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The Madness of Crowds

Page 34

by Douglas Murray

  31 House of Commons, Hansard, 21 November 2018.

  32 See ‘Transient sexual mimicry leads to fertilization’, Nature, 20 January 2005.

  33 Freddy Gray, ‘Nigel Farage’s groupies party in DC’, The Spectator, 28 January 2017.

  34 Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Emile, or On Education, trans. Allan Bloom, Basic Books, 1979, pp. 92–3.

  35 L. H. Keeley, War Before Civilisation: The Myth of the Peaceful Savage, Oxford University Press, 1996, p. 90. See also the graph made out of this in Steven Pinker, The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature, Penguin, 2003, p. 57.

  36 H. W. Brands, Traitor to His Class: The Privileged Life and Radical Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Doubleday Books, 2008, p. 152.

  37 Ezra Klein, ‘The problem with Twitter, as shown by the Sarah Jeong fracas’, Vox, 8 August 2018.

  38 Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, trans. Harvey C. Mansfield and Delba Winthrop, University of Chicago Press, 2000, p. 181.

  39 Martin Luther King Jr, ‘Where do we go from here?’, delivered at the 11th Annual SCLC Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, 16 August 1967.

  40 Emma Green, ‘Are Jews white?’, The Atlantic, 5 December 2016.

  41 ‘Anti-Semitic flyers attacking “Jewish privilege” appear to UIC’, Campus Reform, 17 March 2017.


  Abdel-Magied, Yassmin here

  academia: and racism here

  Act Up group here

  activism here

  campus activism here

  social justice activism here

  Advocate (US gay magazine) here, here, here

  Afoko, Carys here

  AIDS crisis here

  Alan Guttmacher Institute, USA here

  alcoholism here

  Allen, Woody here

  alpha male behaviour here

  American Psychological Association (APA) here, here

  removal of homosexuality as a disorder here

  on sexual orientation here

  on traditional masculinity here, here

  Angelou, Maya here

  Anonymous (activist collective) here

  anti-racism here, here, here, here, here

  APA, see American Psychological Association (APA)

  Applebaum, Barbara here

  Archer, John here

  Arendt, Hannah here

  Aristophanes here

  Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics here

  Ashley, April here, here

  Ashley, Laith here

  Atlantic, The (magazine) here, here, here

  Auden, W. H.: ‘In Memory of W. B. Yeats’ here

  autogynephilia here

  Bacha posh tradition (Afghanistan) here

  Bailey, J. Michael here

  Baldwin, James here, here

  ballet here

  Barrymore, Drew here, here

  Baskerville, Stephen here, here

  Battle, Kathleen here

  Baum, Joel here

  Bawer, Bruce here, here, here


  headline news here

  Promenade Concerts here

  sports controversies here

  Beauchamp, Zack here

  Beggs, Mack here

  Benjamin, Harry here

  Bennett, Mikaela here

  Berman, Paul here

  Berry, Wendell here

  Bialik, Mayim here

  bias here

  Implicit Association Test (IAT) here, here, here

  interaction bias here

  latent bias here

  selection bias here

  unconscious bias here

  unconscious bias training here

  Bindel, Julie here, here

  bisexuality here, here

  Black, Dustin Lance here, here

  black civil rights here

  black community: split in here

  Black Panther (film) here

  Black Students United, Cornell University here

  black studies here

  Blanchard, Ray here

  Bloomberg report here

  Boggess, Jade here

  Boggess, Sierra here

  Boghossian, Peter here

  Bomer, Matt here

  Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo here, here

  Brands, H. W. here

  Bridges, George here

  Britton, Fern here

  bullying here, here, here, here

  Burchill, Julie here, here

  Burou, Georges here

  Business Insider (financial news website) here

  Butler, Dawn here

  Butler, Judith here, here, here, here

  Buzzfeed here, here

  Byrne, Aidan here

  Call Me By Your Name (film) here

  camel toe underwear here

  campus activism here

  Claremont McKenna College, California here

  Evergreen State College, Washington here

  Yale University, Connecticut here

  capitalism here, here

  catastrophizing here, here

  Christakis, Erika here, here

  Christakis, Nicholas here

  Christian fundamentalism here

  Chu, Andrea Long here

  civil rights here

  Claremont McKenna College, California here

  Clinton, Hillary here

  clustering here

  Coates, Ta-Nehisi here, here

  Colbert, Stephen here

  colour-blindness here

  coming out here

  confidence: women and here

  Conquest, Robert here

  Conte, Jack here

  context collapse here

  conversion therapies here, here, here, here

  Corden, James here

  Cowell, Roberta (formerly Robert) here

  Cox, Laverne here

  Crenshaw, Kimberlé here

  cross-generational shaming here

  Crouch, Simon here

  cultural appropriation here

  clothing here

  food here

  novels here

  Cumberbatch, Benedict here, here

  cuttlefish: and sexual mimicry here

  Daley, Tom here, here, here

  Daly, Conor here

  Damore, James here

  Davidson, Michael here, here, here, here, here

  Davies, Russell T. here

  Dawson, Rosario here

  deconstruction here, here

  DeGeneres, Ellen here

  Deleuze, Gilles here

  DiAngelo, Robin here

  Dolezal, Rachel here, here

  Downs, Jim here

  Dreger, Alice here, here

  Du Bois, W. E. B. here

  Dumbo (film) here

  Dyson, Michael Eric here

  Earhart, Amelia here

  Economist, The here

  Eddo-Lodge, Reni here

  Ehrensaft, Diane here

  El-Wardany, Salma here, here

  Ellis, Bret Easton here

  employment law here

  Endocrine Society here

  entertainment: racial issues here

  epigenetics: and homosexuality here

  equality here

  gay equality here, here, here, here

  genetics and IQ here

  secular humanism and here

  eugenics here

  Eugenides, Jeffrey here

  euthanasia here

  Evening Standard, The here

  Evergreen State College, Washington here

  extremism: homophobic views as evidence of here

  fa’afafine (Samoa) here

  Facebook here

  Fae, Jane here

  Faludi, Susan here

  fat-shaming here

  Favre, Brett here

  Fawcett Society here

  Featherstone, Lynne here, here

  female comics here

  feminism here, here

  and mansplaining here, here

  and misandry here

motherhood here

  and patriarchy here

  and sexual fluidity here

  and toxic masculinity here, here

  war on men here

  feminist studies here

  Ferguson, Sharon here

  Flores, Ryan Jacobs here

  Fonda, Jane here

  Forbes magazine here

  Forcier, Michelle here

  forgiveness here

  Foster, Kmele here

  Foucault, Michel here, here

  Fouratt, Jim here

  Fox, Fallon here

  free speech here

  French, Marilyn here, here

  Gallup, Gordon G. here

  gay issues

  equality here, here, here, here

  gay liberation movement here

  gay marriage here, here, here

  gay men: view of lesbians/gay women here

  gay parenting here

  gay press here

  gay pride marches here

  gay rights movement here, here, here

  gays and politics here

  gays and queers here, here

  responsibilities of being gay here

  Gay Times (British magazine) here

  gender issues

  gender ambiguity here

  gender as social construct here, here, here, here

  gender dysphoria here, here, here, here

  gender fluidity here, here

  gender pay gap here, here, here

  gender reassignment here: see also sex-change operations

  genetics here

  sexual fluidity here, here

  Generation Z here


  and gender here, here

  and IQ here

  Girard, René here

  GLAAD (gay organization) here

  Glashow, Sheldon Lee here

  Goldberg, Jeff here

  Goldberg, Susan here

  Goldberg, Whoopi here

  Good Morning Britain here

  Google here, here

  Grahame, Gloria here

  Gramsci, Antonio here

  Greer, Germaine here, here, here

  Guadagnino, Luca here

  Guardian, The: sports controversies here

  Gyarkye, Lovia here

  Haidt, Jonathan here, here

  Halperin, David here

  Hamilton, Lewis here

  Hammer, Armie here

  Harriot, Michael here

  Harris, Sam here

  Harrop, Adrian here

  Hartley, L. P.: The Go-Between here

  Harvard University, Massachusetts

  admissions policies here

  Implicit Association Test (IAT) here, here, here

  Hepburn, Katharine here

  Herrnstein, Richard J. here

  high holy day commemorations (Stonewall) here

  hijras (India) here

  Hodgson, Eve here

  Hollywood here, here

  homophobia here

  as evidence of extremism here

  reasons for here

  homosexual transsexuals here

  homosexuality here

  epigenetics and here

  evolutionary role of here

  homosexual transsexuals here

  innateness/lifestyle choice/learned behaviour issue here

  origins of here

  as political ideology here, here, here

  and transvestitism here

  Hubbard, Laurel (born Gavin) here

  Hughes, Coleman here

  Humboldt Broncos bus crash here

  Hunt, Ruth here

  Hunt, Tim here

  Hypatia (feminist philosophy journal) here

  I am Jazz (documentary series) here

  IAT, see Implicit Association Test (IAT)

  identity groups: divisions in here, here

  identity politics here, here

  Implicit Association Test (IAT) here, here, here

  imposter syndrome here

  Independent Spirit Awards, Santa Monica here

  Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (film) here

  interaction bias here

  internet here, here

  and fairness here, here, here

  Implicit Association Test (IAT) here

  and machine learning here

  pitfalls of here, here

  and public/private language here

  and social activism here

  see also social media

  internet pornography here

  intersectionality here, here, here, here, here, here, here

  intersex here, here

  Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) here

  IQ: and genetics here


  sex-change operations here

  transsexualism in here

  J. P. Morgan: unconscious bias training here

  James, Andrea here

  Japan: attitude to homosexuality here

  Jenner, Caitlyn (formerly Bruce) here

  Jennings, Jazz here

  Jeong, Sarah here

  Jews: and privilege here

  Johansson, Scarlett here, here

  Just Nips company here, here

  Kang, Jay Caspian here

  Kathoey (Thailand) here

  Keeley, L. H. here

  Keen-Minshull, Kellie-Jay here

  Khomeini, Ayatollah here

  King, Martin Luther here

  ‘Where do we go from here?’ speech here

  Kinnaman, Joel here

  Kinsey, Alfred here

  Kipling, Rudyard: ‘If’ here

  Kirk, Marshall here

  Klein, Ezra here, here, here

  Krutzik, Ramona here

  Laclau, Ernesto here, here

  Lagarde, Christine here

  Lakdawalla, Emily here

  LAMBDA (gay literary organization) here

  language: public/private here, here, here

  latent bias here

  Lawrence, Anne A. here

  Leibovitz, Annie here

  lesbianism here

  lesbians/gay women: view of gay men here

  Lester, Adrian here

  Letterman, David here

  LGBT community here, here, here, here, here

  LGBTQI community here

  LGTQ community here

  liberalism here, here, here, here

  Lilla, Mark here, here

  Lilly Diabetes here

  Lindsay, James here

  Locke, Ollie here

  London Pride (2018) here

  London School of Economics (LSE) here

  Loreto, Nora here

  Lukianoff, Greg here, here

  Mac Donald, Heather here

  Machine Learning Fairness (MLF) here

  McIntosh, Peggy here

  McKellen, Ian here

  McKinnon, Rachel here

  Madsen, Hunter here

  Manchester Pride (2018) here

  mansplaining here, here

  March on Washington (1963) here

  March on Washington (1993) here

  Marxism here

  Mendelsohn, Daniel here

  Mendes, Eva here

  Mermaids (British trans-rights group) here, here

  MeToo movement here, here

  Mill, John Stuart: On Liberty here

  millennials: and sexual fluidity here

  Minaj, Nicki: Anaconda video here

  Minogue, Kenneth: ‘St George in retirement’ syndrome here

  misandry here

  Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) here

  MLF (Machine Learning Fairness) here

  Moore, Suzanne here

  Moran, Layla here

  Morgan, Nicky here

  Morgan, Piers here, here, here

  Morgan, Richard K. here

  Morris, Jan (formerly James) here

  Morrison, Toni here

  motherhood here

  Mouffe, Chantal here, here

  Mouncey, Hannah here

, Daniel Patrick here

  Mulholland, John here

  Murphy, Meghan here

  Murray, Charles here

  National Geographic here

  New York City Ballet here

  New York Times, The here, here, here

  Nicolosi, Joseph here

  Nietzsche, Friedrich here

  nipples, fake here

  Nixon, Kimberley here

  Norman, Jessye here

  Norton, Quinn here

  Nosek, Brian here

  Observer newspaper here

  Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria here

  Office for National Statistics (ONS), UK here, here

  Oliver, Jamie here

  Olson-Kennedy, Aydin here

  Olson-Kennedy, Johanna here, here, here

  Olusoga, David here

  ONS (Office for National Statistics), UK here, here

  oppression here

  Outrage group here

  Ovid: Metamorphoses here, here

  Owens, Candace here

  Paglia, Camille here

  Patreon (funding website) here

  pay gaps here, here, here

  Penny, Laurie here

  Perry, Katy here

  Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome (PMDS) here

  Petersen, Anne Helen here

  Peterson, Jordan here, here, here

  Pickup, David here

  Pink News here, here, here, here

  Pinker, Steven here, here

  Plato: The Symposium here

  Pluckrose, Helen here

  PMDS (Persistent Mullerian Duct Syndrome) here

  Polanski, Roman here

  pop music videos here

  power here, here, here, here

  patriarchal power here, here, here

  power relations here, here

  women’s power here

  prelapsarianism here

  private/public space here: see also social media

  privilege here, here

  Jewish privilege here

  male privilege here

  white privilege here, here

  public shaming here, here, here

  Pulse nightclub massacre here

  queer nation here

  Queer Nation (radical group) here

  queers here

  and gays here, here

  Question Time (BBC political discussion show) here

  QW (gay weekly) here


  as political ideology here

  as social construct here, here

  racial violence here

  racism here, here

  academia and here

  anti-racism here, here, here, here, here

  and colour-blindness here

  entertainment and here

  racial segregation laws here

  Rafsky, Robert here

  rape-counselling here

  rape fantasies here

  Ray, Tony here

  RCP (Royal College of Psychiatrists), London here, here

  Reich, David here

  Reid, Joy here

  religion here, here

  Rivers, Josh here

  Roberts, David here

  Rogan, Joe here

  Ronell, Avital here

  Root, The (black community magazine) here, here

  Roselli, Chuck here

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: Emile, or On Education here


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