Book Read Free

Defying Destiny

Page 45

by Andrew Rowe


  Appendix I – Magical Items

  Notes by Wrynn Jaden

  Sal has a habit of running into magical items and legendary artifacts. I’d be a little jealous if I didn’t have a pretty impressive hoard of them myself.

  Let’s talk about some of the fanciest ones, shall we?

  The Sae’kes is Sal’s sword, and it’s obviously the most famous item on the list. It’s got this weird warbly killy aura around it, which lets it cut through, well, literally anything as far as I can tell. Magical barriers, solid objects, even other magical artifacts — provided he can focus the essence around the sword enough. Big problem is that it seems like it’s leaking a bit, and uh, that could be kind of bad for him in the long run.

  Of course, it used to belong to the Seven-Branched Sword Deity, better known as Aendaryn on this continent. When Aendaryn used it, it had all sorts of other abilities...but Sal hasn’t quite figured those out yet, and I’m not sure it would be best for me to explain. I’m a little worried that if he tries to use them when the sword is like this, he might, well, explode or something.

  Then there’s the Heartlance. Once the symbol of the gods of Orlyn, it somehow ended up in the hands of a paladin named Velas. It’s popularly known for preventing injuries it cases from healing, but while it might have some properties that slow healing, it definitely doesn’t actually do that. The main function seems to be some kind of haste effect when the wielder taps the bottom of it on the ground, but I suspect it has other abilities. Maybe something involving blood sorcery, given the name.

  Vendria is a talking gemstone, and one of at least three, maybe more. So far as I can tell, they all used to be a single entity from the distant world of Rendalir. Still sorting out all the details there.

  En-Vamir, known for the overly-fancy title “The Hammer that Broke the Spine of the World”, once belonged to Koranir, the God of Strength. Its powers involve being able to crush things it comes in contact with. Most people believe this is simply some kind of direct application of force — meaning the dominion of motion — but my experience tells me it’s more akin to gravity. I think the dominion of tides might be involved. Sadly, I haven’t had a chance to get my hands on it yet, but maybe if I make a few trades...

  Anyway, I’ve saved the most important item for last. My box! The Jaden Box, because, well, it’s named after me. It lets you store items in an extra dimensional space and retrieve them at will. And, perhaps more importantly, it has a long-distance summoning function. Sadly, that function takes a long time to recharge, but it’s really useful! All I need is some blood or hair or something from someone and I can pull them over from anywhere I want. (Don’t look at me like that, it’s not creepy for me to collect blood and hair from my friends. It’s practical, okay?)

  There are lots of other interesting items lying around on Mythralis – World Cutter, Sculptor, Void Branch...but I’m bored now, so I’m gonna just end this note here. Bye!

  Appendix II – Notable Personages

  Paladins of Tae’os

  Lydia Hastings (aka Lydia Scryer) is a Paladin of Sytira, the goddess of knowledge. She was badly injured by Jonathan Sterling, but has been spending the last several months training to recover and enhance her skills. She is a practitioner of several forms of sorcery, most notably Protection, Knowledge, and Dreams.

  Taelien Salaris has only been a member of the paladins for about a year, during which time he’s been hunting for dominion bonded and artifacts for his branch, the Paladins of Aendaryn. He carries the Sae’kes Taelien, which is believed to be the sword that Aendaryn himself once wielded. He is a talented user of metal and flame sorcery, and also possesses some stone sorcery. His most unique power comes from his destructive aura, which appears to be similar to the aura emitted by the Sae’kes itself.

  Velas Jaldin is a former member of the Queensguard of Orlyn, as well as an agent of Aayara, the Lady of Thieves. Her name when working for Aayara is Silk. She wields the Heartlance, a legendary spear, and utilizes motion and sound sorcery in combat.

  Garrick Torrent was in charge of Taelien and Velas’ training when they were taking the tests to join the Paladins of Tae’os. He was killed by the vae’kes Jonathan Sterling.

  Aladir Ta’thyriel is Lydia’s paladin partner and a tremendously powerful healer and spirit sorcerer. He is the son of Ulandir Ta’thyriel, one of the most notable spirit sorcerers on the continent.

  Landen of the Twin Edges (sometimes Landen of the Twin Blades) is a Velthryn-native swordsman who adopted the name Landen after leaving his old life behind. He is Velas’ closest friend and companion, as well as a cousin of Nakane Theas, the current heir to House Theas.

  Asphodel is a delaren, a species with crystalline hair that generates sorcerous essence. She possesses a powerful talent for destiny sorcery, allowing her to continuously see a few seconds into the future, as well as concentrate to see visions on specific subjects. Because of this, she is referred to as an oracle. Others that sleep near her are sometimes visited by dreams of the future as a manifestation of one of her oracular talents.

  Keldyn Andys is a swordsman with the ability to use the Dominion of Blades, which is believed to be a gift from Aendaryn, the God of Swords. This allows Keldyn to conjure and manipulate multiple phantasmal swords. It is believed that this is one of the few types of sorcery that could potentially harm a vae’kes, who are otherwise nearly invincible to conventional harm.

  Kestrel Makar is the only other active paladin with the ability to utilize the Dominion of Blades. Her manifestation is somewhat different, allowing her to create a single phantasmal greatsword that she wields directly, rather than conjuring multiple floating swords like Keldyn. She was adopted by paladin commander Rowan Makar, but her original surname was Haven — the same as the legendary Aayara Haven, the Lady of Thieves. Because of this, Kestrel has come under some scrutiny as a potential agent of Aayara.

  Dyson Hastings is Lydia’s younger brother and a Paladin of Eratar. His tremendous speed is believed to be a gift from Eratar, the God of Freedom.

  Herod Morwen is a former Paladins of Tae’os officer that still oversees training for some new potential recruits in an unofficial capacity. He was one of the commanding officers during the fall of the capitol city of Xixis.

  Alaria Morwen is Herod’s daughter, and a Lieutenant in the Paladins of Tae’os. They’re known to have a had a falling out years ago.

  Cassidy Ventra is a squire for the Paladins of Tae’os.

  Durias Moss is a paladin specialized in communication sorcery.

  Gladio Gath is a paladin with a talent for metal calling, minor protection sorcery abilities, and a dominion bonded sword that serves as an “anchor” to prevent teleportation spells when active.

  Bobax is an eccentric paladin who specializes in illusions using light, shadow, and sight sorcery.

  Finn Pine is a paladin with talents for fist fighting and ice magic.

  Thornguard and Servants of Vae’lien

  Jonan Kestrian is ostensibly a member of the Order of Vaelien, the non-military branch of servants of Vaelien, the deity worshipped in the Serelien (“Forest of Blades”) region. He works directly for Aayara, the Lady of Thieves, under the name of Scribe. He is a potent sight sorcerer, but also possesses a talent for flame sorcery, which he loathes to use.

  Aayara, also known as Symphony or the Lady of Thieves, is the patron deity of thieves on the continent of Mythralis. She one of the eldest of the vae’kes, who are believed to be the children of Vaelien. Like all vae’kes, she possesses the ability to permanently steal sorcerous power with a touch. As a tremendously ancient being, she is one of the deadliest known entities on the continent. Even gods fear her. Aayara’s followers use “ess” names (meaning they start with the letter “s”) as code names, such as Silk (Velas) and Scribe (Jonan). Characters that use “ess” names are collectively called “esses”.

  Jacinth, also known as the Blackstone Assassin, is the other of the eldest vae’kes.
The two are known for their legendary rivalry, often going to great lengths to disrupt the plans of the other. Jacinth’s followers use code names related to gemstones or flowers, such as ‘Diamond’ or ‘Lavender’.

  Jonathan Sterling is a vae’kes, one of the children of Vaelien. He infiltrated the Trials of Unyielding Steel — a contest to join the Paladins of Tae’os — and used that opportunity to attempt to assassinate Landen of the Twin Edges, one of the few remaining members of House Theas. While Landen survived, Sterling killed Garrick Torrent, earning the enmity of the surviving paladins.

  Captain Nolan is a Thornguard commander that works in Aayara’s service.

  Taer’vys Ironthorn is an ambitious member of Thornguard military intelligence. He has an interest in forbidden knowledge, such as time and void sorcery.

  Mairead Caelan is Taer’vys’ adjutant. Her abilities are largely unknown.


  Vaelien, the King of Thorns, is the patron deity of the Serelien region of the continent. His children are the vae’kes. He is believed to be the god of fate, time, shadows, and nature.

  Aendaryn is the God of Swords and leader of the Tae’os Pantheon.

  Sytira is the Goddess of Knowledge and Sorcery. She is a member of the Tae’os Pantheon.

  Eratar is the God of Freedom and Air. He is a member of the Tae’os Pantheon.

  Koranir is the God of Strength and Stone. He is a member of the Tae’os Pantheon.

  Xerasilis is the God of Justice and Fire. He is a member of the Tae’os Pantheon.

  Lysandri is the Goddess of Water and Clarity. She is a member of the Tae’os Pantheon.

  Lissari is the Goddess of Life and a member of the Tae’os Pantheon.

  The Sun Eater was one of the creators of another world, Rendalir. He slew the other worldmakers of his planet and brought destruction to his entire world. According to legend, he was then sealed away by the efforts of the worldmakers of other worlds.

  Kelryssia was the Worldmaker of Destiny and the Stars. She is an ancient deity, now mostly forgotten. Even less is remembered of her contemporaries Delsen, Caerdanel, and Velryn.


  Edon was once the ruler of Orlyn, until he was deposed in a coup only about two years ago. He was the leader of the pantheon of self-made “deities”, who used a form of sorcery drawn from dominion marked items to empower themselves.

  Byron is the current king of the nation of Orlyn, after the machinations of the Thornguard and vae’kes deposed the previous ruler, Edon.

  Tylan is Byron’s mother, and ruled as the queen regent for many years. She was also one of Edon’s “deities” when he was in control of the city.

  Blake Hartigan is one of the three legendary immortal sorcerers of Velthryn. He has accepted Lydia as an apprentice, and is teaching her powerful new sorcery.

  Erik Tarren is one of the three legendary immortal sorcerers of Velthryn. He handed Taelien to a rethri family when Taelien was a newborn, after supposedly being given Taelien by Aendaryn, the God of Swords. A famous scholar, he writes books on sorcerous theory and other worlds.

  Edrick Theas is one of the three legendary immortal sorcerers of Velthryn. His daughter, Nakane, is his last remaining heir.

  Nakane Theas is a young sorceress and last heir to House Theas. She possesses an exceptional talent at spirit sorcery, much like her father and late brother.

  Wrynn Jaden, also known as the Witch of a Thousand Shadows, is one of the prime lords of the rethri. She has tremendous sorcerous powers and a habit of collecting enchanted curios.

  Korus Kyestri, also known as the Titan of the Northern Reaches, is the Prime Lord of Stone. He’s an eccentric, known for his sculptures and his menagerie of monsters.

  Karheart is the Crown Prince of Keldris, a city to the south of Selyr. He is also the Prime Lord of Deception and fond of pranks.

  Vendria is a sapient gemstone, reportedly once from the world of Rendalir, which was destroyed long ago. Originally, she was a seasonal entity, with each aspect having different personality characteristics and abilities.

  Venora is Vendria’s spring aspect, possessing healing and defensive sorcery.

  Venshara is Vendria’s summer aspect. Her capabilities are unknown.

  Venlyria is Vendria’s winter aspect, possessing ice and stability sorcery.

  Tysus was a legendary hero of Rendalir, thousands of years in the past. He was a lover of Venora, Vendria’s spring aspect.

  Em’rak is a being that claims to be a fragment of the Sun Eater.

  Rialla Dianis is a powerful young rethri sorceress from House Dianis. She left home at a young age to protect her younger brother, who was born without a bond to a dominion. She seeks a way to help with his condition, which is slowly killing him.

  Elias Dianis is Rialla’s younger brother, and an uvar, meaning a rethri born without a bond to a dominion.

  Liarra Dianis is Rialla’s twin sister and a powerful healer.

  Torian Dianis was Rialla and Liarra’s father. He was one of those responsible for the assassination of members of House Theas. He was killed by Rialla.

  A Note From the Author

  First off, I’d like to give my sincere thanks to everyone who has read through this trilogy. It’s been a life-long dream of mine to publish a series like this, and I appreciate everyone who has supported me along the way.

  This concludes the War of Broken Mirrors proper, but there is more content coming in the same universe.

  The Weapons and Wielders series picks up with Taelien right after this book ends. The first book of that, Six Sacred Swords, is already out.

  At present, I’m planning to write other books to follow the other characters (although some of them may show up in Weapons and Wielders as well). I don’t want to say too much more on that right now, but rest assured that more content is in the works.

  The Arcane Ascension series also takes place in this universe, although in a different location and time period. If you enjoyed these books and haven’t read those yet, you may want to check them out. You’ll see some familiar names and faces, but not directly as you will with Weapons and Wielders.

  There may be a “Book 4” of the War of Broken Mirrors eventually, but don’t expect that any time soon. These other series will be my focus for the foreseeable future.

  Thank you all again for reading to this point. I hope you enjoyed the book, and if you’re interested in reading more, I hope you’ll take a look at my other books.

  If you want to see what Taelien is up to after this book, Six Sacred Swords can be found here — or take a look at the preview chapter for it just ahead.

  Preview Chapter – Six Sacred Swords

  I’ve always had a complicated relationship with magic swords.

  There’s a magic sword at the very start of my personal story, but I’m not going to start there. You wanted to know about how I’d encountered Dawnbringer, one of your six weapons of legend.

  That’s a much better story.

  Let me tell you about when I first came to your lovely continent of Kaldwyn.


  I awoke in the Whispering Woods. I didn’t know the name at the time, of course, but I trust that you’ve heard of them.

  Most of it looked pretty standard as far as forests go, at least at first. Tall trees, occasional patches of high grass, a few mysterious blue flowers growing to the side of where I woke.

  Mist. Lots of mist. I could see a good twenty feet though, so it didn’t add any particular sense of danger. The forest I grew up in got misty at times, too.

  I pushed myself off the ground and wondered how in the name of the gods I’d gotten there.

  My head swam as I rose, teetering on my feet.

  My stomach grumbled.

  How long had I been out?

  I wiped the dirt from my hands off on my tunic, then spent a moment just rubbing my temples. It didn’t help much, but my mind was clearing even if the pain wasn’t fading.

  I scanned the area. I didn
’t recognize my surroundings. The tree bark was a light shade of green, almost as bright as the grass below.

  I need to break the habit of letting old sages teleport me to strange places.

  I didn’t notice any immediate dangers, fortunately. Based on the disruption in the foliage, I suspected I was on a path. The brush had been cleared in a broad enough swath that I suspect it was a human trail rather than animal trail, but I didn’t see any boot marks or other clear indications to confirm that.

  No other people around. That was irritating, because a distinct lack of people would make my job harder. I needed to gather information about the continent and local customs. That generally required people to talk to.

  I remembered the last thing the sage told me.

  “I’m sending you to another continent. Your objective will be to gather information and resources before I send the rest of your team. After your friends arrive, you must meet with their goddess and bring her to join our cause. Without her help, we stand no chance against the threat that is to come.”

  Lesson One: Old sages will never tell you the full story.

  This didn’t look like a good place to find information and resources. True, he hadn’t said he’d be sending me to a major city, but he hadn’t warned me that I’d be in the middle of nowhere, either. So, either the sage had omitted some key information or something had gone horribly wrong.

  I didn’t know which was worse.

  Either way, no one was nearby. I’d have to search the area and see what I could find.

  At least I was intact. No horrifying teleportation damage to my person, as far as I could tell without a mirror.

  I checked my side. The sword was there, as it always was, and locked firmly in its scabbard.



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