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Mayhem Page 11

by Catharina Maura

  “What exactly are we doing with this?” I ask with raised brows. Kate grins and tips her head towards the door. “Come on, you’ll see. This is going to be awesome. It’s so simple but it’s going to be fantastic.”

  I follow her into Carter’s room, both of us on our tiptoes. We try to be quiet but our constant giggles totally defeat the purpose. Kate takes the cutout from me and then sticks it on the inside of Carter’s bedside lamp. She then turns it on and I gasp. It actually looks as though there’s some large disgusting bug inside Carter’s lamp. She turns the lamp back off and I smirk. “You evil genius,” I murmur, shaking my head. She looks smug and holds her hand up for me to hit. I high five her and laugh all the way back to her room. Carter is going to be freaking terrified.

  “Milly?” Helen shouts. I pause and stick my head into the hallway. “Milly?” she shouts again. I rush down the stairs with Kate on my heels. Helen is in the kitchen and has a bunch of baking supplies spread out on the counter.

  “I want to make apple pie, could you help me, honey?” she says. I nod immediately and walk to the sink to wash my hands. Kate stands in the kitchen, frozen, her jaw locked.

  “Why didn’t you ask me to help too, Mom?” she asks. Helen pauses and looks at Kate in surprise. “Oh sweetie, I’d love for you to help, but you hate baking.”

  Kate clenches her jaw and looks at me angrily and even though I haven’t done anything I feel horrible immediately. “You still could’ve asked,” she says to Helen. Kate walks towards me and washes her hands so roughly that she splashes water all over the counter. I’m suddenly tense and on edge, even though I know I didn’t do anything wrong.

  I get to work quietly while Helen gives Kate some instructions. We’ve made this pie so many times that I can do it in my sleep. I pretty much work on auto-pilot and Helen and I move in sync. She adds small amounts of butter while I use two forks to work it through the dry ingredients. We learned long ago that the mixture gets too warm if we use our hands.

  Kate slams the apples down on the counter and glares at both Helen and me. “Looks like you don’t even need or want my help,” she snaps. I shake my head immediately just like Helen does but Kate’s expression tells me nothing we say will placate her now. Lately her temper has been a bit weird and I’m not sure what to make of it.

  She grabs her phone from the counter and turns towards the door. “I’m going to Gabby’s house,” she tells us. I drop the forks and wipe my hands on my skirt.

  “Kate no, please. Just stay and help us. It’ll be so much fun,” I tell her, my tone pleading. Kate shakes her head and looks from me to her mother. “Nope, thanks. You two have fun,” she says, her eyes flashing with bitterness. I don’t know what to do - should I follow her or should I let her go? I move to chase her but Helen grabs my hand and shakes her head.

  “I’ll talk to her, Milly. Just let her be for now. You know as well as I do that you won’t be able to talk any sense into her when she’s mad.”

  I nod and take the fork she’s handing me. My heart is in agony. It feels like my friendship with Kate keeps getting worse and I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. I don’t want to lose her and I have no idea how to hold onto her when she pushes me away so vehemently. She’s been hanging out with Gabby more and more often, and the more time she spends with her the more she seems to resent me. The distance between us seems to increase every day and I’m terrified she’ll soon be out of reach.

  Chapter 23


  I walk into the Clarke’s house and sigh inwardly. Gabby and Kate are both sitting at the dining table with Kate. These days Gabby is here more often than not, and she usually makes me feel like the odd one out. The two of them look up when I walk in, and Gabby looks particularly disappointed to see me. It’s obvious that she was expecting Carter instead.

  Helen smiles when she spots me and waves me over. I join her in the kitchen and wash my hands before helping her with dinner.

  “How was school, sweetie?” she asks. I nod absentmindedly. “It was good,” I murmur. My grades are the same, but everything feels different lately. More often than not Kate is ditching me for Gabby and I’ve started to feel lonely at school. Thankfully Carter keeps a good eye on me and hangs out with me every once in a while. We’ve been careful to stay within the boundaries of friendship, but it’s not easy. Every time we’re alone, he looks at me like he wants me.

  “Kate’s grades seem to have dropped a little. You guys don’t study together anymore?” Helen asks. I shake my head. We used to have short study sessions every day to keep each other on track, but she’s been skipping those recently. Helen sighs. She looks worried, and I wish I could make her feel better. “I’ll remind her to study with me,” I murmur, knowing that my words will fall on deaf ears. Helen smiles at me gratefully and sighs.

  My phone buzzes and I fish it out of my pocket. I bite back a smile when I see that it’s Carter. He’s convinced me to let him hide out in my house in order to avoid Gabby. She’s at the Clarke's almost every day now and takes every single opportunity to hang around Carter. Carter studying at my house was meant to be a one-time thing that has somehow lasted for weeks now. I was hesitant at first, but when I realized just how persistent Gabby is, I gave in. Besides, most of the time I’m not even with him, so it doesn’t really matter that much.

  Devil: Can you bring me my AP Chemistry book? I forgot to bring it.

  Emilia: Where are you?

  I don’t know why I even bother asking. I know exactly where he is.

  Devil: In your bedroom. I locked my door before I left but you’ve got a key, right?

  I chuckle to myself. A couple of years ago Helen put locks on all the bedroom doors in an attempt to prevent Carter and me from pulling pranks on each other. I copied his bedroom key within weeks, and he always knew, but he never bothered to change the lock. Guess it’s finally coming in handy for him now.

  Emilia: I don’t get why you can’t just study in your own bedroom and just lock the door. Or, you know, study at my dining table?

  Devil: Last time I studied in my bedroom that viper kept bothering me. Do you really think a locked door will stop her? Besides, I like your bedroom. It’s cozy.

  Cozy? Seriously? I roll my eyes and sigh. He keeps making a mess of my desk and my bed. The coziness he’s referring to is really just his mess; there are notes scattered all over my bedroom. At least he helps me look over my homework and helps me study for my own tests. Thanks to Carter I’ve been acing my essays with ease.

  Devil: Can you bring snacks too? I want the Cheez Its.

  Devil: Please.

  Emilia: I can’t believe you eat that over-processed crap. I’m not bringing that for you. How about an apple?

  I smile to myself and grab the Cheez Its from the cupboard. I can’t stand them but Carter adores them. I throw a few packets into my bag without thinking and look up to find Helen looking at me baffled.

  “I... I was just thinking... I just thought they’d be nice to study with?”

  Helen blinks and nods slowly, as though she doesn’t believe me for a second. She then grabs a bag of Cheetos and hands me that too. I stare at it in dismay and I’m about to decline when my phone lights up again.

  Devil: I want Cheetos too. I think mom bought some the other day. Can you bring them?

  I stare at the text in disbelief and Helen laughs. “Cheetos are good for studying too,” she says. I nod and put the Cheetos in my bag awkwardly.

  “You two coming in for dinner later?” she asks. I stare at the lasagna she’s making longingly and nod. She purses her lips and looks away. “Just so you know, Gabby is having dinner with us,” she says. I nod absentmindedly. “I’ll drop by your house later with some snacks too, but the Cheetos and the Cheez Its will do for now,” Helen says.

  She knows Carter has been hiding out in my house, but she’s been helping me keep it from Kate and Gabby nonetheless. She usually doesn’t like it when we’re left unattended, but this time she’
s letting it slide. I guess because Carter was genuinely struggling to study at home, and it’s almost impossible to make Kate understand how disruptive Gabby’s behavior is. Both Carter and Helen have tried to speak to her about it, but her reply is usually the same. In her opinion Gabby should be allowed to come over if I am. And if I’m allowed to pull pranks on Carter, then Gabby is allowed to annoy him just a little too. I almost feel guilty for the role I’ve unwittingly played in this situation. I know Helen feels a little helpless. She doesn’t want to have double standards, and I do get that.

  I have to walk past Kate and Gabby to go up the stairs to Carter’s room and I cringe when Kate’s voice stops me. I feel like I’m doing something wrong, and I just know that if they find out Carter is at my house Kate is going to misunderstand and Gabby is going to want to come over.

  “Milly, what’re you doing here?” Kate asks. The question surprises me just a little. I can’t remember one single time in the last couple of years that she’s asked me that question. I often come over randomly and she’s never said anything before. I smile at Kate and shake my head. “I think I left my history textbook in your room. Can’t find it anywhere,” I lie. The lies come easier to me now, and I hate it. I hate how easy it has become to find an excuse not to spend time with her.

  Gabby rolls her eyes. “God, you’re such a nerd. Do you ever do anything for fun?” she asks. I roll my eyes. She needs to have less fun and do more studying, but that’s not my problem. Kate laughs and it hits me right in the heart. It feels like she’s ganging up on me with Gabby and it hurts.

  “When is Carter coming home?” Gabby asks. “I haven’t seen him all week. Are you sure he’s gonna be home for dinner?”

  I frown at Kate and she looks away awkwardly. I raise my brows when she smiles at Gabby. “Yeah, my brother loves food more than anything. He wouldn’t miss dinner for the world.”

  Gabby huffs and crosses her arms. “You also said he spends most of his time either at football practice or in his bedroom studying, but he hasn’t been coming home until really late for days now. Do you think he might be studying at the library? We should go there tomorrow.”

  I shake my head to myself. “What does it even matter what Carter does or where he is? You’re here to hang out with Kate, aren’t you?”

  I don’t get what’s going on with Kate. It’s so obvious that Gabby is only befriending her because she wants to get close to Carter. Why is Kate allowing it? Is it just because Gabby is the most popular girl in school? Kate never used to care about stuff like that.

  Kate looks at me pleadingly, her expression so sad that my heart breaks. I bite down on my lip and decide to shut up. I shake my head and walk up the stairs silently.

  Carter waves at me from my own bedroom when I walk in and I freeze. He’s standing right beside my window, and I always thought that particular spot was out of sight from his room. It really isn’t. I can see him standing there clearly. How did I not realize this? Does that mean he might have noticed me ogling him? How freaking embarrassing. I guess I got lucky and he just didn’t notice, because there’s no way he’d ever let that go.

  I’m flustered as hell as I make my way back to my own house. My heart hammers in my chest as I walk up the stairs. Surely he didn’t realize. There’s no way Carter knows I’ve been looking into his room. He’d have teased me about it, wouldn’t he? My cheeks are bright red when I walk into my bedroom and Carter looks up at me in surprise. I stare down at my feet, beyond embarrassed, and clear my throat awkwardly as I put his snacks and his textbook on my desk.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asks. My eyes involuntarily move back to my window and my cheeks heat up even more. I shake my head and look away. I can’t even look at him, I’m that embarrassed. How freaking awkward. Carter chuckles and I look up at him worriedly. Surely he doesn’t realize what it is I’m so distressed about?

  He smiles at me sweetly and pulls me closer to him. He spreads his legs and leans back on my desk chair so I can stand between his legs. “What’s wrong?” he murmurs. I shake my head and stare at his shoulder awkwardly. I was so shameless when I was peeping, but now that there’s a chance I might’ve gotten caught I’m suddenly ridiculously ashamed. Carter grins and pulls me closer. He rests his chin on top of my shoulder and I melt into him subconsciously. Carter gives the best hugs and I love the way he feels against me.

  We’ve done so well at keeping things appropriate between us, and I guess our little hugs pretty much toe the line, but I don’t think I could do without them. Carter sighs and holds me just a little tighter before pulling away. I take a step away from him when all I really want to do is throw myself in his arms.

  “I looked at your calculus homework and it’s a freaking mess,” he tells me. “Look,” he says, pointing to my homework. He’s marked every error with a pencil and he’s written down the correct calculations.

  “You don’t have to do that for me, you know,” I whisper, my heart fluttering. He’s so thoughtful. He’s crazy busy with his own homework, tests and football practice. He’s so tired lately that I’ve caught him fast asleep with his head on my desk multiple times now. Despite that he still took the time to help me with my own homework. Why is he so amazing? I almost wish he wasn’t so kind to me, so I might actually be able to get over him.

  Carter shakes his head and smiles. “It’s the least I can do considering that I’ve pretty much taken over your bedroom.”

  He starts to walk me through the calculations and I try to focus on his words as best as I can, but I’m struggling. I want Carter. I hate having him so close to me and having to resist.

  Carter suddenly freezes and then jumps up. He grabs my shoulders and tackles me to the floor. I brace for the inevitable pain I’m about to feel, but Carter hugs me and turns us around so he falls onto his back with me on top of him. He grunts when he hits the floor and wraps his hands around my head protectively.

  “What the hell?” I shout. Carter looks at me with wide eyes and sits up just slightly. “You left my bedroom door unlocked,” he whispers. I frown and rise to my knees so I can peek into his room the way he’s doing.

  I gasp when I see Gabby standing in the middle of his room. She looks around curiously, and then walks up to the window. She stares straight into my room and we both hide. Carter pulls me back to the floor and I giggle at his horrified expression.

  “I can’t believe she’s in my fucking room,” he whispers, shuddering, and I burst out laughing. Carter wraps his hand over my mouth and turns us over so I’m lying underneath him.

  “You little Minx. Please tell me you didn’t do it on purpose,” he whispers. I shake my head but I can’t stop laughing. He just looks so horrified.

  “You do realize she can’t hear you, right? You don’t have to whisper. You know, I bet she’s rolling around in your sheets. I wonder if she thinks she can just spread her scent all over your bed and mark it as hers?”

  Carter looks terrified and I laugh even harder. “Not funny, Minx,” he murmurs. Carter rolls flat on top of me and pushes my hands above my head. The mood changes instantly and my eyes fall to his lips. I want him. I want him so badly and I just know he wants me too.

  Carter leans in and his lips brush over mine. I sigh and tilt my head just a little, giving him easier access to my lips. I know we shouldn’t do this, but I can’t help myself. Staying away from him gets harder every day.

  Carter is about to kiss me when the slamming of my front door interrupts us. We’re both startled and jump up and away from each other.

  “That’s probably your mom,” I whisper. “She said she’d drop by with some snacks for us.”

  Carter runs a hand through his hair and nods before walking out of my room. I follow him down quietly, feeling just as frustrated as I know he is.

  Chapter 24


  “Ugh, I’m starving,” I shout as I walk into my house. Emilia walks into the hallway and smiles at me. “Hey, you’re home,” she says. My heart imm
ediately starts racing. She looks cute as hell with her apron on and a smudge of flour on her cheek. She walks up to me and I pause in front of her.

  Emilia gently tugs on my hands and I blink. I didn’t even realize that I’d been rubbing my shoulders – they’ve been aching all day. Guess I’ve been pushing myself a bit too hard lately. Her hands replace mine and she stands on her tiptoes as she massages my shoulders for me, her expression serious. I stare down at her and smile.

  I cup her cheek gently and wipe away the flour. She looks up at me and smiles so sweetly that my heart fills to the brim with tenderness. A simple smile from her makes me forget how shit my day was. My hands move to her waist and I wrap my hands around her. Her waist is so tiny than I can wrap my hands around her almost entirely. I fucking love it.

  “Long day?” she asks. I nod and sigh happily as she works on one of my knots. A small moan escapes my lips and Emilia looks up at me with flushed cheeks. I grin at her and she bites down on her lip. I take a step closer to her until her body is flush against mine.

  “How was your day, Minx? I barely saw you today.”

  She’s been hanging out with Kate at school, and I’ve been avoiding Kate and Gabby like the plague. It’s gotten so ridiculous that I’m contemplating spending time with Kate and Gabby just so I can have a few moments with my Minx. Our schedules keep clashing. We haven’t even been able to study together.

  “It was good,” she murmurs, but her expression falls just slightly. I know her day wasn’t good. It never is when she’s around Gabby, yet she keeps suffering through it for Kate. I don’t understand why she does this to herself. Her arms move around my neck and she closes the distance between us while my arms wrap around her. She leans into my embrace and inhales deeply while I hug her tightly. Hugs with Emilia are just the best. It’s one of those little things that always just makes my day, no matter how shit it’s been. It seems like it’s the same for her.


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