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Captured by the Alien Dragon

Page 10

by Stella Cassy

  Snubbing back a tear, she shakes her head. “I don’t want to want to be all alone.”

  My anger spikes again. “Perhaps you could pick a warrior more to your liking.”

  “I like you.”

  “You ran from me, therefore what you say cannot be true.” Stalking to my clothing compartment, I begin pulling out clothing. “Gods of chaos, I don’t even have to be half smart to work that out.”

  When she speaks, I can tell she’s breaking down again. “I didn’t want to leave you. You said you were turning me in for the bounty. Being a slave is awful. If you care so much about me, how could want that for me?”

  Turning to her, I frown. “Being a slave in this quadrant of space is a legal status, not a situation you or I have control over. I can’t change the laws of the verse to accommodate your wish. If I could, rest assured I would, but that’s not how the verse works.”

  Tearing up again, she sniffles like she can’t catch her breath. Her sniffling has me worried. What will happen to a human who loses their breath? Bad things, I suspect. It seems like something that could cost a human their life. Rushing over, I rub her back. “You must not lose your breath again. It is not healthy for one as small and frail as you.”

  Sniffling again, she stares up at me with tears wetting her cheeks. “I just want to be treated like everyone else. Being labeled a slave is bad enough but being valued only for my ability to breed is humiliating. I’m more than a set of ovaries.”

  “This you have said before.”

  “But you never listen. You just keep forcing me to be a slave. I need a real life. Lying around some posh home, breeding one child after another for a rich alien that I might not even like will slowly kill off everything that makes me unique and special. I know you don’t want me to be beat down like that, so why won’t you at least talk about setting me free?”

  “Setting you free would be inadvisable because any being could lay claim to you. I cannot protect you unless you are mine. You ask me to risk that which I value most.”

  “I deserve the dignity of risk in my life.”

  She will not be put off this ridiculous idea of attaining freedom. Reaching out, I slowly unbind her, unnerved at the way the rope has marred her soft skin. Picking her up, I carry her to my cleanser. My willpower crumbles in the face of her earnest desire to experience life on her own terms. Reluctantly, I have to admit she deserves a better life than the one that she’s been dealt. She clings to me like I am her last hope. Little does she know how harsh the verse can be, even for one such as myself. “Come, we will find a way for you to taste the freedom you crave. Though it costs me dearly, I will do what I can for you.”

  Taking my time with her, I gently wash away her tears and rub scented oil into her muscles to calm her down. It seems that we have both run out of words, so we climb into bed and she falls asleep with her head on my chest.

  The sadness of realizing this is all in the verse I need to find happiness settles on me like a damp cloak. Not once did she proclaim her love, affection or preference for me as a male. She used the word like in reference to me. One likes a fruit, a pet or a friend. Like is not a word one uses to describe a mate, and this is how I know she does not share my feelings. The reason is clear. I am a broken warrior. I do not have the ability to attract a mate.



  Waking the next morning curled up against Tarion’s large crimson body, I feel conflicted. His handsome face is so relaxed and serene when he sleeps. His tail is laying limp over one leg, reminding me of its dirty deeds the night before. His arms are coiled around me so tight I can hardly breathe. He’s possessive, even in his sleep.

  Images of last night float through my mind, causing my whole body to tingle. He fucked me senseless like the dominant Drakon male he is, taking care to give as much pleasure as he received. I honestly love the way he handles my body. We’re totally in sync when it comes to sex, if nothing else. I snuggle closer to his hard, warm body, rifling through the images of last night for evidence of him overstepping sexually. I find none.

  When he released me I was really losing it emotionally. Being in his arms as he did his best to calm me down made me feel like I mattered to him. Maybe he was just tired of the hysterics and wanted to shut me up, but it seemed like more.

  Looking back, his behavior makes me wonder if our intimacy beforehand was lovemaking. My head fills with a thousand doubts and I begin second guessing myself. I can’t think clearly with him so close and the scent of our shared sex hanging so heavy in the air.

  Climbing quietly out of bed, I pull on my clothing and slip out of his quarters. Deciding to explore the ship seems like a good way to clear my head. I intentionally stay away from the loading bays and escape pods to signal that I’m not trying to leave again. Tarion’s crew will certainly be monitoring my movements now that I’ve tried to escape.

  My attention is captivated by the ship’s smooth, streamlined design. Each corridor is lined what appear to be benches built into the wall. Stooping to look at one, I see it is deeper than a normal seat and the back has a peak jutting straight up the middle. They also have a strange dent the size of my head formed into the metal where the back meets the seat. An indentation funnels away from it, growing slightly narrower off to the side of the seat. It takes me forever to realize it’s for their tail, or caudal, as Tarion calls it. The back with the ridge is clearly meant to accommodate their folded wings. I can imagine Tarion’s bulky form sitting in the seat with his wings pressing comfortably into the back designed to cradle and protect them, his caudal wrapping around to rest on the floor.

  Each seat has a compartment set into the molded metal beneath. I open one, curious to see what’s in there. I find an assortment of food bars, hydration packets and other emergency supplies. There’s room for hundreds, maybe thousands of people to be transported, making me wonder what the payload of a vessel like this might be. Closing the compartment, I continue my exploration.

  A door slides open automatically when I walk past. Inside there is a room with a huge window, displaying a breathtaking view of space. There are square metal beams running from floor to ceiling and a few stark metal benches.

  Approaching the window, I press my hand to the glass, discovering that it’s some type of transparent gel medium. The more I push into it, the denser it becomes until I cannot go any further.

  “You should not touch. Are all humans so curious?”

  Whirling around, I see someone I don’t know leaning on the door. He’s tall and has similar coloring as Tarion. They almost look like they could be related. I’ve already noticed that the Drakon are various shades of red, green, blue and brown. I’ve even seen one with gold and copper scales. I realize that I haven’t responded to his question. “If the Drakon can be described as collectors, humans could be seen as curious. It’s almost our defining quality as a species.”

  “That can be a dangerous quality to possess.”

  “My name is Carissa.”

  “I am Tarion’s first officer. My name is Lehar.”

  I immediately perk up. “Tarion mentioned you collect fragments of shell. Naturally, being human, I’m curious about why out of all the things a person can collect, you chose shell fragments.”

  Surprise registers on his face and he blushes slightly. “I find them fascinating for many reasons. The foremost among them is because the shells are all different colors, textures and thicknesses. When our young hatch, you can tell much about their potential from those shell fragments. A thick shell means the female mated with a Prime and was well-nourished. The little one will likely be larger and stronger than young hatched from thin shells. The shell takes on the pigmentation of the hatchling nestled inside. I like creating collages from the shells. They will be used to decorate my own hatching chamber when I take a mate.” He’s embarrassed that I drew him into talking of something the Drakon consider kind of personal on our first meeting. I file that handy bit of information away for future refer
ence. I try to think of a polite way to get away from the subject of his unborn children. “So you’re an artist?”

  “I am a warrior who dreams of one day having young of his own.”

  That didn’t go as smoothly as I’d hoped, so I try again. “I guess Tarion’s collection of ancient weapons is an indication that he dreams only of his next conquest.”

  “Tarion and I were young warriors together. No one on this ship knows him better than me. To say my captain only dreams of conquest is to underestimate him greatly. Tarion is a complex male.” The slight indignant edge to his voice has me wondering about their relationship. His looks scream relative, but his behavior screams best friend equally loud.

  Nodding, I agree, “He’s a confusing male.”

  “Where you are concerned, he has been fairly straight forward.”

  That’s new information. He’s trying to make me feel as though I can trust Tarion. If nothing else, Lehar is a wonderful best friend for my headstrong dragon. “He made it very clear that his goal was to collect my bounty, and he has not said his plans for me have changed.”

  He points out sagely, “Yet, you are here admiring the stars instead of making your escape.”

  He’s got me on that point and we both know it. “Maybe I’m being gullible, but I don’t think he’ll turn me in to collect the bounty. He was too freaked out and emotionally unhinged about losing me for me to think he’ll ever voluntarily let me go.”

  A soft smile lights his face. “Perhaps you are right. It is not my place to speculate.”

  “It’s not looking much like he will ever grant me freedom either. Before my last escape, I would have been furious about him keeping me as a slave. Since Tarion was on my mind the entire time I was on the run, I now know he means something to me. I have to admit that I’m not keen on the idea of giving him up again.”

  “What about your freedom?” It sounds almost like he’s teasing me a little. It’s nice and friendly, so I don’t take offense.

  “Being his slave seems terribly unfair but the best deal I can hope to find in this sector of space. I’m thinking that’s why his father’s human slave accepted it so readily.”

  “Again, your words are not far from the truth. Rather than considering if my captain is your best option, it would behoove you to assess what it means to form an emotional attachment to a man like Tarion.” He sounds a bit like a teacher, walking his student from one philosophical point to the next.

  Wrinkling my nose in confusion, I glance over my shoulder at him. “What do you mean?”

  His expression is open and his voice sincere. “Tarion is not necessarily a good man and he likely never will be what most people consider upstanding. Our world is composed of a million shades of gray. The last female who thought to change him ended up bound and abandoned on a deserted planet.”

  The little voice in the back of my mind likes hearing that. “Any woman foolish enough to try to mold Tarion to her will deserves a harsh response. I’ve never thought he needed to change who was to suit me. I only want to be seen as a person and not a possession by him.”

  “We all accept the things we cannot change, Carissa. The rules of the verse do not change for you, simply because you are a beautiful brooder. To stay is to accept that or risk being stranded on your own deserted planet one day.”

  “What if I don’t accept that those are my only choices?”

  “If you were but a sorceress who could bend reality to your will, then you could change the verse to your liking. As you are not, then you must choose an option from among the choices you are given, just as Tarion and I have done. Do you not think we wished our lives to be different from what they are? I can assure you we had dreams in our youth that are even now unrealized. So it is with all the beings in the verse. Adversity breeds character.”

  “You sound like a philosophical old man.”

  Tossing me a lopsided grin, he replies, “And you speak like a child who has yet to accept the reality of her situation.”

  Smothering back a smile, I decide that I like Tarion's childhood friend. “I will take what you said under advisement.”

  “You should get back before my friend thinks you have made another escape attempt.”

  “We wouldn’t want that.”

  When he disappears from the doorway, I take a long look at the swirling nebula on the other side of the window and then head for the door myself. I go back and forth in my mind between arguing with Tarion about giving me my freedom and just accepting the situation for what it is. I turn the situation over in my mind, break it apart and analyze the details until my head hurts.

  Before I’m finished, I find myself standing in front of the door to his quarters. When the door slides open, I step over the threshold. Once again, I’m standing at the foot of his bed trying to figure out what to do. Looking at his long muscular body laid out on the bed, I realize there’s only one choice to make.

  Peeling off clothing, I climb back into his bed and snuggle up against him, luxuriating in his warmth. I want freedom, but I want him more. I want his grumpiness, his rare smiles and his adoration. For some reason, I also want to know he’s safe and happy. That matters to me as well.



  Waking with Carissa in my arms fills me with a level of contentment unmatched by any other victory I’ve known. Luxuriating in her warmth and scent, I can’t get enough of her. Truth be told, she is like candy to my forked tongue and I can hardly get enough of her. Wishing nothing more than to enjoy her affections all over again this morning, I gently disengage from her and force myself from the bed.

  Quietly engaging the cleanser, I prepare for my day. At some point during the process, it occurs to me that Carissa accepted me even though I was likely presenting at my worst. While she was away, eating, sleeping and caring for my body were low ranking priorities, forgotten in my desperate quest to locate and secure her before another took her into hand. Though she is a fighter, her frail body is not for the rough talons of another male. She is meant to be mine and will hopefully realize the life I offer is in her best long-term interest.

  Heading reluctantly to the command deck, there are duties awaiting me. Foremost among them is deciding our next course of action after retrieving the remaining crew from Pralor Six.

  I spy Lehar speaking with some crew members in our meeting room near the bridge. Slipping into the room, I wait while he finishes doling out responsibilities. My first officer is very efficient and can be relied upon to operate in my stead. It is our longstanding friendship and his aversion to being controlled by his family that enables me to enjoy his dedicated service.

  “Greetings, Captain. Shall I assume you slept well with your brooder finally returned to your bed?”

  “You know me well, Lehar. Shall I assume we are in route to Pralor Six?”

  “Since we are not encumbered with sending out search probes and following decaying exhaust trails, we have made good time. We should be arriving at Pralor Six within the next solar revolution.”

  “We will stay long enough for the remaining crew to have shore leave.”

  “I anticipated such would be your orders, so I have prepared temporary crew assignments for those returning and worked out an abbreviated leave mixed with a bonus for the remaining crew which will ensure their continued satisfaction and decrease the down time we experience waiting for them.”

  My mind has already returned to the brooder sleeping soundly in my quarters. Having her at my side, safe and untouched by violence or adversity is a weight off my mind. I briefly consider taking her down to the pleasure planet for a short respite but decide that I don’t dare for fear that she may escape again. I fear that she will never understand how unsafe it is for her to roam the verse on her own.

  Lehar’s voice draws me from my worries. “You are not listening to my report.”

  Glancing up at his amused face, I can’t help but smile back. “Apologies my friend, what were you saying?”

“I was asking if you have decided on whether or not to keep your new brooder. A clever and resourceful female is rare. Such a prize should not be cast aside lightly.”

  “She is all that you say and beautiful to boot. However, she refuses to see the dangers involved in being on her own in this sector of space. She seeks her freedom at all costs, like it is a great prize to be won. Though I admire her strength and independence, I would be her shield against the many dangers surrounding her. I fear she will not have it.”

  “You sound like your attachment to this one might be more permanent than the others. Do you think she could be your mate?”

  “She is not Drakon.”

  “Did you dream lock with her?”

  “I dreamt of her while we were separated, or rather my dragon did. We dreamed of her often, always with my dragon searching endlessly for her small, pale form. No sooner did we find her than she slipped away again. Rather than the traditional dream lock of bonded mates, it felt more like a dream born of my anxieties about her safety.”

  “In order to be a dream lock, she would have to bear your mark.”

  Shifting in my seat, I am reluctant to admit to biting her. When a Drakon male claims his mate, antigens are transferred through a bite to form a life-long connection. The most tangible evidence of that connection is dream locking with each other.

  “You didn’t bite your new brooder, did you?”

  Rather than answer, I stare him down. Naturally, I meant it to be intimidating, but Lehar just laughs happily.

  “No need to answer that, my friend.”


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