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Drop of Hope

Page 20

by Jamie A. Waters

  Her brow furrowed, and she shook her head. “I don't have the expertise yet. Seara would be much better suited to helping you.”

  He smiled. “No, you misunderstand. I want this to be your garden, Ari. It's been empty since my mother died. Seara helped me get it ready for you, but I'd like you to be the one who brings it back to life.”

  Ariana's mouth parted in surprise, and she gazed at the surrounding garden again before meeting his eyes. “You want to give me your mother's garden?”

  “Yes, if you'll accept it,” he replied, taking her hand once again. “I've already configured you to have entry into my family's quarters. You can come and go as you like. Seara left some recommendations about possible plants you might want to consider while you're learning the full range of your earth skills, but she also offered her assistance if you want help.”

  “Alec,” she murmured, blinking back tears, “I don't know what to say.”

  “I'm hoping you'll say yes, both to the garden and to me,” he said, praying he wasn't moving too soon. “Then maybe, one day, in the not-so-distant future, you won't have to walk all the way from your quarters to your garden. You'll already be here.”

  “Yes! A thousand times yes!” she squealed and threw her arms around his neck. “I can't believe you've done this, Alec. It's beyond wonderful. It's the most extraordinary gift I've ever received. I love it, and I love you for thinking of it.”

  His heart thudded as he pulled back, hoping he hadn't misheard. “Do you?”

  “Stop shielding from me, Alec. You won't hurt me.”

  He lowered his internal shields, and his knees nearly buckled from the rush of emotion. A wave of love so powerful and pure flowed through their connection. How could he have been so blind? It had been too much to hope for, but the reality was more rewarding than his wildest dreams.

  “Ari,” he murmured, cupping her face and gazing into her eyes, “I love you too. I've loved you since the moment we first met, and I've fallen a little more in love with you each moment after that. I never believed someone such as you could even exist, much less return my affections.” A tear trailed down her cheek, and he kissed it away. “I swear to you, here and now, I'll always love and protect you. From now until the last of the energy in this world is a memory, I'm yours.”

  “I'm yours too,” she whispered. “I've always been yours. I love you, Alec.”

  He lowered his head, pulling her closer and capturing her lips with his. Gods, she was exquisite. Her lips were impossibly soft, and her taste was indescribable. She was everything he'd ever wanted and far more than he deserved. She wound her arms around his neck, and the heady aphrodisiac of her power cascaded over him.

  “I want you, Alec,” she murmured as her beguiling energy enveloped him in a magical spell. He groaned and pulled her tighter against him, struggling against his desire to claim her fully and his need to do what was right.

  “Ari, I want you more than anything, but I don't trust myself not to lose control,” he managed, burying his face against her neck and breathing in her delicious scent. “I don't know if I can be with you and not bind myself to you permanently.”

  She threaded her fingers through his hair. “I trust you, Alec. I want to be with you in every way possible.”

  He swallowed and lifted his head, cupping her face and looking into her guileless eyes. “Are you sure? If you have any doubts, we should wait. I won't be able to let you go after this. Even if we don't permanently bond, our connection will become even deeper.”

  Her answering smile was radiant. She pressed a kiss against his lips and nodded. “I'm sure, Alec. I've been waiting two years for you. Don't make me wait another night.”

  To hell with noble intentions. He'd be a fool to refuse her.

  “Not here,” he said, looking around the garden. If this was to be his first time with her, he wanted Ariana in his bed where he could take his time with her. He lifted her into his arms. She gasped in surprise, and he grinned. “You're mine now, Ariana Alivette. You've unleashed the dragon.”

  She laughed in delight, wrapping her arm around his neck as he carried her back toward his bedroom. Laying her down on his bed, he stepped back, wanting to always remember this image. Her robe had come unbound, the silken material of her nightgown clinging to the soft curves that lay beneath. Her dark hair fell around her, and she blinked up at him, those gorgeous, silvery eyes full of love and trust. The realization she was in his bed hit him like a punch in the gut.

  “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

  Her skin flushed, a lovely rose color creeping over her cheeks. “I've always thought you were the beautiful one.”

  He paused in surprise and grinned. “Oh, Ari, you're not seeing yourself from where I'm standing.”

  She gave him a timid smile. “You make me feel beautiful, Alec.”

  “I want to make you feel so much more,” he murmured, moving forward to join her on the bed. With an almost featherlight touch, he caressed her skin with his energy, and she quivered in response. He lowered his head, pressing his lips against hers, and nipped at her full bottom lip. Her mouth parted on a gasp, and he tasted her again, the rich ambrosia of the woman he'd wanted for so long finally on his tongue. Fuck, he didn't know how he was going to hold back claiming her in every way imaginable.

  Ariana didn't want him to hold back. His thoughts were intermingling with hers, their connection making it almost impossible to know where he ended and she began. Not that it mattered. She'd wanted him for so long. He slid his hand along her side, the heat from his body surrounding her in a sensual cocoon.

  He pulled the robe off her shoulders, trailing his lips down her neck and along her collarbone while his air energy caressed every inch of her exposed skin. He was driving her crazy with this slow, erotic teasing. Ariana felt his lips curve in a smile against her skin, and she knew that was his intention. Well, two could play that game.

  She wriggled out from underneath him and pushed him down onto the bed, climbing on top of him. He raised his eyebrows and placed his hands on her hips, holding her against him.

  “Why, Miss Alivette, what do you think you're doing?”

  Ariana had no idea, but she'd figure it out. She tugged on his shirt, and he laughed but sat up enough to help her pull it off. Tossing it aside, she pressed her hands against his chest, staring in wonder at the man beneath her. His beauty wasn't just confined to his appearance. Admiration for his wonderful and caring nature surged through her, and she wanted him to know how much she treasured him.

  She bent down, pressing a small kiss against his chest. He inhaled sharply, and this time, it was her turn to smile. Kissing him again, she trailed a mixture of water and earth energy over his skin. He groaned, reaching up to run his hands through her hair.

  “Gods, Ari,” he murmured, and she looked up to meet his gaze. His earlier mirth had disappeared, replaced by a much more heated expression.

  She started to slide down his body, emulating his tactics as she kissed his skin and teased him with energy. When she got to his bellybutton and the small patch of hair that disappeared into his waistband, he hooked his arm around her and rolled her over, pinning her underneath him.

  Yes! She wanted to crow in victory, pleased beyond all reason that her seduction attempt had worked.

  “Oh, you have no idea, love,” he murmured and covered her mouth with his.

  A wave of his power washed over her, wiping away all her earlier thoughts until she was nothing but pure sensation. She matched his strength, her energy blending with his into a seamless transition of love and desire.

  They rolled together, tossing their remaining clothing aside as they got lost in each other's bodies and energy. When he finally pushed inside her, Ariana gasped at the combined ecstasy and the strange sense of rightness. He began to move, and she moved with him in a passionate and primal dance. Their energies blended, fusing together in a blinding climax that had them both crying out their release.

collapsed on top of her, resting his weight on her for a minute before rolling over and pulling her with him. She was out of breath, her heart still pounding in her chest, but she was more sated and content than she ever thought possible. Was this how it normally was between two people? If so, she wasn't sure why anyone would ever get out of bed.

  Alec chuckled. Still trying to catch his breath, he threaded his fingers through her hair. “No, Ari. Only with you.”

  She ran her fingers over his chest, lightly tracing the movements with her energy. Alec's love for her flowed freely through their deepened connection, matching her feelings for the incredible man beside her. “I don't think I ever want to move again.”

  He laughed and pulled her even closer. “ We're going to have to move eventually because I'd like to do that with you again soon.”

  “You would?” she asked hopefully, lifting her head to look down at him.

  “Gods, woman,” he murmured, running his fingers through her hair and sending another wave of his energy over her skin. “Do you think you can just give me an earth-shattering orgasm and not try for a repeat performance?”

  She laughed. “Earth-shattering, huh?”

  “Absolutely. I knew there would be definite perks to you being an earth talent.” He kissed her again. “Definitely earth-shattering.”

  A low buzzing noise awakened Ariana. She blinked, trying to focus on the dim room, noting the well-defined chest she was sprawled across. Alec's arm was wrapped around her and had been holding her while she slept. She smiled against his chest, once again reliving the events of the previous night.

  Alec picked up his commlink from his nightstand and glanced at it before putting it back down.

  “Is everything all right?” she asked, lifting her head a fraction to look up at him.

  He threaded his fingers through her hair. “Hey, I'm sorry I woke you. That was Brant. I'll go speak with him in the other room. Why don't you go back to sleep? I won't be long.”

  “All right,” she agreed with a yawn.

  He gently extricated himself from her and pulled the blankets over her, pressing a kiss against her temple. “I love you, Ari.”

  Ariana smiled against the pillow. “I love you too, Alec.”

  She felt his soaring exultation at her response and listened to him quietly dress. A moment later, a small shaft of light filled the room as he exited and closed the door behind him. Ariana sighed dreamily, unable to remember a time when she'd ever been this happy. Alec was everything she'd ever wanted and more. He was the kindest, most compassionate, and sexiest man she'd ever met. And he was hers.

  Ariana rolled onto her back to stare up at the ceiling. He'd already done so much for her, and she wanted to do the same for him. Alec was so self-assured and confident, but she knew he often second-guessed himself. It made sense considering he was still finding his way in his new responsibilities. When they were alone, he wasn't nearly so serious. He was playful with her, laughing, teasing, and frequently smiling. She sighed dreamily. He had such a sexy smile, and his eyes had a way of seeing right through her to expose all her secrets.

  His large bed felt even emptier without him in it. A quick glance at her commlink let her know they'd only been asleep for maybe an hour. It was still the middle of the night.

  Ariana pushed aside the blankets and sat up, reaching for her nightgown. If he was going to be a while, she might as well get up with him. At the very least, she could wander into the garden and look through the recommendations Seara had suggested.

  She pulled on her robe and opened the door, halting at the sight of Brant and Alec. The cloud of tension that hung over the room was nearly stifling. She took a half-step backward, not wanting to intrude, but Alec walked over to her.

  “Ari,” Alec began and took her hands, leading her over to the couch. “Come sit with me. I think you should know what's going on.”

  Alarm bells were ringing in her head as she studied both men. They were worried, tense, and wary of her reaction. It was causing her emotions to converge in a jumbled mix of nerves.

  “What's happening? Is it my brother?”

  Alec sat on the couch and pulled her beside him, taking her hands in his. “Your brother is fine, but he's in a little bit of trouble. How much do you know about what he's involved in?”

  She frowned, looking back and forth between Alec and Brant. “What are you talking about? What trouble?”

  Alec hesitated. “Jason's been taken to a holding cell in the security offices for causing a disturbance. He's extremely intoxicated and belligerent. This is the second time in the past week it's happened, but it's been going on for some time.”

  Ariana squeezed her eyes shut, cursing her brother's stupidity. She pulled away from Alec and stood, walking to the far side of the room to stand in front of the small fountain. How could he do such a thing? He'd promised her that morning he wouldn't drink again until he was healed.

  She dipped her fingers in the water, the cool liquid offering a small measure of comfort against the onslaught of emotions in the room. It did little to help soothe her though. “How long has this been going on?”

  “We've been getting complaints for the past couple months,” Brant admitted. “It's been happening more frequently lately.”

  Alec walked over and wrapped his arms around her in a comforting embrace. “I'm sorry, Ari. Did you know he had a problem?”

  She started to shake her head but then sighed and looked away. “I want to say no, but I suspected something was wrong. He's been quick to anger lately and more difficult in general. I've been afraid something would happen when I wasn't around to calm him down.”

  “So you have been regulating his emotions,” Alec murmured.

  She nodded, still staring into the fountain and wishing it held the answers to all her problems. “I didn't realize Jason was drinking though, at least not until this morning. He's been very careful about hiding it from me. When he didn't answer my calls, I went into his room and found him badly hungover. I was worried the hangover might be masking a problem from his brain injury, so I agreed to heal him.” She turned and lifted her head to meet Alec's gaze. “He promised me he wouldn't drink again until he was fully recovered. Why would he do this?”

  “I don't know,” Alec admitted with a frown. “I was hoping you might have some insight.”

  She glanced over at Brant. “Have you notified my father?”

  Before Brant could reply, Alec said, “I asked him not to. After you and Jason came to my office the other day, Brant mentioned what had been happening with your brother. I asked the security offices to notify me next time instead of your father. There's something going on with him, and I'm worried about how it's affecting you.”

  “He's my twin, Alec.” She pulled away from him. “We affect each other. It's part of our bond. I'll do whatever is necessary to help him.”

  Alec frowned. “This is wearing on you, Ari. He's taking more from you than he's giving back. You can't keep masking his problems. He needs to face this.”

  Ariana didn't answer right away and headed toward the bedroom. Maybe Alec was right. Covering for Jason hadn't helped the situation so far, but it was difficult to take a step back. She owed Jason so much. If it weren't for him helping to temper her abilities while they were growing up, she wasn't sure she would have survived. Regardless of his poor decisions, she loved her brother.

  “I need to get dressed and go to Jason. My father needs to know. If he thinks you're keeping this from him, he'll be furious.”

  She heard Alec's footsteps following her back into the bedroom. Crossing the room, she opened her bag and pulled out some clothing.

  Alec put his hand over hers, stopping her. “Ari, he was taken out of one of Hayden's clubs. Jason was out of control enough that he used his abilities to make one of the tanks on the wall explode. It caused a great deal of damage to the club. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but he's in a lot of trouble. I'll take you to him, but I need to speak with him before alertin
g your father. Jason may have information we need.”

  She blinked at him. “This was at one of Hayden's clubs?”

  “Yes,” Alec replied and motioned toward her bag. “Go ahead and get dressed. I'll take you to him. From there, we can discuss letting your father know what's happening.”

  She pulled off her robe, placing it back in her bag, and slipped off her nightgown. Alec's sharp intake of breath caught her attention and she blushed, reaching for the casual dress she'd laid out to wear. Alec moved behind her, placing his hands on her waist and running them up her side. She quivered at his touch and the intensity of his desire through their connection.

  “I know we need to hurry, but you're just so beautiful, I can't resist touching you.” Pulling her hair to the side, he kissed the nape of her neck. He ran his nose against her skin, inhaling deeply, and placed another kiss behind her ear. She dropped her hands against the dresser, unsure if she could support herself if he kept touching her.

  He reached around to cup one of her breasts and ran a thumb over her nipple.

  “Alec,” she whispered, debating whether to beg him for more or ask him to stop so they could rescue Jason.

  He groaned, lowering his head to rest on her shoulder. “I know, we need to go. I'm not terribly happy with your brother right now.”

  “You and me both,” she said with a sigh, watching as he moved away to get dressed and feeling strangely bereft from his absence. “You and me both.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Ariana winced at the pounding in her head. The harsh lighting, stark walls, and raised voices made this one of the more unpleasant areas she'd encountered in the towers. The accompanying anger and regret permeating the air made it difficult to breathe or even swallow.

  Alec put his arm around her. “I'm sorry, Ari. I didn't realize it was like this. I'll take you out of here and come back.”


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