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Dirty Royals

Page 3

by Michelle A. Valentine

  It’s strange hearing Margo’s mother mention that she’s seen a different side of her daughter because it confirms the things I’ve been feeling. Maybe we’re changing each other, and it’s enough that others are beginning to notice. But what she said about me being Margo’s first husband makes my gut twist because the thought of any other man being with her isn’t something I want to think about.

  “How is she doing? I haven’t spoken with her in two days. She hasn’t been accepting my phone calls.” Lily’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts and reminds me why I came here in the first place.

  “Not too great. She won’t come out of her room. She won’t eat. I’m worried about her, which is why I came to see you. I have no idea how she’s going to make it through Dan’s service tomorrow if she won’t at least eat something.”

  Lily worries her bottom lip. “Let me grab my purse and we’ll head over immediately. Things are more serious than I thought.”

  Lily calls for a car to be brought around, and within minutes, we’re back at my building where Darby opens the door for us.

  “Has she come out of her room since I’ve been gone?” I ask Darby as we pass by.

  He shakes his head. “I just spoke to Aggie, and there’s been no change.”

  I frown. “Thank you.”

  I hold the elevator door open for Lily to step inside. She turns to me with a worried expression on her face. “I know Margo can come off as brash most of the time, but I solely blame Dan for making her that way. He wanted her to be tough like him. He’s been grooming her since she was little to take over Buchanan Industries, and he always told her emotion had no place in business. But I know the sensitive little girl I raised is underneath all that. Sometimes, it just takes a little longer to get through all the layers.”

  Her words float through my mind, and they sound an awful lot like what Margo told me about myself—I had a lot of layers to get through.

  Through the Darkness

  Chapter 4


  The door creaks open, and light from the hallway shines into my otherwise darkened room. Aggie and Alexander have both come in to offer me food at different points, but I just can’t bring myself to eat. After the shock of losing Daddy wore off, utter darkness wrapped around my heart, making even the smallest task feel like it takes huge effort.

  “Honey?” The sound of my mother’s voice startles me because I fully expected to hear Aggie’s sweet accent or Alexander’s smooth baritone voice. “Are you all right?”

  I open my mouth to answer, but the moment I do, thoughts of my father come rushing in, and the tears I seem unable to stop stream down my face. A sob rips through my chest and the bed shakes. For the life of me, I find it impossible to control my emotions.

  The warmth of her hand on my forehead causes my eyes to flutter. Her touch has always soothed me, but even in this situation, even that it doesn’t stop my heart from breaking inside my chest.

  “Darling, I know this is hard, but you have to get out of this bed and eat something. You’ve got everyone terribly worried about you, especially Alexander and me.”

  I sniff. “I don’t think I can.”

  “You have to dig down deep and find the will. Your dad wouldn’t want you to close yourself off like this.”

  “I know,” I whisper, agreeing with her. Daddy always taught me to be a fighter, but he never prepared me for living in this world without him.

  He was the person I turned to when I had a problem. He was my sounding board.

  Knowing he’s not here and that the fate of Buchanan Industries lies solely in my hands terrifies the shit out of me. I don’t even know where to begin running a company that large on my own.

  This company is my family’s legacy. When Daddy retired and the time came for me to take over, I envisioned Daddy still being here to guide me. I was counting on that.

  I cry harder as these depressing thoughts plague my mind.

  “Honey, please, what can I do?” The worry in Mother’s voice is evident, and I hate that I’m the cause of it.

  “There’s nothing anyone can do. Daddy’s gone and no one can bring him back. I wasn’t ready to be on my own with his company. I feel alone, with no one who understands and no one to turn to when it comes to running this business. I don’t want to screw things up.”

  Mother sits down on the bed and pushes my hair back from my face. “You’ll always have me, you know. As dreadfully dull as I find all the business talk, I will listen. I can’t promise I’ll be a good source of answers, though, but I think your husband could come in quite handy as far as that goes.”

  “Alexander? He’s still set on taking over Buchanan Industries. I don’t know if I can trust any business advice he gives me.”

  “How do you know if you don’t give him a chance? He seems to care a great deal about you. When he came to get me today, I could instantly read how he felt about you. He loves you, Margo. I have a knack for knowing these things, you know.”

  I fight the urge to roll my eyes, knowing she’s going to turn this into trying to convince me she has psychic abilities. “Mother, you are not clairvoyant, no matter what people may tell you.”

  “Think what you want, but I know about the matters of the heart. The two of you are good together. You both need to stop fighting it and realize this little boo-boo wedding in Vegas was actually a good thing.”

  A good thing? While I admit this marriage to Alexander King hasn’t been entirely awful, neither of us were obviously thinking clearly when we said, “I do” because we risked both of our future livelihoods by not having a prenup in place. Just as I had him by the balls when I discovered I could blackmail him into getting what I wanted, he can now do the same thing to me with Buchanan Industries.

  But things feel like they’ve changed drastically between Alexander and me ever since we’ve made the deal to dupe everyone into believing we’re actually in love. Hell, it’s to the point where I’m not sure if we’re actually pretending anymore. My heart feels something for Alexander and, as of late, it’s stronger than even I realized if I’m being honest. Everyone keeps pointing out how we feel for one another, but it’s as if we’re too scared to admit how we really feel.

  “I’m scared,” I whisper. “What if he’s just using me to get to Buchanan Industries? What if I don’t mean as to him as he does to me. I don’t want my heart broken again. My heart won’t be able to take it.”

  “My gut tells me a man like Alexander King wouldn’t have gone through the trouble of coming to get me today if he didn’t feel something for you, Margo. I don’t think you’re some business conquest to him, but I could be wrong. I think he’s sincere when it comes to you.”

  My mind races through all the time we’ve spent together over the past few months. If Mother would’ve said this to me when I first walked into Alexander’s office, I would have called her delusional, but I’ve witnessed a different side to him lately—a caring side I’ve grown to love and care for.

  He’s not the same man I first met. He’s a man I want to spend my life getting to know.

  “I think I’m in love with him,” I tell her honestly.

  “Then you should tell him. Lay all your cards out on the table and allow the chips to fall where they may. I don’t want you to have any regrets with anything in your life. If you don’t tell him, he’ll never know and have the chance to show you how he feels in return.” Mother lies down next to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders. “I love you, honey. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy, and I want you to know I’ll support you on whatever path that may be in life.”

  I cling to my mother, welcoming the feeling of her embrace as I think about what has made me happy lately. Alexander’s face pops up again and again, and suddenly, it’s crystal clear to me that maybe everyone else is right. Maybe Alexander King is exactly what I need in my life—and perhaps, it’s time that I tell him exactly how I feel.

  Late Night Rendezvous



  It’s silent throughout Alexander’s apartment as I tiptoe down the hall. The marble tile is cool beneath my bare feet as I make my way toward Alexander’s bedroom.

  It opens without a sound, and my eyes adjust to the darkness of the room, allowing me to spot Alexander’s form stretched out beneath the covers on his king-size bed.

  I’ve spent quite a few nights in this bed, wrapped in his strong arms, and I have to admit, my nights in here has been some of the best of my life. Alexander always makes me feel so desirable, which is what made him so irresistible to me at first. As I got to know him, things changed. It wasn’t completely about sex between the two of us all the time.

  I take a deep breath and pull my nightgown over my head before slipping underneath the covers next to Alexander.

  He wakes and pushes up on his elbows. “You all right?”

  I reach up and trace the tips of my fingers against his cheek, allowing the stubble from his beard to tickle my skin. He rubs the sleep from his eyes, and I can tell he’s trying to figure out what I’m doing.

  “Margo…?” The way he whispers my name sends shivers down my spine.

  He’s confused—the last thing he expected was to find me crawling into his bed in the middle of the night, but I need to tell him what’s on my mind. I’ve lain awake in the room down the hall, thinking about life and how it’s too short. I want Alexander to know how I feel.

  “I have something to say to you.”

  He stares into my eyes. “What is it?”

  My heart pounds inside my chest as I take a deep breath, and then lay all my cards on the table. “I’m falling in love with you, Alexander. I want to make this work with you, but I have to know I can trust you.”

  His eyes soften, and he licks his lips slowly as he digests my words.

  When he doesn’t say anything, I begin to panic that I’ve made a mistake telling him, so I backpedal a bit. “It’s okay if you don’t—”

  He cups my face. “I love you, too. I have for a while now, but I was scared.”

  “Of what?” I question.

  “Getting my heart broken again. I tried to keep my distance from you because I knew you had the power to destroy me.”

  My heart aches for how he’s been crushed by the women in his life, and I want to be the one to show him that loving someone can be a good thing. “I won’t hurt you. I promise. You can trust me with your heart. Can I trust you with mine?”

  “I want this to work,” he says softly. “More than you know, but I am such a wicked man—I don’t think I’m good for you.”

  “I trust you,” I whisper. “You’ve really been there for me, and over the past few weeks, I’ve seen a different side of you—a caring side. I want to be with you, Alexander. I want to give our marriage a real shot.”

  The pad of his thumb runs across my cheek bone. “Me too.”

  The words no sooner leave his mouth than he crushes his lips to mine. I moan as our tongues dance together, and I know that this man finally belongs to me and me to him.

  For so long, I believed being with Alexander King was wrong. I felt that Alexander was the enemy and he would only help further destroy my company. But things have changed since the first day we met. I no longer feel like he’s the heartless son-of-a-bitch out to tear apart my legacy. He’s become my confidant and a close ally. Everything about being with Alexander feels extremely right.

  His hand slides down my neck and then sweeps across the bare skin of my chest. My nipples pucker in response, and my breasts ache for his touch. “I’ll always want you like this—naked in my bed, waiting for me to take you. Promise me that you’re not going to run away when things get tough because I can’t handle the very thought of you not being in my life.”

  The sweet words of worry he’s whispering in the darkness are completely unnecessary. “I’m not going anywhere. You said you love me, and I believe you. That’s enough to keep me by your side, always.”

  His cool gray eyes stare into mine. “I love you, Margo Buchanan. It might’ve taken me a while to realize it, but I do.”

  Hearing him confess his love causes my blood to rush through my veins and make my heart beat a little faster. Alexander King is the sexiest man I’ve ever seen, and he’s all mine, which is fantastic because I can’t seem to keep my hands to myself when it comes to touching his body.

  My hands trail down his sculpted, bare chest, and I bite my lower lip. “Make love to me.”

  That simple request is one he seems to have no trouble fulfilling. He cradles my face in his hands and brushes his lips softly against mine. This kiss is different. It’s tender, and his actions aren’t rushed. Each move he makes, every tilt of his head, is slow and deliberate. He’s taking his time with me because this time, unlike all the other times we’ve been together, he knows I’m not going anywhere and this won’t be the last time he has me.

  His hand slides down my side slowly until he reaches my hip. The tips of his fingers glide across my pelvic bone before he dips his hand down between my legs. The warmth of his skin touching my most sensitive skin of me sets me on fire as he strokes my clit. “This sweet pussy belongs to me now, Margo. I’m the only man allowed to touch you like this and give you pleasure. Understand?”

  “Alexander.” His name tumbles from my lips in a breathy whisper while my head falls back a bit as he picks up speed. “Oh, God.”

  He watches me as I begin to fall apart from the simple touch of his finger. “See how good we are together? You were made for me.”

  I allow my knees to fall to the side so I’m on full display for him. His finger moves with ease as he coats it with my desire and then slips inside me. “You are always so ready for me. So wet. I can’t wait to sink my cock inside you and show you how good I can make you feel.”

  My hands find their way to his boxer briefs, and I make quick work of shoving the fabric down around his hips. His cock springs free, and I wrap my fingers around the smooth shaft before I begin to stroke it.

  He closes his eyes for a brief moment as if to enjoy the sensation, which turns me on even more. “Damn. Your touch feels so fucking good.”

  Alexander has me so turned on that I begin to shake as I come hard against his finger. “I’m coming. Oh, God.”

  “That’s it, baby. Let go. Let me see you fall apart.” He leans in and nibbles on my earlobe as he climbs on top of me and then rotates his hips so that his cock rubs against my clit, prolonging my orgasm.

  My nails rake down his back and I scream out his name as he plunges his cock deep inside me.

  “Yesss!” I hiss, enjoying the feel of him.

  Fire pools in my belly as he pulls back a bit and then thrusts deep inside me again.

  Alexander threads his fingers into my hair and locks eyes with me. “You are my dream, Margo. Being inside you is like heaven on this fucked-up earth.”

  The taut, pink skin on my nipples rubs against his bare chest as he pumps inside me. Every inch of us touching—skin to skin—as Alexander makes love to me.

  His mouth drifts open as his lust-heavy eyes stare into mine while he works his dick in and out of my pussy. Knowing that I turn him on so much always does crazy things to my body, and before long, the familiar tingle of an orgasm rips through me again.

  “Fuck. That’s it, baby. I love watching you come.” His eyes stay on me, studying my every move.

  Alexander curls his fingers around my hip and grunts before a low growl emits from his throat as he gives in to his own desire and comes inside me.

  We stare into each other’s eyes as we pant, trying to catch our breath. For the first time since this all began, I feel like we have a real shot at making a go of this relationship together. I love this man, and it’s amazing to know that he loves me back. This most certainly changes everything.

  Shall We Dance

  Chapter 6


  Things have been different since Alexander and I dropped the “L” word over thre
e weeks ago. My husband, which is still weird to say, has been nothing but supportive in what has been, unquestionably, the hardest period of my life. He never left my side the day of Daddy’s funeral. He was my rock, and it made my heart grow even fonder of him.

  I take a deep breath as I stand outside the door to the boardroom I’ve been in hundreds of times. I’ve never been scared to go in there because Daddy was always with me. I had him there to guide me, making sure I was making the right decisions.

  “You’ve got this,” Alexander whispers. “Go in there and assert your power. Everything else will fall into place. Trust me.”

  I stare up at my handsome husband and he smiles. It’s nice to have him by my side. He’s been through this and has been fighting from a young age to prove that he’s capable of running a major corporation. His experience in this situation is invaluable.

  He places his hand on the door handle. “Ready?”

  I tilt my chin up. “Let’s do this.”

  Alexander holds the door open for me, and I strut through it. Every eye in the place is on me as I take my seat at the head of the table. Alexander takes the seat to my immediate right, where I used to sit when my father ran things.

  “As you all know, I signed the paperwork this morning to take over as president of Buchanan Industries. This will be a difficult transition for all of us. No one will ever be able to replace Dan Buchanan. He was the founder of this company and poured his heart and soul into making it what it is today. While I will never be able to fill his shoes, I’ll do my damndest to try. He taught me everything about this business, and I will figure out a way to turn things around for us.”


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