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The Lost and Found Series

Page 36

by Amanda Mackey

  I had to mentally agree. She had looks other females might be jealous of, but I didn’t feel like tagging along on some stakeout.

  I took pause, squeezing my eyes shut, trying to find the will to go. A certain redhead would be there and that could only mean disaster.

  Dec chimed in, “You don’t even have to take any money. My treat for drinks.”

  “Oh, you really are trying to bribe me. Look, as nice as the offer is, I really don’t feel like getting slapped across the face and kneed in the groin by Char.”

  He roared at that remark, damn him. He was enjoying this too much. After composing himself, he asked, “Please? You can remain in the background like me. They won’t even know we’re there. I promise.”

  Dec didn’t beg very often, but I could hear it in his voice. If I didn’t go, he wouldn’t either, and then he would blame himself if anything happened to Mac. God. Did I really have a choice?

  “Fine. You win, but I’m not staying long.” I knew that would probably end up being a big, fat lie because once I got there and had a drink or two, I’d loosen up and get into the spirit of things. Maybe it’s what I needed to help me settle.

  “Thanks, bro. I mean it. Pick you up in an hour.”

  Ending the call, I strode into my bedroom to shower and pick out a shirt and some long pants to wear. He owed me big time. Not only for saving his ass but for losing mine tonight to a sassy redhead.


  The music pumped so hard, I almost felt the walls jumping inside the club, Rave. Being early, we could move around freely and see plenty of spare tables and chairs. Heading to the bar first, Dec ordered two beers.

  “Let’s sit upstairs,” he offered.

  Agreeing that we were less likely to be noticed up there, I followed him. Last time we’d been here, Mac and Char had spent a good portion of the night dancing, so I hoped they’d do the same tonight so we could remain unnoticed.

  Upstairs there were only a few people scattered around, so we found a spot near the balcony, but far enough away that we wouldn’t be spotted unless we stood and leaned against the railing.

  Downing some of my beer, deciding to just chill and be more in the moment, I pushed the niggling voices in my head back into the darkness.

  “You seem distant.” Dec could read me well. I didn’t want to tell him about my inability to sleep more than four hours a night or the need to go into battle again. He thought I was handling my PTSD. I had been up until I’d had to save his ass.

  Shrugging, I began to peel the label off the front of the bottle. “Just not sleeping lately, that’s all.”

  Unable to look at him, I noted the pause. His appraisal. A weighted stare that I could feel rather than see.

  “Hey.” A hand on my arm. “Are you okay? I mean, you’re not still rattled about your run in with Char, are you?”

  As if a woman could make me feel hungry to maim something, or the need to pound my skull into a wall in order to try and erase images upon images of gore. No. War had done it. War would continue to do it, even if I never went into battle again. No meds could erase the past. Unlike Dec, who had been given that luxury for a while, my internal video recorder would continue on replay till the day I took my last breath.

  “You think I care about what she thinks of me? I couldn’t give two shits one way or the other.” A seed of doubt popped through the muck but then disappeared quickly.

  Finally glancing up, I found my friend’s forehead creased with worry. He had enough of his own fucked up past to deal with. He didn’t need my burdens too.

  “I’m good. Truly. Just tired.” Glancing toward the metal railing beside us, I asked, “You want to see if your girl’s here yet?”

  At the mention of his girl, he grinned. She’d stolen his heart. No doubt about it. After Trudy stomped all over it by screwing Reno, he was overdue for happiness.

  Rising, after placing his beer on the table, he angled toward the railing, casually scanning the room below. He remained in shadow so as to be inconspicuous. I kinda hoped the girls had changed their minds about coming and then we could have another beer and head home.

  Didn’t look like that was happening though, as I watched Dec hone in on something below. His hand on the railing gripped tightly and his muscles flexed. Bingo. His woman had arrived. Which meant…ah, hell. I was dead meat.

  Chapter Four


  Yawning as we entered the club, I already wanted to leave. My feet were hurting from the heels Mac had insisted I wear, and I pulled at the hem of the too short dress. God, I looked like shark bait.

  Normally, I would have been all for dressing this way, but with fatigue threatening to drop me like a fly, I seriously had hoped I could turn up in my pajamas and comfortable slippers.

  When had the tables turned? Mac appeared pumped and ready to party, and here I was, shoulders sagging and feet dragging. Most times it was the other way around.

  I guess overdosing on work could do that to you.

  “You want anything to drink?” Mac yelled over the loud music.

  Did I? Not really, but one would help me relax. “Vodka and lemon,” I called back, remembering our last time at the same club. Mac and Dec had been taking a break and she hadn’t wanted to be here any more than I did tonight. Still, we’d danced our asses off, in between fighting off the jerk who’d become too handsy with Mac—right before Dec and Viper had saved the day and knocked the guy unconscious.

  Man, Viper had looked hot that night.

  Dragging my thoughts from the gutter as Mac handed me my drink, we found a table and sat, watching the handful of people on the dance floor.

  A couple gyrated together, joined at the hips, not caring they were out of sync with the beat. They appeared in their own little world and I couldn’t help the pang of jealousy I felt. Deep down I wanted someone to love who loved me back unconditionally, no matter how much I played the single, wild woman. Having my best friend hooked up with the man of her dreams and getting to see snippets of what it would be like, I yearned for the same. It had been two years since I’d last had a boyfriend. We’d been quite solid for the eighteen months before that, spending most nights together even though we lived separately. Derek had been a doctor at University Hospital, which is where we’d met. It turned out Dr. Derek had a hankering for pretty brunette nurses in the children’s ward.

  Lesson learned. Don’t date anyone you work with. It had ended badly, and not long after, Derek had put in for a transfer, thank goodness or I would have ended up having to quit.

  As it was, the humiliation of having everyone find out had been hard enough. With him gone though, and me not having to face the bitch he’d screwed within the grounds of the hospital, life had quickly returned to normal.

  “Are you really okay?” Mac nudged me. “You haven’t seemed yourself today. And don’t give me the crap about being tired. I’ve seen you after pulling many double shifts, and you’ve never been like this.” Her hand swept over me.

  “Like what?” I tried to act dumb but didn’t succeed.

  “Oh, please. You forget who you’re talking to. I know you. There’s something else.”

  Watching the colored light play over her features as it morphed from red to blue, then green to yellow, I sighed, glancing at the couple on the dance floor, who were now exchanging saliva in a heated kiss. “I guess I just get lonely, you know? Seeing you and Dec together makes me wish I had a special someone.”

  Her features softened at my revelation. She reached out and placed her hand over mine, giving it a gentle squeeze. “I want that for you too. I’ll have to talk to Dec and see if he can hook you up…” Realizing her mistake, she added, “Not Viper. I’m sure he’s got other single friends.”

  “Have you ever seen him with anyone other than his bestie?”

  I could tell Mac wanted to say yes, but she couldn’t. “No. But that doesn’t mean anything.”

  “Don’t go there, Mac. I really don’t need setting up.” Wanting the
conversation to end, I downed the rest of my drink and pulled her up. “Come on, as exhausted as I am, let’s dance.”

  Feeling a little like the center of attention when the other dancers, including the loved-up couple, left the floor, leaving only Mac and me, I tried not to be too worried. Normally I didn’t mind being the center of attention, but I did feel like I was off my game.

  Swinging my hips and letting my arms rise above my head, I closed my eyes and let the music wash over me.

  I’m not sure how long we danced, but when my feet could take it no more, I motioned to Mac that I was going back to the table. She followed.

  Glancing at my watch, I noticed we’d been lost to the music for a good half hour.

  I could feel sweat in places I shouldn’t. “I’m heading to the ladies to freshen up. You want to come?”

  “Nah. I’m good. I’ll get us another drink.”

  “Only one more for me. I want to be coherent at work tomorrow.”

  Watching her dig into her purse as she walked to the bar, I headed to the hallway that led to the bathrooms.

  Inside, I relieved myself and washed my hands, glancing in the mirror. My makeup had all but slithered off with the sweat, leaving mascara and minimal lip gloss. I looked like I felt. Shattered.

  With my shoulder bag still hanging across my torso, I dug into it and re-applied my lip gloss before exiting the bathroom. On my way down the hallway, I noticed the steps to the second level. I should have kept walking, but curiosity got the better of me. I’d never been upstairs and wanted to know what it looked like.

  Scrambling up in my heels, I let my eyes adjust to the darker atmosphere, turning to scan the entire room. Another bar sat against one wall with tables and chairs scattered here and there. Finding the railing which overlooked the dance floor, I sucked in a breath when I found Dec and Viper sitting at a table, chatting idly. Hoping I wasn’t spotted, I cringed as Viper’s eyes left Harley’s, and as he glanced to the right, his gaze stopped on me. His eyes widened slightly, but being the cool, calm, and collected soldier, he schooled the rest of his features well.

  Not knowing what to do, I stood staring as if my feet were superglued to the floor. Dec, perhaps sensing Viper had fixated on something, turned and found me too. He grinned and started to rise from his seat.

  Unable to handle facing his arrogant friend, I smiled and turned, hoping I could make it down the steps and into the crowd below before he caught up to me.

  “Char!” Dec called, already halfway across the room.

  Damn it! Couldn’t he tell I didn’t want to hang around?


  Gripping the handrail on the stairs, I stopped, turning slowly and plastering a fake smile on my face.

  “Declan. Hi. What are you doing here? Mac didn’t mention you were coming tonight. And speaking of such, why are you up here when she’s downstairs?”

  Had they had a fight she hadn’t told me about? Or had they just not communicated to each other as to their activities tonight? Strange. They were inseparable.

  Closing the gap, he stopped just short of me. Combing his hair with one hand while holding a beer with the other, I peered into his mocha eyes.

  “Ahh, she doesn’t actually know I’m here.”


  He appeared slightly embarrassed. “I wanted to keep an eye on her. From a distance.”

  “You mean stalking!” I ground the words out.

  “That’s what Viper said too, but in light of everything that has gone down recently, I think my concern is warranted.”

  Blowing out a long breath, I let my eyes fall to his ample chest, visible against his fitted shirt, and then lower to the black jeans hugging his manly bits.

  Eyes up, Char. He’s taken, remember?

  I had to hand it to my friend. She’d struck the jackpot as far as snagging a hottie went.

  Shaking my head, I found Viper swigging on his beer while watching me. He looked even more amazing with a collared shirt and blue jeans on. The dim light prevented me from truly appreciating his green eyes, but I remembered them well.

  Gah! I needed to stop ogling and get back to Mac.

  “You girls want to join us up here? Now that you know we’re here, it seems pointless to remain separate,” Dec offered.

  Not wanting to get any closer to Viper, I shook my head. “Actually, we’re probably heading home. I just needed to use the bathroom and decided to take a detour.”

  “Well, we were only staying a short time anyway.” Glancing back to his friend, he motioned with his head to get up and join us.

  Seeing the handsome soldier tense before rising, I turned my back on him, unable to withstand his piercing stare.

  Huffing, I replied, “Fine. Whatever.” I strode down the stairs, finding Mac still sitting at our table. Thankfully she was alone, which meant no douchebags had tried to hit on her, unlike last time.

  I could feel and hear the two bulky guys behind me. They kept quiet as we approached Mac. She had her mouth open. Her eyes were fixated on her man.

  “Dec? What are you doing here?” It seemed Viper was going to be ignored, as the girl only had eyes for one man.

  Moving in toward her, Dec put his large hands under her armpits and lifted her from the chair, placing her on her feet but pulling her in close. “Angel. Don’t be mad, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  Her eyebrow lifted but I could see her smirk. “You were spying on me?”

  His thumb ran backward and forward across her cheek. “Not spying, per se. Just making sure you stayed safe.” Leaning in, he brushed his lips over hers, making me look away. Each intimate gesture they exchanged proved awkward for me. I wondered if I was actually jealous of what Mac and Dec shared. Normally I wasn’t a jealous person, but when your best friend suddenly becomes deliriously happy and you’re still running solo, you feel it in every corner of your lonely heart.

  Viper cleared his throat behind me. “Ahem. We good to go now?”

  Thank God, he’d interrupted. The last thing I felt like doing was watching any more kissing and canoodling.

  I wanted to go home.

  Mac and Dec broke apart, but not before I heard Dec ask Mac, “Stay at my apartment tonight?”

  Nodding, she gave me a remorseful look.

  Dec jumped in. “You good to give Char a lift home, man?” He clapped Viper on the shoulder.

  What. The. Actual. Hell? No way.

  Glaring at Viper and then Dec, I threw out, “Are you kidding me right now? Why can’t I go home with you guys?”

  “It’s out of my way. Viper drives right past your place.”

  About to stomp my feet like a child and rant and rave about his idiotic idea, I was cut off by a deep, abrasive voice.

  “Fuck, bro. I gotta agree with Char on this one. Are you serious?”

  I shot him a death glare as well. It was like no one wanted to take me home. I suddenly felt like a fifth grader waiting until last to be chosen for the class baseball team.

  Seizing Mac by the arm, I pulled her aside and gritted my teeth. “Seriously, girl. What is this? Why can’t you just take me home? We came together. You know how I feel about that jerk.” I swung my arm backward, hoping I pointed at the right person.

  “Keep your voice down. I think it would be good for you two to spend time together to sort out whatever it is between you.”

  “The only thing between us is a cold front, which is icing over further as we speak. I can’t believe you’d do this to me.”

  In the background I vaguely heard Viper saying something similar to Dec, confirming my theory that he hated me.

  “Look. It makes sense when he’s driving right by your house. You don’t have to talk to each other. He’s not a total asshole, as much as you think he is. You both need to give each other a chance. Dec and I both want you to get on, and the only way for you both to do that is to start spending more time together.”

  God, she was being a bitch. “Ugh. I’m not
standing here arguing with you. I’m ready to drop and need to get home into bed. If you want to ditch me, then fine. But you owe me, big time! See you tomorrow.”

  I didn’t bother hugging her, I pivoted on my heels and walked over to Viper. My face was a mask of fury.

  “Take me home. The sooner this is over with the better.”

  Storming past him, I headed to the door of the club.

  Chapter Five


  Yep. Definitely a spitfire. After briefly nodding at my friend, who’d set me up to endure the ride from hell, my eyes fell to the perky, globed ass of my nemesis as she flounced toward the club exit. The high heels accentuated her toned calves, and the skin-tight dress didn’t leave much to the imagination.

  My hormones were firing on all cylinders, and I had to adjust myself inconspicuously as I caught up to her.

  So far she hadn’t shoved my ass into a meat-grinder, but the ride home could prove to be a different story.

  The frosty night air blasted me as I left the heat of the club. Patrons still queued up outside. It was only nine forty-five, so the night was still young. Some people didn’t head out until eleven or midnight, and here I was already going home.

  Upping my strides to catch up with Char, I decided to appease her. The quick gait and extension of her spine told me to tread carefully. “I don’t like this any more than you do, so let’s just not speak, okay?”

  Damn, she got under my skin.

  Stopping, she spun on me, pushing at my chest with both hands. “How could you agree to drive me home? You know this was a setup, right?”

  Truth was, I did know. Dec had spun me some bullshit about playing nice with Miss Wildcat and apologizing to her about the way I treated her. To hell with that. I didn’t owe the woman anything. Even if the feel of her hands on me stirred dormant hormones to life.

  Fire blazed in her eyes and all I wanted to do was push her up against the closest car and see how much hotter I could stoke the blistering sparks.

  “Don’t flatter yourself, Red. It was nothing more than my friend being too lazy to veer off his course and drop you home,” I lied.


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