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Flynn: Social Rejects Syndicate (Mackay Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

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by Erin Osborne

  I sent Henry to Imogen’s small apartment to grab her clothes and whatever else she would need while she’s here. While I don’t want him digging through her underwear, I have to take care of things here. Liam is out seeing his sick mom who was taken to the hospital. He needs to be there with her until they know what’s going on. His head won’t be in the game where I need him so there’s no point in him being around. Plus, I happen to love his mother and she’s an amazing woman. Liam and her are extremely close and she’s been to my house several times for dinner and cookouts.

  The first thing I should be doing is calling my father to let him know what’s going on with the situation involving King. Instead, I leave my phone in my pocket because I don’t want to hear his opinion on the subject. I’m the one who loaned him money and I’ll be the one to make any decisions regarding getting my money back. It’s not like my father does anything to help us out anyway.

  As I’m going over my ledger with the people who owe me money, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and see my younger brother Lachlan’s name on the screen.

  “What’s going on?” I ask him in way of answering him.

  Loud music penetrates the call as I wait for him to answer me. He’s at the strip club we own; I can tell based on the music thumping in the background. Candy is on stage based on the song playing.

  “Flynn, what the hell are you doing?” he asks me, finally walking somewhere quieter than the main floor of our club.

  “I’m going over my books. It seems you’re at the club,” I answer him.

  “All work and no play makes you a very boring man,” he states, an old argument we have on a daily basis. “Anyway, I heard what you did with King today. You’re really gonna take his daughter as collateral?”

  “How the fuck did you hear about that?” I ask him, sitting up in my chair. “We haven’t even been back at the house for more than a few hours.”

  “Dad called and told me,” he responds as my head spins. “Seems King had to be taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound. No one knows what happened to him and he’s not talking. The cops are pissed as fuck about it.”

  “Seems dads heard a lot of talk in the last few hours,” I reply dryly.

  “Yeah. They’re looking into finding his daughter, Imogen now. They want her to head to station so they can talk to her about what happened to her father,” Lach informs me.

  “Fuck! She hates my guts. If I’m being honest, I think she hates all of us just because of what she’s heard or seen,” I let him know, closing my ledger because it’s inevitable we’ll all be called into see our father.

  “I’m heading out now. I’d leave someone on guard duty while you meet Hunter and I at dad’s house,” he tells me.

  “I can’t go anywhere until Henry gets back. He went to get some of Imogen’s things from her house. I’m not sure when he’ll be back,” I say before Lachlan can hang up on me.

  Things went from bad to worse in the span of a few hours. This is not a good situation to find myself in. The cops want Imogen and she’s not gonna hesitate to throw me under the bus about being at her family restaurant earlier tonight. I have no clue what I’m going to do in order to keep her away from the cops or anyone else’s eyes.

  The cops around town are waiting to get one thing to put my family away. They don’t care what they have to do and some of the cops are not known for sticking to the letter of the law when it comes to finding dirt on us. Imogen will have all the ammunition they need to call us in and detain us while they go through all of our shit to find everything they can to lock us up for the rest of our lives.

  Henry is back and I’ve briefed him on the situation regarding Imogen and her father. Now, I’m pulling up at my father’s house. I hate his place even more than my own. It’s enormous, bigger than mine, and is decorated in gaudy styles that don’t match. Each and every room is different, and nothing is pattern throughout the entire house. Multiple rooms have velvet wallpaper. I don’t even know where he found it. It’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

  Leaving my car in the middle of the driveway because I don’t plan on being here too long, I make my way up the front steps of his marble porch. Bonnie, his long-time housekeeper opens the door before I can even ring the bell or knock. She offers me a small smile before stepping back and opening the door wider for me.

  Knowing Hunter and Lachlan are already here, I don’t bother asking where they are. They’ll be sitting in the office waiting for me to get here. I’m usually the first one here and know the routine very well. We’re usually waiting on Lach to get here because he’s off doing whoever is his flavor of the second.

  “Flynn, it’s nice of you to finally join us,” my father states as I enter his office.

  “I didn’t want to leave Imogen alone at the house. Henry had already left when Lach called me to let me know what’s going on, so I had to wait for him to get back,” I state, sitting next to Hunter in front of my father’s desk.

  “Where’s Liam and the rest of the men under you?” my father questions as if I don’t know what I’m doing.

  “Liam is at the hospital with his mother. She was taken in earlier and he had to be there to find out what’s going on.”

  “That’s nonsense!” my father yells out. “Liam is your man, and you tell him what he can and can’t do. He should’ve been at your house to oversee the little bitch you decided to take instead of money.”

  “First of all, how I work with my men is on me. You have no say in what I do or how I run things as long as I bring in money. I bring in more money than Hunter and Lach most months so there’s no way in hell you have any say in what I do. Just sit back and keep counting the money we make you. Now, Imogen is not a bitch. You don’t ever refer to her as that again,” I order, standing up and leaning over my father’s desk.

  “Flynn, I will not tolerate this behavior from you. See, I’ve been extremely busy since finding out you’re bringing the heat down on us,” he begins, leaning back in his chair and staring me down. “Imogen is quiet an attractive young woman. You have a job to do now, son. You’re going to seduce her to ensure she can’t ever say a word against us to anyone who matters. Eventually you’ll marry the girl and give her whatever it takes to make her happy, so she doesn’t tell a soul what happened tonight. Tell me, did she watch you shoot her father before you took her out of there?”

  “I’m done listening to you. There is no way in hell I’m going to seduce Imogen and marry her because you tell me to. I’ve never hidden the fact I’m not going to get married or have kids. Those are things a good girl like Imogen is going to want,” I tell him, letting my anger take over. “You can take your plans and figure out something else to do with them. I’m leaving and going back home now.”

  “No, you’re not,” he shouts, standing up. “You and Imogen are leaving first thing in the morning. Sal is expecting you there tomorrow. One of his guys will pick you up from the airport and you’ll be staying with them for now. Liam and Henry can take over your business while you’re away. You will seduce Imogen and I’ll be having Sal keep a close eye on you. He knows all of what’s going on. You’ve made a complete mess out of everything and now I have to clean it up. While I’m doing that, you’ll be taking care of Imogen and making her fall in love with you. Plus, you’ll be working with Sal doing whatever he needs you to do.”

  “More like Lach and Hunter will be taking care of things. You haven’t done a fucking thing for business in years. We’ve been handling it all while you sit on your ass and rake in the money we make you. I’m over it and have been. I’ll leave with Imogen, for now. Nothing is ever going to happen between the two of us, but I will make sure she knows not to say a word about anything,” I say, getting up and storming out of my dad’s office and home.

  Instead of heading back to the house so I can let Henry know what’s going on, I make my way to The Champagne Room. It’s our strip club and I need some damn relief before getting o
n a plane to head to the states. I like Sal, but I don’t want to go there and work for him. If I’m going to leave, I’d rather it be on my terms and to a place I want to be. Instead, I’m being ordered to head to Sal and help him out. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not the work I don’t want to do. It’s the fact that I’m being ordered around as if I’m just joining the family business.

  Parking in the back, I make my way through the employee entrance. We all have codes to get in the door so we can monitor who’s entering and exiting at all times. An electronic record is kept in case something ever happens and we need to figure out who’s working that day. I don’t bother going to the front of the club where the base is thumping, and I can hear the catcalls. Instead, I head to the room my brother’s and I have reserved. Leo, one of our bouncers, passes me as I enter the room and I have him send in Candy. She’s always up for a good time and knows how to get the job done without thinking any of us are going to make her ours.

  I’m sitting on the couch after removing my jacket and taking my tie off. I’ve already got the condom sitting on the arm of the couch and I’ll undo my pants once she gets in here. My shirt is half unbuttoned when Candy makes her way into me. She’s one of our best dancers. Candy is short with long golden blonde hair. Big blue eyes with long lashes that are fake draw your attention there while she has perfect pouty lips. She’s skinnier than I like without many curves to her body. Her tits are fake as hell but earn her a ton of money on stage. Our dancers go fully nude on top with the tiniest G-string covering her pussy. We have to leave something to the imagination for our customers.

  While we don’t make our girls do anything they don’t want to in the private rooms we have back here, they aren’t forbidden to have sex with the customers if they choose to. If they get extra money for it, they keep it too. We don’t take any of the money they earn. That’s no way to keep them working for us. The main thing we do is ensure they’re protected, and no one harms them if they refuse to do something they don’t want to.

  Candy is wearing a red nightie that leaves nothing to the imagination. The G-string she usually wears on stage and to the private rooms is also missing. Leo must have told her I’m in here waiting for her. They all know if it’s me, I want them ready to fuck and there won’t be anything other than that. I also don’t allow them to talk.

  “Come here,” I growl out, undoing my pants and pulling my cock out so I can roll the condom down my length.

  As soon as I have my cock out and the condom on, Candy climbs into my lap. There is no foreplay with me, and she knows this. She positions her pussy over my cock and slides down my length. I give her a minute to adjust to my size before placing my hands on her hips and guiding her movements up and down my length. When I know Candy has the rhythm I want down, I let go of her hips and lean my head back against the leather of the couch. Closing my eyes, I don’t picture Candy riding me; it’s Imogen’s face and body I see riding my cock. Or at least what I imagine her body looks like.

  Candy adds in a swivel motion to her hips as she rides me hard. She reaches behind her with one hand and rolls my balls. That’s one of the benefits of having her know exactly why I’m here, what I like, and what gets me off. When she starts rolling my balls in her hand and gently tugging on them, I reach down with one hand and rub circles around her clit. She throws her head back, letting me know she’s close.

  Her movements speed up and become erratic as her climax builds in her body. I feel her walls begin to tighten around my hard length as I begin to move my hips in time with hers. I’m pounding into her while she rides me. Candy moans out loud and I continue to pound into her body chasing my own orgasm. While I ride mine out, Candy is already coming down from her release.

  “Thank you, Candy,” I tell her, helping her off my lap after a few minutes.

  I stand up and pull my wallet from my pocket. Taking out a few bills, I hand them over to her and place a gentle kiss against her temple. For now, the tension is gone from my body and I’m ready to head home. Leaving Candy in the room to clean herself up, I remove the condom, tie it off and toss it in the garbage can. The second I open the door, the cameras will begin recording. Our room doesn’t get recorded while we’re in there. When we open the door, they begin recording to ensure the woman we’re with doesn’t try to play any games with our condoms. You never know what someone will do, and games have been played on us before.

  Leaving the Champagne room, I head home. I need to call Liam and find out what’s going on with his mom and talk to Henry. Liam also has to hear what’s going on from me. I don’t want him to hear it second-hand from Henry or anyone else. I take care of my men and they know if I have something going on, they hear it directly from me. No one is ever going to give my guys information I should be giving them myself.

  The drive back home is uneventful and one I’ve made so many times I can make it while letting my mind wander. Especially late at night like it is now. Not many people are on the road between the club and my house. Pulling in my driveway, I head around the house and park in my garage. I won’t need my car after tomorrow since I’ll be in the states. Henry will drive us to the airport where we’ll meet a private plane, so we don’t have to worry about other people on the flight with us.

  Walking in the house, I find Henry sitting at the island in the kitchen.

  “How’s Imogen? Any problems while I was gone?” I ask him, walking to the refrigerator to grab a bottled water.

  “No. She was sleeping when you left and hasn’t gotten up since. I placed her bags in the room and left her alone. There’s a plate of food for her in the fridge if she wakes up,” he answers, taking a sip of his own bottled water.

  I don’t really drink. None of my guys do either because you never know what’s around the corner. I’d rather have a clear head so I can handle any trouble that arises than get drunk. I’ve had those days and don’t relish the loss of control and waking up with a hangover. My party days are over while Lachlan still parties like he’s not in charge of shit and doesn’t have things to deal with on a daily basis. Hunter has even gotten better about keeping a clear head though he does still party on occasion.

  “Well, things with my father didn’t go as planned. Nothing new with that though,” I inform Henry. “Have you talked to him?”

  “No. I’ve been here and haven’t received any calls or anything,” he answers me.

  “Well, we’re on a flight early in the morning. For now, because the cops want to find Imogen, we’re going to spend time with Sal in the states. I’m not sure how long we’ll be gone. I’ll still be in touch with you daily. Liam and you will be leading things here. I’m going to call him as I pack my bags and get ready to leave. Then I’ll catch a few hours of sleep before we head out,” I tell him. “You know where I keep everything and what to do if anyone comes here. I don’t anticipate it, but you never know.”

  “I’ll make sure everything continues to run smooth. Go call Liam and let him know I’ll get with him when I get back from taking you to the airport,” Henry says, standing up and taking care of his bottle before making his way to his room.

  Henry and Liam have rooms at my house. I want someone always here with me in case we need to leave at the drop of a hat. I’m not scared of facing things on my own, it’s the point of making sure my men are taken care of. Henry and Liam have both had some things go on and needed a place to stay. I have the extra room and gave them somewhere when they needed it.

  Making my way to my room, which is directly across the hall from where I put Imogen, I pull out my phone to call Liam.

  “Flynn, how are things going?” he asks, answering his phone.

  “They’ve been better. I’m heading out to the states in the morning. Henry and you are going to be running things until I get back. What’s going on with your mom?” I ask him, needing to know if she’s okay or not.

  “She’s got pneumonia again. They’ve got her on oxygen and want to keep her in the hospital this time so they can get ri
d of it. She’s on IV antibiotics too. I’m not sure if she’ll end up coming home this time, Flynn,” he tells me, the worry creeping into his voice.

  Liam’s mom has been getting pneumonia almost every other month this year. She gets taken to the hospital, put on oxygen and gets medicine then goes home. In a matter of weeks she’s back again. That’s with her using oxygen at home as well. I’ve offered to move her into my house and make sure she’s got nursing around the clock, but she doesn’t want to. She wants to remain in her home for as long as possible.

  “Keep me updated on what’s going on with her. Give her a hug and kiss from me,” I tell him, knowing he wants to get off the phone.

  “I will. Thank you, Flynn,” he says, hanging up the phone.

  Placing my phone on the nightstand by my bed, I make my way to my closet where my suitcases are. Grabbing suites, boxers, socks, shoes, and a few casual outfits, I take them all out and place them on the bed. It takes me minutes to pack them in my suitcases before walking in the bathroom to grab my bag holding all of my toiletries. Once that’s placed in my case, I make sure my briefcase is on the top of my dresser so Henry can find it if he needs it.

  With everything ready to go in the morning, I lock my gun up in the safe in my closet and head for the bathroom. I need to take a shower and wash the events of today and Candy off before climbing into bed. It doesn’t take long for me to fall asleep since I know it won’t be long before my alarm will be going off. Tomorrow is going to be a very long day.

  Chapter Four


  WAKING UP, I’M completely disoriented. The room I’m in isn’t mine and very little light is streaming through the curtains in the small separation between the two panels. About the only thing normal for me is the smell of the ocean lingering on the wind. I love waking up to the smell of salt on the air as the breeze flows through open windows in a home. Stretching my body, I let myself sink down into the mattress. Unfortunately, the smell is light and almost non-existent because the windows are locked up tight.


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