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Lion's Match

Page 3

by Jasmine Alexander

  Eira nodded to the young tigress. “Let’s do it.” They led the girl to their jeep and followed her directions out to her father, the alpha. Eira wasn’t too enthusiastic, but at least she wasn’t walking into the alpha lion’s den. Tigers were cool with her, but she really wanted to avoid the lion for as long as possible.

  Chapter Four

  Cale had just sat down at the dining room table with members of his clan all around him when he heard a strange vehicle pull into the yard. They all looked through the window and saw a black jeep pull up. Cale got to his feet with Owen and Nico following him.

  Kalli followed at his side as well. He figured he should get used to it if she was going to be his mate.

  Cale stopped on the front porch and watched the vehicle, waiting for someone to exit. The back door opened and Lena stepped out. She walked toward them, and he wondered why she had been in a stranger’s car. His daughter explained before he could ask.

  “Hi, daddy. I brought a lone shifter from town. She’s new here and looking for a clan.” But he had learned to never be so accepting of his daughter’s words. She was devious, like a cat, and he wasn’t inclined to take everything at face value. Cale looked at the jeep, but no one came out.

  “There are two people in the car?” he asked.

  “Yes. They are best friends. And they were nice to me, daddy. So you better be nice to them.” Kalli bristled at his side and tried to put Lena in her place.

  “Don’t speak to your father that way! He is your alpha. He doesn’t take orders from you.”

  “No one asked for your opinion. He’s my alpha but he’s my father first. Mind your own business unless you want to wake up bald.” Lena glared at Kalli.

  Kalli growled under her breath, but kept quiet. She wasn’t the alpha’s mate yet, but when she was, the girl would learn her place.

  “Why are they still in the car?” Owen asked curiously.

  “Well, they aren’t sure of their welcome and have requested to speak with the alpha and beta, but only if they have great control.”

  “Why?” Nico asked curiously. Lena shrugged her shoulders.

  “They will explain it. I wouldn’t bring someone here who would mean harm,” Lena insisted.

  “We know that, sweetheart.” Her father soothed her. “All right, everyone inside. Lena, tell them to go into the training room and I will be right there.” Everyone turned to obey. Cale followed everyone back into the house to allow the two friends to make it to the training room. Kalli stopped him.

  “You shouldn’t go out there. You have no idea who they are or what they want.”

  Cale was annoyed. His daughter wouldn’t lie or put anyone in danger. Kalli was overstepping her role. She wasn’t his mate or even his promised yet. Kalli was petting his chest trying to soothe him, or seduce him, into her way of thinking. Either way it irritated him. He stepped out of her reach, heading toward the door with his betas.

  “I’ll be fine. Everyone stay here until I come back,” Cale said, and walked outside. He heard his daughter talking to someone in the training room as he approached. As he walked through the door, the scent finally hit him. It was like a physical blow and he wanted to plow over the woman standing in his training room. On his land! She disappeared for months and now just appears with his daughter.

  “You!” Cale snarled, as he came into the room looking at the two women before him. Her back was to him, and she suddenly stiffened and turned to face him. Her surprise was genuine, like she couldn’t believe he was really standing in front of her. That soothed the part that wondered what she might want from him, and why she kept showing up.

  “Oh, shit!” exclaimed Nico. His mate and the stranger started backing toward a set of the French doors. His mate put her arms out with the other woman behind her, herding the other woman to the exit. No way will I allow her to run again!

  “Look, I’m sorry. I had no idea this was your clan. I was only here to find a clan for my friend,” his mate explained. The two women had stopped moving but were tense and waiting for anything to happen.

  “Wait. You know him?” the woman asked. Then she leaned forward, and took a large breath through her nose, scenting the air. Her gaze shot up to Cale and her eyes narrowed. Her gaze would have burned through him if she had the ability.

  “You! You’re that lion. That prick of a shifter who snarled and insulted my sister.” The woman practically snarled at Cale.

  “Indi, calm down. We still need to find you a clan.” Eira tried to soothe the woman.

  “Sister?” Owen asked confused. “But you’re shifter. I can smell it on you. I can’t quite identify your animal. It is a scent I haven’t come across before. But you’re shifter.”

  Even Cale could scent the shifter. How could his mate have a shifter sister? Even those who couldn’t shift carried the scent. The woman that smelled like his mate was just human.

  “We aren’t blood related. I asked that only the alpha and beta be brought to meet Indi because some shifters only scent her as prey and will attack.” Eira explained. Cale sneered at Eira.

  “Shifters can control themselves. Regardless of what a human might think of them.”

  “I wasn’t suggesting that shifters cannot control themselves. I was stating a fact! Indi and I have both seen two-hundred-plus-years-old shifters go after her with one scent. Regardless of what you think of humans, I do not judge people simply because they can or cannot turn into an animal!” By the end, Eira was shouting, furious with being labelled as prejudiced by this big, hulking alpha lion. The three men in the room took in Indi’s scent and looked at each other. No one made a move for her sister, so Eira relaxed slightly.

  “So, I was right. This is your mate, huh, dad?” Lena spoke up reminding everyone that she was in the room.

  “You knew? And still you brought her here?” her father demanded. Eira was quick to defend.

  “Hey. Leave her alone. She was just trying to help.” The lion turned cool amber eyes toward Eira, and she stood her ground.

  “Go inside,” the lion directed his daughter. Lena stomped up to her father and looked directly up into his eyes.

  “Fine, I’ll go. But don’t forget that this is every clan member’s life you are dealing with. I think you should give her a chance. In fact I do believe that as the daughter of the alpha, being your immediate family, I can call for an Induco.” Lena had a big smile on her face. The two men with the lion froze and their eyes widened at the alpha and his daughter. Lena crossed her arms and looked at her father smugly. Cale glared his displeasure at his daughter.

  “Go inside. We will discuss this later. I will explain to the women.”

  Lena happily flitted out of the training room, leaving Eira and Indigo confused. The wolf who was about six two, and had dirty blond hair and big blue eyes stepped forward.

  “Hello. I’m Owen. I am beta to Caleb. This is Nico. He is the other beta of this clan.”

  “I am Eira, this is Indigo.”

  “Why do you travel with a shifter, human?” Caleb demanded.

  Eira narrowed her gaze at him. He might be smoking hot, but she would not be treated like this by anyone.

  “Ee-er-a. That is my name. You can use it or you cannot speak to me, Caleb.” Eira was annoyed and she wasn’t about to hide it.

  Caleb almost groaned at the sound of her voice. She was human, and he should hate her, but he couldn’t help the purr that wanted to rumble out of him at her strong, husky voice. He tried to hide his reaction and changed the subject.

  “You need a clan, Indigo?” Caleb asked the shifter.

  “Yes. But I don’t think this is the place for me. I don’t feel the way you do about humans. So I think that it is best for us to go.”

  “No!” Nico shouted, catching everyone’s attention. They all turned to look at the bear in confusion. “I mean, no,” he said, clearing his voice and bringing it down to a normal level. “Cale won’t hurt your sister. Besides, with the introduction period, you should both s
tay.” Nico tried to recover from the outburst. The alpha and other beta regarded him curiously, but said nothing. Cale explained.

  “Nico’s right. Since Eira is staying, you should, too, Indigo. It will give you a chance to see if you would like to join the clan, even after Eira is gone.”

  “You are being as ass,” Owen growled at the alpha.

  “W–What exactly is an Induco?” Eira asked, afraid of the answer.

  “It’s a time when a couple that could potentially mate lives together. This allows the pair to get to know each other before mating. An immediate family member of either person can ask for one. It is for a period of three months. After that time, the pair can mate, or go their separate ways.” Owen explained. Eira could tell the wolf was trying to explain as gently as possible, clearly realizing that Caleb had implied that after those three months he wouldn’t have her no matter what.

  That made Eira mad and sad in equal parts. There was no way that she was staying here for three months. His treatment of her was already hurtful. If she stuck around that long, she might fall in love with him, and he would still get rid of her in the end.

  “No,” Eira stated. “I’m not living with him for three months. I’m not a shifter or even part of this clan so your rules or traditions don’t apply to me.”

  “Wrong,” Caleb stated solemnly. “When you came onto our land, you agreed to anything in our laws. This is no exception. So you may not like it, and I certainly don’t but we have no choice. If you try to leave, every shifter in town will cart you right back here. I’m sure by now my daughter has spread the word. We are both stuck.”

  “Well, shit,” Indigo said aloud, much to everyone’s agreement.

  Three months stuck with someone who didn’t want you. Just great, Eira thought to herself.

  Chapter Five

  “So, you have a guest room or something?” Eira asked Cale as they walked up to the house. “Indi and I can share if need be.”

  “There is no need. The new clan house has finished construction recently and we will be moving there. You and your friend will have separate rooms,” Cale answered.

  As they all walked into the house they could hear a woman shrieking.

  “I can’t believe you did that! There is no excuse for such disrespect! Your father has already informed the clan that I am his intended mate!” The last two words came out as a snarl, and Eira saw what would be the equivalent of a goddess standing in front of Lena, yelling. She was probably six feet of graceful muscle and short, platinum blonde hair. She turned her head to look at Eira and her golden eyes sparkled. Perfect. Not only his chosen mate but a hottie, and a lion to boot. If she had really considered herself an option for the big lion, it had just been flushed down the toilet, Eira thought to herself.

  “Um, it’s not what you think,” Caleb got out. Eira thought he was talking to the lioness, but clearly he was looking at her.

  “What isn’t?” Eira inquired.

  “Well, Kalli. She isn’t my, um, well, that is I haven’t…” Caleb was stumbling, and Eira didn’t understand what the problem was. Clearly Caleb intended to mate with the other woman, but was trying to explain it delicately to Eira. He had been plenty rude before, so why would he now act like he got caught with his pants down?

  “What he means is that we are going to be mates! You and your little plan to tie him to you is not going to work.” Kalli insisted, surprising Eira with her words.

  “What plan?” Eira asked, noticing that Caleb’s eyes had narrowed at her based on Kalli’s comment. Does he now suspect me of planning this?

  “You can’t really let her stay here, can you?” Kalli dismissed Eira, and regarded Caleb. She walked up to him and put her hands on his chest, rubbing soothingly. Eira wanted to break the other woman’s hands. How dare she touch my man! Eira thought, and immediately denied it. He wasn’t hers at all. That was made clear by the woman he let paw him all over, in front of everyone.

  Caleb raised his hand and brushed the woman’s cheek. Eira wanted to cry. She didn’t want this situation any more than he did. Did he have to rub it in that the mate fate had chosen for him held no interest for him? He could at least wait until she wasn’t watching.

  “I’m sorry, Kalli. I have no choice but to abide by the rules. In three months it won’t matter,” Caleb assured the lioness.

  “Oh, hell no!” Indigo and Eira said at the same time. Eira turned to Lena.

  “Look, I don’t know what the deal is, but I cannot stay here for three months watching that. So please, just retract your request.” Eira wasn’t above pleading in this situation. Lena looked at her with silent sympathy.

  “I’m sorry. It isn’t retractable. I like you, Eira. That’s why you and Dad need to do this.”

  “The rules state that each potential mate has honorary mate status during the period.” Owen chimed in. When Indigo and Eira looked on in confusion, Lena explained with a big smile.

  “It means that you and Dad are equals in this clan. You can ban Kalli from the clan house.”

  Kalli snarled, but Caleb held her back.

  “I’m not living here with her,” Eira insisted.

  “You don’t have to. The new house is done but rooms haven’t been assigned,” Lena answered.

  “In fact, the entire house needs to be decorated and organized from the ground up,” Owen added.

  Kalli growled at him. “That is my job! That is my house! I will not let that little tramp inside, let alone decorate!” Caleb grimaced.

  Eira realized that decorating and organizing a house from the ground up would take most of her time. That could last three months.

  “Actually, I believe that for now, it’s my job,” Eira said smirking at the lioness. “I won’t keep you from your clan, or their home. However, I will say this. You will not sleep in the new house for as long as I am there. And the next time I catch you touching my temporary mate, we will fight.”

  Kalli smiled with predatory intent at Eira.

  Eira smiled right back, letting her inner beast shine through. “Don’t make the mistake of thinking that because I’m human, I’m weak. Lioness or not, I will take you down.”

  Kalli screeched and left the house in a huff. Eira smirked and looked over at a scowling Caleb.

  “So, mate, where’s the new house?”

  * * * *

  Caleb didn’t know what he wanted to do more, take Eira to the floor and pound into her for not backing down and acting as his mate, or put her over his knee for making the situation worse. Cale did acknowledge that he shouldn’t have allowed her to touch him, or touched Kalli in return. Even if he had no intention of taking the woman as a mate, it was disrespectful and beneath him to show affection for another in his mate’s place. Caleb thought the least he could do was be courteous, until she showed her true nature. Then he wouldn’t hold back.

  “Let’s eat dinner and then I will take you there.” He said to the women. He walked toward the dining room with much of the clan still there. He didn’t care what kind of shifter someone was, if they were decent and needed a home, he would take them in. Shifters always felt better in a group. They flourished together and comforted each other. Caleb wasn’t sure what Indigo was, but it was clear she needed the clan comfort.

  When they entered the dining room all conversation stopped. Everyone gave their full attention to the group. Caleb cleared his throat and addressed them.

  “This is Indigo and Eira. They will be our guests for a few months. Indigo is looking for a clan, and Lena has requested an Induco with Eira and myself.” The entire room got even quieter as everyone regarded the two new women.

  “I thought you were mating Kalli?” a young woman near the end of the table asked quietly. The woman was obviously very timid but still voiced her confusion. The rest of the clan members looked to their alpha for an explanation. Caleb let out a large sigh.

  “I had informed everyone of my intention to introduce Kalli to my parents when they arrive, as my future mate.
However, I met Eira a few months ago and Lena seems to think that we are a good match. We will all get through the next three months and then everything can go back to normal.”

  Many of the clan members jaw’s dropped at Caleb’s speech. Eira couldn’t understand why until Nico spoke.

  “Damn, Caleb. You’re cold. The rules state that you have to give it a shot. She didn’t ask for this either.”

  Apparently, the clan was surprised at the way Caleb had dismissed any chance of he and Eira’s being mates. Eira wasn’t surprised. Caleb had treated her like a communicable disease, since he smelled her humanity.

  “Maybe you two will work great as mates,” Indigo chimed in. Eira looked at her friend with an are-you-kidding-me look. Caleb snorted, and then seemed to catch himself as everyone regarded him.

  “The rules state that we have to live as mates for three months. That is what has been agreed to. At the end of that time Kalli will still be my future mate. Show Eira the respect that her temporary position allows her, but that is all. This is temporary!” Caleb growled the last part out.

  The clan nodded their heads in acknowledgment. Caleb walked across the room and took a seat at the head of the table. Nico followed and held a chair for Indi. Indigo looked to her friend before sitting, and got an encouraging nod.

  “I’m not hungry,” Owen mumbled, clearly upset and leaving.

  Eira stood there, not surprised at Caleb’s words but still deeply hurt. The Induco wasn’t her tradition, so why did Caleb have to treat her like crap? She hadn’t done anything to deserve his treatment, and on top of it all she was drawn to him. Eira knew it must have to do with the mate bond but she couldn’t stop. Every part of her wanted to curl up on his lap and have him hold her. That was a foreign feeling for the woman who had never cuddled with anyone in her life, except Indi when she needed it. This mating bond was changing her in many ways, and she wasn’t sure if it was good or not. Didn’t caring make someone more vulnerable? Sure, she had Indi, but that never seemed to matter because they had been together so long, and been through so much, that she knew they would always be there for each other.


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