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Drop of Hope

Page 22

by Jamie A. Waters

  “I've heard that, but I don't know him well enough to comment,” Brant admitted. “How do you intend to handle the situation with Hayden? It sounded like some promises were made regarding Ariana.”

  “Yes, I gathered that too,” he replied, not bothering to mask his irritation. “That's one of the things I intend to discuss with Jason. Lars also brought up a concern about how Devan hasn't given permission for anyone else to court her. I suspect they came to some sort of arrangement.”

  Brant nodded. “For what it's worth, it didn't appear Ariana was aware.”

  “No, she's made it clear to me she's not interested in Hayden, not that it would matter at this point,” Alec said with a small shrug. “I appreciate your candor, Brant, but you're right about Ariana. She's always been my biggest regret. I don't know if I've ever thanked you for your involvement in breaking the bond with Kayla. Ariana is…” He trailed off, not sure he could put into words how important she was to him.

  “You love her,” Brant said with a grin.

  “I do,” he admitted with a small smile.

  Brant clapped Alec on the arm. “Then go to her. I'll walk with you two up to your quarters and then check on the situation with Jason. As soon as I hear something, I'll let you know.”

  “I appreciate it,” Alec said and turned to retrieve the sleeping beauty that had awakened his heart.

  Ariana woke to the sensation of a hand stroking her back. She made a small noise of contentment as Alec's enticing air energy traced the path of his hand, making lazy patterns as he held her.

  “Good morning.” Alec's warm breath tickled her ear as he spoke.

  Ariana blinked open her eyes to find she was sprawled on top of him again, pinning him to the bed. She'd spent the last two years keeping her distance from him, but it appeared her subconscious was determined to make up for lost time. She started to move away, but he wrapped his arms around her, refusing to let her go.

  “Not just yet,” he murmured.

  She gave up, content to remain his willing captive. “Mmm. We could just stay in bed all day.”

  Alec chuckled, the sound vibrating underneath her. She lifted her head a fraction, unable to resist seeing him smile. He rolled them over together, propping himself on his elbow to look down at her, and brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

  “You have no idea how long I've imagined seeing you like this, here in my bed, with your hair spread out over my pillow and those gorgeous eyes looking up at me. Waking up with you in my arms is better than anything I could have ever dreamed.”

  She gazed up at him, his words sending those delicious butterflies in her stomach soaring.

  He cupped her face and murmured, “You're so beautiful, Ari, inside and out. I want this life with you more than I've wanted anything.”

  “Alec…” she whispered, trying to blink back the tears that threatened to spill over. “If you're trying to keep me in bed with you, it's working.”

  He laughed, burying his face against her neck.

  She reached up to run her fingers through his hair, marveling at the silky texture. “I love it when you laugh.”

  She felt his mouth curve against her skin. He pressed a kiss just below her ear, sending a small shiver through her. “You're the only one who makes me laugh like this, Ari.”

  Alec sighed in contentment, resting his hand on her hip and nuzzling her neck. Ariana started to close her eyes, entranced by the gentle swirl of his fingers against her hip and the trail of energy that followed. She definitely wouldn't mind spending the day lounging around with him. She was still so tired. Last night had really taken a lot— Her eyes flew open, and she sat up, looking around in a panic.

  “Last night, what happened? How did I get here? Where's Jason?”

  “Shh, it's all right, love,” Alec urged, sitting up beside her. “Your brother's fine. He was released from medical about an hour ago. They wanted to make sure whatever was affecting him was completely out of his system. You fell asleep after healing him, and I brought you back here.”

  She let out a sigh of relief and frowned, remembering Jason's obnoxious behavior. “What do you think would happen if an empath decided to strangle her brother?”

  Alec laughed again, his eyes sparking with amusement. “I don't think I want to risk it. I'm in love with that empath, and I'd rather not have anything happen to her, especially since we have so much to look forward to.”

  She couldn't help the smile that spread across her face at his words. Interlacing her fingers with his, she said, “We do have a lot to look forward to, don't we?”

  “Mmhmm,” he agreed, lifting her hand to press a kiss against it. “We'll deal with your brother some other way.”

  She tilted her head. “Did you find out what was wrong with Jason?”

  “Actually—” A loud chime interrupted them. He frowned, glancing over at a display screen beside the bed. He turned back to her, his earlier mirth gone. “It's your brother, along with your father.”

  Ariana felt her face pale. Nothing good could come of their visit.

  Alec grasped her hands and enveloped her in a strong wave of energy. “Ari, breathe. It's going to be fine.”

  “They're not here to wish you well, Alec,” she said, unable to hide her concern.

  Reluctantly pulling away from him, she went over to her bag to retrieve her clothing. Alec must have dressed her in her nightgown after he brought her back last night because her dress had been carefully folded and placed on top of her bag. She was touched by his actions, and it only irritated her further that her family was intruding. Her father was probably livid for not being notified immediately that Jason had been detained.

  “You're probably right,” he admitted, pulling on his clothing. “But you don't need to worry. I'll handle it.”

  Alec disappeared into the bathroom, and Ariana slipped on the dress she'd worn to the security offices. She grabbed her brush and ran it through her hair before tossing it aside and searching her bag for her hair clips.

  She was grumbling to herself when Alec emerged from the bathroom. Her hair clips had disappeared into another vortex and were nowhere to be found. There was nothing to be done about it. It would just be one more sign she'd spent the night with Alec. After everything that had happened over the past few days, her father would be less than thrilled.

  She started to head into the bathroom, but Alec stopped her with a quick kiss. “Take your time, Ari. I'll speak with them and find out what's going on. Come join me for breakfast whenever you're ready.”

  She nodded but had no intention of leaving him to deal with her family alone. Her father was bound to be out for blood. She finished quickly and slipped on her shoes, deciding she was more or less presentable. Steeling herself, she exited Alec's bedroom to confront her family and froze at the scene in front of her.

  The jagged and brittle energy in the room nearly stole her breath. Her father was staring Alec down, his wrath a chilling force pummeling against the younger man. She spared Jason the briefest of glances. Her brother, in typical fashion, was sprawled out on Alec's couch, content to watch the unfolding argument. Physically, he didn't appear any worse for wear, but after everything he'd done, Ariana was tempted to change that.

  “How dare you involve yourself with my family's personal matters,” Devan snapped, the chill in his voice plunging the room into frigid temperatures. “Your interference has gone beyond all parameters of your position.”

  “You're incorrect, Devan,” Alec replied evenly, clasping his hands behind his back and ignoring the emanating chill. Although on the surface he appeared calm and collected, the emotions surrounding him were fraught with tension. “This latest incident with Jason just happened to coincide with another investigation. In conjunction with my orders, he was detained until he could be properly questioned to determine whether he had any knowledge relevant to the investigation.”

  “What investigation?” Devan demanded.

  Ariana took a step forward, and
Jason's gaze turned toward her. His eyes widened, and he stood, running a hand through his dark hair. His gaze darted between Alec and their father, and then back to her. “Fuck, Ari. I thought I'd imagined seeing you last night. What the hell are you doing here?”

  Her father turned in her direction, his eyes narrowing on her appearance. She lifted her head, prepared to tell her brother off, but Alec intervened before she could say anything.

  “She exhausted herself trying to heal you last night, Jason. After she passed out, I ordered you to be taken to medical for observation. I brought her back here because I wasn't willing to leave her unattended.”

  Jason had the grace to look chagrined. He scrubbed his hands over his face and muttered, “Dammit. I'd hoped you were just my imagination.” He lifted his head, his expression pained. “I'm so sorry, Ari. I shouldn't have put you through that.”

  The bitter scent of his remorse filled the surrounding air, intermingling with the icy chill of her father's anger. She lowered her head, resisting the urge to comfort and soothe with her energy. Alec was right. Sometimes things needed to play out naturally. Otherwise, they'd just continue to be caught in this perpetual loop.

  “Ariana,” her father addressed her, and she lifted her head to regard him. “It would be best if you returned to our quarters. Jason will escort you.”

  She blinked at him, darting her gaze to Alec who was observing Devan with a frown. Through their connection, she could tell he was apprehensive about something.

  Ariana turned back to her father. “I'd prefer to remain here, if you don't mind. Alec and I have breakfast plans this morning.”

  “There's been a change,” Devan informed her. “I've decided to rescind my earlier agreement to allow this courtship. I don't believe Alec is a good fit for you.”

  Her heart dropped into her stomach, and the world turned a sickly gray. In a strained voice, she managed, “What? Why?”

  Alec's anger was lightning-fast and furious, causing the air to crackle with hints of ozone. “What's the meaning of this, Devan?” he demanded.

  “After careful consideration, I don't believe you are the best choice for my daughter,” Devan announced in an impassioned tone. “You've proven to be unreliable, as evidenced by your fractured bond with Kayla. We have no way of knowing whether you're even capable of maintaining a permanent bond with my daughter.”

  Alec's jaw clenched, and his entire body stiffened.

  Ariana shook her head, detecting the pungent aroma of deception. Her father was hiding something. “If you truly believed that, why did you agree in the first place? What's changed?”

  He didn't answer.

  Jason approached her and said, “Ari, we want what's best for you. Hayden is a better choice. He's never entered into a bond, and he wants that with you. He can give you a future.”

  She glared at her brother. “Why do you keep pushing Hayden on me? What promises did you two make to each other? What is going on?”

  “I can't tell you,” Jason whispered, reaching for her hand. “I'm sorry, Ari. Please trust me. This is for the best.”

  Ariana jerked away from him and straightened her shoulders. “No. This is not for the best.” She turned toward Devan. “I love Alec, Father. I've loved him for a long time. I won't walk away from him. Do not ask this of me.”

  There was a trace of pity in Devan's eyes, and he sighed. “Ariana, sometimes sacrifices need to be made. There are reasons for my decision, but we will speak of them in private.”

  “No,” Alec declared, walking over to her and putting his arm around her shoulder. “I swear to you, here and now, that I am fully capable of holding a permanent bond. What happened with Kayla was an aberration, most likely a result of her spirit energy. I agreed to walk away from Ariana once before because it was in her best interest. I will not walk away from her again.”

  “Ari, please,” Jason urged. “You don't understand.”

  “Then make me understand,” she snapped and turned back to her father. “Alec and I have every right to know why you're making this request. While your approval of our courtship would mean a great deal to me, it is ultimately our decision.”

  A surge of pride and hope flowed through her connection with Alec. He squeezed her shoulder and said silently, “I love you, Ari. We will get through this, I promise.”

  “Yes, we will.” She was more determined than ever not to lose the second chance they'd been given.

  “Very well,” Devan finally replied. “A union with Hayden Gavron will strengthen our family's line. I would not see the cumulative efforts of our ancestors diminished because you chose love over duty.”

  Ariana gaped at her father. “How can you possibly believe that? Love strengthens a bond. I don't love Hayden. I barely know him. Besides, Alec is an extremely strong air channeler. He holds the one element I don't.”

  “You can hold fire too,” Alec murmured, his surprise coloring the energy in the air. “That must be the tie that binds your earth and water abilities together. That's the link to your empath abilities.”

  She nodded at him. “Yes. I'm not a traditional fire channeler, but it's enough to fuse the two together.”

  “Ariana,” Devan snapped, “that's enough. You will not discuss your abilities.”

  “Alec has a right to know,” she insisted. “He has a right to know all of this. He's never betrayed me in all the years he's known about me, and now you're asking us to walk away from each other simply to secure your power base.”

  Jason frowned. “Ari, Father wasn't talking about your power strengthening our family line. He was talking about mine.”

  She jerked her head back toward her brother. “What are you talking about?”

  “Jason,” Devan warned.

  “No, she's right,” he said. “She has a right to know.”

  Despair, dark and unyielding, permeated the energy around her brother. Ariana rushed over to him, gripping his hands tightly. She'd never seen him like this before.

  “Jason, what's wrong?”

  “Hayden's been working on developing a serum. He believes it will strengthen my abilities.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “That's what you took yesterday? You took something to try to make yourself more powerful? For heaven's sake, why? How could you do such a thing?”

  “To protect you!” He turned away and began pacing. “Your abilities are changing and growing even stronger. I can't be your strength anymore, Ari. There's no guarantee a bondmate will help. Hayden promised to continue working on this serum in exchange for exclusive courtship rights. It's the only way to make sure you're protected.”

  She blinked at him and pulled her hands away, looking back and forth between Jason and her father. “Both of you planned this? You agreed to this courtship with Hayden because it'll make you more powerful?”

  “What is this serum?” Alec demanded.

  Jason sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “He calls it Drakar. There's a lesser version being marketed at his clubs. He uses the credits from the sale to continue researching a more powerful and customized version for me. I tried the latest batch last night. It didn't go well.”

  “The vial,” Ariana whispered, understanding dawning. “This serum was created from Kayla's blood, wasn't it?”

  “Yes,” Jason admitted. “They took her blood when she was in medical. Hayden bribed someone for a sample and has his own researchers working with it. They've been trying to tweak it to match with my energy signature. Something went wrong last night.”

  Her heart clenched at the thought of what might have happened if she hadn't been there. “How could you put yourself at risk like that, Jason? It could have killed you.”

  “I'd do anything to protect you, Ari,” he whispered, his expression pained.

  Her heart broke a little at his words. She turned to her father. “You knew about this? Why would you let him do it?”

  “I knew,” Devan acknowledged. “It was a calculated risk. I wasn't aware they were attempting
a new version of the serum last night. They finished it earlier than expected.”

  She shook her head. “You shouldn't have done this. He almost died last night. If I hadn't been with Alec when Brant contacted him, he wouldn't be here right now.”

  “If Alec hadn't interfered,” Devan began, glaring again at Alec, “I would have been at my son's side and been able to transport him to the research team. The healing you did last night has negated any effects the serum had on your brother. He'll have to attempt another dosage, this time with full twenty-four-hour monitoring.”

  “No,” Ariana gasped, horrified by the thought. “You will not do this. Not for me. I won't be the reason he's endangering himself. Can't you see this is wrong?”

  “I will not lose the most powerful empath in generations simply because she's headstrong and willful,” Devan snapped. “Your brother shares a bond with you, so he can supplement your strength and protect you. He will continue to do what is necessary to fulfill that role, as will you.”

  “No,” she whispered, taking a step back and bumping into Alec.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he spoke over her head. “Devan, this is unacceptable. We do not tolerate this sort of testing or genetic manipulation. This is what took us down the path of those bracelets. The cost is much too high.”

  “When you asked to court my daughter, you claimed you cared for her,” Devan said, crossing his arms over his chest. “What price would you put on her life? The last empath who lived wasn't nearly as powerful, and she was the same age as Ariana when she died. The only difference was she didn't have a twin who could help share the burden. Jason and Ariana admit their bond is failing. Her powers are continuing to grow and soon their bond won't be enough. What other choice is there?”

  Alec tightened his arms around her but didn't reply. She swallowed and pulled away from him. Pain, raw and unfiltered, shone in his eyes and cascaded through their shared connection. She knew. She knew Alec was willing to do just about anything to keep her safe.

  “Ari,” he began, reaching for her.


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