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Falling For The Forbidden

Page 145

by Hawkins, Jessica

  A low growl left his chest, the sound rumbling through me to heat my core.

  “You please me, Samantha. Very much.”

  I hummed in response and licked at the length of the crop, words escaping me. My rational mind had utterly receded, leaving my base instincts to rule me.

  “You like the crop?” he asked, the question light with arrogant amusement. “You’re not scared of it? You’re not scared of me?”

  “No,” I moaned, lifting my ass in wanton invitation. “Please.”

  “All right, greedy gatita,” he chuckled. “Don’t move.”

  He tapped my bottom with the crop. My flesh jiggled slightly, making my asshole contract around the plug. More sparks of pleasure crackled inside me, heating my empty pussy. I let out a long sigh, and my head dropped forward as I submitted fully, waiting for more.

  He struck me again on the opposite cheek, a little harder. The sting of the leather hitting my flesh made my skin heat with pleasant warmth. When I didn’t protest or move away, he increased the intensity of the next blow, then then next. I groaned as my entire body relaxed. Everything tingled, and I started to float. It felt like he’d suspended me, but no ropes held me aloft. The harder the crop landed, the higher I flew. The world was beautiful and dark and warm, and all that existed were the sensations being inflicted upon my body and the man who was inflicting them.

  “Andrés,” I moaned his name, needing… more.

  The hits stopped, and his heat washed over me. “I could fuck you right now, couldn’t I, kinky virgin?” he asked, his silky voice threading through my mind. “Your tight little pussy would welcome my cock.”

  “Andrés, please…” I wasn’t sure what I was begging for. Just… more. More pleasure; more connection; more of his power washing over me, taking me high and setting me free.

  “You shouldn’t say my name like that, sirenita. You really shouldn’t.” He sounded breathless, hoarse.

  He bit out a curse. “Open your mouth.”

  My lips parted, and my eyes fluttered open just in time to watch his cock surge between them. I whimpered around him as he slid all the way to the back of my throat, but I accepted all of him. His fingers tightened in my hair, and he held himself deep for a few seconds before easing almost all the way out.

  “I’m going to fuck your mouth,” he told me roughly, surging forward again. “The way I want to fuck your little pussy. But not today. Not when you’re like this.”

  I didn’t understand what he meant, and I was too high to care, anyway. I didn’t have to think when he was in control. I didn’t have to worry.

  He held my face and worked his cock in and out of my mouth as I sucked and swirled my tongue around him, lost in a sensual haze. All I wanted was to connect with him, to bring him the same bliss he’d given me.

  He kept one hand in my hair and picked up the crop from the bed beside me. He tapped it against the plug in my ass, sending vibrations rumbling through my core. I came apart, my scream of release muffled around his thick cock. He followed me, throwing his head back on a rough shout as his cum coated my mouth. I swallowed it all down, just as he’d trained me to do.

  He withdrew, and he caught me as my trembling limbs gave out, no longer able to support my weight. The mattress dipped as he collapsed beside me. He pulled my body tightly against his, kissing the top of my head as his hands roved over my sweat-slicked skin.

  I remained cocooned in warm darkness, reveling in the blissful headspace I’d found in finally, fully submitting to Andrés.

  Chapter 16

  Andrés stayed with me late into the following morning. The sun was already high when I finally awoke. The last few nights, I’d been getting the deepest, most peaceful sleep of my life with Andrés’ corded arm draped over me, his hard body shaped around mine. I wasn’t accustomed to sleeping so many hours, or to feeling so well rested. It helped calm my buzzing brain.

  Trapped in my captor’s strong arms was probably the last place in the world I should get a good night’s sleep. That definitely would have been my attitude when he’d first captured me. He’d been huge and scarred and scary, and his claims that I belonged to him had terrified me.

  I was still being kept here against my will, but I was coming to understand Andrés a little better. He might be violent and mercurial, but he’d always been completely honest with me. He planned to train me to accept his touch and even come to crave it—something he’d managed with almost laughable ease.

  But he’d also promised never to harm me, and I was coming to truly believe that. I was starting to trust him, despite everything. He might be harsh, but he had his own code. There were lines he wouldn’t cross, and he’d proven that to me when he’d freed me from the spanking bench and taken me into the safe haven of his arms, holding me and apologizing for scaring me.

  He’d wanted to hurt me. He’d needed it. I’d seen it in the wildness of his eyes.

  But he’d held himself back. He’d put my needs before his own. And considering he could do absolutely anything he wanted to me as his helpless captive, that meant more to me than was probably healthy.

  I mulled all this over while I went through my morning routine, separated from my captor by the flimsy barrier of the bathroom door. Since he was still in the suite with me, I was allowed to leave the bed and see to my needs.

  Andrés hadn’t yet collared me for the day, and I found myself touching my fingers to my bare throat. It was a little weird, not feeling the soft leather there. I was becoming accustomed to it, and its absence made me feel…

  I shook my head sharply, deciding to stop contemplating it. I should definitely resent the collar, even if I couldn’t bring myself to hate Andrés the way I should. He’d taken my freedom from me. And no matter how kind and caring he might seem at times, he still wanted to keep me as his pet, his plaything. He didn’t respect me as a woman, as a fully-functioning human being with a mind of her own.

  “Sirenita,” he called out, his stern voice emanating through the bathroom door. “Your breakfast is getting cold. Come.”

  I blew out a long breath and tried to quiet my whirring thoughts. Like a puppy being called to heel, I had to go back into the bedroom. If I didn’t, he’d just come in here and retrieve me. And then he’d probably punish me for defying him.

  I was feeling particularly brittle after the intensity what had passed between us last night, and I didn’t think I could handle his rebuke at the moment. Even though part of me got turned on by his discipline, I much preferred when he praised me and cuddled me. My nightmare scenario of being held captive was so much easier to bear when he was being nice.


  God, I am turning into Lauren, I thought bitterly, but I made my way back into the bedroom without complaint.

  Andrés was seated on the edge of the bed, fully dressed. That meant he was going to leave soon. A pang shot through my chest, and the irrational reaction only darkened my mood further.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked as I walked toward the bed, going to him without thought of resistance.

  “Nothing.” I waved him off, not willing to further examine my conflicted feelings, especially not with my captor.

  His brows drew together. “Don’t lie to me,” he warned

  He reached for me, grasping my waist and positioning my body so I was seated in his lap, the way we usually shared meals. He didn’t bother trying to keep the cutlery from me anymore. I eyed the knife and fork where they sat on the tray beside my huge plate of bacon. I could just grab the knife and…

  My stomach turned before I could even begin to visualize Andrés’ blood spilling onto my hand.

  “Cosita?” he prompted, waiting for my honest response.

  I tore my eyes from the knife and focused my gaze on him. “I am a little upset this morning,” I admitted. “But I don’t want to talk about it.”

  He cupped my cheek in his big hand, his dark eyes studying mine intently, as though he could see straight into my soul.

; “You don’t have any secrets from me,” he said, but his tone held a note of strain. He wanted me to share with him, even though he was trying to command me to open myself up and give him everything.

  I was starting to understand him, but it seemed he might be coming to some revelations of his own. He was beginning to realize he couldn’t force my devotion, even if he could condition my obedience.

  “Please,” I whispered. “I don’t want to think about it right now.”

  That was the truth. When I saw pain stir in his eyes, an illogical yearning to erase it rose up within me. Laying all my tangled emotions bare for both of us to see would only cause more hurt and confusion.

  “You do have a very busy brain,” he said, pressing a tender kiss against my forehead. “If your thoughts bother you, let me put them at ease.”

  I knew Andrés was capable of making my mind go quiet. I’d found peace in his ropes, under his masterful hands.

  And that power he held over me scared me, even as his touch aroused me.

  He leaned in to capture my lips with his.

  I turned my face away. “Wait.”

  He frowned and lightly gripped my jaw to hold me in place. “No. I know what’s best for you. You’re upset. I’m going to make you feel better.”

  “You can’t just kiss me and make everything okay,” I told him, even as my head tipped back slightly, my body already surrendering despite my protest.

  “I can. But I don’t have to. I can distract you from your thoughts in other ways, if you don’t want me to kiss you.”

  He shifted my body in his lap, turning me so my back pressed against his chest. He hooked my ankles around his calves and spread his legs, opening my thighs wide. One hand tangled in my hair and tugged to the side, exposing my neck. His teeth sank into my sensitive flesh, the flare of pain making my sex clench. He held me trapped in his harsh bite as his free hand skimmed over my breasts, his palm teasing my peaked nipples.

  I cried out as sensation assailed me, my entire body lighting up with awareness. He growled his approval against me, and the sound rumbled over my skin, making it pebble and dance.

  He finally released me from his bite, running his hot tongue over the little indentations his teeth had left in my skin. I moaned and tipped my head farther to the side, offering him better access to my neck. He pressed feather-light kisses along my throat, up to my ear before nipping at my lobe. His hand left my hair to trail down my waist, over my hip, moving down between my legs. He suddenly slapped my exposed pussy.

  I shrieked at the sting that bloomed on my flesh, and I tried to close my legs. He bit down on my neck again and kept me spread wide, his legs keeping mine splayed apart.

  I writhed, my ass grinding against his thick erection. He spanked my pussy a second time, and I whimpered, accepting that I couldn’t fight him.

  His bite eased, and he resumed kissing my neck sweetly, even as his harsh hand smacked my tender labia. I groaned as dark pleasure settled over me, my thoughts floating away as I became lost to sensation. I was powerless to escape him, and bliss began to pulse through me as I slipped into submission.

  “Are you still upset?” he murmured, his lips teasing the shell of my ear.

  “What?” I struggled to gather my wits and focus on forming a coherent response. “No. I’m not upset. I’m…” I trailed off on a low moan when he traced around my clit in a little circular pattern.

  “Horny?” he finished for me. “Does your wet little pussy want to be filled after being spanked?”

  “Yes,” I begged on a ragged whisper. “Please.”

  Suddenly, the world spun as his strong hands maneuvered my body. When everything settled into place, I found myself lying back on the mattress, staring up at him. The sight of him towering over me in his suit made lust pulse through my system. I remembered how alluring he’d been when he’d stood over me last night, wielding a crop.

  He grinned down at me with savage pleasure. “I do like when you look at me like that, sirenita.” He reached for his zipper and freed himself from his slacks. I licked my lips, and he growled in satisfaction. “Are you as hungry for my cock as you were last night?”

  I nodded, my mouth watering for him.

  “But what about your pussy?” he asked, his voice dropping deeper, rougher. “I could have fucked you last night. But you weren’t aware enough to know what you would be agreeing to. You weren’t capable of knowing what you were begging for.” He began to stroke his shaft. “This is what you’re begging for. I’m going to fuck you, Samantha.”

  Some of my euphoria ebbed, trepidation burning into my bliss. My body might be aching for him, but I wasn’t ready for this.

  Was I?

  “You have to beg me,” he said, his black eyes boring into mine as he imposed his will. “Beg me to fuck you.”


  Please teased at the tip of my tongue, but I swallowed it back. I didn’t want to lose my virginity like this: begging my captor to fuck me. It was twisted and wrong, and it felt like defeat. My arousal soured as I was reminded of the early days of my captivity, when he’d told me how he’d subjugate me.

  “I can’t,” I said, my voice small. “I don’t want to. Not like this.”

  He stared down at me, his jaw working. His dark eyes shuttered, and he abruptly tucked himself back into his slacks. I could still see his cock straining against the expensive material, but he turned sharply and started walking away from me.

  “Wait,” I called out. “I didn’t mean…”

  I wasn’t sure what to say. I hadn’t meant it when I said no?

  That wasn’t right. I’d definitely meant to refuse.

  What I hadn’t meant was to hurt him.

  “I’m sorry,” I whispered, my eyes burning.

  My mind registered that it was fucked up that I was apologizing to my captor for preventing him from taking advantage of me. But that didn’t make my sense of guilt abate.

  He stopped in his tracks and stiffly turned back to me. For a moment, my heart leapt. I thought he was coming to kiss me, to hold me and tell me he’d never ask me to debase myself for him again.

  Instead, he picked up my collar where it already lay on the mattress, chained to the bed and waiting for me. Without a word, he locked it around my neck.

  He turned to leave, but I caught his wrist in the strongest grip I could manage.

  “Wait,” I asked again. “Don’t leave like this. I didn’t want to upset you. I just… I can’t give you what you want.”

  He turned back to face me, his face carefully blank. “I won’t force myself on you,” he said, his voice rough.

  “Thank you,” I whispered. I pulled his hand toward me and pressed my lips against it, softly communicating everything I didn’t know how to put into words. I wasn’t sure how to express what I was feeling, but I knew I didn’t want to hurt him.

  He blew out a shuddering breath, and the tension melted from his powerful body. He leaned down and brushed a kiss across my lips, a silent apology.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” he promised.

  He pulled his wrist free from my grip and walked out of the bedroom, leaving my body and my heart aching for him.

  Chapter 17

  “A board game?” I asked, nonplussed. “You want to play a game that involves an actual board?”

  Andrés’ dark brows rose as he set the chess pieces out between us, white for me, black for him. “Is there some other kind?”

  “You’re kidding, right? How about World of Warcraft? You know, something with multi-layered storytelling, cool effects, and kick-ass heroes?” I gestured at the board. “Who’s the hero in this game? What’s the story? There isn’t one. It’s just us, staring at some funny pieces that don’t have any special abilities at all.”

  “Chess is a battle of wits. It’s just you, against me. But you can be the hero in this scenario, if you want.” One corner of his lips tipped up in an indulgent smile.

  I considered making a quip a
bout him being the perfect real-life villain, but I held it back. Mostly because it hit too close to home, and I didn’t want to hurt him. He might be my captor, but I was coming to see him as more than that. Andrés wasn’t an evil man, even if he was holding me against my will. He put my needs first, in his own weird way. Even when he was obviously desperate to fuck me, he held back. After I’d refused to give him my virginity a few days ago, he hadn’t pressed me for it again. Instead, we split our time between reading comic books and playing kinky games.

  Tonight, he had a much more vanilla, much more boring game in mind.

  Chess. Ugh. So analog.

  “You don’t have to look so disdainful,” he said, still smiling. “I’ll teach you how to play. If you really hate it after a few games, we can stop. I’ll warn you now, I will win. So don’t let that deter you from enjoying the game.”

  “You’re a little cocky,” I remarked drily, reaching for my queen to examine the exquisitely-carved pieces. They were worn from age and use, but the quality of craftsmanship was still discernable.

  “I’ve been playing for years, and it’s an impossibility for a new player to beat someone with my kind of experience.”

  “Who says I don’t know how to play? They do have online chess, you know. I’ve dabbled. I know the rules, even if I do find it boring.”

  He grinned. “Knowing the rules won’t prepare you for playing against me, but it will certainly make these first few games more interesting. How advanced are you? Who taught you how to play?”

  “An online tutorial taught me how to play. I get the rules and know some trickier strategies. I pick things up quickly.”

  He shook his head. “A tutorial isn’t going to prepare you for playing against me, but show me what you know, and we’ll go from there.”

  I was starting to get irritated. Didn’t he value my intellect at all?

  “Why bother playing chess with someone when you think they won’t be able to beat you?”


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