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Some Bunny To Love: River’s Edge Shifters #1

Page 4

by Hart, Lorelei M.

  Did he like what he saw? Dammit. I shouldn’t be thinking like that, but I was. I pressed the pillow closer to me.

  “Um, okay.” Because what else could I really say to that?

  “After we get you all cleaned up and fed, we’ll figure out what to do about your car and your head. Doc said if I saw ya, he’d hook you up for free. He’s a good guy, from what my Grams said, so he can be trusted.”

  “Thanks.” I stepped out of Auggie’s way so he could open the door. When he left, I went inside, my stomach lurching at the movement.

  He must have noticed my pained expression. “Do you want me to call Doc now?”

  “No. Sorry. I stubbed my toe.” I didn’t like lying but it just slipped out. “Maybe later.”

  “Yeah. Let me know, and just so you know, I suck and there are no drugs here except the aspirin Grams used to take, and I’m pretty sure it’s way past the expiration date.”

  “That’s fine. I don’t believe in drugs.” Shifters tended not to respond well to them, so we stayed away all together.

  “Oh, okay.” He waved for me to follow him through the kitchen and toward the bathroom, mumbling to me, or where he thought the furry me was, something about sleeping until he takes care of things.

  That was going to present a problem, but for now, I needed to regroup, get my human side fully back on track, and figure out a plan. What a freakin’ mess I’d gotten myself into.

  It would be far less messy if my bunny hadn’t pushed himself back to the forefront and whispered one single word to me: Mate.



  The sound of the shower turning on made me relax slightly. The poor man needed help, and for a few seconds there, I was afraid I’d scare him away because I was being so weird. The last thing he needed was to be naked and alone in the woods again, or worse yet, stumbling upon my trigger-happy neighbor.

  I thought back to Doc’s comments and how awkward they were at the time, but now that I met the man, it sorta made sense. Doc knew people, and anyone who was confused enough to be naked in the woods was going to be on edge about getting help. Now I just needed to figure out how to get the man to visit Doc.

  I padded off to my bedroom and looked for some clothing that might fit him. He was taller than me but not by much. His build, however, was completely different. He had long, lean muscles. Not that I was looking. Fine, I had been looking, but I felt guilty about it. My clothes would swim on him, so I fished out a pair of sweats and a T-shirt and called it good enough. Then I grabbed a pair of boxer briefs and socks, unsure if he would be willing to wear them given those weren’t the kind of things people typically borrowed from strangers.

  I hung everything up on the door of the bathroom and was about to knock when I heard him groan. Poor guy must be in a lot of pain. Unfortunately, that’s not the message my body got. My lower brain took the groan as a call to arms. Stupid little head.

  I knocked three times and called out that the clothes were on the doorknob then turned away to go start the grill.

  I’d picked up some steaks at the store on my way home with the intention of having them for a couple of meals, but if he’d been without food and decent water for the past few days, he was likely low on iron. I got the grill going then walked to my car to grab the bag of groceries still waiting for me. Steak, store-bought potato salad, and bagged lettuce was the best I could do for my new guest.

  I had the mismatched plates and utensils on the table by the time the door to the bathroom clicked open.

  “I’m in the kitchen,” I called. “But I’m going outside to check on the steaks.”

  “If you need help, I’m pretty good behind a grill.” He stepped into the doorframe, his hair disheveled and a smile on his face. He looked exhausted, but other than that, he seemed to be okay.

  “You can keep me company.” Instinctively, I returned his smile. “They’re not the best cuts, but it’s what I’ve got.”

  “Anything sounds great right now.” He followed me outside then sat on the stoop as I adjusted the flames on the grill.

  “I tend to eat mine medium. How about you?” I peeked up at him over the lid of the grill.

  “Yeah, that sounds good.” He bit his lower lip and damn if I wasn’t staring at it. “Why are you so nice?”

  That snapped me out of my ogling because I was many things but nice wasn’t one of them.

  “Not nice, just doing what my grams would’ve wanted. This was her place, and I guess it’s mine now. So, yeah...that’s kind of how this place always has been. You met the three-legged cat and the pig and the bloody goose.” I leaned a bit closer and whisper-shouted, “She drives me bonkers. The darn thing hisses more than the cat.”

  He chuckled at that, a rich deep sound that warmed me from the inside. What was it about this man?

  Maybe it was the farm. Maybe there was just something magical here that had made it a refuge for all, including...shit, I didn’t even know his name. “What should I call you?”

  “Oh, sorry. I’m Jase, and I was on my way to start a new job.” He leaned to the side, his head resting on the column.

  “Maybe after dinner you’ll let me take you to Doc’s. Grams trusted him which means I do too.” I flipped the steaks over, wishing I’d had the foresight to buy some better ones.

  “Yeah, maybe.” His response was so soft I had to strain to hear him. One glance in his direction told me why. The poor guy was falling asleep on the stoop.

  “These will be done in three minutes. How about we eat quickly and then I’ll get you a place to sleep. Doc will be there in the morning.”

  He didn’t answer, his eyes fully closed.

  I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone to look up head injuries. I was trying to figure out if sleep was the best plan, but the more I read, the more uncertain I became. Maybe I needed to call Doc and have him come over now. The only thing I knew for sure was that I wasn’t going to call the sheriff—something about the way Deputy Ron referred to him made me think of him as a last resort.

  Something told me Jase didn’t bring danger with him, and as weird as his story had been, he gave me no indication that he was lying. No, he was someone who needed help, and if I did anything other than that, I’d be going against everything this place stood for.

  “Wake up, sleepy head,” I called to him softly as I plated up the steaks and turned off the grill. “Dinner is served.”

  He gave me a sleepy smile and my breath hitched. He was stunning like that. All relaxed and happy.

  “If you want to sleep first, I can wrap this up for you and reheat it later.”

  He shook his head and stood up, stretching his arms out with a yawn. “I can eat. I guess I’m just more tired than I thought.”

  We went into the kitchen and ate in silence. Jase dug into his steak and potato salad like it was his job, but he left the lettuce completely untouched. I showed him to my room, and after a very brief attempt at turning down the offer, he climbed into my bed and curled into a ball, immediately closing his eyes.

  I would set up Grams’s room as a guest room in the morning. It wasn’t healthy for me to leave it closed off the way I had, and maybe that was why this stranger showed up needing a place to stay and a warm meal. Grams always said this place was like a magnet for those who belonged here, and maybe for this brief period of time, Jase belonged here.

  Gods, I missed her.

  I looked down at Jase, already sleeping soundly. He was so trusting. For all he knew, I could have been a cannibal or something.

  When I was sure he was down for the count, I tiptoed out of the room, closing the door behind me. I had animals to feed and a bunny to check on.

  Then why is it so hard to leave the room, much less the house?



  “Here, bunny, bunny.” The door to the room opens up and Auggie’s silhouette is perfectly outlined against the hall light. “Wherever you’re hiding, you can come out now.”

��August?” I lean up on my elbow and blink a few times to adjust my eyes. “Is everything okay?”

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” He opens the door all the way and sighs heavily. “My rabbit is gone.”

  Shit. I forgot about that. “Um, maybe he just wanted to stretch his legs?”

  “Maybe.” Auggie’s voice cracked and he sniffed into his elbow. “I guess.”

  “Hey, there.” I sat up and reached for the lamp on the nightstand. “Don’t be upset. Come here.”

  I was shocked when the words came out of my mouth but even more shocked when Auggie rushed across the room and practically threw himself into my arms. “I can’t believe he’s gone.”

  “Well, maybe he’s not gone.” Damn, how was I going to explain this? “He might just be hiding somewhere. I’m sure he’ll be back.”

  Auggie shook his head against my shoulder. “He’s gone. I searched the whole house twice and he’s never not responded to me. He’s never even left his box.”

  He sobbed against me and my heart broke. “Wow, you must really love that rabbit.”

  He nodded and pulled back to look me in the eyes. “I do.” When he said the words, I could almost feel his truth resonating deep in my bones. The pull between us was like a steel rod holding his gaze to mine. “It’s stupid, I know. But there’s something really special about him. He’s just…” Auggie closed his eyes and buried his face in his palms as he cried even harder.

  I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and held him close to me. I wanted to tell him the truth but I wasn’t sure if that would ease his pain or make him feel worse. He wanted the bunny but that didn’t mean he wanted the man. Having a cute little pet was vastly different from being interested in a man...especially one that had the strange little habit of shifting into a rodent when the mood struck. “I’m sure he cares about you too, August. He’ll be back.”

  August’s shoulders drooped, and he was quiet enough that I wondered if he’d fallen asleep. After several minutes, he cleared his throat and straightened his spine, pulling out of my grip. “I’m sure you think I’m crazy by now.” His sad smile nearly broke me in two. I wanted to make him happy again. I would do anything to see a real smile on his face. “Have a good night.”

  Before I could stop him, Auggie was out the door. The clock on the dresser showed it was almost midnight but I was wide awake. That power nap had done wonders for re-energizing me, and I felt better than I had in a long time. That was one of the other perks of being a shifter. A few good shifts and some rest were often more than enough to cure just about any ailment.

  I didn’t let myself think as I jumped out of bed and headed out of the room to make sure Auggie was okay. If he was still looking for me, well, the bunny version of me, I’d have to tell him the truth. Or at least some vague version of the truth.

  When I found him balled up on the couch with tears streaming down his cheeks, I couldn’t help myself. I just wanted him to feel better and I was willing to do anything to make that happen. Unfortunately, I just made him feel even more crazy when I yanked off the clothes he’d loaned me and shifted into my bunny form, not two feet away from where he lay.

  Auggie didn’t react at first. For a long second, he just stared without so much as taking a breath. And then his good sense kicked in, and he realized he should be scared. Well, maybe not scared but definitely shocked. So shocked, in fact, that he hurdled over the sofa and fell on his face before shuffling back against the wall. “What are… Who?”

  I almost shifted back just to tell him it was okay, but I wanted to make sure he understood that his bunny wasn’t gone. He was just...different. I was different. But I was still here.

  I carefully walked to the end of the sofa and waited for him to control his breathing. He was hyperventilating and I was afraid he’d pass out.

  “You’re…” He pointed at me and cocked his head. “But I don’t…”

  I sprawled out on the wood floor so he knew I was harmless and would never hurt him. Bunnies weren’t exactly ferocious but the situation was overwhelming, even to me.

  “Bunny?” he whispered as if afraid to say the word out loud. “Am I hallucinating?”

  He tentatively reached his hand out toward me but then pulled back when I hopped closer.

  Even though I knew and completely understood his reaction, it still hurt when he didn't want to touch me. I was sure I was helping the situation by proving to him that his bunny wasn’t gone. But maybe that was selfish. Maybe my own desire to make him happy had just made things worse. It wouldn’t be the first time my spontaneous decisions caused pain to someone I cared about.

  And I definitely cared about Auggie.

  Even though I barely knew him as a human, I felt like I knew his true self when he interacted with my bunny. He was real and honest and silly, and…dammit. How did I always manage to screw up a good thing before it even became a thing?

  This had to be some kind of record.

  I couldn’t stand to see the confusion and fear and uncertainty in his eyes for even a second longer. I had to fix this. Even if he threw me out of his house or called the police, I couldn’t bear to witness Auggie in pain because of something I did...or was.

  The room wasn’t huge, but there was some open space in front of the fireplace, so I hopped over there and immediately shifted back, impressed with myself at how smooth the transition had been. I was getting my mojo back.

  As soon as I was human again, I stood up and presented myself to Auggie for inspection. I didn’t give any thought to my nudity as I held up my palms to him, pleading for his understanding. “Please don’t be frightened, Auggie. It’s just me, and I promise you have nothing to be afraid of.”



  “You have nothing to be afraid of.” His calm words were bullshit and I knew it.

  I had plenty to be afraid of. I was losing my damn mind. And why was he naked? Great, either I was delusional or I was dreaming. Yeah, that. I was dreaming.

  I pinched myself. Oww, why did I think that was a good idea again? And really, when you thought about it, did pinching yourself in a dream hurt? Probably, so what did I accomplish other than giving me something to do as naked Jase stood in my living room after carrying me inside? Nothing but a bruise and humiliation.

  “Why are you naked?” I asked, rubbing my eyes. “Do you need me to call Doc?” Because pretending I hadn’t just dreamed about him hopping around like a bunny was the best solution I could come up with.

  “My clothes are over there.” He pointed to the place where I saw him strip down. Not helpful. Not helpful at all.

  I tried to focus on something logical...but there wasn’t a lot to work with. “Are you hot?”

  He stared at me a full five seconds as he opened and closed his mouth a few times before finally snapping it shut.

  “I’ll get a fan.” I jumped up from the couch and booked out of there as fast as I could, straight to the attic where I vaguely remembered seeing a fan. It was official. This was a dream—a dream with a very naked man—a very naked hot man—that begged to be licked...while I was in the attic.

  What was wrong with my sorry ass?

  I dug around behind some boxes then found a fan I was pretty sure was older than me and came back to the living room, half expecting him to be gone, back in his bed sound asleep, or at least wearing some sort of clothing. Maybe just holding a pillow in front of his delicious-looking dick. Why was I thinking about his cock and licking it like an ice cream cone?

  Because this was a dream. This was all a dream. And since that was the only possible explanation, I might as well make the most of it. I set the fan on the floor by the couch and pulled my shirt up and over my head.

  “What are you doing?” He picked that moment to speak, and it wasn’t even to say something sexy like, “Let me help you with that.” Or if he was being all bossy, maybe he’d tell me, “If you’re going to unwrap my present, you need to grab a condom first.”

But nope. He had to be all information seeking. Although, I couldn’t help noticing his cock begin to fill, so maybe he was just playing it cool.

  Would the real Jase be like that or would he pounce on me the way I wanted dream Jase to?

  Not that I’d ever know.

  Real Jase needed my help, not a horny omega who was desperate for his body. Except, it was more than that, which was weird since I had a total of one conversation with him. But I couldn’t focus on logic. My brain had given up all its functions to my lower brain which was now at full mast.

  “The same thing you are?” It came out as more of a question than the seductive innuendo I intended. I dropped my shirt to the floor and reached for the buttons on my jeans. At that moment, I realized button-fly jeans were invented by someone who never planned on getting laid.

  “Stop.” He rubbed his chin, his voice firm. “Why don’t you sit down, and we’ll try this again.”

  I immediately obeyed. Bossy alpha for the win. I hoped. He hadn’t asked me to get naked first, so it was fifty-fifty at this point. I closed my eyes, willing him to come over and kiss me, trying to wrangle my dream and make it go where I wanted. If I was going to dream of naked men, dammit, I was going to get off doing it.

  “Open your eyes.” He spoke soft and low. “Did you not see me before?”

  “I saw you, and I don’t know why my mind went there...but it’s my crazy dream so...” I let out a huff. “Actually, I have no idea.”

  “I was a bunny, and now I’m human.”

  “Yep. I know.” If this dream wasn’t going anywhere fun, I might as well go back to sleep and wake up for real. “Go to bed, bunny man.”

  And just like that, he was my bunny again. And fuck if I wasn’t going to at least hold his sorry butt. For all I knew, the little bugger was gone forever and maybe this was my subconscious way of saying good-bye. Shit. That sucked. I loved that little furball and had no idea what I was going to say to Xander. Especially after he just lost his dog in the most cruel way ever.


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