Book Read Free

Michael Quinn

Page 19

by Caleb Borne

  “When you’re up to it.”

  “Michael, they’re liable to sell this estate out from under us. I won’t even know where I’m going to have the baby.”

  “I have a couple of agents looking for us. They’ll send pictures and I’ve asked them to take movies of the surrounding area. You just rest and conserve your strength. We’ll be in North Carolina before the baby comes.”

  “I sure hope so and I hope this phase of pregnancy passes soon.”

  “It will. Lots of proof around us.”

  I smiled as I closed my eyes. Michael had a way of summarizing the facts so there was no room for speculation. Sometimes that felt harsh, but other times it felt good to have things totally resolved. No matter what, Michael remained in charge.


  Despite the reassurances I give Katie, things aren’t going as smoothly as I’d hoped. The country was poised to jump in on the war the French had been fighting in Viet Nam and men were being drafted every day. I was young, healthy and there was always that chance. Although my becoming a father would move me down the desirable list, it would depend on the length of the conflict whether I’d be called up. I didn’t breathe a word of it to Katie.

  I could see the child sucking the health from her. Gone were the rosy cheeks, full, shining hair and her eyes no longer sparkled. I intercepted Groot before he went upstairs on one of his visits.

  “Katie doesn’t look well,” I commented. “Do you think we should have her examined by a specialist? Maybe fly her to Mayo?”

  He flushed and I knew it was because I’d challenged his authority. Sighing, he sat on a chair in my office. “Some women have an easier time of these things than others. Katie just falls in the wrong category is all. I’m keeping tabs on her vitals. Her blood pressure is high and that can result in a condition called pre-eclampsia.”

  “Is that dangerous?”

  “It’s rare, but in extremes, yes it can be.”

  “Then let’s get her into a hospital now before it can happen!”

  He shook his head. “That’s not always the best idea. There isn’t much we can do about it at this point. If it elevates and becomes eclampsia close to the due date, we can take the baby cesarean and the blood pressure generally normalizes. It’s too early for that, obviously, and putting Katie into a hospital, away from you and being at home will possibly upset her, making the condition worse. As I say, I’m keeping an eye on things.”

  “Could she lose the baby?”

  He cocked his head over his shoulder and grimaced. “The odds are that she’ll come through this just fine, as will the baby.”

  “Don’t double-talk. Could she lose the baby?”

  “It’s possible.”


  “If we’re being honest, you could also lose Katie.”

  “No! I won’t allow it!”

  “Mr. Quinn, I’ve known Katie all her life. She looks weak but she’s one of the strongest young women I’ve had in my practice. I’m confident she will pull through fine. In the meantime, try not to alarm her. I know you are a man who gets what he wants, but this isn’t something you can demand. The best you can do is keep her at bedrest, monitor her vitals and keep her calm.”

  I looked over his head at a flock of birds flying north in the distance. “Spring is coming. We are preparing to move to North Carolina. I’m sure she’s told you?”

  “She did mention that’s a possibility.”

  “More of a reality. The estate has been sold, as has her parents’ farm. We have sixty days to vacate and even if Katie were perfectly healthy, it would be hard on her, given that she’d be changing doctors, be without her family, and so forth.”

  “I’ll be glad to make a recommendation for a competent doctor wherever you move.”

  “What would you say are the odds that moving now would make her worse.”

  “Fairly high. The stress…”

  “Doctor, don’t think me heartless. I wouldn’t move her one inch if I could prevent it. The truth is there’s danger here for the both of us, and for the baby. I won’t go into it, but we’re moving for safety reasons.”

  “You may rest assured I will keep this in confidence.”

  “What could I do to make the transition the least damaging?”

  Dr. Groot took a few moments to think and once again, I saw a flock of geese flying north. Spring was nearly upon us.

  “I would suggest hiring a private ambulance firm. Depending on where you move, North Carolina is easily a one-day drive. If the ambulance is staffed with a doctor and a nurse, they could handle anything unexpected that might come up. Is there a way to delay buying a house there? Perhaps renting a house so she has time to deliver and recover before taking on such a huge undertaking?”

  I brightened at his words. “Of course. I should have thought of that. Can you make the arrangements for transport, for next week Thursday? I’ll have the house and staff ready and waiting.”

  “Of course.”

  “When should we discuss this with her?”

  “I’d say the sooner the better. No way to keep it from her entirely, obviously. It might cheer her up, even. She’s mentioned the move several times and knowing there’s a plan in place could put her mind at ease and maybe even help with the elevated pressure.”

  “Good. I’ll go up with you and we’ll tell her.”

  “Mr. Quinn, I should point out before we go, one very important factor.”

  “What’s that?”

  “If things get out of control, especially if she is en route and not able to get into a hospital quickly, there is a possibility of losing not only the baby, but the mother as well.”

  I froze. Was this an omen? I felt like a train engine being pushed off the track by the length of cars behind me. “We’ll pray that doesn’t happen. Won’t we, Doctor? I’m holding you responsible.”

  He looked intimidated as he responded, “Yes, we’ll definitely pray.”

  “One more thing, Doctor. I’m not going into details, but no one in the house besides Katie and myself know we’re moving. There is a serious reason for that. Respect it, please.”

  He looked doubtful, but nodded. He was caught where he didn’t want to be. I could sympathize but Katie trusted him and right then that was paramount.

  I tapped on the door and let the doctor and myself in. Katie began pushing to sit up against her pillows, but she looked like death warmed over. “How are you feeling, sweetheart?” I asked. Dr. Groot is here. He and I have been talking downstairs. I know you’ve been worried about the move. He came up with a good suggestion. I’m renting a furnished house with staff and we’re making the drive down in a staffed ambulance next Thursday. Then, all you’ll need to do is focus on the baby and the rest will be taken care of.”

  “Dr. Groot,” she wanted to know. “Will that be safe for the baby?”

  It took him a moment but eventually he nodded. “Your blood pressure is too high, Katie. Worry adds to that. I feel that getting the move behind you is the best plan.”

  “If you’re sure… What about the hospital?”

  I spoke up. “Dr. Groot, which is the best-equipped hospital in North Carolina for this?”

  “Let me make a phone call when I get back to the office. I have a colleague there I can confer with.” He was nervous, stroking his neatly trimmed moustache. “Off-hand, I’m going to say North Carolina’s Women’s Hospital in Chapel Hill, but I’ll confirm.”

  “There you go, sweetheart. I’ll line up a house ready and waiting.”

  “What a relief. You’re right. It’s been on my mind.”

  Dr. Groot finished his exam and I walked him downstairs to hear his report. I stood just outside the front door as he spoke from the porch. “She’s about the same, I’m afraid,” he reported. “I was hoping it had gone down. She needs complete bedrest. There’s no question about it. I’ll call you after I get back to the office about the best hospital for the move. Like I said, the one in Chapel Hill would be
my first pick.”

  “Thank you. I’ll wait to hear from you.”

  I went inside and Colin was waiting. “Couldn’t help but overhear, mate. What’s goin’ on?”

  I had to think quickly. “Taking Katie further south for the rest of the winter.”

  “Is that wise, me boy-o? What with her ready to burst?”

  “Was there something you needed from me, Colin?” I avoided the question.

  “Just thinkin’. So, ye’ll be leavin’ me here alone?”

  “You’re a big boy, Colin. I think you can handle it.”

  “Aye. More than can,” he answered and wandered away, unconcerned. As I watched him saunter off, my curiosity was piqued. Why was he being so casual about it? What did he know? Why didn’t he ask to come along? What had changed?

  I didn’t have those answers, but it wouldn’t change our plans. Bloomstein would take care of having Colin evicted after we left—with no forwarding address. The idea of being free of him was enough to get me through the upcoming couple of weeks. Bloomstein had called. His buyers were lined up. I would go by his office on Wednesday to sign the papers and leave on Thursday. It was going more smoothly than I’d anticipated.


  My back was aching horribly. I’d been in the bed so long, I swore once the baby was born, I would walk forever. Michael had a television brought in where I could watch it, but I quickly grew bored. I got Izzy to bring me materials for crocheting baby clothes, but I was learning and they weren’t coming out right. Again, I felt cheated of having a proper event in a girl’s life. First my rushed wedding and now not even a baby shower. I knew Mother must be in a likewise state. She wanted to invite every woman in the county to come, as though she was to be the first and only grandmother. Instead, she was dealing with the same future as I, although she had little clue why. I did feel sorry for her, but she was very good at sniffing out the “right” people with whom to socialize. She’d be fine. Daddy, maybe not so much. Judging by what I’d been hearing, he would most likely find a cool bar somewhere and take up residence on a stool. It was his choice and I couldn’t let myself worry about it.

  I reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out the paper and pen I kept there. I drew a line down the center and labeled the first column “Girl” and the second, “Boy.” First, I listed names of friends that I’d liked, then turned to movie stars and finally names from the Bible. It was only fair to be well-balanced in my review. When Michael came in, I showed him, and he added a few more of his favorites. It would be tough to choose. We finally agreed that he would pick the name if it was a boy, and I would choose for a girl. It was a reasonable compromise.


  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “I’ve been thinking. I will have to leave everything behind, don’t I? Even my clothes?”

  “Yes, or we’ll arouse suspicion.”

  “Not my jewelry, certainly.”

  “Not if you can fit it in your purse.”

  “What will our story be if an ambulance is coming?”

  “We are saying that your pressure has become dangerously high and Dr. Groot has decided to admit you to the hospital for the balance of your pregnancy. So, the ambulance will look normal and you can have a bag packed without arousing suspicion. No one will suspect until they think I’ve been gone too long, but we should have a couple of days anyway. It makes sense that I would stay at the hospital with you for the short term.”

  She nodded. “Yes, that would make sense. This feels like that movie I saw where they put a whole family into some kind of program where they gave them new names, moved them to another city and they could never contact their family again.”

  “That’s not too far off the truth, sweetheart. The difference is that ours will be temporary. I’ll figure a way to deal with Colin and the mob, and then we’ll be safe. I’m not any happier about this than you are, believe me. I truly thought this place would be my home forever and we’d raise our children here.”

  “So far I’m only promising the one. Not sure I can go through this a second time.” I smiled. “So, this is really sold?”

  “Yes, as of next Wednesday. Bloomstein has the papers for me to sign. Then we leave first thing Thursday morning. I’ll make it as pain-free as possible.”

  “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to help you more.”

  “You’re doing the most important thing in the world for me, right there where you are. I can pay to have everything else done.”

  I grinned. “Well, almost. Would you come here?”

  “Gladly,” he smiled that mischievous grin I loved so well. I rolled back the covers on his side of the bed. He lay down and turned to hold me.

  “Take off your clothes.”

  “Katie, do you think that’s a good idea?”

  “It’s not for me, silly. This is for you. It will give me pleasure to give it to you.”

  As if by magic, his clothes disappeared, and his warm body slid back against me. I slowly walked my fingers in his direction. It looked like a huge spider crawling beneath the covers. Before I even reached him, the apex of his legs had grown and was tenting up the sheet. I found him and lightly wrapped my fingers around his rigid shaft. I closed my eyes and released a soft growl from low in my throat. “Oh, how I wish we could be doing this to one another. Just you wait, Michael Quinn.”

  “Darlin’, at this moment, I’m not sure how good I am at waiting.”

  Beginning a gentle pressure with an up and down stroking, I could feel the saliva building in my mouth. I wanted to taste him. I carefully rolled ninety degrees and slid down the sheet. He stood proudly and I put my mouth over him, like a cap. I let my tongue flick against the vein-ribbed skin, and he responded by almost doubling in size. His breathing had grown faster. “Turn on your side toward me,” I coaxed, and he rolled onto his hip. My breasts were already growing fuller and I softly pulled his penis until it was nested in the valley between them. “Pump me,” I whispered and without hesitation, his hips began a movement that approximately him making love to me, with my breasts serving as the wall of my vagina. When I bent low, each time his tip emerged beneath my chin, I met it with my moistened mouth, extending the sensual illusion even further. I could hear him moaning. I loved the taste of what was already emerging from him. “Go faster,” I urged, and he complied.

  His back arched inwardly, Michael was sprawled beside me, his legs splayed to form himself to me. I touched every part of him with my tongue, lingering and sucking when he groaned. I felt him stiffen and suddenly he rolled away, spilling his seed into the covers. I moved to spoon his body, letting my breasts be his cushion until his quivering was done.

  “Your time will come just as soon as you’re healed,” he whispered.

  “Then I have something to look forward to.”

  “I will make all this come out right, I swear, Katie.”

  “As long as you’re with me. That’s all I care about.”

  “We will have our legacy. Don’t you worry about that.”

  There was a knock at the bedroom door. Michael scrambled to put his clothing back on and opened it a crack, blocking the view of me.

  “Ma’am?” It was Penny. “There are two men downstairs and I couldn’t find you, Mr. Quinn. They forced their way in when I answered the door and want to see you. I don’t like the look of them.”

  “Did you do as I asked?”


  “Then shadow me, but stay between them and the staircase. Under no circumstances are you to let them get past you and to Katie. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He turned his head. “Sweetheart, use the phone next to the bed and call the sheriff. Tell him we have some unwelcomed guests and to come directly through the front door.

  I nodded and reached for the phone, putting the receiver to my ear. “Michael!” I whispered loudly. “There’s no dial tone.”

  “Damn! Katie, can you get to the window, sweetheart? Just si
t there in the chair and see if you can flag one of the hands down. Hopefully, it’s Butch. I trust him. Don’t shout, but mime to let him know you’re in trouble and to bring the gun I keep in the stables. He’ll know. He’s smart.” Then he and Penny left.

  I nodded and sat up, wrapping myself in one of the blankets. I was weak but I used every ounce of my strength and made it to the chair. I pulled open the drapes and the brightness of the light reflected off the snow took me by surprise. I could see someone moving around outside the nearest stable. I took a dangerous chance and did something I hadn’t done for a very long time. Only Butch would respond. We’d done it when we were kids, playing in the woods at the back of Tipperary. I let out a low whistle. It had been our signal if we got into trouble or lost.

  The man straightened up and looked toward the house. It was Butch, and he knew. He may have seen the car come up the drive and was already suspicious. We had few guests. He got into his truck and drove inside the fence line as if it was a normal day and he was checking for something. He stopped and idly climbed out of the cab for a couple short stops but eventually, he was beneath my window. I put my hands at my throat to signal I needed help and then molded my arms as if I was holding a gun. Butch just kept moving and got back into the truck. He reached in the back and I saw him coming toward the house, a shotgun in his hands that he’d gotten from the gunrack in the truck. God bless him!

  I had to figure a way to get him into the house without being seen. Luckily, my window was at the far end of the house and couldn’t be seen from the living area unless someone walked out onto the deck. I did the only thing I could think of. I grabbed the blankets and sheets off the bed and tied them into a rope, securing my end around the leg of the heavy dresser. Butch was agile for a man his size and within a few moments, he was climbing through the window I’d opened.

  “I don’t have time to explain, but there are two men who forced their way in downstairs.”

  “I saw them coming up the drive. Didn’t look right,” he whispered back.


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