The Devils Sister (The Devils Soldiers mc series)

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The Devils Sister (The Devils Soldiers mc series) Page 13

by Cilla Lee

  “Would have been one hell of an ass-kickin'” he tells me smilin’

  “Yeah, he would’ve kicked my ass good,” I tell him


  When we pull up to the clubhouse Steven is sitting talking to Jake, they both stand

  “So how was last night?” Saint asks him, and he looks at the ground, “What the fuck happened?”

  “Um… the girls organized a stripper,” he tells Saint

  “And,” Saint says, and Steven looks at Jake “don’t fuckin’ look at him tell me” we all move to surround them

  “I didn’t know until Abbey called Zoey to the stage,” he says, and I look at Tank who rolls his eyes mumblin’


  “He gave her a lap dance.”


  “Nothing, I stopped it before it got too far” Steven assures Saint

  “Too far,” Saint says very calmly

  “By the time I got to the stage he was in a g-string” Saint moves so fast Steven hits the ground hard

  “Fucker, I told you to fuckin’ call.”

  “I couldn’t,” he says

  “What the fuck are you talkin’ about? I was texting you all night.”

  “He couldn’t,” a woman’s voice says and we all turn seein’ Widow standing there, and I notice Steven’s phone in her hand (crafty bitches)

  “What the fuck do you mean he couldn’t?” she shows them all the phone “You bitch,” he says, and Widow moves just as fast as Saint did a minute ago and he drops to the ground holdin’ his dick, and she pulls his head back

  “Watch who you call a bitch brother” Scythe pulls her and whisperin’ somethin’ in her ear, and she walks off as Sinner helps his brother up off the ground

  “Fuck man, your women’s brutal,” Cuff says to Scythe

  “You fuckers know not to say shit like that to her,” he says smiling

  “How are ya balls?” Scythe asks Saint, and he feels down to make sure they're still there

  “Fuckin’ sore,” he tells him still breathin’ hard

  “Here,” he says throwin’ Steven his phone

  “I’m sorry man, she took it, and I couldn’t do shit, she’s a full patch member” Saint stands up

  “It’s fine, who got the stripper?”

  “Abbey,” he says, and we look at Tank as he holds up his hands

  “I’ll talk to her,” he says

  “You do that.” The front gates open and I see the girls drive in and see her sittin’ in the back, the three of them get out as Colt, and Saint walks towards the girls. I watch Ella move towards the door, and I step in front of her blocking her path, and she looks up at me

  “Have a good night?” I ask her so wanting to kiss her

  “I had a great night,” she tells me, and I get fucked off with her watchin’ some asshole swingin’ his dick around in front of her, the urge to find the fucker and kill him boilin’ to the top. Zoey grabs her hand and pulls her into the clubhouse, and I watch as the door closes the boys comin’ up and Cuff slappin’ me on the back pullin’ me off to the side

  “So, I got the information we need,” he tells me


  “Don’t fuckin’ start, the fuckers a piece of shit and is in deep with the Blackened Souls.”

  “No shit, you think if we asked Rooster for a favor he’d get his boys over to teach Joe a lesson on how to treat a woman” Cuff smiles

  “Yeah, I think he’d be up for that.”

  “Give him a call and see what he says.”

  “Bro, you know I have to run it by Razor.”


  “Cool, now I need a drink.”

  We head into the clubhouse, and I see her sittin’ on the sofa with Niya Zoey and Widow. After a few beers, I watch as the Prospect comes in and walks over to them and the four of them get up and head outside, and everything in me wants to go out and drag her back to my room (just one more taste).

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  After Zoey and Niya left I headed out to my car, tomorrow was going to be hectic, and I needed to be ready.

  “Ella” someone calls, and I turn seeing Blaze walking towards me (god he’s good looking), but I look down at my feet knowing not to look at him for too long. Joe would always make a nasty comment if I looked at someone for too long, then he’d hit me when we got home. So now it’s ingrained not to stare at someone for too long, plus I was still unsure what was happening between us

  “Yes,” I stop and look up then around feeling nervous still wanting him so much

  “Where are you going?” he asks me

  “I’m just heading to the store; do you need anything?”

  “Why are you going to the store?”

  “To get something for dinner.”

  “How about you pay up on one of my rain checks” I look up at him biting my lip

  “Rain check.” He steps forward, invading my personal space and I smell his cologne making me tingle

  “Yeah, one of my rain checks you owe me,” he says, smiling, making me blush and he holds out his hand, and I take it. The instant our skin touches I feel alive, as we walk over to his bike, I climb on behind him looping my arms around him, and I want to cry and scream and yell at how safe I feel with him. How one touch of his hand can calm me, how one look from him comforts me and makes me feel things I haven’t in so long.

  We ride into town and Blaze pulls over, and I look up at the sign The Smokin’ Grill, the smells coming from inside have my mouth watering as he helps me off and I almost stumble but catch myself before I make an ass of myself. “Wow, this place smells amazing,” I tell him, and he pulls me to him rubbing his thumb over my cheek, and I want him to kiss me to feel his lips on me

  “Come on,” he says, taking my hand and I feel a little disappointed he didn’t kiss me, but I follow him in, and we take a seat in one of the back booths. As we sit across from each other Blaze stares at me and I wonder if he’s regretting coming here with me or if he’s wondering, we missed an opportunity to kiss (I know the one I regret)

  “What?” I ask him needing to know

  “Why didn’t you tell Chance about your piece of shit husband beatin’ you?” This was the last thing I expected him to say to me and I’m taken back at his bluntness

  “Well, you don’t hold anything back do you.”

  “I say it like I see it.”

  “I didn’t want my brother to get in trouble,” I tell him

  “How long?” he asks me

  “How long, what?”

  “How long did that fucker beat you? And why the fuck did you stay with him for so long?” I hate when people judge me, I feel stupid enough with the decisions I made. I go to get up, but Blaze grabs my wrist “Please tell me,” he says, sounding desperate and I slowly sit down

  “It started two years after we were married, one night he came home, and he was really drunk, he’d lost his job, and he took it out on me. I left him, but you know how this story goes, he begged telling me he’d never do it again and I fell for it, took him back after that it just got worse. I left him a few times, but then he started to get really bad, I was afraid for my life. It wasn’t until the last time when he cut me that I got out. My life started to get better after the divorce, but he kept showing up tormenting me, and I finally broke after he burnt my business down and I called Brayden asking if I could come and live with him.”

  “Did you tell him why?” I shake my head

  “I was going to when I saw him… but” Blaze nods

  “Yeah, I know the rest, he been in touch?” I bite my lip again looking down “Ella” he says and I look at him “has he been in touch?”

  “I get phone calls late at night, but I’ve been turning it off, so I haven’t heard from him.”

  “Why not just get a new number?”

  “I have, twice, he keeps getting the number.”

  “You tell me next time he calls, you hear me” I bite my lip harder, almost bre
aking the skin “Ella” I look up at him his dark eyes boring into me. “I said he calls you, tell me” I nod as the waitress walks up.

  We have a nice meal, and I feel a little better, but the night before is definitely catching up with me “Come on baby” he says holding out his hand again.

  The ride to the clubhouse has me almost falling asleep, and that’s one thing I never thought I’d experience almost falling asleep on top of a huge vibrator, but I was so tired the rumble of the engine calming me. As Blaze backs into his space, he taps my leg, and I look up the clubhouse at night, it’s so intimidating. “Come on baby hop off.” I lift my leg over the seat and start to walk in the clubhouse, but Blaze grabs me around the waist kissing my neck “I miss you” he says holding me tight, his scent surrounding me, and I almost moan

  “You miss me?” I ask him, and I can feel him smile on my neck as he kisses it

  “I want to taste that sweet pussy again” I blush at his words still a little shy at the way they all speak

  “No, I need sleep and a pee really badly,” I tell him, and he laughs, and I turn looking at him

  “What?” he says, and I smile

  “You have a nice laugh,” I tell him, and he pulls me forward, kissing my neck again

  “I’m glad you like it, baby,” he reaches up, rubbing my nipple through my shirt and this time I can’t hold in the moan

  “Blaze,” I say, and he looks at me “I really do need a pee” he smiles, leading me into the clubhouse and I run down the hall Blaze laughing. When I come back into the main hall, I see Bliss rubbing her nasty crotch all over him, and I want to walk over and snap the twig in half. I’m hidden in the dark hall fuming, not doing anything but watch them as she begs him to fuck her again like last night, and I physically feel sick (how could he fuck that rank bitch). I walk to my room really not wanting to be anywhere near Blaze at the moment, when there’s banging on my door

  “Ella, open the door,” Blaze says

  “Go away, I’m tired” I yell out

  “Ella open the fuckin’ door now,” he bangs louder, and I jump up and open the door to a nostril-flaring Blaze

  “What?” I ask him, and I can see him grinding his jaw

  “You snuck upstairs,” he tells me, and I put my hand on my hip

  “And,” I say, and he takes a step forward, but I block his entry (thank you big hips)

  “Ella,” he says narrowing his eyes at me, and I squint mine back. “Don’t fuckin’ play with me cause you’ll fuckin’ lose,” he tries to intimidate me, but I roll my eyes over this conversation already

  “Nobody is playing games,” I tell him

  “Then why the fuck did you sneak up here?”

  “You were busy,” I tell him and he frowns at me

  “Busy” I nod “I was waiting for you.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t see with Bliss rubbing her crusty rancid pussy all over you,” he laughs, and I step back, slamming the door in his face clicking the lock, and he bangs on it hard. The frame creaking and I want to pound his stupid face for laughing at me “STOP!” I yell hearing a soft thud on the door

  “Baby please,” he says a much calmer tone as I lean back against the door

  “Did you fuck Bliss last night?” I ask him through the door, and I hear him take a breath

  “Damn Ella, I was fuckin’ drunk as shit, I don’t even remember it” a tear slides down my cheek

  “Just leave me alone, I’m tired.”

  “Baby please.”

  “Please Blaze I’m tired, I move away from the door, but I can still see him standing there, and I go into the bathroom and have a long hot shower letting the water wash away my tears and try and mend my shattered heart.


  Waking the next morning early I turn and look at the time ‘Four-thirty’ I get dressed and head downstairs and make my way out to the marquee and notice Steven leaning up against the gate and I walk back in and make two cups of coffee taking one out to him and he looks at me as I walk out

  “Morning Ella, why are you up so early?”

  “Things to do,” I tell him handing him the coffee, and he smiles

  “Damn, thank you. I could so use this” I smile as he sniffs the warm drink

  “Did you get all of the things Saint asked for?” I ask him, and he nods

  “Yeah, they're all in the tent” I smile

  “Marquee,” I tell him, and he frowns

  “What?” he asks me

  “It’s called a marquee, not a tent.”

  “But it’s a tent” I smile

  “Alright, I’m getting to work, thanks again,” I tell him, and he gives me a chin lift I see so many of them do

  “If you need any help Jake’s around somewhere,” he tells me and nod walking to the marquee. As I round the corner I run straight into Jake, we haven’t spoken much since the accident, he seems to be busy all the time, and really he makes me a little uncomfortable

  “Good morning Jake, how are you?” I ask him, and he looks down trying to avoid eye contact “Jake,” I say, and he looks up at me “are you ok?”

  “I’m sorry,” he says, and I look at him confused

  “For what?” I ask

  “For surviving” tears prick my eyes as I look at him, my heart breaking for him

  “Jake, the accident wasn’t your fault,” he shakes his head looking at me

  “I’m gonna make it better,” he tells me, and I frown at him


  “That old bastard's gonna pay for Chance Gunner… you” I grab both of his shoulders and give him a little shake, and he looks at me again

  “Jake, please honey, don’t do anything, it was an accident, it will never bring them back, they're gone.”

  “No, he has to pay, he has to, a life for a life,” he says as a tear slides down his cheek, and I wipe it away, pulling him to me, but he pushes me away “He has to pay Ella.”

  “Honey no,” I tell him but he walks off mumbling to himself (dammit) I go to follow him, but run into Bliss, and she sneers at me

  “Ella,” she says smugly

  “Why are you up so early?” I ask her

  “Saint asked me to help you, so here I am,” she says just as Summer Lila and Candy come walking around the corner

  “Hey Ella, we're here to help,” Summer says, and I smile, out of all the whores she’s ok

  “Well then ladies, let’s get this marquee decorated for Zoey and Saint,” I tell them all and they all smile except Bliss (bitch).

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  When I wake the next mornin’ it’s to people yellin’, I go to the window and see Ella “Damn, she looks good” I tell the empty room and get dressed fast. I head down to the kitchen, and as I walk in I see Cuff place his arm over Ella’s shoulders, and I almost lose it

  “What the fuck is going on?” I ask fuckin’ pissed

  “Just helping Ella out,” Cuff says, and I can see the fucker enjoyin’ this shit

  “How are you helping her out?” I ask him wantin’ to rip his fuckin’ arm off and beat him to death with it

  “She needs help with the flowers” I look at Ella, but she’s avoidin’ looking at me pissin’ me off even more

  “Well, I’m fuckin’ sure she doesn’t want you pawin’ all over her, so move ya fuckin’ arm” Cuff smiles, pulling Ella closer to him and I’m ready to kill the fucker

  “You don’t mind do ya darlin’?” he asks her, and she looks at me quickly then back at Cuff smiling

  “No, it’s fine, thank you for helping,” she says, but when she pats his chest and kisses his cheek and I see red

  “Show me where the flowers are going to go,” Terrance says, and they both walk out, and Ella stops and looks at Cuff

  “Give me five minutes Cuff, and I’ll be ready,” he nods smilin’ at her, and I wait until she’s gone until I swing my fist hittin’ Cuff and he hits the floor hard

  “What the fuck man?” Cuff says rubbin’ is chee

  “Stay the fuck away from Ella,” I tell the fucker, and he laughs

  “I was just bein’ friendly,” he says, and I narrow my eyes on the grindin’ fuckwit

  “Well, keep ya fuckin’ friendly dick away from Ella, she’s mine,” I tell him

  “Since when?” he asks me

  “Since now, so stay the fuck away, I’d hate to put a bullet in ya,” I tell him as I walk out the door kickin’ the fuckhead for good measure.

  I find her outside with Terrance, and she turns lookin’ up at me “Give us a minute,” I tell him and he walks off “You still angry at me,” I ask her, and she does the one eyebrow up look and I try and pull her to me

  “You still stick your dick in Bliss,” she asks blushin’ as she says it

  “Baby,” she shakes her head

  “I really don’t have time for this, I need to go and get the flowers and finish of the marquee.”

  “What do you need help with?” I ask her not wantin’ that fucker Cuff anywhere near her

  “Well, Steven is going to help me with the van.”

  “Ok, what else do you need?”

  “You’re going to help,” she says, lookin’ skeptical and I nod pullin’ her to me

  “Anythin’ for you baby, now what do you need with?”

  “Just help to get the flowers and bouquets back from the florist shop.”

  “Let’s go then” I hold out my hand, and she takes it. As I help her into the van the others jump in the back and I drive into town and pull up to a beat up old shop and she gets out and I look up at the peelin’ paint and wonder why in the fuck they used this place to get the flowers

  “You got the flowers from here?” I ask her

  “Yes, Gladis has worked hard to help, so be nice.”

  We walk in, and the bell above the door dings and a tiny little old woman comes out, a fat pug nose dog drops down next to her “Oh, Ella honey, how are you this morning?” Ella smiles at her leanin’ down to scratch the dog's ear

  “Very busy this morning Gladis, are the flowers still good?”

  “Already checked honey, they're great, you have done such a good job” Ella smiles at her again

  “We have done a good job,” she says pattin’ the old broad on the arm. “Ok boys, follow me.” Ella says, and we follow her to the back and walk into a large fridge


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