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Beauty And Her One-Night Baby (Once Upon a Temptation, Book 2)

Page 17

by Dani Collins

  “I’m thinking...” She stroked a caressing hand down the center of his naked chest and grew emotional. Her eyes welled. “That I can see a future for us. It’s beautiful. It’s vast and solid and the memories it might contain are like Christmas gifts. They’re exciting surprises that already make me happy, before I even know what they are. I’m thinking I love you beyond measure and I am awed by how much you love me.” Her hand was shaking now. “I’m sorry I made you prove yourself. I should have taken you at your word.”

  He caught her hand and kissed her knuckles.

  “My past was still damaging my life. All you did was point that out to me.” He drew her into his front. “I’m grateful, Scarlett. I feel...lighter. When Locke was born, I swore to him that I would be a better father to him than I had. I’m following through on that. It feels good.”

  She couldn’t help the tears wetting her lashes. At least they were happy ones. Ecstatic ones. “Can I ask you something?”

  “Put on some clothes?” he guessed.

  “That seems like a waste of time when we only have a short while before our busy day. No, I was wondering if you, Javiero Rodriguez, would consent to marry me?”

  His mouth twitched and the harsh lines in his face softened. His brutish, marred features were handsome and brimming with love, and she grew light-headed.

  “Yes, Scarlett Walker,” he said in a voice that sounded deeply moved. “I love you with all my heart. I would be honored to join with you in matrimony. Later.” His smoldering smile widened. “Right now, go back to the part about the time we don’t want to waste...”


  Two years later...


  Scarlett paused in removing her earring, dragging her gaze from the view of the Eiffel Tower. “Hmm? Nothing.”

  “You’ve been quiet all evening. Was it something your mum said?”

  “No, things are okay there.” Not fantastic, but not terrible. Ellie had gone to America and Scarlett’s father was ordered by the court to attend addiction classes as part of his release agreement. Her mother went to meetings for families of alcoholics at the same time. At least it gave her a network of people who understood her situation and kept an eye out for early signs of trouble.

  “Val, then? Did you fire him?”

  She grinned. “No, I said he could take maternity leave.”

  “Ruthless.” He smiled, too.

  She turned so he could unclasp her necklace. “And I said we’d talk more tomorrow. It was Kiara’s night. I didn’t want to get into it at the gallery.”

  “That was quite a crush, wasn’t it? I knew Kiara was talented, but when you see her body of work assembled like that, it’s astonishing. I’m really annoyed I didn’t win more bids. How is she managing with a new baby and all the work that went into preparing, though? Is that why Val wants time off?”

  Scarlett turned to take the necklace and saw he was genuinely concerned. She nearly melted into a puddle of liquid sugar at his feet, he was so sweet. She set aside the necklace.

  “She’s good. Really good. Val admitted he’s motivated by pure selfishness, wanting to spend more time with Rafael, which is understandable.” Val had missed his daughter’s first two years. “But I didn’t want to let him go permanently.”

  “No? I told him I didn’t think you’d have a problem with firing both of us.” He snapped off his cuff links.

  “He ran it by you first?”

  “Of course. He didn’t want to leave you in the lurch if you weren’t ready.”

  “Men,” she tsked, secretly thrilled at the working relationship they’d developed, one that had spilled into a social one. A familial one.

  “We weren’t conspiring. He brought it up because you’re sticking your nose in more than usual, checking up on us.” He tilted his head in what would have been a stern look, but held a little too much indulgence to be taken seriously. “We would both rather pull back and let you take the wheel than be micromanaged.”

  “But I like bossing you two around.” She tugged at his bow tie to unravel it. “It’s delicious payback after all those years when you obstructed me at every turn.”

  “The heady drug of a power trip has hit her veins, ladies and gentlemen. We’re not above mutiny, you know.”

  “You’re going to take Val’s side against me?” She splayed an appalled hand on her chest.

  “You’ve got me there. I couldn’t do it.” He sighed in mock despair.

  She grinned as she worked her way down his buttons, revealing a strip of tawny skin sprinkled lightly with hair.

  “Really,” he said with hands coming to rest heavily on her hips. “Before we get distracted, are you sure you’re not ready to fire both of us? I thought you only wanted to wean off the pills and see if you still had symptoms.”

  That had been three months ago and she had been feeling really good ever since.

  “I thought I was ready, too.” She tugged his tuxedo shirt from his waistband and exposed more of his wide, powerful chest, then smoothed her hands over his sides, loving the warm silk of his skin against her palms. “The five-year plan we’ve made has me very excited for all the new challenges. I was ready to go full steam ahead at work, but earlier today...”

  He tilted up her chin so he could see her expression.

  “A setback?” His real eye was troubled, the matching false one pretty to look at, though not the place she sent her attention when they were having a serious discussion. “What happened?”

  She clasped her hands around the open edges of his shirt and sheepishly admitted, “I held Rafael.”

  His frown held for a second longer before comprehension dawned. He grew infinitely more tender. His heavy hands drew her closer.

  “You were bitten by the baby bug.”

  As her head came to rest on his chest, she heard the hard, uneven thump of his heart.

  “It feels like I fell into a hill of them and I’m itching all over. And I know it took me a long time to find an even keel after Locke. And I know Val ought to have a lighter load while they have a new baby in the house so Kiara doesn’t risk becoming overwrought like I was. And I know my chances of suffering postpartum depression again are high if I have another baby, and still... I really want one,” she confessed in a whisper, afraid to look at him. “What do you think?”

  “I think our son is the most amazing little person I could have imagined.” His arms cradled her as though she was precious. “I would make a dozen more children with you if you were up for it. But it has to be your decision, my love, given what you might go through again.”

  “I was thinking just one more. For Locke. To keep him company.” She looked up at him, letting him see the yearning in her eyes.

  “For Locke.” His mouth twitched.

  “And me. And you,” she allowed, giving a little tug on his collar to entice him to come down for a kiss. “We know the signs to look for. You wouldn’t let me lose myself again.”

  “I would not. I refuse to lose you to anyone or anything. I love you far too much.”

  “So maybe that’s a yes?”

  “That’s definitely a passionate yes.”

  She smiled as they got started.

  Coming next month


  Kali Anthony

  ‘This marriage is a sham.’

  In some ways, he agreed with her. Yet here he stood, with a gold wedding band prickling on his finger. Thea still held her rings. He needed her to put them on. If she did, he’d won—for tonight.

  ‘You’re asking me to return you to the tender care of your father?’ A man Christo suspected didn’t have a sentimental, loving bone in his body.

  Thea grabbed the back of a spindly chair, clutching it till her fingers blanched. ‘I’m asking you to let me go.’


  Christo had heard whispers about Tito Lambros. He was reported to be cruel and vindictive. The bitter burn of loathing coursed like poison through his veins. That his father’s negligence had allowed such a man to hold Christo’s future in his hands…

  There was a great deal he needed to learn about Thea’s family—some of which he might be able to use. But that could wait. Now it was time to give her something to cling to. Hope.

  ‘You’ll come with me as my wife and we’ll discuss the situation in which we find ourselves. That’s my promise. But we’re leaving now.’

  She looked down at her clothes and back at him. Her liquid amber eyes glowed in the soft lights. ‘I can’t go dressed like this!’

  No more delays. She glanced at the door again. He didn’t want a scene. Her tantrums could occur at his home, where any witnesses would be paid to hold their silence.

  ‘You look perfect,’ he said, waving his hand in her direction. ‘It shows a flair for the dramatic—which you’ve proved to have in abundance tonight. Our exit will be unforgettable.’

  She seemed to compose herself. Thrust her chin high, all glorious defiance. ‘But my hat… I told everyone about it. I can’t disappoint them.’

  ‘Life’s full of disappointments. Tell them it wouldn’t fit over your magnificent hair.’

  Thea’s lips twitched in a barely suppressed sneer, her eyes narrow and glacial. The look she threw him would have slayed a mere mortal. Luckily for the most part he felt barely human.

  ‘Rings,’ he said.

  She jammed them carelessly on her finger. Victory. He held out the crook of his arm and she hesitated before slipping hers through it. All stiff and severe. But her body still fitted into his in a way which enticed him. Caused his heart to thrum, his blood to roar. Strange. Intoxicating. All Thea.

  ‘Now, smile,’ he said.

  She plastered on a mocking grimace.

  He leaned down and whispered in her ear. ‘Like you mean it, koukla mou.’

  ‘I’ll smile when you say that like you mean it, Christo.’

  And he laughed.

  This second laugh was more practised. More familiar—like an old memory. But the warmth growing in his chest was real. Beyond all expectations, he was enjoying her. For his sanity, perhaps a little too much…

  Continue reading


  Kali Anthony

  Available next month

  Copyright ©2020 by Kali Anthony

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