Book Read Free


Page 15

by Dodd, Jillian

  Chase, who isn’t really into all this talk about him, has been shoveling stew and pieces of crusty French bread into his mouth. “I thought it was fine. They asked me questions, and I tried to answer them to the best of my ability.”

  “Well, you did good,” Devaney says.

  Everyone is still in the kitchen, chatting and eating. The local news is playing on the TV above the fireplace in the family room as they are waiting for the sports to come on to see if their team will be featured.

  I’m sitting on the couch, both puppies sleeping next to me.

  Devaney plops down next to me with a sigh. “I’m so glad that we don’t have school tomorrow. And that I don’t have to endure another Thanksgiving Day party at our house.”

  “What? You don’t like turkey?”

  “No. I love turkey, but when Dad plays on Thanksgiving, it’s usually an away game, and my mother has always invited all the football wives and their kids to our house, supposedly to watch the game. Not that she ever did. She liked to show off her diamonds, drink wine, and gossip. Which meant Damon and I got stuck, keeping an eye on all the little kids and not watching Dad play. This year, it’s going to be awesome because we get to just chill.” She looks over to see where Chase is and then confides, “I’m also glad I don’t have to go to school tomorrow. I had some junior dance-team girl ask me for Chase’s number. Wanted to know if I’d introduce her after the game.”

  “What’d you say?”

  “I said she’d have to introduce herself.”

  “I saw you talking to him at halftime.”

  “Yeah, somehow, no matter where we are, he always manages to catch my eye. He’s always been my best friend. I’ve been a little hard to handle lately, and he’s just really been there for me. Always really.”

  “Why are you hard to handle?”

  “It’s been a rough year. The divorce. Cheerleader drama. Boy drama. Friend drama. Mom drama. Homecoming drama.”

  “Sounds like a lot of drama.” I laugh.

  “Yeah. But tonight was sort of an eye-opener for me. I realized I’ve been bringing some of it upon myself. I need to stop letting my mother get in my head and do what I think is right. I’m going to invite my old friends along with a couple of nice girls from the cheer squad to our tree-decorating party. I hope, if I do that, they will realize I don’t think I’m too cool for them. I also realized that Chase will forever be cooler than me.”

  “I know, in high school, there can be a lot of pressure to fit in. But I also know that life isn’t always about fitting in. I’m a good example of that. I’ve made my career out of it.”

  “Chase did that tonight. He stood out.”

  “Because he played so well?”

  “No, because of what he said to the team in the locker room.”

  I nod my head.

  “Hey,” she says suddenly. “Are you going to be staying in town for the holidays?”

  “Yeah, I am. Your dad asked me to stay here until he’s done for the season.”

  “And then what?”

  “We’ll figure it all out. Oh my gosh. I forgot to tell you with everything that happened, losing Angel and then getting the new puppies, but I bought a house in California.”

  “Auntie Jay told me. I’ll be honest. I’m not sure how I feel about that.”

  “Because you’re afraid you might have to move or something?”

  “Kind of. My mom has been doing crazy things in the name of love. I want my dad to be happy, but I just don’t know how it will all work, you know?”

  “I really don’t either, but I can tell you that I got a house so that I would have somewhere to call home when I have to be there. Since I moved to LA after high school, I’ve always rented or lived with someone else. I’ve never owned my own home. And after everything I went through with Troy, I felt like it was something I needed to do for me. I hope things work out with your dad, but I have a place to call home either way.” I lower my voice. “But I will admit that I was sort of thinking ahead. It’s a big family home with lots of bedrooms and a gorgeous view. Would you like to see pictures of it? I’m hoping maybe during your Christmas break, we could all stay there.”

  I hand her my phone and let her flip through the photos.

  She smiles and points. “I think this needs to be my room.”

  “Deal,” I tell her.

  “Holy guacamole!” Damon shouts. “We made ESPN!”

  He runs over to the couch and grabs the remote, clicking to the right channel as they show highlights of their game. On the bottom of the screen is the headline: Eighth grade phenom quarterback throws for over 550 yards for high school team in Missouri state playoffs.

  “Great,” Devaney moans. “All the girls have already decided he’s hot, and now, ESPN? I just hope it doesn’t go to his head.”

  “Do you think it will?” I whisper.

  “Probably not,” she says with a smile.

  “Isn’t he only a few months younger than you?”


  “So, why have you been letting that bother you? What people say about your being friends with him.”

  “Like I said earlier, it’s been a rough year, and I probably have let little things bother me more than usual. But one of the things I have decided—and this was before he became big man on a campus that he’s too young to attend—is that I don’t care anymore what anyone thinks of me but myself.”

  “That’s a good attitude for life—”

  “We’re famous!” Damon shouts. “No, wait! I’m famous!! They just said my name on national television! I bet we even make their reel of the weekly plays that were dumb!”

  He jumps up and down, dancing around over to Chase, who just finally finished eating.

  “Aren’t you excited?” Damon asks him.

  “Right now, I’m just tired,” he replies, but I notice him catch Devaney’s eye when he says it. “I’m going to hit the hay.”

  “Night, sweetheart,” Jadyn says, giving her son another hug.

  “We should probably all get some sleep,” I add, knowing that Chase isn’t really that tired.

  “Yeah, I’m exhausted,” Jadyn says, yawning.

  I know she hasn’t said anything to the kids yet about being pregnant, so I keep my mouth shut, pick up Angel, and follow the Diamonds out the front door.

  “Do you want to come in for a bit?” Danny asks me, but he’s yawning, too.

  I hand Angel to Damon and suggest that Danny walk me to my room.

  Which is not very far, but it does allow him to give me a steamy good-night kiss in private.

  November 22nd


  “Mom, Dad, I’d like you to meet Jennifer Edwards,” I say to my parents, who have just arrived.

  They often come over to stay with the kids when I go out of town for games. We had a nanny when Lori lived here, but after she left, I decided to let her go, too.

  “It’s so nice to meet you,” my mother coos.

  Of course, I’ve coached her on what to say, what not to say, and how I don’t want her fangirling.

  My dad, on the other hand, can’t hide his excitement. He kisses both of Jennifer’s cheeks, something I’ve never in my life seen him do in greeting, and puts on the Diamond charm, clearly trying to impress her.

  “We’ve seen all your movies,” he says to her.

  “Did you like them?” Jennifer asks in reply.

  “Yes, we did, of course,” my mother butts in. “But we’re not here to talk about that. We want to know what your intentions are regarding our son.”

  “Mom!” I blurt out.

  “I’m just teasing,” Mom says to Jennifer, rolling her eyes toward me. “He’s been a little nervous about us meeting and gave me a big list of things I’m not allowed to say. I had to say it just to get a rise out of him.”

  “We’ll get along just fine,” Jennifer says with a grin.

  “Grandma! Grandpa!” the kids yell, rushing down the stairs and handing out hugs.

  “Damon, why don’t you carry their bags up to their room?”

  “Nonsense,” my father says, flexing his forearm. “I know I’m getting old, but—”

  Jennifer grabs my dad’s bicep and gives it a little squeeze. “Impressive. I bet you could give your son a run for his money.”

  “Don’t I know it!” Dad laughs.

  I take a deep breath.

  “Your father and I are going to unpack and freshen up,” Mom says to me, “and then we’ll be back down to entertain Jennifer and the kids with embarrassing stories of your youth.” She gives me a hug. “I know you have to get going. Play hard. Stay healthy.”

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  “We’ll go help them,” Devaney says. “And they need to meet their new granddog!”

  Once they are all upstairs, I lead Jennifer into my bedroom and kiss her.

  And kiss her.

  I can’t kiss her enough, and for the first time in my life, I’m not looking forward to leaving to go to a game.

  “I should probably get going,” I tell her.

  “You look super sexy in a suit,” she says, pulling on my tie and making me want to rip off my clothes and have my way with her before I leave.

  But I can’t.

  I probably have time for one more kiss though.

  “I’m going to miss you,” she says when her lips leave mine.

  “I’m going to miss you, too. Are you sure you don’t want to come to the game with me?”

  “I’m sure. I want some more time alone with you before the world knows about us. And we need to figure some things out, like you said. And Jadyn says you have to get through Wednesday. Once you and Lori agree to the settlement document in court, there’s no changing anything. Jadyn’s afraid us being together will—”

  “I know.” I give her another kiss. It seriously has to be the last one. I hand her a couple of notes. “Will you give these to the kids tomorrow morning? I usually give them to my mom, but you distract me.”

  “Damn right I do,” she teases, kissing me again.

  “I don’t want to stop kissing you, but I really have to get going.”

  Jennifer plops down on my bed with a fake pout, looking sexy as hell.

  “I want you in this exact spot when I get back.”

  “That’s a deal. Good luck, Danny.”

  What she says makes me smile. I can’t remember the last time Lori wished me luck.

  “You get going,” she says, getting up and smacking me on the butt. “I’ll take care of the notes.” She sits down at my desk. “I think I’ll write them one, too.”

  I kiss her one more time and then reluctantly grab my overnight bag. I already told the kids good-bye before my parents arrived. I’m grabbing my car keys and wallet off the table in the foyer when the front door bursts open, and Lori waltzes in.

  She looks at me and then around the house in horror. “Danny! What did you do to my house? Where is all my furniture?”

  “What are you doing here?” I ask.

  “I came over, so I could prep the house for the party tomorrow. You know the football players’ wives all get together here if you are playing away on Thanksgiving Day. What did you do to my house?” she says again, walking past the entry, through the kitchen, and into the family room. “This is hideous. Way too casual. I’ll just have to tell everyone that the good furniture is out for cleaning or something. Did you really change everything? No, wait. Let me guess, Jadyn designed it. Made it more casual for you?”

  “She designed it the way I asked her to. I’ve never been about show.”

  “Oh, Danny, you are all show. Always have been,” she snarls.

  “Whatever. You aren’t having a party here.”

  “Give me one good reason I shouldn’t uphold our tradition.”

  “Well, for one, you aren’t a football player’s wife anymore,” I try to say it calmly and not with the acid I’m feeling.

  “Danny,” she says, using her creepy, calm voice, “technically, we are still married. We haven’t announced our divorce to the team yet, and until we do so, it needs to be business as usual.”

  “I’ll tell everyone tonight then. If you still want to be involved with the football wives, that’s completely fine with me. But you’ll have to hold the party at Richard’s house.”

  “I would, but it’s not big enough.”

  “That’s your problem.” I shrug. “You’re not having it here.”

  “Danny, to be honest, I’m doing it for our children. I don’t want them to be upset. They love getting together with the other families. It’s tradition.”

  “Dani! Damon!” I yell out. “Do you want to go to a party with all the other football families to watch the game tomorrow?”

  “Oh gosh, Dad! No!” Devaney yells from upstairs. “I have plans with—” Dani walks to the catwalk, sees her mother, and stops abruptly. “Mom, um, I didn’t know you were here.”

  Lori scowls at her. I’m praying that Jennifer doesn’t come out to see what the ruckus is all about. “And just what plans do you have?”

  Dani doesn’t say anything, but Damon does. “We’re too old for that, Mom.”

  “That’s because your father is so old that he’s practically obsolete,” Lori sasses back as Angel comes flying down the stairs, yipping and jumping on Lori.

  “There’s a dog in my house? Get it off me, Danny! It’s shedding all over my ivory slacks!”

  I pick up Angel, cuddling her in my arms, not caring if I get a few hairs on my suit. “So, the answer is no, Lori. No party. And you probably shouldn’t just come into the house without knocking.”

  “Who shouldn’t come in without knocking?” Jennifer says, coming out of my bedroom. “And what’s got Angel all upset?”

  She stops dead in her tracks when she sees Lori standing there.

  Crap. I don’t want to piss Lori off. Not when we’re so close to a divorce. And Jennifer coming out of my bedroom while the kids are in the house doesn’t look good.

  “Danny,” Lori says, her eyes steeled with anger, “I’d like to speak to you in private,”

  “I wish I could, Lori.” I glance at my watch. “No time. I’m on my way out the door.”

  “And what about her?” she says, pointing at Jennifer. “You’d better not be leaving my children with this stranger.”

  “My parents are upstairs in the guest room.”

  “And where is she staying?”

  Jennifer saunters over to me, gives me a sweet kiss on the cheek, turns me toward the door, and pats me on the butt. “You’d better get going, or you’ll be late.”

  “Uh,” I say.

  She’s right about being late, but I can’t leave her alone with Lori. It’s like cutting her artery and throwing her out to the sharks.

  “I’ll be fine,” she whispers.

  “Bye, Dad!” the kids yell.

  “I’ll call you tonight,” I tell Jennifer. I really don’t have a choice at this point.

  Thankfully, Lori follows me out to the car.

  “Oh, Danny, she’s going to hurt your career. And I, for one, don’t want to see that happen to you.” She’s such a liar. “But, if you don’t let me have the party, I might have to tell people a few things about our marriage that probably wouldn’t be seen in a flattering light. And I can’t cancel because I’ve already sent out the invitations. I already have the caterer booked.”

  “Tell people whatever you want about me. I don’t care at this point, but there will be no party in my home.”

  “You’re going to regret this,” she warns.

  I’m so pissed that I can’t even reply. The nerve of her. I get in the car, slam the door, and peel out of the driveway, actually squealing the tires.

  At least she’s out of the house.

  As soon as I’m out of her range of vision, I call Jennifer. “Don’t let her back inside. Lock the doors.”

  “What happened?”

  “She told me that if I didn’t let her have
her annual Thanksgiving Day party for the football wives, I was going to regret it.”

  “What do you think she will do?”

  “I wasn’t actually planning to tell the team until it was official, but I’ve decided to do it today. Not make a big deal out of it. Let them know we split in May, signed our divorce agreement, and that it will be final in a few weeks. That, for the kids, we wanted it kept quiet.”

  “I think that’s good. Just the basics.”

  “Yes. Although I’m dying to tell them about you. It’s hard to keep the smile off my face when you’re around.”

  “That’s good because I plan on being around a whole lot, Danny Diamond.”

  Later that night, after calling both my kids and my parents, I call Jennifer. “It’s almost lights out, but I wanted to talk to you before I went to sleep.”

  “Ask me where I am,” she says.

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m in your bed. And I’m not alone.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The kids and your parents asked me to spend the night. Your mother wants to teach me to make what she says is her famous French toast first thing in the morning. I think she sort of assumed I have been spending the night here anyway, but I let her know that I have been staying next door. Every night.”

  “And who’s with you?”

  “Um, well, it’s Angel. I know. I know. She’s not supposed to be on the bed, but she’s tired. Your dad was having a ball playing with her, and she’s bushed. Adorable and pathetic. Damon and Chase are still up, playing video games, so she’s in here until he’s ready for bed.” She lowers her voice a notch. “I will admit though, I kind of like it here.”

  “I can’t wait until you spend every single night in my bed,” I tell her, meaning every word.

  “I can’t wait for that either. I might even be counting down. Did you know that there are only fourteen more days until your court date?”


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