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Dulcibel: A Tale of Old Salem

Page 44

by Henry Peterson


  Why Thomas Putnam Went to Ipswich.

  What young Master Joseph Putnam undertook to do, he was apt to do prettythoroughly. When he had once made up his mind to keep both his brother'swife and his brother himself, away from the examination, he had rapidlythought over various plans, and adopted two which he felt pretty certainwould not fail. They all involved a little deceit, or at least doubledealing--and he hated both those things with a righteous hatred--but itwas to prevent a great injustice, and perhaps to save life.

  As he rode rapidly homeward, turning over various plans, in his mind, hehad passed through the village, when he saw some one approaching on whatseemed to be the skeleton of an old horse. He at once recognized therider as an odd character, a carpenter, whom he at one time had occasionto employ in doing some work on a small property he owned in Ipswich.Reining up his horse, Master Putnam stopped to have a chat with theman--whose oddity mainly consisted in his taciturnity, which was brokenonly by brief and pithy sentences.

  "A fine day Ezekiel--how are things in Ipswich?"


  "Ah! I am sorry to hear it. Why, what is the matter?"

  "Broomsticks, chiefly."

  "You mean the witches. That is a bad business. But how shall we mendit?"

  The old carpenter was too shrewd to commit himself. He glanced at MasterPutnam, and then turning his head aside, and giving a little laugh,said, "Burn all the broomsticks."

  "A good idea," replied Master Putnam, also laughing. "Oh, by the way,Ezekiel, I wonder if you could do a little errand for me?" and the youngman took out his purse and began opening it. "You are not in a greathurry, are you?"

  "Hurry, is for fools!"

  "You know where my brother Thomas lives? Up this road?" They were justwhere two roads joined, one leading by his own house, and the other pasthis brother's.

  "I wish I knew the road to heaven as well."

  "You know how to keep silent, and how to talk also, Ezekiel--especiallywhen you are well paid for it?"

  The old man laughed. "A little bullet sometimes makes a big hole," hesaid.

  "I want you to go to my brother Thomas, and say simply thesewords:--Ipswich Crown and Anchor. Very important indeed. At once. Waittill he comes."

  "All right." And he held out his hand, into which Master Joseph put asmuch silver as the old man could make in a whole week's work.

  "You are not to remember who sent you, or anything else than thosewords. Perhaps you have been drinking rather too much cider, you know.Do you understand?"

  The old man's face assumed at once a very dull and vacant expression,and he said in that impressive manner which rather too many glasses isapt to give, "Ipswich. Crown and Anchor. Very important indeed. At once.Wait till he comes."

  "That will do very well, Ezekiel. But not a word more, mind!"

  "Tight as a rat-trap," replied the old man--and he turned his skeleton'shead, and went up the road towards Thomas Putnam's.

  Joseph felt certain that this would take his brother to Ipswich. Both ofthem were greatly interested in a lawsuit with certain of the Ipswichpeople, regarding the northern boundary of the Putnam farms. Thomas wasmanaging the matter for the family; and was continually on the look-outfor fresh evidence to support the Putnam claim. In fact, bright MasterRaymond had once said that, between the Salem witches and theIps-witches, Master Thomas seemed to have no peace of his life. But thiswas before the witch persecutions had assumed such a tragical aspect.

  When Ezekiel had found Thomas Putnam and delivered his brief message,without dismounting from his skeleton steed, Master Putnam asked at oncewho sent the message.

  "Ipswich. Crown and Anchor. Very important indeed! At once. Wait till hecomes," repeated the old man, with a face of the most impassivesolemnity, and emphasizing every sentence with his long fore-finger.

  And that was all Master Thomas could get out of him. That much came justas often as he wished it; but no more--not a word.

  Mistress Ann Putnam had come out to the gate by that time. "He has beendrinking too much cider," she said.

  This gave a suggestion to Ezekiel.

  "Yes, too much cider. Rum--steady me!"

  Mistress Putnam thought that it might produce an effect of that kind,and, going back into the house, soon reappeared with a rather stiffdrink of West India rum; which the old man tossed off with noperceptible difficulty.

  He smiled as he handed back the tin cup which had held it. "Yes--steadynow!" he said.

  "Who gave you the message?" again asked Master Putnam.

  Ezekiel looked solemn and thoughtful. "Who gave 'im the message,"replied Ezekiel slowly.

  "Yes--who sent you to me?"

  "Who sent yer--to--me?" again repeated Ezekiel. "Ipswich. Crown andAnchor. At once. Wait till he comes." Then the old man's countenancecleared up, as if everything now must be perfectly satisfactory.

  "Oh there is no use in trying to get any more out of him--he is too muchfuddled," said Mistress Putnam impatiently.

  "More rum--steady me!" mumbled Ezekiel.

  "No, not a drop more," said Thomas Putnam peremptorily. "You have hadtoo much already."

  The old man frowned--and turning the skeleton steed after considerableeffort, he gave his parting shot--"Crown and anchor--wait till hecomes!" and rode off in a spasmodic trot down the lane.

  "I shall have to go to Ipswich, and see about this, it may supply themissing link in our chain of evidence!"

  "But how about this afternoon?" queried his wife.

  "Oh, I can get to Salem by three o'clock, by fast riding. I will leavethe roan horse for you."

  "Saddle the grey mare, Jehosaphat."

  And thus it was that his brother Joseph, looking out of his sitting-roomwindow, about an hour after his arrival at home, saw Master ThomasPutnam, on his well-known grey mare, riding along the road past hishouse on the most direct route to Ipswich.

  "He is out of the way, for one--if he waits an hour or two for anyperson to meet him on important business at the Crown and Anchor,"thought the young man. "It is important indeed though that he should go,and keep himself out of mischief; and from helping to take any moreinnocent lives. And when he comes to his senses--in the next world, ifnot in this--he will thank me for deceiving him. Now let me see whetherI can do as good a turn for that delectable wife of his."


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