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Texas Sun

Page 9

by Sara York

  It took Lafferty tightening the straps so the saddle didn’t slip around to the side. After about twenty minutes and more instruction, they had the saddle on correctly, the bit in the horse’s mouth, and the reigns positioned just right in his hand.

  “Take the pommel in your left hand and position your left foot in the stirrup,” Lane said. “That’s right. Now lift up on your left leg and swing your right leg over the back of the horse, clearing the saddle.”

  Andries did as they told him. It felt weird getting up on the horse. Lady didn’t move as he swung his leg over her back.

  “When you dismount, you’ll do the exact opposite,” Lane said.

  He mulled over the instructions for a second and nodded. “Okay, sounds good.”

  “Lafferty, will you help him with his right food?”

  “Sure. And Andries, you did a good job getting up,” Lafferty said as he reached down and helped Andries get his right foot into the stirrup.

  “I felt awkward,” Andries said.

  “The first time I fell on my ass,” Lafferty said.

  “Really?” Andries adjusted in the seat, thinking it felt a little strange. “This is weird, but cool.”

  “You’ll get used to it,” Lane said. “We’ll make sure the saddle fits you.”

  “Fits me?”

  “It’s not too small,” Lafferty said.

  “It’s just odd. Like I’m not used to sitting this way.” Andries stood up in the stirrups and adjusted a little.

  “Okay, we’re going to walk.” Lafferty had the lead in his hand and made a little noise with his mouth as he started walking. Lady followed behind him, moving slowly.

  Andries felt her moving beneath him, the way her muscles bunched and smoothed made his spine tingle. It was amazing to have such a powerful animal beneath him.

  “Make sure to grip with your thighs and knees, not your feet,” Lane called out.

  The movement made his butt stick out and his back arch. He had to sit up straight.

  “You’re doing great,” Lane called out. “Stay strong in the saddle.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked Lafferty.

  Lafferty smiled up at him as he walked next to Lady. “Don’t allow yourself to flop around. Sit straight and steady, trying to keep your body in line.”

  “This is odd.”

  The chuckle from Lafferty eased his soul. He liked riding the horse. It made him feel powerful like he wasn’t totally out of control.

  “It’s good, though.”

  Lafferty snickered, and Andries narrowed his eyes at him. When Lafferty glanced back, he was still glaring.

  “What?” Lafferty asked.

  “Were you laughing at me?”

  “No, I’ll tell you later, once Lane isn’t within earshot.”

  Andries glanced over at Lane and waved. “You were thinking something dirty.”

  “Maybe.” Lafferty led him around the ring twice more, giving him hints and tips. “Want to try it on your own.”

  “Are you serious?”


  “But you said you wouldn’t let go.” Worry skittered over him.

  “And I won’t if you don’t want me to, but I think you could do this on your own.”

  He blew out a breath and nodded. “Okay, I’m ready.”

  “Just remember what I told you, and you should be okay.”

  “Not nervous at all.” Andries rolled his eyes as he tried to push away his fears.

  “I understand. Just know that Lady is a good horse.”

  Lafferty unclipped the lead and kept walking beside the horse. She didn’t slow or speed up. Then Lafferty moved to the center of the area where he’d been walking Lady, and now it was up to Andries to guide the beast. A thrill shot through him when he was able to turn Lady. He guided the horse around the pen then turned the horse to move directly to Lafferty. He tugged back gently on the reins, and Lady stopped.

  “You did great.” Lafferty reached up and petted the side of Lady’s neck.

  “Riding in here is easy,” Andries said.

  “It is. When you understand the horse’s movement should enhance your position instead of distracting from it, riding becomes easier.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Let’s get you off, and we can talk.”

  “Sure.” Andries looked around and decided now was as good of time as any. He lifted and pulled his right foot out from the stirrup and swung it over the horses back like Lane had told him earlier. Lafferty’s hand was on his back as he touched down on the ground. He pulled his left foot from the stirrup and was glad Lafferty was there to help steady him, or he would have landed on his ass.

  He glanced up and caught the lust shining in Lafferty’s eyes. His heart sped up. He wanted nothing more than to lean in and kiss Lafferty, but Gresh had joined Lane at the fence.

  “You did well.” Lafferty’s praise made his stomach tighten.

  “Maybe we can ride again tomorrow?” Andries asked.

  “Sure thing. I think we can do it without an audience too.”

  Laughter rose in Andries, and he let it spill out. Being like this with Lafferty was fun. He’d been worried about so much stuff coming down here, but these people were friendly. Hell, his last three years had been nothing but worry. Did Lafferty know how good he had it? The answer was evident when he glanced at Lane and Gresh. His lover had been on the streets when he’d found this paradise through Lane and Gresh. It seemed weird to have a man in his life who’d lived on the streets too. He’d never once thought he would have fallen for a guy who’d been homeless. The reality of his situation had been dire. Had he not found Lafferty, he probably would have opted for a sugar daddy. That life had a wealth of problems. He knew guys who were kept by sugar daddies had to watch everything they did or said. Some of those guys were just plain mean. Sometimes, death happened because those kids were totally unprepared for how demanding and domineering men could be.

  Here, with Lafferty and his dads, Andries was happy. Maybe they could both move here. But what could he do? What type of job would he have?

  “What are you thinking about?” Lafferty asked as they stepped into the barn.

  “Mainly you,” Andries said.

  “What about me?”

  “Just that—”

  The door opened, and Lane and Gresh stepped in. Andries grew quiet, not wanting to talk about his life on the street and having sex with strangers. They knew because he’d revealed it when he’d told how they’d met, but he wasn’t into talking about the nitty-gritty with others.

  “Did you enjoy the horse ride?” Lane asked.

  “I sure did.” He helped Lafferty brush Lady after they’d unsaddled her. She ate grain from a pail, totally ignoring them.

  “She likes grain, doesn’t she?” Andries asked.

  “Sure does. She’s a good horse too,” Lane said. “When she was younger, she was a little bit of a toot at times, but she’s calmed in her old age.”

  “She’s old?” Andries asked.

  “Not really,” Grant said with a laugh. “She’s eight. No longer considered a foal or a teenager.”

  “How long do horses normally live?” Andries was interested in horses. He’d never actually spent much time with them. He wanted to spend more time out here. It was like the ache in his soul healed a little just from the fresh air and the beautiful beasts.

  “Usually, twenty-five to thirty years old,” Lane said. “Sometimes they live longer, sometimes less. It depends on how well you take care of them. We really don’t consider her old, but honestly, we wouldn’t let her work after she turns fifteen. Maybe with lighter kids. We just don’t want any abuse to happen to our animals. I know some dude ranches only think of profit, but we care about our horses.”

  “That’s good. I’d like to learn more about them.” Andries moved to stand to the side of Lady, looking at the way her legs and body looked. “She looks good. Very pretty.”

  “Here that girl, he thinks you
’re pretty,” Lane said.

  The horse nodded and blew out a breath. Her lips flap together, making Andries laughed. Lady walked over, pushing his shoulder with her muzzle.

  “She likes you,” Lafferty said as he opened the gate leading to the pen where Lady had been. She nickered one more time before she turned and trotted out.

  Wistfulness struck Andries. He liked how free Lady seemed like she didn’t have a care in the world. Of course, she had a beautiful home and people who loved her. He met Lafferty’s gaze and sighed. “I like her.”

  “We’re going to go get cleaned up.” Lafferty took his hand and tugged him close.

  Heat filled Andries. Lane and Gresh probably knew they would have sex, but they didn’t say anything, which was good.

  They stepped into the cabin they were using, and Lafferty pressed him up against the wall, his lips were on Andries’ lips, then his tongue pressed in. Finally, his hands slid down Andries’ body, and he lifted Andries’ shirt, pulling it over his head. Lafferty was back on him, making love with his kisses as his hands explored.

  Lafferty pinched both of his nipples and twisted. He gasped, and Lafferty chuckled. His cock strained against his jeans. Lafferty ended the kiss and dropped to his knees, opening Andries’ pants. His cock was in Lafferty’s mouth, the heat wrapping around him, stoking his fire. He groaned and threw his head back, moaning as he thrust his hips, shoving his cock down Lafferty’s throat.

  One thing he learned was Lafferty liked it rough. Andries liked the way Lafferty sucked him, but he didn’t want to come down Lafferty’s throat, so he pulled out and grabbed his lover under his arms, making him stand.

  “I need you on my cock.”

  “Oh fuck, yeah.” Lafferty’s eyes were dark with lust and his cheeks red with anticipation.

  Andries had to be the luckiest man in this world. Lafferty stripped off his clothes then helped Andries with his pants. They grabbed the condom and lube before they settled. Lafferty made sure Andries was hard enough and then rolled the condom on before he spread the lube.

  Being with Lafferty warmed his soul. It had been so long since he’d welcomed sex. With Lafferty, it wasn’t just another rough fuck to eventually get food. This was soul-nourishing. His lover cared for him, and he cared for Lafferty.

  Lafferty slowly sank down, panting over the pain. He pushed up, and Lafferty cried out. He used his hands to steady his lover.

  “So fucking good,” Lafferty moaned.

  Andries pumped into his man, watching how he moved, how his lips thinned, and how his eyebrows rose. Then Lafferty cried out and panted. It was so freaking beautiful to watch Lafferty rocking and moving above him.

  Lafferty’s hands on his body drove him higher. Lafferty was beautiful, much more attractive than Andries deserved. Lafferty opened his mouth and threw his head back, making Andries wonder if he had won the lottery. How had he found such a beautiful man?

  Lafferty adjusted and stared down at him, his expression intense. Love shone in his eyes, making Andries’ throat close. He needed this connection. The deep emotions Lafferty brought up to the surface threatened to overwhelm Andries.

  Lafferty’s lips curled into a sexy grin. “You like how I’m moving, don’t you?”

  Andries grunted as he pushed up and concentrated on the physical act so he didn’t fall apart. “Fuck yeah. I like how you rock above me. It’s like you’re dancing.”

  “Riding a horse, it’s like this. You have to balance to do it well.”

  Andries gripped Lafferty’s sides and pushed him down hard. Lafferty grunted and then threw his head back, panting as Andries did it again.

  “Oh God,” Lafferty moaned. “So fucking good.”

  “You want more?” Andries asked.

  “God, yes!”

  Andries moved fast, flipping them so he was on top. He lifted Lafferty’s legs and shoved in, fucking Lafferty so hard his man was gasping for breath.

  “You like?” Andries asked.

  “Fuck, yes! More. Harder,” Lafferty begged.

  “I’ll give you harder.”

  Andries pulled out all the way and then shoved back in, drawing a gasp from Lafferty. He pounded in over and over again, watching Lafferty draw closer to orgasm. The ecstasy on his face was mesmerizing. Next time, he’d fuck Lafferty slowly, but this was amazing. Lafferty seemed to enjoy what he was doing.

  “I need more,” Lafferty begged.

  “You got it.”

  Andries pumped in hard and fast, his balls slapping against Lafferty’s ass. His mind was starting to fuzz as his heart raced. He gasped for breath, his body shaking because he was so close to coming. He wasn’t going to be able to hold off.

  “Now,” Lafferty shouted.

  Andries reached for Lafferty and stroked him, loving how his cockhead grew bigger before he shot his load all over his belly and chest. The sight was too much, and then Lafferty’s ass squeezing his cock sent him over the edge. Andries came. He had to brace himself so he didn’t fall. His breath came in gasps, and he dropped to the mattress beside his man. Lafferty rolled over, cuddling against his chest.

  “So freaking good,” Lafferty said as he lifted up to stare down at him.

  Andries ran his hand over Lafferty’s chest. “Next time, I want to ride you.”

  “Are you sure?” Lafferty asked.

  The question surprised Andries. “Of course.”

  “I just don’t want you to feel weird about it later. I want you to really want this.”

  “I do.” Andries stared into Lafferty’s eyes. “Being here with you, at your dads’ house, I thought it would be difficult. I like this. A lot.”

  Lafferty stroked his chest. “Same here. I want us to have a real chance of making it. If something freaks you out, or if you don’t like something, you need to tell me. I want to know so I can stop.”

  Andries cupped Lafferty’s cheek. “You’re so wonderful.”

  “I just know how bad it is when someone takes advantage of you. I mean, I like it rough, but when I was on the streets, this guy hurt me. I’d never had sex before, and he didn’t use lube. It was bad. I cried. I couldn’t walk at first.”

  “Oh, no. Did you get help?”

  “I did. Lane found me and took me home to Gresh. He made sure I saw a doctor. I don’t know if anything like that happened to you, but it changed me. I know I’ve fucked around a lot, but I’ve never wanted to be with anyone until…” Lafferty met his gaze and held it. “I never really wanted something more until you.”

  “Lafferty,” Andries choked out as he moved closer and kissed him. He never wanted to let this man go. They had something special. He loved how Lafferty was with him.

  “I want you in my life,” Lafferty whispered.

  “And I want to be in your life.” Andries pressed his lips against Lafferty’s. A strangled sob escaped his lips. They clung to each other, neither of them letting go. His heart was already twisted so deep with this man he knew it was lost to him. Now he just had to figure out a way to make sure they stayed together.

  Chapter Nine

  Lafferty liked how Andries had grown more confident and secure since the first day they’d met. He liked the way how Andries held his head high and walk with confidence. The wild-eyed kid he’d seen the first night had transformed into a confident young man.

  They were headed into Houston to get Andries fit for a tuxedo for the party. They were going to spend the night in town and go see a movie or something. Lane and Gresh had a place downtown where he and Andries would stay. He also needed to do a little work. Andries said he’d wanted to read some stuff, so after his measurements were taken, Lafferty set Andries up with an iPad and started working. He needed to visit a couple of people in Italy, but he wasn’t sure exactly what Andries would do. He didn’t want to leave the man behind, but travel was expensive, and already, Andries was having issues with accepting him paying for everything.

  After finishing up his email and making travel plans for later in January,
he stepped into the conference room where Andries was and found him reading about horse anatomy.

  “Totally not light reading,” Lafferty said.

  Andries’ head popped up like he hadn’t heard Lafferty enter the room. “Oh, hey. Yeah, I was just looking at their structure. Their skeletal system usually has two hundred and five bones. I didn’t know their spines connected to their heads the way they do. It’s weird and cool. Also, their knees and ankles are interesting.”

  “I’ve never really thought about it.”

  Andries’ cheeks turned darker. “I’ve been looking at the skeletons of dogs, horses, cows, and other animals for the last few hours. It’s fascinating.”


  “Yes. Dogs usually have three hundred and nineteen bones. Humans have about two hundred and five. We’re born with more, but some fuse together.”

  Lafferty stared at Andries open-mouthed. “What? That’s crazy.”

  “Anatomy is crazy. It’s also cool.”

  Lafferty had an idea. “If you could go to college, what would you study?”

  “I can’t afford college.”

  “If you could?”

  Andries shrugged as he stood. He handed Lafferty the iPad, but Lafferty handed it back.

  “Keep it and keep reading.”

  Andries frowned. “You’re very generous.”

  “Trust me, you’re going to put it to more use than I would.”

  “So studying, what would you study?”

  “I like science. The horse was a surprise.”

  “How so?” Lafferty asked as they stepped onto the elevator. He pressed the button for the ground floor. Since the office was on a reduced schedule with most people taking the week off, they were alone.

  “I’ve never really seen a horse in real life. I didn’t know how they felt or how they moved. She was huge but kind. I think she could crush me, but she didn’t want to. I’d love to do something with horses, but I don’t know what. I want to learn more, like not just how they act, but everything.”

  “There’s a huge horse industry in Texas. From breeding to some racing, and of course, rodeo. Owners need people to help care for them.”


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