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Twin Dragon’s Destiny

Page 18

by S. E. Smith

My dragon senses danger, Brogan replied.

  Do you know what kind? Barrack asked, wrapping his hands around Delilah’s waist and pulling her into the protective shadows of the porch. He ignored her startled squeak and wrapped his arms around her to keep her still.

  No, Brogan replied. Keep her safe. My symbiot and I will explore.

  Barrack inclined his head. His gaze scanned the area, and his dragon woke – alert to the tension running through both men.

  “Where are you going?” Delilah asked in surprise.

  “I wish to check out the area. I will return shortly,” Brogan said, lifting his hand to run the backs of his fingers down along her cheek.

  “Oh,” she replied, unable to keep the disappointment out of her voice. “I was hoping we could go flying in a bit after the dogs have had some time outside.”

  “When I return,” Brogan promised.

  “Okay, well, be careful. The trees are pretty heavy with snow and they can snap at any time.”

  Brogan chuckled. “I will be careful, elila. Make sure Barrack keeps you warm while I am gone,” he teased, sliding his leg over the skimmer his symbiot had formed.

  They watched from the porch as he sped away. Delilah leaned back against Barrack and he rubbed his cheek against her knitted cap-covered head. His arms tightened around her when she placed her hands over his. Pleasure washed through him at her affectionate embrace of his touch.

  She had been very quiet the last few days. Brogan and he had been very sensitive to her moods since her transformation. They were trying to be patient and give her time to come to terms with the changes in her life.

  “I swear those symbiots can do the most incredible things,” she sighed, her eyes following Brogan as he disappeared through the trees.

  Barrack chuckled. “Would you like to see what else they can do?” he teased.

  Delilah heard the suggestive nuances in his voice. Shaking her head, she laughed and pulled out of his arms. Stepping onto the path they had cleared for the dogs, she grinned up at him.

  “Later. The poor dogs need some exercise. Between this weather and me neglecting them because I’ve been captured between two sexy bodies, they are about to go crazy,” she said. “Besides, I need to check on my truck. The engine heater only works if we have electricity and since it has been off, I need to make sure my only mode of transportation hasn’t frozen up.”

  “The doors have snow in front of them. We can wait until it melts to check your truck and I can have my symbiot watch the dogs,” Barrack countered with another suggestive grin.

  She chuckled and shook her head. “I guess I’ll need a dragon to help me melt the snow,” she said, ignoring the pout on his lips at her teasing rejection.

  A rumble of approval slipped from him when Delilah shifted into her dragon and promptly flipped her tail up at him. When she did it a second time, he saw more of her soft underbelly and the protected slit. He knew she was teasing him and trying to get him to shift with her.

  She sniffed inelegantly when he chuckled and folded his arms. His dragon was growling at him in frustration and straining to take his mate up on her invitation. He would love to, but it would leave them too vulnerable. Until he knew what danger Brogan had sensed, his first priority was the protection of their mate.

  He released a quiet chuckle when she blew a thin line of fire at the snow. She was still learning how to control the flames of her dragon. While flying came naturally, controlling their flames was a little trickier. The natural flow was full-on incineration of anything they wanted to get rid of, not a finely wielded stream of fire.

  He descended the steps, and had taken almost a dozen steps toward the garage to show her how to control her flame when he heard an unfamiliar sound. His head turned toward the front of the house. Delilah was focused on melting the snow and hadn’t heard the approaching vehicle.

  “Delilah, little fighter, I need you to shift back immediately. Someone is coming,” Barrack quietly called.

  Delilah turned her head at Barrack’s soft warning and focused on what she could hear. A couple of engines were headed their way. She murmured to her dragon. The female dragon shimmered and grunted in frustration. She didn’t like having to remain hidden.

  A moment later, Delilah stood near the door to the shed when a pair of snowmobiles came up the driveway. It took her a minute to realize that the man on the first snowmobile was Bubba Joe.

  Amusement coursed through her. She had honestly never thought of Bubba Joe as being a motorcycle – or in this case snowmobile – kind of guy. The only thing she had ever seen him in was a pickup truck that had to be older than hers.

  He slowed to a stop and pulled off his helmet. He gave her an easy grin before his eyes moved to Barrack and the grin turned to a frown. Delilah decided it might be better to keep the attention on herself.

  “Hey, Bubba Joe! What are you doing here?” Delilah asked, curious about who else was with him.

  “Hi, Delilah. I went by your place in town to see if you made it through the storm okay, but it was empty. Mr. Clausen said he saw you packing up the dogs in the truck. I figured you must’a come up here,” Bubba Joe said, glancing over at Barrack again.

  She warily watched as Bubba Joe placed his helmet on the front of the snowmobile and climbed off. He pulled down the flaps of his hat to protect his ears. A smile curved her lips when his face softened as Moonshine and Rum came bouncing over to him. The man loved animals, there was no denying that. For a brief second, her heart hurt for Bubba Joe. She knew he liked her – a lot. She liked him too, but not in the same way.

  She cleared her throat. “Yeah, my furnace decided to take a dump at the last minute. This house is in better shape thanks to the new windows and doors you helped install,” she said, tucking her hands in her jacket pockets.

  “Glad to hear that. Hey, guys,” Bubba Joe said, squatting and rubbing the Rottweilers’ heads. “How are you two doing? Cold, I bet. I see your momma has you in nice sweaters.” He smiled and straightened, shoving his hands in the pockets of his heavy coat. “You could have stayed at my place. You still can. I can take you down on the back of my snowmobile.”

  Delilah’s sensitive ears heard the soft growl of disapproval. The dogs must have heard it as well because they both whined and looked back at Barrack with their heads lowered. She shot Barrack an easy grin paired with a hard glare before turning back to smile at Bubba Joe.

  “That’s alright, but thanks for the offer. I have this place and the dogs. It isn’t fair to burden anyone else with them,” she replied in a light, cheerful tone before turning her attention to the other two people sitting silently on the snowmobile. “I… Would you like to come inside for some hot chocolate, tea, or coffee? I’ve got some freshly made cookies and lemon cake, too,” she politely asked, remembering her parents’ rule of offering refreshments to guests – even the uninvited ones.

  “That sounds great. Rudy, do you and DeWayne want some?” Bubba Joe asked.

  “DeWayne? What are you doing here?” Delilah demanded as a dark scowl swept across her face.

  DeWayne reluctantly removed his helmet and held onto it. His wary gaze swept over to where the dogs were now digging in the snow. Delilah could just imagine him wondering if she was going to bury his body in the hole.

  “Now, Delilah, you know Rudy is my cousin. I stayed with him and Aunt Lavern through the storm. I didn’t know that Rudy and Bubba Joe were coming here,” DeWayne muttered.

  “You’re lucky my momma taught me to be nice – sometimes,” she retorted, pursing her lips. “Come on in and I’ll make some hot chocolate. I know you don’t drink coffee, Bubba Joe.”

  Delilah turned and looked toward the house. Barrack was standing on the corner of the front porch waiting for them. From this angle, it was hard to see his expression, even with her new dragon super-eyes.

  She had only taken a few steps when a surprising growl escaped her as Bubba Joe reached out to grab her arm. Her hand flew to her mouth and she stumbled. S
he felt another growl rise up in her throat and she covered it with a cough. Her dragon was pissed about something.

  What are you doing? she demanded in an incredulous tone.

  He no touch you! Only mates touch us, her dragon snarled.

  This is Bubba Joe, for crying out loud! I’ve known him since we exchanged bruises in kindergarten. He is my friend, Delilah huffed. I won’t let you or anyone else, including Brogan and Barrack, tell me who I can and can’t be around, she added in warning.

  “Are you okay, Delilah?” Bubba Joe asked, bending down to look into her face.

  She sighed and nodded. “I’m okay, Bubba Joe,” she replied in a quiet voice. “How’s your mom doing?”

  She listened as Bubba Joe shared all the stuff going on in town. Her eyes scanned the porch, noting that Barrack must have taken the dogs in. She hoped that Whiskey was keeping a low profile.

  My symbiot is keeping an eye on things from afar, Barrack informed her.

  Delilah bent her head and smiled. She had forgotten that they could communicate this way. Looking up, she could see him standing near the front door.

  “Who’s that?” Bubba Joe asked.

  Delilah picked up the slight sound of resentment in Bubba Joe’s voice. They climbed the stairs. Rudy and DeWayne’s voice faded and they froze on the second step. Delilah cleared her throat as the silence grew.

  “Ah, Barrack, this is Bubba Joe. He is a childhood friend from town and has been helping me out with the renovations. That’s Rudy and DeWayne,” she introduced. “I’m going to make some hot chocolate, would you care for some?”

  She gave him a pointed look when he remained standing in front of the door. He reached down and opened the screen, standing to the side in silence. Delilah rolled her eyes at the steely glare he gave Bubba Joe as they walked through the door.

  “Who’s that?” DeWayne asked, practically shoving Rudy out of the way so he wouldn’t be the last one in. “I didn’t know you had a boyfriend. If I had known, I wouldn’t have asked… you out.”

  Bubba Joe’s head turned at that and he added his heated glare to Barrack’s. Delilah decided she had enough male testosterone for the moment. Peeling off her jacket, she hung it up on the hall tree and toed off her boots.

  “Hang up your coats and your guns, boys. I’ll be in the kitchen making hot chocolate. Barrack, why don’t you come help me? The rest of you know where the sitting room is,” she stated, not wanting any of them any closer.

  “Thanks, Delilah,” Bubba Joe said, peeling off his outer jacket.

  She decided from the freezer suits and other clothes the men were wearing, it would take them a little while to get undressed anyway. She strode down the hallway to the kitchen with Barrack silently following behind her. The moment they rounded the corner of the kitchen, she swung around and grabbed the front of his jacket. A wicked grin curved her lips and she rose up on her tip toes to press a hot kiss to his lips.

  “What was that for?” Barrack asked, his eyes flaming at the almost defiant caress.

  “Because I wanted to and because I can,” she chuckled. “You have nothing to worry about. I like Bubba Joe, but he’s not my boyfriend. I like Rudy, but have probably only said a dozen words to him in my entire life. I can’t stand DeWayne. The guy grates on my nerves worse than fingernails on a chalkboard. He is the same age as me and has the backbone of a jellyfish – which don’t have one, by the way.”

  “Yet, he wishes to court you,” Barrack said, placing the pot she handed him on the stove.

  “In his worst dream,” she muttered under her breath. “If I knew how to load my granddad’s old shotgun, he’d still be picking buckshot out of his ass with a pair of tweezers and a handheld mirror.”

  Barrack grunted as he stirred the mixture that she was pouring into the pot. “Brogan and I should be grateful for that small favor as well or we would have been doing the same,” he reminded her.

  “Yes, you would have,” Delilah agreed, crumbling up a touch of fresh mint and dropping it in the pot. “If you can stir that, I’ll cut up some cake.”

  “Perhaps if you do not offer them the sweets, they will leave sooner,” he suggested.

  Delilah shook her head. “I have been taught by my parents to feed any guest – even the unwanted ones. Why do you think you and Brogan ended up back in the house?” she said with a sweet smile.

  “Your parents did a good job raising you,” Barrack called after her as she carried the desserts into the dining room.

  “Yes, they did,” she quipped over her shoulder.

  She grinned as she placed the plates and desserts on the table. Her gaze lifted when she felt eyes on her. Bubba Joe was staring at her like he had never seen her before. Her face flushed and she wondered briefly if she was flashing any rose-colored scales. If she was, that might be a little difficult to explain.

  “Do you need any help?” Bubba Joe asked, walking into the dining room.

  “If you can set the plates out while I set the silverware, that would be great,” she said, finishing cutting the lemon cake.

  She picked up the plates and started to turn toward Bubba Joe. He reached for them and froze, his eyes locked over her head. She saw his throat move slowly up and down as he swallowed. She wanted to close her eyes in exasperation. Instead, she put a bright smile on her face and looked over her shoulder.

  “Yay, you’re back just in time for some hot chocolate and cake… and as you can see, we have guests,” she added with a subtle warning.

  Chapter Twenty

  Half an hour later:

  Far off in the distance, Brogan heard the faint sound of a transport leaving. He rose to his feet and scanned the area. This was the third spot he had found where someone had been. He turned and looked in the direction the man had obviously been observing. Once again, he saw Delilah’s home.

  Have you found anything? Barrack asked.

  Someone was watching Delilah’s home. I have found the spot where I believe he was when I first sensed him, Brogan replied.

  Do you know who it is? Could it be Jaguin or Adalard? Barrack asked. I half expect them to come once the weather is clear.

  No, this is human. I will see if I can track him, Brogan replied, turning to follow the tracks he had seen heading to the bottom of the mountain.

  Be warned: Delilah has company, Barrack told him dryly.

  What do you mean? Brogan demanded, his eyes searching the house.

  He cursed when he saw the two transports in the front yard. A growl of frustration tore through him. If there were humans there, that meant they knew about him and Barrack – or at least, they knew about Barrack. His gaze moved from the tracks in the snow to the house and back again.

  See if you can find anything. I am here, Barrack said.

  Who are they? Brogan demanded. Barrack didn’t immediately answer him, and his gaze moved back to the house.

  Men who wish to court our mate, Barrack finally admitted. She is going to serve them hot chocolate and sweets.

  And you let her?! Brogan demanded.

  It is called Pearl’s Rule Number 1. I am using my brain. Go find the danger to us, Brogan, and leave our mate to me, Barrack muttered.

  You know, I have really tried to forget that woman and her rules, Brogan stated with a slight shudder at the memory of Pearl and her small torture device. Keep those males away from our mate or I will.

  Brogan pulled away from his connection with his brother. He needed to focus on the tracks. Motioning for his symbiot, he mounted the hovering gold skimmer, and they wove through the trees, following the narrow double lines in the snow. The tracks led down to the road and Brogan could see where a transport had been. A wide path leading down the road showed that the vehicle was equipped with a deflector to clear the snow from its path.

  Wary of traveling along the road, he tried to follow the tracks of the transport from the edge of the forest. He had to cross the road several times to keep sight of where the vehicle had gone. A wave of frustration
ran through him when he reached the main road. It appeared the vehicle had traveled both ways and he couldn’t tell which was newer with the falling snow covering up the tracks.

  He scanned the sky. Dark, heavy clouds were filling in the brief patch of blue. He could feel the temperature dropping again.

  Tired of snow. Go to mate. She make chocolate, his dragon said.

  Brogan’s lips twitched when his symbiot sent him the same visual image of a huge cup of steaming chocolate. He knew they both wanted to return to the house because of the men. Neither creature was bothered by the cold.

  On the other hand, he could feel it seeping into his bones and he wouldn’t mind something sweet and delicious to warm him up. He chuckled when both his dragon and his symbiot pulled up a very vivid image of Delilah last night spread out on the bed with bands of gold wrapped around her wrists and ankles – before switching to an image of a strange man smiling down at her. He shook his head and scowled.

  You both did that on purpose! Brogan muttered, shifting uncomfortably on the symbiot skimmer.

  The sound of his dragon snickering in his head had him wishing at times that they were two separate entities. At least that way he could tell his irritating other half to shut up and go away. Of course, he would probably be as successful with that as he was with his symbiot.

  You miss me if I go away, his dragon retorted with a low rumble.

  For maybe a nanosecond, Brogan replied.

  A wave of warmth and pleasure coursed through him at the easy banter. He hadn’t felt this relaxed – since forever. The tension and anger that had continuously consumed him since he was a youngling wasn’t completely gone, but the need to rip someone’s head off had disappeared.

  It didn’t take him long to return to Delilah’s house. They silently slid to a stop on the backside of the large shed. His symbiot shifted into a Werecat. He debated what he should do before he sent his symbiot an order to search the woods for any other traces of the human they had been tracking.

  “This is the one time when having Jaguin here would have been helpful,” he mused to his symbiot.


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