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Dress Blues

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by Dannie Marsden

  Back of the Book

  Lucinda (Luce) Velazquez had it all; a job she loved, a woman she loved, and a bright future ahead of her. In a flash of light surrounded by the sound of twisting metal, her life changes dramatically. Her inability to share her deepest thoughts and fears threaten all that she holds dear. Can she allow her lover and others in or will she lose it all?

  Dress Blues

  © 2017 by Dannie Marsden

  Affinity E-Book Press NZ LTD.

  Canterbury, New Zealand

  2nd Edition

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this eBook may be reproduced in any form without the express permission of the author and publisher. Please note that piracy of copyrighted materials violate the author’s rights and is illegal.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Editor: Gail Robinson

  Cover Design: Irish Dragon Designs

  Also by Dannie Marsden

  Desert Heat

  Desert Bloom

  Rayne Comes to Town

  Rayne’s New Beginning

  Faith in Rayne

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  About the Author

  Other Affinity Books

  Chapter One

  She looked so good standing up on the stage in her dress uniform, the ribbons decorating her chest and the medal shining. She stood so tall and straight; the pride shining in her eyes. God, the woman was hot! Yvette looked over the rest of the men and women who stood with Luce on that stage and none of the men looked as handsome as her Luce did. For sure none of the women even held a candle to her. Just what is it about a uniform that makes one go weak in the knees, let alone a police dress uniform? For Yvette, a uniform was just a set of clothes, nothing special, and while the thought of a woman in uniform had its effect on her, the thought of Luce in any uniform got her down right wet.

  Luce had the build for a uniform; she was tall, athletic, and was strong enough to bench press hundred and fifteen pounds. Her very toned muscles were capable of taking down a two-hundred-pound man and still be gentle enough to hold any woman of her choice or a baby with the utmost tenderness. She was confident without being cocky and held a sense of duty and dedication very close to her heart. Yvette’s eyes had been looking over the others on stage and brought them back to her partner in time to catch the striking blue eyes watching her with a smug smile on the square, yet feminine jaw. That was the smile that had gotten Yvette to agree to their first date. Yvette remembered she had been out at a bar with her friends at the insistence of one of them. They claimed there is this woman you just have to meet! After weeks of saying no, she finally gave in and agreed to join them…

  The bar was crowded and noisy and the minute Yvette walked in, she regretted saying she would come. After a drink, she was ready leave. She hated bars like this and the perfect woman never showed. As she sat there a tingling feeling came over her. She looked over to the bar and saw an amazing set of blue eyes watching her.

  One of her friends, Marcy, a beautiful blue eyed blonde, caught her looking in that direction; causally she tossed her golden hair and turned to see who Yvette was looking at. “Don’t even bother, that’s the Ice Queen. She always sits there drinking club soda, refusing anyone who offers to buy her a drink or asks for a dance.”

  “Who is she?” Yvette asked.

  “I think her name is Luce.” Marcy answered as she shrugged her shoulders and took a sip of her drink, “Other than that, I don’t think anyone knows. Ask Lindsey, she might know.”

  Before Yvette could decide whether she wanted to do that, a waitress with spiked blonde hair appeared with a drink for her saying, “Luce asked me to bring this to you. Told me to tell you she would be honored if you’d accept it.”

  “Thank you,” Yvette said as she accepted the drink. She looked over to the tall, dark-haired woman who sat at the bar and nodded her thanks as she lifted the drink and then brought it to her lips.

  Luce smiled immediately as Yvette’s friends did a round of cheers while a couple of women shot daggers at both Yvette and Luce.

  Yvette turned her attention back to her friends and the conversation at hand. The next time she looked over to the bar, the dark-haired woman was gone. For some reason, Yvette all of a sudden felt let down and ready to leave. Within the next hour or so her thoughts kept going back to the woman who’d bought her the drink, growing tired of waiting to the woman she just had to meet. Finally giving up, she told her friends that she was leaving saying, “Hey, ladies, my head is hurting and this smoke and pounding music isn’t helping.” As her friends wished her a safe trip home and waved bye, Yvette walked toward the door, the entire time hoping she would see the tall dark-haired Ice Queen.

  A week later, Yvette was driving down the freeway at a speed that was well above legal limits. It had been a bad day at work and she had been thinking about something stupid rather than paying attention to her speedometer. The next thing she knew, she saw lights flashing in her rearview and heard a siren blaring behind her. She pulled over at the next available area and felt tears form in her eyes―she hated women who used tears to get out of tickets. As she wiped at her tears, a knock at her window sounded and she rolled it down while reaching for her purse.

  “Can I see your license, proof of insurance and registration please?” said the deep rich voice.

  “I’m sorry, officer. I won’t give you excuses for my speeding. I know I’m guilty. Here is all my information.”

  “Well, hi there. Good to see you again, Ms. Mendez.”

  “Do I know you?” Yvette asked, as she finally looked up at the officer standing outside her car door. The dark sunglasses framed the square-jawed, tan face of the dark-haired woman from the bar a week before―the Ice Queen. “Oh. Hi,” she said as a smile crept over her lips and she instantly felt warm inside.

  “Sorry for having to stop you, but you were going just a little faster than you should. Actually, you were going a lot faster than you should,” Luce said with a smile.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t have any excuse for it. I know I was speeding so just give me the ticket.”

  “Well, actually, if you promise to slow it down, I’ll let you by with just a warning,” Luce said with a dazzling smile.

  “Oh, I promise!”

  “Good. I’d like to ask you out to dinner sometime,” Luce said as she took her sunglasses off.

  “Oh, well, I’m not sure about that,” Yvette said as she chewed on her lower lip, “I’ve just recently gotten out of a relationship and I’m not ready for anything,” Yvette answered feeling a little guilty at the fact that said relationship ended two years earlier. She just didn’t want to be played and from everything she had heard from her friends the other night, this gorgeous creature was a player. She remembered the name the woman was given and wonder why she had gotten it. She seemed to have had many women watching her and she certainly had a lot of them go up to her and try to strike up a conversation. They all were shot down in a heartbeat. Is that why she got the name? As soon as that thought entered her mind, she found herself wondering just what it would take to get that the woman. That was when Luce flashed that smile, the one that said―oh you’ll agree because I can tell you’re interested, ―the one that showed the confident, strong and cocky woman inside.

  “It’s just dinner. Not a lifelong commitment or anything like that. I promise,” Luce said with a soft teasing tone in her voice and sparkle in her eyes,

  “Well, okay. I sup
pose one dinner would be all right. Let me give you my address and phone number.”

  “I have it already, thanks.”


  “Here’s your license and other things back. I’ll give you a call after my shift, all right? That is assuming you give me your number,” Luce said as she handed Yvette her things back before flashing that smile again.

  “Oh, that’s how you knew,” Yvette said a tinge of red coloring her face. “And, I look forward to hearing from you Officer …?”

  “Sorry. Velasquez, Luce Velasquez. Drive safely now, all right? I’ll give you a call later,” Luce said as she put her glasses back on and looked down at the number Yvette had jotted down on the pad, then stepped back from the car before walking to hers. Yvette watched the officer in her rearview. The gun belt hugged her hips and the dark blue shirt clung to her back up to her square shoulders. The way Luce’s pants fit her long legs and butt made Yvette draw in a deep breath of appreciation.


  Her thoughts turned back to the stage and the thundering applause. She saw her love standing there at attention with a new medal around her neck. The sight made her so proud she nearly burst with pride. Everything about Luce made her proud. As the audience started to stand and move towards the reception area, Yvette slowly walked towards Luce, who walked with her hat in her hands and a smile that said, let’s get out of here. It was a smile that Yvette knew well.

  The tall woman walked up to Yvette and in a low voice said, “Why don’t we get out of here and make our own celebration?”

  “Mm, what did you have in mind, Agent Velazquez?”

  “Oh, I was thinking maybe a late dinner then maybe we could put to use these cool handcuffs I got with my police belt and stuff,” Luce said with a wiggle of her eye brows.

  With a laugh, Yvette reached for the gloved hand of her partner of a year and led the way out slowly as they were unable to avoid people who wanted to congratulate Luce on her promotion. It was a promotion to an even more dangerous job and Yvette hated the idea of Luce working for the DEA. She knew how excited Luce had been at the promotion and they had had their fair share of fights over it. She was trying really hard to keep her fears from creeping up. She remembered how hard it was on both her and her mom when her father, who had been a DEA agent, was killed. Yvette had been only 10 when her father went off to work one day and never came home and it wasn’t until she was older that the facts of his death were told to her. He was a hero, protecting a criminal who had decided to save his own neck by turning on his connections. Her father was transporting the man to a secure location when a bullet meant for the snitch found him instead. As much as she hated drug dealers and the scum who worked for them, she hated the idea of anyone she loved working to take them down. Unfortunately, she couldn’t talk Luce out of taking the promotion. Luce worked hard to earn the spot and she was damn well going to take it, Luce told her in no uncertain terms. This left Yvette with two options; end her relationship with the woman or work past her fears. At the moment, the fear was creeping in and taking hold.

  “Hey, babe, are you okay?” Luce asked, the concern evident in her voice.

  “Of course, I am. Why?” Yvette asked as she nodded to someone who had waved at them from across the room.

  “Well, because I asked if you were ready to leave at least three times just now.”

  “Oh, yes, I am. I’m sorry. Just off in my own little world for a second there, I suppose.”

  “Oh yeah, what were you thinking, babe?”

  “Mm, I was thinking about how good you look in your uniform.”

  “Well thank you, sweetheart. Might I add that you look fabulous, although I have to ask,” Luce leaned in to whisper, “what do you have on under that dress? A thong?”

  “Actually, since you asked,” Yvette whispered back, “Not a thing …” Then she turned and added more sway to her hips.

  Luce almost choked on the last of her water. Luce was quickly behind the woman, although not too close because it would have been a shame to waste such good hip action. It got quite a few of her fellow agents’ attention as well. She couldn’t be one hundred percent sure but she thought she saw a couple of women check out Yvette’s ass as well.

  Chapter Two

  Luce was right behind Yvette when they approached the car and swung her around into her arms as Luce pinned Yvette to the door. Luce’s mouth descended hard on the soft sweet lips as she pushed against the black-eyed beauty.

  Yvette kissed back just as hard, though she didn’t forget where they were. After a few seconds of kissing and nipping at Luce’s lips, she pulled her head back and in a breathless voice Yvette huskily said, “Why don’t we forget dinner all together and just head home?”

  With a small growl, Luce opened the passenger door for her lady and rushed to her door on the driver’s side and slid in.

  As soon as they were on the road, Yvette slid closer and her hand started slowly moving up and down Luce’s leg as a wicked grin appeared on her face. “So, do you want to know exactly how seeing you in your uniform affects me? How about I tell you anyway? It gets me hot. My pulse starts to race and I start to feel this, mmmmm throbbing between my legs. I can’t tell you how wet I get.”

  Luce started sweating. Damn, it’s hot in here. I should have taken my jacket and tie off. She could feel Yvette’s hand on her thigh. As she glanced over she saw Yvette’s other hand slowly moving up between her own legs. That action alone brought a deep intake of breath from Luce. From the corner of her eye she watched Yvette throw her head back in pleasure, and she imagined the small slender fingers were hers, making Luce want to get home even faster.

  As she sped up, Luce’s attention was divided between driving and Yvette’s hands. After a few blaring horns, she finally groaned, “For god’s sake, stop before I hit some innocent person.”

  With an evil smile Yvette said all right and Luce glanced over with a smile of her own.

  Without warning, a car in the lane next to them clipped their back end and sent them spinning into oncoming traffic. Before Luce could regain any control, they were hit on the driver’s side by a sedan carrying a family of four. Luce slammed into the steering wheel, completely unaware of anything from that moment forward.

  Yvette, who was sitting right next to Luce, felt the pain in her body from having been thrown against the passenger door. The right side of her head throbbed from the contact with the window. Fighting the waves of nausea, she was able to open the passenger door and slide out. As the few people who had witnessed the accident stopped and rushed to help, Yvette cried hysterically. The screaming from the other car died away as she watched strangers trying to open the driver’s door where Luce sat trapped. Her mind screamed there is no way she is alive, Yvette. As more people rushed to the other car, Yvette turned and then fell to the ground as she saw the mangled wreckage and a body lying a few feet from it.


  Six months later…

  “Hey, baby, what are you thinking?”

  “Oh, nothing really. I was just thinking maybe we should take a weekend off and go somewhere. What do you think?” Luce asked as she put the coffee pot down and turned to look at Yvette.

  “Where were you thinking of going, Luce?” Yvette asked.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Just somewhere where we can be together without all of the pressures of life we’ve had lately.”

  “Hmm, sounds great. But did you forget my mom and dad are visiting? Maybe we can go next weekend?”

  “I did forget. Never mind. Forget I said anything,” Luce said as she put her coffee down and headed to the living room.

  “Hey, don’t walk out or be upset,” Yvette called.

  “Never mind. It was just a thought. It’s cool. Look, I need to go. I have a meeting I’m already gonna be late for.”

  “Luce, maybe we can have a nice romantic dinner tonight? I’ll get off early and make something special.”

  “Sounds good,” Luce said as she slipped on he
r coat and headed toward the door.

  “What? No kiss?”

  “Sorry,” Luce said as she placed a rushed kiss on Yvette’s cheek while avoiding her eyes.

  “God damn it!” Yvette swore as the door closed on her. Yvette turned on her heel and headed for the phone.

  “Hi, Suzie, is there any way we can meet for lunch?”

  “I’m pretty sure we can. What’s up?” answered the voice on the other end.

  “I can’t take it anymore.”

  “Oh no. It’s gotten that bad?”

  “Yes. Luce is just so moody anymore. God, she mentioned going away for a weekend and when I said I wasn’t sure I could get any time off, she immediately went cold and did all she could to just rush out.”

  “Ouch! Let’s meet at the Tea House around noon and we’ll talk.”

  With plans made, Yvette went on with her day.


  A few hours later, she found herself sitting at one of her favorite places to eat, spilling her feelings to her best friend.

  “So anyway, we are supposed to have a romantic dinner tonight…that’s assuming she shows up on time and not after dinner is ruined.”

  “Okay. And what if she doesn’t show up until late?”

  “Then, I’m done. She swears she wants to spend time with me and yet when I make arrangements for that, she stands me up! We get to a point where I think maybe we will be intimate and she pulls away or I end up feeling like she is just going through the motions.”

  “Wow. How long has that been going on? I did notice the last time I saw her she wasn’t her normal self. I mean, it’s not like I would know all her moods but… could it be something to do with the accident?


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