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Fire Dragon

Page 13

by Caris Roane

  He decided a shift in subject was necessary. “Are you hungry?”

  She smiled. “Starved.”

  “Me, too. I’ll fire up the grill if you like. Or if you’d prefer to head home, that will work as well.”

  “Your place is perfect.”

  He stroked to the edge of the pool then levitated out of the water. As he gathered up their clothes and rose into the air, she once more flew beside him though she giggled. “All this cold air on my wet skin has me covered in goosebumps.”

  He smiled as he ascended to his cave landing. Yet, his heart thudded all over again.

  He’d bought the cave property after his wife had passed but he’d never brought a woman here before. He’d promised himself his home would remain sacred and solitary. Yet here he was inviting Emma in.

  What the hell was he doing?

  ~ ~ ~

  Emma had never flown through the air naked before. She was chilled but she couldn’t tell if it was the water evaporating off her skin or her just her nerves.

  She hadn’t known what to expect when Liam suggested they head to Dragonslip Gorge. At the time, his apprehension had rippled from him. She’d known he hadn’t wanted this conversation.

  Neither had she, for that matter.

  Now she was approaching his cave landing.

  She hadn’t seen the front entrance before while making their way to the waterfall. But she could see it now. Her jaw dropped as her brows rose.

  The landing was halfway up the cliff so that it had been hidden among the trees. Once it came fully into view, she gasped softly. The entire face of the cave spanned several dozen feet and it was clear the massive carvings that surrounded an equally large front set of glass doors had been sculpted by a master. The doors alone had to be thirty feet high and were supported by antique bronze beams.

  She gauged the landing to be fifty feet across. Large boulders gave shape to primitive landscaping dotted with a variety of evergreen shrubs. The surface of the patio floor, however, was pure polished rock so that the different colors of granite made its own mosaic over the entire surface.

  As she descended to touch down beside Liam, her gaze swept the front elevation. She put a hand to her throat then forced herself to breathe. She had never seen anything so beautiful.

  Additional windows lined either side of the carvings in two stacked rows allowing for plenty of natural light for the interior of the dwelling.

  The carvings were breathtaking, and she took a moment to really look at them. She soon realized she was seeing the history of Dusane in the different vertical panels.

  “This is incredible, Liam. Where did you get your inspiration?”

  “History. And folklore.” He gestured to the higher areas of the panels. “Dragon origins as well.”

  Her gaze drifted upward. “Oh, I see. The seven prime dragons have a place above each panel and one over the doors.” She had to crane her neck to see them, but there they were: fire, storm, star, earth, ice, water and stone.

  She turned toward him slightly and met his gaze. Her dragon within moved through her, warming her. “You are more than I ever knew. Thank you for sharing this with me. I’m moved beyond words.” Somehow it seemed right that she stood here naked, in front of Liam and the history of her world.

  The dragon inside her flew in swift circles.

  She shivered, but it was exhilaration she felt.

  He took her hand. “Come inside. You must be freezing.”

  Emma felt the warmth of his palm and a gentle electric current flowed from the point of contact through her body. She was pretty sure her heart skipped several beats.

  Once again, she forced herself to breathe.

  But what were they doing? Why had he brought her here? Why had he taken her hand? She honestly didn’t understand.

  Whatever her concerns or doubts, they disappeared once they were inside because there was more magnificence to see. She couldn’t help but smile. The ceiling was vaulted even beyond the size of the windows. Basically, she stood inside a dragon cathedral.

  Finally, she figured it out. “You shift in here. That’s why this place is so big.”

  “Not often, but yes, I do. Being almost pure dragon, the need can become overwhelming.”

  Several massive pillars had been carved from the interior rock. The granite was left unadorned and very beautiful. Some of it was polished. Some wasn’t.

  The landing faced east so that off to what would be the southern side was the living room with warm woods and black leather. A massive, exquisite sculpture of iridescent rainbow dragon scales rose twenty feet above a tall, stone fireplace.

  She turned slowly toward what was a central corridor that led to the sleeping areas, not unlike her own cave. Opposite the fireplace was an equally impressive kitchen and dining area. Well beyond the table and chairs was another living space. “I’m seeing a lot of books lining that distant wall.”

  “My library. I’ve been collecting a while.”

  She turned to him. “This is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. I’m astonished by what you’ve created here.”

  “It was the work of a decade and a half.” His smile was crooked. “Something to fill the off-hours.”

  She didn’t say it, but she suspected he could have added, When the bar scene failed to satisfy. Most of the warriors dedicated their nights to drinking and chasing tail. She knew Liam had done his fair share. After all, she’d flirted with him in a bar when she’d had way too many old-fashioneds.

  Then she’d slept with him.

  She felt uncomfortable suddenly and knew that her nipples had grown peaked and not just from the cool air.

  When his gaze fell to her breasts, her cheeks warmed up.

  “Let me get you something to wear.” He held the pile of their uniforms which he still had gripped in his hands. “Unless you want to put your uni back on?”

  “After sweating in it for hours? No, thank you. I’ll gladly accept anything you have to offer.”

  As he turned, he gestured her forward with a roll of his shoulder. “Come with me. You can shower if you like.”

  “I do like. Very much.”

  Other than being bowled over by the oversized bathroom, with a shower also carved in intricate swirls from the rocks, she gratefully stepped beneath the warm spray.

  He left her alone but returned to settle clothes on the marble counter. “Not much, but it should do.”

  “It’ll be fine.”

  A few minutes later, she smiled at her reflection in the mirror. She wore Liam’s boxers and a t-shirt that hung mid-thigh. She wasn’t a short woman at six-one, but Liam was still much bigger at six-five.

  She found a brush and a hair dryer and took her time drying her hair. She had some natural curl and didn’t bother trying to straighten it.

  Her nostrils flared suddenly and a sudden rumble in her stomach followed. Warrior training was hard work and Liam had kept his promise. She could smell the steaks grilling.

  She pulled several loose hairs from the brush and washed it thoroughly then returned both dryer and brush to the appropriate drawers.

  By the time she made her way back to the cathedral-like entrance, Liam stood off to the side, in the living room, and was preparing a drink. “Would you like an old-fashioned?” He wore a black tank top and jeans, no shoes.

  “Thanks. That would be perfect.” She gestured with a toss of her arm toward the entrance doors. “I’ll be on the patio.” He was crushing a sugar cube in the bottom of a tumbler as she stepped onto the beautiful granite ledge.

  He couldn’t have chosen a better location. Opposite his home was a cliff that showed an almost perfect balance of trees and rock outcroppings. She imagined when it rained it would cascade with a dozen small waterfalls.

  When he brought her the old-fashioned, she asked him if what she could visualize was true. Were there several waterfalls?

  He nodded. “Very perceptive of you. I looked at several stretches of the gorge ov
er the course of six months. I flew over this entire area, for miles in both directions, and in all kinds of weather. One day, that was exactly what I saw. At least a dozen miniature waterfalls. I was sold. That and the size of this outcropping.” He gestured to the floor of the landing.

  “You chose extremely well. I would never want to leave a place so beautiful.”

  She sipped her old-fashioned.

  “My wife had a temper.”

  She almost choked and came up sputtering. “I beg your pardon?”

  He smiled then his eyes tightened. He looked anywhere but at her. “My wife, Vinia, had a temper.” This time he laughed. “She was always calling me on my bullshit.” He cleared his throat. “I heard her now, or a few minutes ago anyway, when I started making up reasons in my head why I wanted you to leave. I think she called me an idiot.” She watched him take a deep breath. “You honored me by sharing some of your story. I’d like to do the same. Because the fact is, I want you here, Emma. With me.”

  Emma didn’t dare take another sip. She was sure she’d choke again. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She also understood exactly how hard it had been for Liam to admit he wanted her in his home.

  There was only one thing to do. She moved away a few feet to set her drink on a table near the grill, then returned to him. She didn’t ask permission. She didn’t even give him warning.

  Instead, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

  For a couple of seconds, he remained as still as stone. She supposed she’d stunned him. But she didn’t stop kissing him, either. It didn’t take long for the stiffness in his arms to ease or for his hands to slide down her back. He pushed his tongue against the seam of her lips and as she parted for him. Desire cascaded down her body all the way to her toes.

  She groaned as his arms snaked around her back and he pulled her tightly against him. She used her own tongue and began a duel that had him stiffening against her leg.

  The feel of his arousal caused her hips to arch into him over and over.

  He drew back and met her gaze. His fire-dragon eyes bored into hers. I want to make love to you again, Emma. I take it you’re with me?

  She spoke aloud. “Uh-huh. Yes, I am. But we should eat first. I have a feeling we’re going to need the nourishment.”

  His lips broke into a smile, something that didn’t happen often enough. “I like the sound of that.”

  He inclined his head in the direction of the grill. “Let’s eat.”

  The meal was simple with her whisky and his beer. He’d thrown a salad together with a dressing of olive oil, black pepper, sea salt and balsamic vinegar. Nothing tasted better.

  He moved his seat close to hers. He didn’t speak much, but he kept one hand on her bare leg. She kissed him often in response and fondled the bulked-up muscles of his arm and shoulders.

  She wanted to touch other things but thought it would be unwise in the same way he kept his own fingers behaving properly.

  She found herself relieved when the meal ended at last and she rose from the table. He slid an arm beneath her knees then gathered her up in his arms. He cradled her as he levitated to the bedroom.

  Just as he crossed the threshold, she was grateful she’d been on birth control for well over a year. Maybe she’d foreseen this moment, or just hoped like hell it would happen again.

  But here she was for the second time in a just a few weeks, being taken to bed by the dragon of her dreams.

  ~ ~ ~

  Once inside the room, Liam heard Emma gasp. He smiled because he understood why.

  “It’s so beautiful.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  She was the first woman he’d ever brought to his bedroom. The design had come from his fire dragon. Red crystals were embedded in the shape of flames against each obsidian wall. A similar design covered the ceiling.

  He’d never said as much and maybe one day he would, but he’d pictured Emma here a dozen times. Sometimes she rode him. Other times, he was buried deep inside her. Now she was here.

  To the left of the bed was a fire pit, something his dragon had insisted on.

  He set her on her feet to let her get used to the space and to him.

  “I’m going to build a fire,” he said.

  Crossing to the pit, he stacked up kindling and logs then tossed on a layer of granulated starter, something his fire dragon loved.

  He stood back, lit a match and tossed it onto the center of the logs.

  The fire erupted into a wild burst of flames.

  When Emma drew up beside him, he saw that she’d taken off her clothes. He loved that she felt so free with him.

  He wanted to devour her. Where his dragon fangs would form, his teeth and gums pulsed with need. He’d never experienced this particular sensation before like he wanted to bite her.

  “It’s vented,” Emma said, redirecting his thoughts. “You’ve thought of everything.” Her gaze was fixed to the ceiling where the smoke and heat could escape.

  “Is it too hot?” He didn’t want her to be uncomfortable.

  “Not at all.” Her lips were swollen, eyes dilated, nipples peaked. Total turn on.

  He shifted toward her surprised that this time he could see her fire dragon ripple over the surface of her skin. With his hand, he followed the flow across the top of her chest and over her shoulder. “Are you sure you’re only fifteen percent dragon?”

  “I’ve had the tests.” She touched his face then glided her fingers into his hair. “Honestly? I think this is about you, how my dragon reacts to you.”

  “She’s beautiful. Iridescent. I see some violet and gold as well as the red. I’m sensing both storm and fire. Storm is latent, but it’s there.” His gaze tracked the same movements down her arm and over her fingers. He continued to caress her dragon wherever it appeared.

  “You’re exactly right,” she said. “There are sub-dragon species as well. But could you do me a favor?”

  He met her gaze. “Anything.”

  “Lose your clothes. I want to see your dragon, too.”

  He chuckled then moved slowly as he lifted his tank up and over his head. He flexed his muscles. He knew the effect it had on women. Emma’s eyes flared.

  The moment his chest was bare, her hands founds him and began to fondle. Her lips came next.

  He needed his pants off. His erection was pressing hard against his zipper. But he didn’t want her to stop what she was doing. Her mouth had found his right nipple and she’d begun to suck. The sensation went straight to his cock.

  He finally put his hands on her arms and forced her back. She protested with a soft moan. As he began to unzip, her nails scraped over the muscles of his shoulders and he had even more trouble freeing his arousal.

  Once his jeans were off, she plastered herself against him and he loved it. Emma held nothing back. She was with him now the same way she served as a dragon-rider. She was all in.

  The heat from the fire drew his dragon forward.

  She kissed him then met his gaze. “Your eyes are glowing,” she said. “Your dragon is so close.”

  “My dragon craves you.”

  “I want you inside me, Liam. Now. I can’t wait.”

  She pushed him and he fell back onto the bed laughing. She smiled down at him as she climbed his body. He was fully erect and ready.

  “Oh, hell,” she murmured. “I can’t resist.”

  He thought she meant to impale herself on him, which he would have welcomed. Instead, she stretched out on top of him and began biting him. She started at the shoulders, a devouring feast. Very dragon. She bit and sucked his flesh. Her hand wrapped around his cock and she stroked as her mouth found his left pec. Another bite. Harder. He groaned heavily.

  She found his nipple and used her hands to shape him until she had the stiff peak and as much skin as she could take into her mouth. She sucked hard.

  His hips flexed. He pushed his cock up her abdomen, drew back then pushed again. She responded by pressing her
body against his and rubbing back and forth.

  He didn’t think he’d ever been so hard. It would take so little to come.

  She moved lower and bit his abs, licked and sucked.

  The heat from the fire fed his dragon. His groans filled the room.

  Lower she went until her mouth surrounded the head of his cock.

  “Fuck. Emma. I’m not going to last.”

  Her voice was suddenly in his head. Give it to me, Liam. Give it to me, now.

  His whole body jerked at the erotic command. At the same moment, her fist pumped his cock and that did it. He shouted as he came, as her mouth worked him and took his come.

  She only stopped when the last of his pulses subsided.

  He lay on his back breathing hard. He hadn’t expected this.

  But she wasn’t done.

  She continued down his body, caressing his thighs, kissing and biting. He lifted up on his elbows and watched her dragon float over her arms. Her long hair covered her back, but he suspected he’d find the same expressions moving and flowing.

  Just like that, his balls began to ache once more, and his cock rose again like a stiff granite column.

  When she’d made her way to his feet and kept on using her teeth, his dragon began to make keening sounds. He’d never done this before, crying high and loud.

  She rose up and straddled one leg. Then lifted to her knees to give him a show. She pushed her hair away from her body so he could see her, the small landing patch and the flesh of her labia, the taut lines of her abdomen and the full, firm shape of her peaked breasts.

  She ran her hands over her body in slow undulating moves dipping low to stroke her sex.

  His dragon cried louder. He threw his head back and a roar came from his throat.

  She levitated suddenly then lowered herself onto his cock.

  He roared again as her sex tightened around him. She began to rock back and forth, rising to the tip of his shaft, then sinking quickly to engulf him again.

  The fire played over her face, her neck, her breasts. Her iridescent dragon in golds, violet and red kept moving, though faster now. “You’re so beautiful, Emma.”

  She smiled then leaned down and kissed him. He didn’t give her warning, but levitated in a quick move, lifting them both then spinning her in the air.


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