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READ in 19 Minutes

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by Vishnuvarthanan Moorthy


  The Mind Traveler

  Copyright2013 Vishnuvarthanan Moorthy

  I am sweating and my heart is pumping more than 150 times per minute, I feel I will get my nose bleed again and my adrenalin is rushing beyond limit. I was normal till I reach this station, then the telephone call came and it’s changed my stability in few seconds! I know I have to be calm now and I need to think. The only clue which they have given me is, I need find a Secret Code worth of a billion dollars from the mind of person called “Venus” an American. They found me and they followed me and they are aware that I can do that, and they know I am a “Mind Traveler”.

  I had 19 minutes when they finished that call, now I have 18 min 34 seconds left with me. I don’t know where to start, I am in this crowded Mumbai, CST railway station and more than a half a million people leave at this time after office hours. I have to think now! On any cost i need to find Venus and take the code from his mind. They told 19 minutes, why it is 19? It may be related to departure of any train here! I could see a train starting in platform 7 in another 18 minutes 25 seconds. That should be the place, where I should be now.

  I am running, I can feel my legs in air, more often, and its platform 7. Where do I find him, its 1500 people waiting for the train to arrive! When I came to India few years back from US, I was amazed by this crowd, but now I live here, so I know how hard they will get in to the train, when it arrives and I will have no chance. Wait! for any foreigner the way to spend waiting time here is to get a magazine and buy a bottle of mineral water, as many don’t believe in tap water here and it’s humid. So I should go to the nearby magazine shop to start my travel. I found one in 20 meters, but before I start my travel I have to place myself in safe place, so that no one interacts with this body, while I am travelling in others mind. I found a place where an elderly couple are sitting and lots of crowd around there. Crowded place is safe for me! Now to travel in someone’s mind, I have two limitations. First, I can enter into one’s mind only when they talk to me, similarly unless they talk to others, I can’t travel to others mind, else I can only return back to my mind. Second, I can read a person mind for the past 19 minutes only. I don’t know why it’s for 19 minutes, but I practiced it only for that time. So anything in last 19 minutes they did, they spoke, they thought, everything I can read. By this time I have 17 minutes 25 seconds left with me.

  I called the magazine boy loudly, so that he can reply to me, as I am sitting 4 meters away from him. He must be in his 20’s and never cared for my voice, so I threw my pen at him and he was wild and asked me what I want? I said sorry, but that’s enough for me to get in to his mind. I searched his mind, just few minutes before he sold a Cars Magazine to a porter, his mind has still kept that information as unrecognizable condition and he is still wondering about it. I now got a thread to move ahead and reach Venus. The porter came to back to the boy to give the change and now he asked for a Mumbai map. This could mean, I am nearer to Venus, any new person to this place, will need a map. I entered in to the mind of the porter, and I am with him and 16 minutes 15 seconds left with me and he walks down to a lady and handovers the map. She looks like a villager from Eastern part of India, but why should she read these high cost Car magazine and an English Mumbai map, i don’t want to leave this thread; I penetrated in to her mind as the porter talks to her. I read her mind and she is shivili, 10 minutes before her husband James, left her to buy a cup of coffee and he is from France and likes different cars. This means, she is not with Venus. 7 minutes before she saw a stranger roaming around with a gun and he went behind the cloak room, she could notice that. She is waiting to communicate this to someone.

  I can feel her agitated mind and she is desperate to tell the police or railway official, I decided to take my chance to be there and travel through her.

  Nisha, Its Nisha, she is with them, she left few minutes before me, from my office. It was 16th Jan, I and she were sitting next to each other in a cab. My hands were so close to her hands, and it’s the road to blame, my right hand little finger had touched her left hand little finger, it was an accident. To blame the road again and again, both our fingers met quite often and they were comfortable to meet each other. At one point in time, they just starred at each other and kept talking to each other. The senses took complete control and we never felt our entire body, those little fingers have became our world. Those little fingers moved together and hugged each other, we both know at that moment, this is not love, this is not affection, this is not desire, and this is more than all! I know, this time I haven’t travelled in someone’s mind, but it’s on someone’s soul! The other fingers were just followed their leader, the little finger, and both our hands were blend! This moment, it is beautiful than anything in this world for us! We both know that we lived our entire life in that one moment and there is nothing closer than that, we ever experienced in our life and will never!

  A Ticket Checker crossed shivili, he was tall and gigantic, and that gave the confidence to shivili, and she called him and told that there was a guy with a gun hiding behind the cloak room. I grasped the opportunity to leave shivili’s mind and entered in to the mind of the ticket checker, he is eager to finish this and he know exactly where to go. I have 13 minutes 25 seconds left with me, to save Nisha. I believe I got a solid link this time and I have to just wait to see that I reach that person. The Ticket checker he was in his middle 40’s and has started running and reached the police control hub. He explained the police officer the situation, its Raghu, the police man with good physic and high in confidence. He is telling others to join him behind the cloak room. As Raghu was moving I also went along with him.

  I was 9 years when I accidently discovered my power. My mother will not agree to most of the things which my father says, this is when I started reading my mother’s mind. I wanted to desperately save their marriage, so that I have a normal life. I was able to speak in parallel to what she thinks, initial I thought it’s just coincidence, but it was that day, when she wanted to kill herself, I came from school and I just read her mind, it was 3 minutes before she had planned to kill herself and she went inside the room in next few minutes. I just followed her and I was shocked to see that she was about to eat those tablets. I went and hugged her; she just hugged me with tears! It gave me a push to read her mind about my father and from there travel to my father’s mind and see how he perceives about her in each and every point! I was quite successful on my travel!

  Raghu moved very casually without any anxiety nearer to the cloak keeper and then he took the cigar and started searching for his lighter, he couldn’t find. So he searched someone nearer to get it, and saw the suspect and asked him the lighter. The suspect don’t know, whether he has attack or defend or be casual! Raghu went closer to him and just kept the gun on his head. Its 11 minutes 02 seconds more for me. The police surrounded him and they took him, to the police hub, I was waiting for Raghu to speak to him. I am left with 9 minutes 40 seconds. Raghu asked him, who is he? By this time, I knew he is Johnson and he is undercover agent and he is there for last 2 hours. Oh god! I wasted nearly half of my time here.

  I came to Mumbai few years before, because, I have no other go but to move out of USA and hide somewhere. It was 5 months before that, I was in a hospital with my mom in a night time for an emergency and there few people came, one with bullet injury, and they told the doctor, that he was shot accidently by his own child. It was unfortunate that doctor got fits; I read his mind and started giving the first aid to him and injections. The nurses have complained to the hospital security, but I wanted to finish it as I can save the life of a man. It must be them, after that my parents started getting calls and they asked me to do some jobs for them. I left USA, and I have
no choice but to give peace to my parents.

  There must be only few like me, the mind travelers! Or only me! They followed me and they found me!

  As a light of hope, Johnson told Raghu, that he saw Farman the local gang leader 25 minutes before. Farman, if he is there in any place means, there is some underworld dealing which happens! He moves very quietly and has brokers to subcontract illegal works to him from abroad. He could be the one who can bring my Nisha to me! I have 8 minutes 02 seconds with me. I can’t search Farman, but I can see his face from Johnson’s mind. I don’t have the energy and bandwidth to search him. I am losing my time and I know I definitely need some luck with me.

  Two years before I joined this advertising company, were Nisha was working for quite some time. I never even noticed her and she, she is like a horse! Who will only do her job and nothing more than that! It was few months before, we started working together, that’s when I knew her, who is she really! She is not charming, she is not tall, she is not fair but she is pure! She is pure in her heart! We both have similar

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