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Rescued by a Mobster

Page 9

by Raven Rivers

  “I understand, which is why I was hesitant to tell you that…” Mikael trailed off nervously.

  “Tell me what? Just come out with it already.”

  “She has just published a new book.”

  “And?” Yuri asked, his heart hammering in his chest.

  “Your name is in it. A lot. In fact, you are one of the main characters. The story is about the Russian mob and parts of it seem very familiar to me. She tells of the incident in the cave. How you rescued her. How she ran away to right here, New York City.”

  “This is just… this is just…” Yuri was at a loss, his head spinning as he tried to process this unbelievable news. “She’s here in New York?”

  “If the story is to be believed, yes.”

  Hope multiplied in Yuri’s chest. “She’s reaching out to us. She has to be.”

  “No, I think she is reaching out to you, my friend. She clearly wrote this to get your attention.”

  Sitting back, Yuri steepled his fingers together. “Why would she reach out to me now, after all this time?”

  “Perhaps she has needs that only a man like you can satisfy.”

  “This just seems like a rather odd way to get my attention.”

  “It worked,” Mikael pointed out.

  “I guess I would be hard for her to get in touch with using conventional methods,” Yuri shrugged. “I don’t do that Facepage crap. Instawhatever. Twitting. None of it.”

  “And it is not like your email or cell is listed anywhere either,” Mikael added. “This was probably her only real option.”

  “True. Shit, she must be in trouble if she’s resorted to this.”

  “Perhaps. Either way, you get to see her again. Adversity and love sometimes go hand in hand, this we learned from your earlier experience with her.”

  Thunking the paperback book down on the desk, Mikael taped it with one finger. “You read the words she has written and decide for yourself if is an invitation of sorts. She has a book tour scheduled here to promote this new novel on Saturday.” Standing, he jerked his chin. “That is what I have come to say. I will take my leave of you, so that you might think on the words I have said.”

  “Thank you, Mikael.” It was thoroughly embarrassing that his friend had come to talk about emotions and love. Yuri couldn’t remember any of them ever being that bold. If they were talking about anyone other than Jade, he would have considered it foolishness.

  Yuri stared at the cover of the book, The Bratva Boss, still trying to process this unexpected development. There was a man in a suit who was holding a gun. He had dark hair, blue eyes, and bore an uncanny resemblance to him. Jade had told him many times how much she liked his eyes. He skimmed through the first couple of chapters, shocked by how personal she’d gotten. He was also quite impressed by what a wonderful writer she’d grown into. He knew she’d always enjoyed writing, and was thrilled that she’d turned that love into a successful career. Though he’d never admit it, he was also flattered to be featured in one of her stories.

  Calling up the publisher’s website, he scoured it for Jade’s contact information but couldn’t find it listed. There was, however, a calendar showing her signing schedule placed below an advertisement for her latest mystery. As Mikael had indicated, she had a signing scheduled at a store in lower Manhattan on Saturday at 10:00 am.

  Heading up to his room, he tore off his clothing and climbed into bed with the book to give it a more thorough reading. Yuri froze when he noticed the dedication in the front of the book:

  To my dearest Yuri, I dedicate this book to love lost and missed dearly.

  His heart pounded in his chest. Not only was she reaching out to him, she’d recognized the love they’d shared and told him she missed him in the same breath. After collecting himself, he began reading the first chapter and became so engrossed that he couldn’t put the book down. By dawn he’d finished it, and it left little doubt in his mind. She needed him. He knew where he’d be Saturday morning at 10:00 am.

  Chapter 13

  Nervous Wreck


  Jade arrived at her book signing more jittery than she’d ever been in her life. She glanced around, studying her environment for signs of Calvin McMillan. His face was forever seared into her mind, but ten years had passed. Would she even recognize him? She was in no mood to take chances with her safety. A gentle hand touched her arm and she turned to her security specialist, Derick Malory.

  Glancing around nervously, she spoke quietly. “I don’t see him anywhere.”

  “That doesn’t mean he isn’t watching. Psychopaths are calculating and tend to find ways around safety protocols. Let’s make this short and sweet and get you home in one piece. I’m going to keep back so I can get a good view of the crowd,” he told her, looking at the yearbook photo of Calvin that she’d given him. “Sound off if you see anything suspicious.”

  Nodding, Jade headed towards her table. Mandy met her halfway, smiling and totally unaware of the danger. “I know this is a small crowd, but we think it’ll pick up as the morning wears on.” She paused, and added, “You look nervous.”

  “I am. It’s just… I’m not sure how people will react to the new book,” Jade replied. She wasn’t totally lying. Yes, she was more nervous about Calvin McMillan making an unwanted appearance, but she was also nervous about the direction her new book had taken. It was drastically different than her previous releases and she feared fans wouldn’t be receptive to it.

  “Sales have been great so far,” Mandy reassured her. “I read it and I loved it. I’m not blowing smoke up your ass, either. I sincerely liked it.”

  “Thank you,” Jade beamed proudly, feeling slightly better about things.

  Turing back to the signing, she dug out a couple of extra gel pens and straightened the books on her table. Suddenly, a small body was standing in front of her table.

  “Gee, you really are a writer.”

  “Jonathan!” Jade smiled, looking up to see the freckle-faced boy she’d met on the beach. “It’s nice to see you again.”

  His dress pants were ironed with a neat little seam running down the front and he was sporting a crisp white button-up oxford with a tie. He looked adorable, and she was truly glad to see him again, as unexpected as it was.

  “You too, Jade. My new mom’s been reading all your books.” He pulled at his collar, looking uncomfortable.

  “I like the dress clothes. Are you on your way somewhere special?”

  Shaking his head so fast his hair flew about his head, he responded primly, “Naw, my dad says appearances matter and gentlemen should be well dressed.” Standing up a little straighter, he lifted his chin. “I think there might be something to that, so I thought I’d give it a try.”

  “Well, you do look dashing and debonair,” Jade assured him, grinning wide.

  A feminine voice sounded off from nearby. “I told him the very same thing just this morning.”

  Stephen and Natalie stepped closer with her newest book in hand. Jade had to do a double take. Jonathan was dressed exactly like Stephen, only instead of a blue shirt and striped tie, Jonathan was wearing a white shirt and striped tie. As if reading her mind, Stephen stated quietly, “JR’s choice, not mine.”

  Leaning her chin on one upturned hand, she smiled at the boy. “So it’s JR now?”

  “People like short, catchy names,” Jonathan nodded as he smoothed down his tie. “It makes them more approachable. Initials are manly.”

  “You’re very well spoken. How old are you?”

  “I’ll be eleven on my next birthday.”

  Nodding, Jade kept the smile plastered on her face as her brain pieced together the little she knew about the boy. He’d ended up in foster care and didn’t look his age. Malnutrition or some kind of sickness might explain the mismatch. She guessed his previous home didn’t treat him very well, which is why he was placed with his new parents. He seemed to be doing well, and that made her happy. “You’re getting to be all grown up. I can
see why you’re working on crafting a personal style. How’s Queenie?”

  His face lit up. “He’s doing great! We chopped him up some broccoli and carrots before we left this morning. Iguanas are vegetarians, you know.”

  “I didn’t know that, but that’s fascinating information.” Gesturing towards the book in Natalie’s hand, she picked up a gel pen. “Do you know that a group of cats is called a clowder?”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “I wonder what a group of iguanas is called?” Jade pondered.

  “I don’t know,” the boy shrugged. Pulling out his smartphone, he began to thumb through it for the answer. Stephen followed suit. It was cute how they were so much alike.

  “I just want to say that I loved the new book,” Natalie said as the boys continued to search the internet. “It was so different than your others! But good. Very good!”

  “Thank you!” Jade gushed, signing Natalie’s copy of The Bratva Boss. Snapping it shut, she handed it back to her with a warm smile.

  “That can’t be right. It says a group of iguanas is called a slaughter,” Jonathan said, indignant.

  “I’m afraid it is, son.” Slipping his phone back into his pocket, Stephen looked down at the huffy redhead. “We should start a petition to change that.”

  Smiling up at him, Jonathan agreed. “We should.”

  After exchanging contact information and pleasantries, the small family took their leave. Normally a cautious person, Jade was fine with giving them her address so they could keep in touch. Jonathan, now known simply as ‘JR,’ insisted on writing her a letter. The line picked up, just as Mandy had predicted, and time moved by quickly.

  Jade couldn’t help wondering if Yuri had taken notice of her book, and if so, what he’d made of her telling their personal story. It had only been on shelves for three weeks. Chances were good that he hadn’t even heard about it yet. If he had, would he be upset with her for sharing so many intimate details? She began to second guess herself and worried he might not appreciate her using his real name. It would be nice to just get a quick look at him, she thought with a sigh. She tried to imagine what he would look like after all this time. Thoughts of him began to stir emotions inside of her. Shaking them off, she refocused on the line of fans that all had positive things to say about her latest release. She smiled and signed their books while keeping a watchful eye on the crowd in case Calvin McMillan decided to make an unwanted appearance.

  Chapter 14

  Seeing Her Fear


  Yuri arrived at the book signing and stood at the back of the room, watching as she signed copies of her latest best seller and talked amiably with her fans. Contrary to everything he’d ever been taught about women, Jade was growing more beautiful with time, not less. The flush of youth could never compete with the marvel she’d become. The years had been kind to her, growing her into a stunning woman, with curves enough to satisfy any man. Her hair was natural and pulled back into a ball at the nape of her neck. Her subtle makeup, clothing, and manicured nails were classy and understated. He’d always like that in a woman.

  His heart skipped a beat as he stood admiring her. He remembered the evening he’d painted her nails and kissed her for the first time. Her innocence had stolen his heart. Imagining her beneath his large frame flamed all his possessive urges to life. Jade was all business as she interacted with one person right after another. Yuri remembered she always did have good social skills and—

  His thoughts were interrupted when he spied something that gave him cause for concern. A man in a dark dress suit was staring at her table in a way that seemed out of place. The moment the man began scanning the room, Yuri became worried for Jade’s safety since the gentleman in the ill-fitting business suit was obviously a bodyguard. Unwilling to leap to any rash conclusions, he eyed the two women sitting at the table, trying to figure out which of them required a bodyguard. Since Jade was the noted author, he was fairly sure the protection was for her. His laser-like vision continued analyzing the situation until her line died down and they began to pack up.

  Moving forward, he approached her table slowly. The moment she glanced up, her face transformed to one of relief and joy. With a huge smile she asked, “Aren’t you a little far from home, Yuri?”

  He responded, “Not at all. I’ve been living here in the city for a while now. I heard you were signing books and wanted to ask for your autograph.”

  Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes drifted over his broad shoulders and slid down his body. “Any place in particular you want it?”

  Shoving down the raw lust that rose hard and fast in response to her eager flirtation, Yuri took a step closer. The magic from all those years ago was shockingly potent. It felt like a magnet drawing them together all over again. This was what he had been missing. The thing worth fighting for and, if need be, worth dying to protect.

  The rest of the room melted away when she took a step closer. “That’s an interesting turn of a phrase.” Standing face-to-face, he couldn’t get enough of her. He held up the book that had drawn him to her, unable to wipe the smile from his face and feeling like a teenager all over again. “Perhaps we could start with your signature in my new favorite book and decide where to go from there?”

  When she reached out to take the book, he didn’t let go. Instead, she rested her hands over his, sending another jolt of raw lust crawling through his body.

  “How did my newest release find its way into your hands?”

  Gazing into her beautiful brown eyes, Yuri tucked the book under his arm and took her hands in his. “Mikael recognized the storyline and gifted me with a copy. Let’s just say it took me by surprise.”

  “You still hang out with Mikael?” Jade asked, surprised.

  “Of course. And Karl and Luka. They moved here to New York with me.”

  Dropping her eyes, she blushed. Yuri recognized it immediately because the delicate tawny skin along the top of her ears colored slightly.

  “I can’t believe you came.”

  “I can’t believe you reached out to me after all this time.”

  Her eyes came back up and she looked at him through her long lashes. “I always wanted to, but I always chickened out.”

  She was so close he could smell the scent of her body wash. It was a light, tantalizing fragrance that he couldn’t quite place. Feeling his nostrils flair, he stated firmly, “I need to speak to you alone. We have important matters to discuss. Will you have coffee with me?”

  She nodded, becoming slightly emotional. Sticking out his bent arm, he waited for her to loop her arm through his, like in the old days. Shooting her female companion a quick glance, Jade reached for her purse.

  “What… what are you doing? Should I come with you?” her friend stammered, glancing nervously at him. “Or maybe call someone for you?”

  A masculine voice interrupted. “I believe it’s time for you to come home, Ms. Reinhold.” Eyeing Yuri suspiciously, the man reached out to grab her arm.

  Yuri’s hand came out hard and fast around his wrist. Seeing another man touching his Jade and being protective of her provoked his ire.

  “Touch her again and I’ll break your hand,” he hissed.

  Finally, Jade found her voice. “Calm, down, calm down! Sorry, I should have made introductions. Yuri, this is Derick Malory. He’s been retained to provide my security at today’s event.”

  Her friend immediately asked, “Why do you need a bodyguard, anyway? We’ve never had problems with your fans.”

  Barely stopping to let the woman talk, Jade explained, “And this is Mandy Reynolds, my media escort from the publishing company.” Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward and put her arm through Yuri’s. “I’d like you both to meet my very good friend, Yuri Kozlov.”

  Derick’s head jerked up to stare at him. Taking a moment to look him over, he shook his head. “I’m sorry. You’re not at all like I imagined you to be. You know, from the book and all.”
br />   “I am a Russian businessman.”

  “I can see that. I just think of you in my head as a teenager.”

  Not taking his eyes from her bodyguard, he responded tartly, “Since you read the book, you must be familiar with our situation. I was a teen during that time period. Like all teens, I grew up.”

  Reaching out his hand, Derick stated admiringly, “It’s a genuine pleasure to meet you, Mr. Kozlov. Shall I assume you intend to escort Ms. Reinhold home?”

  “Yes, she’ll always be safe in my keeping.”

  Yuri watched the man say his goodbyes and take his leave. He couldn’t say he particularly liked this bodyguard of hers. He was too gullible and easy to get rid of when, by all rights, he should be pressing his authority as her protector. That was the problem with hired protectors; they were never as determined and diligent as real ones.

  The woman she’d introduced as her media escort sounded exasperated. “I must be the only one confused about what’s going on here.”

  Stepping away from the table, Jade pulled the woman aside and spoke quietly with her. Yuri moved back a respectful distance and watched as the woman’s mouth fell open. There was some back and forth between the two of them and the woman stalked back over to the table where she began packing up.

  Yuri couldn’t seem to take his eyes from Jade. She was graceful, this woman he loved. Recognizing this situation for what it was, he vowed to make good on this opportunity to spend time with her and see to her needs. Shaking his head, he corrected his errant thought processes. He would see to her safety, not her needs. Watching her breasts bounce as she helped her media person toss the last few books in a tiny box, ideas of having her new curvy body beneath his drifted through his mind, which in turn lead to his long dormant possessive streak awakening. It was now crystal clear that the problem was her abductor, Calvin McMillan, coming back to find her. Why else would she tell a rent-a-cop about her personal history in enough detail for the man to remember his name? She was afraid, of that much he was certain. However, he wasn’t about to let anybody near her and would kill anyone who dared try.


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