence of “miracles”: isolated

  instances of NL violations that would thereby

  require the interjection of an intelligence superior

  and external to that NL. Examples would be the

  parting of the Red Sea by El (not Mr. DeMille),

  Jesus’ post-crucifixion revivals, or more currently

  the claimed miracles “by El through” Mother Teresa

  and Father Junipero Serra qualifying them for

  Catholic Church canonization as saints.


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