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Falling For The Forbidden

Page 156

by Hawkins, Jessica

  After helping her to sit up, he cradled her against him. “You entered subspace?” he asked, tucking wild strands of hair behind her ear.

  “I…” She tried to hold up her head but it lolled onto his shoulder. “Uhm.” She giggled.

  “Just from that?”

  “It doesn’t happen all the time.” She drew in a lazy breath filled with his sexy scent. It might be reckless, but she didn’t want to ever move. “I like it when it does.”

  “That can be dangerous with the wrong Dom. You could get seriously hurt, Willow. I won’t permit it.”

  Her ass was sore, but in a wonderful way. Because of the way he’d warmed her up, she wouldn’t bruise, even though she wished he’d left marks she could admire for the next few days.

  “Are you listening to me?” His tone was a whiplash, forcing her to look at him.


  With patience, he repeated himself. “Subspace can be dangerous if you’re with the wrong Dom.”

  “But I’m with the right one.”

  “Holy Christ.”

  She smiled and relaxed against him, enjoying his struggle. It might not be nice of her, but she liked knowing she annoyed the sexy billionaire.

  Within a few minutes, the objects in the room came into focus. She took a deep breath and sat up, instantly regretting the loss of his comfort and body heat. “That was nice.” She could have stayed snuggled against him forever.

  “Is that all it was?”

  “No! I mean that’s good, right?”

  “Do you know your name?”

  “What?” She frowned at him. “Of course.”

  “Then you are correct. I haven’t done my job satisfactorily. Please go to the table and unpack my bag.”

  Intrigued, she scampered off his lap to unzip his bag. She pulled out sanitizing wipes, a bottle of water, cuffs, clamps, and a gag that he’d said he wouldn’t use on her. Reaching deeper, she extracted a blindfold and the terrifying-looking Wartenberg wheel. When she saw his paddles, she knew he was the Dom for her. One of them looked as if it was supposed to be used for ping-pong. Another was wooden with terrifying holes drilled in it. Unable to help herself, she stuck her fingers through a couple of the small round openings.

  “I guessed you would like that one.”

  “It looks evil.”

  “Which is exactly why I assumed you’d be drawn to it.”

  She continued on, laying out each item with precise spacing. By the time she was finished, she’d removed another paddle, along with a tawse, a small flogger, and a dragon’s tail.

  “How brave are you?”

  Willow’s glance went to the vicious paddle. She was desperate to play with all his toys. One night wouldn’t be enough. Her thoughts reeled when she realized that meant she wanted to see him again.

  “Bring it to me.”

  She picked it up by the handle and carried it in her upturned palms.

  “Thank you.”

  The note of approval in his voice as he accepted the offering heated her insides.

  “Do you need me to tie you to the bench?”

  “No. I give myself over to my Dom. It’s never been a struggle for me to remain in place. But if it’s something that turns you on, it’s not a limit for me.”

  “Another time, perhaps.”

  Her breath froze. His casual mention of a future meant his thoughts mirrored hers. She didn’t dare voice how much she hoped that came true.

  “Please bend over the bench.”

  Once she was in position, he asked, “Do I have your permission to touch you over your panties?”

  “I thought you wanted me naked.”

  “A change of heart.”

  Frowning, she lifted her head to look back over her shoulder.

  A small smile toyed with his lips. “Safer for both of us.”

  The knowledge that he wanted her was an aphrodisiac.

  “I’m asking for your consent.”

  She’d been so consumed with thinking about him that she’d forgotten to answer. “Yes. You may touch my clit through my panties.”

  Once again he warmed her up before picking up the paddle. Willow closed her eyes and exhaled, pushing away all stray thoughts so she could focus on the heady mix of pleasure and pain.

  He worked his way up and down each thigh and covered each buttock with light taps, and even those were worse than most of the leather paddles she’d experienced. He started over, repeating his pattern but with a few random, unexpected strikes.

  She was breathless when he grabbed her panties and yanked them higher, wedging them in her pussy. The sensation was sharp, in such a good way. She wanted to come already.

  “You’re wet.”

  There was no need to answer.

  He rubbed her clit, and it couldn’t have seared more if he’d touched her bare skin.

  She pushed back, silently begging for more. Instead of giving it to her, Jax moved his hand to the middle of her back. He kept a physical connection between them as he blazed her skin. The wood whistled through the air with each strike. Her whimpers turned to sobs from the force of the release he gave her.

  When it was over, he helped her to stand. Her knees wobbled, and she grabbed his forearm for support. She caught sight of them in the mirror. Her hair was a mess, her eyes were wide, and tears streaked her face. Her ass was red, and a few of the lines were deep enough to linger.

  Then their gazes met. He looked at her with possession and hunger in his narrowed eyes. “No man but me will ever do this to you.”

  “Jax,” she whispered, turning to him, only him. “I need you to make love to me.”

  * * * * *

  Aching to bury his cock deep inside her and drive away the hunger threatening to devour them both, Jax folded her into his arms and held her until she stopped shaking.

  “Will you?”

  He eased back to hold her head between his hands. “No. I can’t, Willow, as much as I want to.” Honor was the only thing that provided him with the strength to deny her.

  He’d paddled her hard, and when he helped her up, the sight of the tear tracks staining her face told him she’d been lost in her pleasure. If he fucked her now, he’d be taking advantage of her vulnerable state. But if she asked again outside of the club? He would never be able to resist.

  “You’re refusing me?” Her voice was soft with rejection.

  “I’m trying to be a hero,” he countered.


  “Fuck, princess. Have some mercy. I’d do damn near anything to please you. But I agreed to your rules.” He had to hold on to the fraying thread of resolve.

  “I’ve changed my mind about penetration.”

  “My beautiful Willow. You’re not in any condition to give consent right now.”

  She sighed out her vexation. And his demanding cock was strangled in his slacks.

  Jax held her for a long time, until her breathing returned to normal. Then he helped her to dress.

  She grabbed hold of his forearm for support as she slipped into her shoes.

  “Give me a minute to clean up the room.”

  “Isn’t the sub supposed to do that?”

  “Yeah. But princesses don’t.”

  She gave him a half smile. Was it his imagination, or did the room get brighter? After wiping down the bench, he packed his bag before asking, “Where are you staying?”

  “Nearby.” She adjusted her skirt. She was back in control and obviously stinging from his denial. “It’s close enough to walk. I’ll see myself back. Thank you for a nice evening.”

  “Don’t you fucking dare.”


  “You’re not dismissing me, Willow.” He was pissed. “I will see you safely back to your hotel.”

  “You made it clear that we were done.” She pulled back her hair and twisted it into some kind of knot.

  “Not even for a second. I was honoring your boundaries. And if you have an emotional crash, I’m going to be there. Y
ou’re not getting rid of me yet, so you might as well quit trying. Your call. You can walk out of here or I can toss you over my shoulder.”

  She looked at him, studied his stance as if trying to determine how serious he was. Finally, she exhaled a slight huff. “You can secure a ride for me.”

  “Do I look like I’m open to a compromise?” When she opened her mouth again, his temper unraveled. “Don’t make me gag you.”


  “Last chance. I’ll give you the world, but I won’t risk your safety. Deal with it.” He picked up his bag. Then, aware that he might have overreacted because she mattered to him, and not just because she was his investor’s kid, he added, “It’s a ride.” Deep inside, he knew it was so much more for her. Her freedom. Her perceived slight. “Is it worth the argument? Five minutes, Willow.”

  In the end, she relented with a tight nod.

  On the main level, he claimed her lightweight jacket and helped her into it while Trinity called the valet to bring his car around.

  Jax took Willow’s elbow as they walked down the steep set of stairs leading to the street.

  Outside in the warm spring evening, people were everywhere—on the sidewalks, leaning over balconies, weaving through stopped, honking cars on the street. Revelers, some draped in Mardi Gras beads, bustled by, sipping hurricanes.

  He guided her toward their waiting car and helped her inside.

  When he was in the driver’s seat, he asked, “Are you at a hotel or private residence?”

  “The Maison Sterling.”

  “Excellent choice.” The boutique hotel known for its exquisite service and accommodations was owned by the Sterling family—fellow Titans.

  As she’d said, the hotel was nearby, but with the partiers and gridlock of cars, it might have been faster to walk. Still, they reached their destination sooner than he would have liked. He didn’t want their evening to end with her feeling abandoned.

  He found a rare parking spot on the street and pulled into it so they had a few more minutes together. “May I buy you a drink?”

  “I have an early flight.” She shot him a polite smile that was gobbled by the nighttime shadows. “Thanks for the offer. It’s nice of you.”

  There was that infuriating word again, wielded like a weapon.


  “Come on, Willow!” He slammed his hand on the steering wheel. “As your Dom, as a man, it’s my responsibility to take care of you. If I had fucked you as hard as I wanted in that room, I’d be the asshole you think I am.”

  She leaned back against the headrest.

  “I’m trying to be a decent human being.”

  With a small grin she turned to look at him. The car was intimate and quiet. “Is it as difficult as it sounds?”

  “Keeping my hands off you? Yeah. I’ve got it for you. Bad.” He gave into the temptation that was Willow Henderson and leaned across the car to capture her chin. “May I kiss you?”

  For a second, she said nothing.

  “You’ve got your chance to reject me.” And maybe she should.

  “Kiss me, Jax.”

  He did. At first, he teased, waiting for her response. When she gave it, he slid his hand inside her jacket, then her crop top.

  Some idiot kid knocked on the window and gave him a thumbs-up.

  Jax shook his head. “I’m going to need more privacy to seduce you.”

  “Is that what you’re doing?”

  “If you’ll have me.”

  There was silence. Loud and echoing.

  Finally, her words the barest of whispers, she said, “I accept your invitation to join you for a drink.”

  Pride and possession thrummed through him.

  Within minutes, they were in the lobby, and the concierge directed them to an intimate bar. It had old-world elegance, with oversize leather chairs, small round tables, and silver dishes filled with premium nuts. In the center of the room, a musician played a piano, providing a soothing background.

  Willow ordered a dry white wine, and he opted for a premium whiskey.

  “So…” She regarded him over the rim of her glass. “About this seduction.”

  “I don’t sleep around, and I don’t discard women. If we sleep together, there’s no going back.”

  “You really are a knight in shining armor.”

  “No. A kid with a hard background who tries to do the right thing.”

  They spent an hour over their drinks. She told him about her studies and shared that she was considering career options for after graduation.

  “You can come work for me. Maybe have a positive influence on the office. And me.”

  She rolled her eyes as if that was impossible. “One could hope.”

  He tossed out the idea as a way to keep her close—a natural transition—but the more he thought about it, the more sense it made. She saw the world differently than he did. He was smart enough to know that could be a valuable asset. Not many people had the courage to look him in the eye and call him out. “I offer fringe benefits. All the spankings you need.”

  An interested gleam lightened her eyes, making them appear golden. He adored her many expressions and wanted to explore them all. “Ah, impact play is the key to your kingdom, isn’t it? You could come to me anytime and I’d kick anyone else out and lock the door. From time to time, I’d even get you off.”

  Her breath caught. “That took me by surprise. I don’t usually orgasm during a scene.” She clapped a hand over her mouth. “Wait! I shouldn’t have admitted that. Now you’ll be even more insufferable.”

  “Surely that’s impossible.”

  “You read my mind, Jax.”

  They shared a grin. Solidarity. He’d take that as a win. “What is it specifically about impact play that satisfies you?”

  After laughing, she answered his question sincerely. “I’ve always channeled my energy into something—ballet, cycling, yoga. But a group of us visited the Quarter a couple of years ago on one of their explore days. There were lots of workshops and discussions, and we had the opportunity to try things, in a very vanilla type of way—over our clothes, that sort of thing. I found peace I hadn’t known I was looking for.” She took the final sip from her glass. “A spanking refocuses me, chases away stress. I can study better. Sleep better. I don’t have to have it all the time. Sometimes just knowing it will happen helps.”

  “And the men you play with?” His voice was far sharper than he’d intended.

  “I’ve scened with the same top a couple of times. But mostly, I see who’s available.”

  He didn’t like that risk.

  “Thanks to Aviana, the Quarter is a safe place for me to visit.” She slid her empty glass onto the table. “I’m ready for bed.”

  “Is that an invitation or a dismissal?”

  “Despite what you might have believed, I was in total control of my thoughts back at the club when I asked you to make love to me.”

  He signaled for the check and paid the bill.

  They rode the elevator to the third floor. Then, when they were in the room, she hung out the DO NOT DISTURB sign.

  This time, he closed the distance with deliberate intent. He loosened the belt of her coat and slid the garment from her shoulders. Then he kissed her the way he wanted to, coaxing a response and then deepening his probing until her mouth was wide and she leaned into him.

  When he ended the kiss, she was breathless, and his hunger for her demanded satiation.

  In a few calculated moves, he had her out of her clothing and shoes. He toed off his boots and spent a few impatient seconds getting rid of his socks before she reached for his belt.

  He allowed her to fumble with it long enough for her to sigh in frustration. “Allow me.” He managed to get it apart while she unbuttoned his trousers and lowered his zipper.

  “You don’t wear underwear?” she asked as his trousers fell.

  “Another of my many charms.”

  She struggled with his T-shirt, and
his patience reached its end. Lovemaking would have to wait for later. This was about staking his claim.

  He captured her under her ass and lifted her from the floor. Obediently she wrapped her legs around his waist, holding on as he carried her to the bed.

  She let go and landed on the mattress with a squeal, still reaching for him. Helping her out, he tugged the shirt over his head and dropped it.


  He yanked off her thong and covered her hot pussy with his mouth. She arched, crying his name. He tongued her clit until her words ran together in nonsensical pleasure. “Come for me, princess.”

  “I want you.” She grabbed his head.

  He pressed on that tiny nub and placed his finger inside her, making sure she was wet.


  He left her long enough to grab a condom from his wallet, and when he returned, he kissed her hard, loving the taste of her on his tongue. She was the sexiest woman he’d ever known.

  Willow spread her legs. His dick was already raging, and he didn’t need a second invitation. He grabbed her hands and pinned her wrists over her head. “Look at me. I want to see what I do to you.” He pressed his cockhead to her entrance.

  Her eyes widened. “This is what I want.”

  Him as well. He stroked in, a little at a time, until he felt some resistance.

  “I want you all the way inside me.” She pulled free from his grip so she could wrap her arms around his neck. Then she lifted her hips.

  He drove deep, then knew the truth. “Holy fuck.”

  “Jax, please.”

  He pushed up onto his hands to look into her eyes. “You’re a virgin?”

  “After the spanking, the orgasms…I wanted it to be you.”

  Emotions spiraled through him. Shock. Disbelief. And then…humility. She’d chosen him. No wonder his refusal had been such a rejection for her.

  “Don’t be mad.”

  “Mad is the last thing I am.” He kissed her again with tenderness.

  Now that he knew, now that she’d chosen him, he changed his pace, making love to her rather than fucking her. There’d be time for that later. He stroked in and out, reaching between them to toy with her clit. Then because he knew she liked sensation play, he pinched it, sending her over the edge with a scream.


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