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Drop of Hope

Page 5

by Jamie A. Waters

  Ariana's eyes widened at Alec's words. Out of all the things she might have expected him to ask, this possibility hadn't even dawned on her.

  Jason shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. “Absolutely not. You are not taking my sister down to the surface. Are you insane? Do you have any idea what could happen?”

  Kayla stood and put her hands on her hips. “I lived down there most of my life, Jason. I'd say it's far more dangerous here. I had more attempts on my life in the short time I was in the towers than I ever did on the surface. Carl's been down there coordinating almost everything, and we've got all sorts of structural supports in place. It's crawling with people who are constantly making improvements. I'd say it's a hell of a lot safer than the towers right now.”

  Jason glared at Alec and gestured toward Kayla. “Well, it appears Kayla just made my case for me. That cave is crowded with non-sensitives. You know how dangerous that could be to Ari. You are not taking my sister down there completely unprotected.”

  “She won't be unprotected,” Alec argued. “Your sister's welfare is one of my highest priorities, and we'll take every possible precaution. If you two are successful, you could help make that river a viable water and power source. Our alliance with the Coalition and the surface dwellers is dependent upon tapping into that resource and others as quickly as possible. We're not only in desperate need for the water but also for the power the river can generate to operate some of our equipment. We can't afford any more delays if we're going to meet our deadlines.”

  Ariana fisted her hands, trying to rein in her temper. She was so tired of everyone making decisions without bothering to ask what she wanted. Forcing herself to take a calming breath, she announced, “I'll go.”

  Jason slowly turned toward her, his stunned shock almost comical.

  Alec gazed at her with a combination of surprise and approval. “Thank you, Ari. I meant what I said. We'll make every effort to make sure you're as protected as possible. All non-essential personnel will be cleared out and contact will be kept to a minimum. In addition to your brother, I'll accompany you as well.”

  “As will I,” Lars offered.

  Ariana swallowed, trying to push aside her fears, and nodded. If Kayla had managed to live on the surface all these years as a spirit channeler, she could handle a brief foray onto the surface. Yes, their abilities were different, but there were similarities too. There wasn't much information about spirit channelers either. Maybe it was time to embrace the possibilities and start taking more chances.

  It was worth the risk if she could help the people who needed it most. Besides, the chance of getting another opportunity to see the world beyond these walls was slim. If her family had their way, she'd be locked in the towers for the rest of her life.

  “If you believe I can help, I'd like to try. When did you want to do this?”

  Jason approached her with a frown. The energy around him was infused with panic, worry, and fear. The stifling effect made it difficult to breathe. She instinctively threaded soothing energy bands around him, trying to alleviate the worst of his emotions.

  “Ari, please reconsider. There are too many unknowns.” He turned to glare at Alec. “You didn't bother to run this past the council, did you? My father has no knowledge of your machinations, does he?”

  Alec's entire body stiffened, and he didn't respond immediately. Instead, he clasped his hands behind his back. “Ariana is an adult. She can make her own decisions. The council does not need to concern themselves with matters such as this. No one is ordering her to do anything. I simply asked.”

  “You're a real bastard, Alec,” Jason swore, clenching his fists. “You know Ari would give her right arm if it would help someone. I swear, if anything happens to her, I'll kill you myself.”

  Brant stiffened in his place against the wall where he was acting as sentry.

  “Jason,” Ariana warned, infusing her energy with a calming influence. She could sense Alec's tension as well and spread her energy outward to encompass both of them. Alec was much more composed, but sometimes it felt as though her brother had more of a fire temperament than water. It was exhausting.

  Suddenly weary from the efforts to soothe Lars's pain and the ups and downs from the tumultuous energy circulating in the room, Ariana's shoulders slumped. She put her drink on the table and rubbed her temples to ward off the impending headache. Not even a little splash of water was enough to help her now. She'd need to completely submerge herself in the pool when they were finished or she'd never make it through the rest of the day.

  “There's no need for threats. Alec is acting in the best interests of the towers. He asked, and I agreed. Please, just leave it alone. I want to do this. Besides, you'll be with me the entire time.”

  Her words and energy had the desired effect. Jason turned away and headed back over to the bar, muttering under his breath.

  Sergei had been quiet up until this point. He moved to stand beside her and touched her arm. “Are you well, Ari?”

  She shook her head, the motion making her feel queasy. “No. I mean, yes. I'm all right. I'm just tired. It's been a long day.”

  Alec frowned and took a step toward her, his expression worried. He took her hand in his and sent a fortifying wave of energy over her. She closed her eyes and sighed in relief as it chased away the worst of the fatigue.

  “Thank you,” she murmured.

  “You give too much of yourself to keep everyone's emotions in check,” Alec said in a quiet voice. “Sometimes these things need to play out naturally.”

  She nodded, knowing what Alec was saying was true. But she'd seen what could happen when her brother’s temper ran unchecked.

  “I know, but Jason…” Her words trailed off, and she sighed. Sometimes it was better to leave the past in the past.

  Alec squeezed her hand. “I understand your concerns, but what happened with Doval was several years ago. That wasn't your fault.”

  Ariana looked away, not wanting to discuss it. That entire ordeal had cost her family dearly, and the cloud still hung over them. Jason had lost his temper defending her and used his abilities to attack one of their own. Unregulated duels were usually severely punished, but her father had made several deals to keep Jason out of trouble. But ever since then, she lived with the constant worry it could happen again.

  Sergei put his arm around her waist, pulling her gently but firmly away from Alec. The High Council leader's eyes narrowed, but Sergei ignored him. “Ariana needs rest. If her brother wishes to remain, I will escort her back to her rooms.”

  Still standing at the bar, drink in hand, Jason looked over and scowled at the sight of Sergei's arm around her. “Take your hands off her, Sergei. What the hell is with all of you pawing my sister? She's off limits. I'll see to her myself.”

  “Then accept responsibility and stop acting like a child,” Sergei snapped. “Ari is not feeling well, and you pay no attention when your sister suffers.”

  “You self-righteous bastard,” Jason hissed and stalked toward him, his anger lashing out like an energy whip.

  A sharp pain shot through Ariana's temples as her natural shields weakened even more. She winced as the tense emotions in the room continued to escalate. Forcing herself to draw upon her reserves, she coated Jason in a blanket of soothing energy. “Please, Jason. Sergei's right. I need to go.”

  Jason hesitated and frowned. He must have finally realized the effect everything was having on her because he grabbed a bottle of water from the bar area and handed it to her, encouraging her to drink. Gratitude rushed through her as she took a long sip. The cool water trailing down her throat helped a bit. It wasn't the same as submersing herself completely, but it allowed her to once again sense the cool moisture in the air. She tried to gather some of the additional moisture to insulate herself from the overpowering emotions, but she was too tired to be more than moderately successful. She didn't have the ability to focus enough to weave her usual complex threads.

p; “I'm sorry, Ari,” Jason said, his expression filled with guilt. “Is that better?”

  Brant took a step forward. “Do you need me to call for a medic?”

  Ariana shook her head and glanced at the others who were also regarding her with concern. “No, that's not necessary. I'm all right. I just need to reinforce my shields a bit.”

  Alec frowned. “We were planning on going to the surface tomorrow, but we can delay those plans as long as you need.”

  She shook her head, too tired to explain. “No, tomorrow is fine. I just need to go for a swim and take a nap. I'll be fine by morning.”

  Realization dawned in Alec's eyes, and he nodded. “The water. Of course. I hadn't realized…” His voice trailed off as he considered her. “Hopefully, the proximity to the underground river will help if you feel any distress when we're on the surface. I'll also arrange to have additional resources brought with us.”

  Ariana gave him a small smile. “Thank you. That should help. Since Jason's already been to the surface, he can give you some ideas about what I'll need.”

  Jason frowned, still clearly displeased by her agreeing to go to the surface, but he remained silent. Instead, he offered her his arm. “Let's head back, Ari. I'll send him a list. I'm sure Alec can make whatever arrangements are necessary on his own.”

  Ariana nodded, said her farewells, and let Jason lead her back to her family's quarters.

  Alec watched them leave, questioning whether he should have pushed Ariana into making this trip. He'd wanted her to agree, but not if it put her at risk. There was too much damn secrecy around her to know how dangerous this could be for her. As soon as her abilities emerged years ago, her family had circled the metaphorical wagons. They weren't talking, and no one knew enough about her talents to even guess. Hopefully, he could learn something by reviewing the list Jason had agreed to send him.

  Sergei tapped his fingers impatiently against his leg in an uncharacteristic movement. Something other than the resource issue was weighing on the normally stoic Coalition military commander, and Alec couldn't help but wonder if Ariana had something to do with it. He'd barely resisted the urge to hurt Sergei when he'd put his hands on Ariana. It was one thing for Sergei to play those sorts of games with Kayla, but it was completely different when it was someone like Ariana.

  After several minutes, Sergei straightened and announced, “I need to check in with my people. If you have no other need for me, I will speak with you tomorrow when we head to the river.”

  “That's not necessary,” Alec began. “We'll forward the results to you, but it may be better to limit the number of people attending.”

  Sergei's eyes narrowed, and he held up his hand to stop any further discussion on the subject. “No. I am the Coalition ambassador. I will represent our interests and accompany the group to the river. You will notify me when you are ready to depart.”

  Alec frowned but gave him a curt nod. Sergei quickly disappeared, heading in the same direction Ariana had gone.

  “Stubborn and difficult. I swear, this alliance becomes more of a pain every day,” Alec muttered and went over to retrieve his drink from the bar. Trust wasn't coming easily to any of them, Omnis and Coalition alike. Several hundred Coalition citizens were already living in the towers and even more were on the surface in the surrounding areas. When they'd originally made their agreement, no one had anticipated the widespread economic, cultural, and social considerations of such an alliance. Every day, more reports were coming across his desk with a wide variety of issues that needed to be addressed. With these additional delays in harnessing the river, things between their people were even more strained.

  Alec sat on the couch across from Kayla and stretched out, desperate for a few minutes of relative peace. He swirled his glass and took a sip.

  “Lars, are you going to stare out the window all night?”

  “For fuck's sake, Alec,” Lars swore and turned his head toward him. “Jason was right. You ambushed me… not to mention poor Ari. She couldn't help herself.” He shook his head. “I swear, that woman is more potent than any drug. I didn't even realize what she was doing at first. I was just so damn happy to see her. But then I felt her energy signature and… It was like this blanket of power settled over me. I've never felt anything like it. She's always been so damn sweet, but that energy of hers is fucking hot.”

  A laugh bubbled out of Kayla at his description. “What did she do? I gotta tell you, watching the energy around you two was crazy. I took a peek using the connection I created with her the other day, and there was so much going on. It makes the stuff she's teaching me look like amateur hour.”

  “There's no comparison,” Brant admitted, relaxing from his formal bodyguard stance and taking a seat next to Kayla. While shadowing her here and on the surface, the two of them had developed a close friendship. “I was able to pick up on some of what she was doing too, and I'm not even sure how she managed it. I've never seen anyone wield power like her.”

  Kayla scooted over to give Brant more room on the couch. “You haven't spent much time with her?”

  Brant shook his head. “No. Her brother or father usually act as her escort when she's out in public. She's never asked for our services, and now I understand why. I had no idea she was that powerful.”

  “All I know is, while I was standing there basking in the glow of some of the most irresistible energy I've ever experienced, she was tearing me apart and rebuilding me in a matter of seconds,” Lars said and scrubbed his hand over his face. “So yeah, if I want to look out the window all night while I catch my breath, I'm entitled to that. She rocked my entire world, Alec. I don't know how the hell she even managed to walk out of here, much less try to temper her whirlwind of a brother.” He flexed his fingers and rolled out his shoulders. “Fuck, that woman knows how to get under your skin. I don't know how the hell you’ve managed to keep your hands off her for so long.”

  Not easily, but Alec didn't intend to advertise that fact. He knew more than most, but even he wasn't certain of the full extent of Ariana's abilities.

  Kayla leaned forward eagerly. “So wait, what exactly did she do to you? I'm getting bits and pieces, but the big picture might be nice.”

  Alec swirled his glass again and nodded. “That was part of the reason I invited you here, Kayla. You need to understand more about our culture and abilities. Even more importantly, you need to back off on encouraging Sergei to pursue Ariana. I know you invited him with you to training the other day, but he's becoming a little too interested in her.”

  Lars spun around to face Kayla, his eyes wide in shock. “You're fucking kidding me. You're trying to set Sergei up with Ari? Are you insane?”

  Kayla's brow furrowed, and she leaned back, wrinkling her nose at them. “What's the big deal? They both have the hots for each other. He might not do any of the woo-woo stuff, but Sergei's got it going on. He's also really sweet with her. I mean, you saw him just now. He's really protective of her. Ten credits say he followed her to make sure she got back to her quarters okay.”

  Alec's grip tightened on his glass. As it was, he’d had a hard enough time getting a few minutes alone with her. How the hell had Sergei gotten to know Ariana well enough for things to develop between them so quickly? Ariana hardly left the Inner Sanctum. Other than Kayla bringing him to the training session yesterday, there shouldn't have been any other interactions.

  Lars shook his head. “Kayla, I may not agree with Alec on most things, but encouraging a relationship between them is dangerous. Sergei is a ruthless killer and intensely loyal to the Coalition. He would destroy Ariana in a heartbeat.”

  Kayla rolled her eyes. “I think you guys are being a little dramatic.”

  Alec finished his drink and placed it on the table next to him. “No, Kayla, Lars is correct. What I'm about to tell you does not leave this room. I wouldn't even share it with Lars, except he already knows.”


  “Ariana is a very strong dual energy
channeler, possibly the most skilled I've ever met. I suspect she may even be able to channel a third element. Unlike other dual talents, though, she can channel water and earth equally. Water is her brother's element, so that's the one she claims publicly. Very few people know about her talents with earth energy.”

  He paused for a long moment, remembering when he'd first learned about her skills. Seara had shared the information with him and made him promise to keep it secret. He had, up until now. The danger that had kept Ariana in seclusion had been eliminated by his hand. But there were other threats that could emerge if the rest of the towers learned about her talents. No one could understand the nature of those threats as much as the people in this room.

  “To give you some idea of her power level, I'd say Ariana may even exceed yours. She could definitely offer most people within the towers a challenge. Fortunately, that's not her nature. Ariana's one of the least power-hungry individuals I've ever met.”

  Kayla's eyes widened. “Okay, so she's got mad skills. What does that have to do with Sergei?”

  Alec paused for a moment, trying to decide how to explain. “The combination of water and earth is extremely rare. They can both be nurturing elements, particularly when paired together. When that happens, the wielder tends to possess very few defenses against other more dominant elemental abilities. This is part of the reason Jason is so protective of her. Jason possesses powerful offensive and defensive skills, whereas Ariana is a remarkable and gifted healer. She can heal physical and mental injuries. When you were seriously injured and brought to the towers,” Alec gave Lars a pointed look, “Ariana was the one we called for help. She has talents and abilities our most skilled physicians can't duplicate with technology. But it's the mental aspect of her talents that has proven to be the most beneficial and most challenging.”


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