Flynn: Social Rejects Syndicate (Mackay Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

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Flynn: Social Rejects Syndicate (Mackay Brothers Trilogy Book 1) Page 4

by Erin Osborne

  My room is light and airy. I don’t have dark curtains covering the windows so as soon as the sun begins to light up the sky, it fills my room. The windows are also always open. I don’t keep them closed and locked. This room is almost the complete opposite of mine in every way from the minimalist approach in this room to the books and sentimental clutter filling my own room. It’s almost the same way Flynn and I are; complete opposites in every single way.

  As the sleep clears from my mind, I remember the events of yesterday. On a day that should’ve been a great one for me on my birthday, I ended up in the clutches of Flynn Mackay; a man I can’t stand. If my father could’ve done business with someone I wish it would’ve been done with anyone other than a member of the Mackay family. A family whose only concern is themselves and how much money they can rake in while leaving carnage in their wake.

  Jumping out of bed, I race to the door to see if the door is locked or not. I reach out and slowly try the handle to find it locked in place. Defeat slumps my shoulders and I slump down against the door. A hiss escapes in frustration that I’m not going to be able to leave this room whenever I want to.. Honestly, I get I’m not here on vacation or for fun, I’m here as a piece of collateral for my father. However, no one should be locking me in a damn room just because they don’t trust what I’m going to do. Flynn was probably right to have me locked in at night though. If I do get the chance to leave here, I will without looking back. My father can figure out this shit on his own as far as I’m concerned. He knows how I feel about the Mackay’s.

  I look around the room and see my suitcases sitting just inside the door. I’m still in my dress from yesterday and it’s wrinkled beyond belief. I almost want to toss it in the garbage, but I don’t. instead, I make my way in the bathroom and take a shower. I don’t know when I’m going to be let out of this room, so I want to be prepared if I do get a chance to get out of here.

  Getting in the shower, I don’t bother looking for any of my toiletries because I frankly don’t give a shit what I smell like. The only thing I’ll use is my lotion once I’m out of the shower. That’s not something I’ll ever give up because I like my skin feeling smooth and silky. So, using whatever is in the shower, I quickly wash up. My stomach is growling the entire time as I wash my hair and body.

  Shutting off the water once I’m done rinsing off, I grab a towel and dry off. Wrapping one towel in my hair, I make my way back into the room to grab some clothes. It would’ve been smarter of me to take some in the bathroom with me. I truly don’t want anyone in this house to see my naked skin other than what I’m willing to show.. Once I quickly pick out a pair of shorts and a fitted tee-shirt, I make my way back to the bathroom, closing and locking the door.

  It doesn’t take me long at all to finish getting ready for whatever today is going to bring with it. I have no motivation to do my make-up or do much more with my hair than tossing it up into a messy bun. No one here matters to me enough to give a shit about what I look like. These men mean nothing to me, and their opinion doesn’t count for anything. I’m simply going to bide my time and get back home if my father ever gets me out of this situation.

  With nothing more to do, I place my dirty clothes in a bag so I can wash them at some point. As I go to sit down on the bed, there’s a knock on my door. I don’t bother answering because no one gives a damn what I’m doing or what I want here.

  The large man who was waiting out by the SUV last night opens the door and sticks his head in. He’s holding a cup in his hand as he makes his way over to me.

  “You have a minute to drink this,” he tells me, his voice gruff as if he smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. “I’ll be taking your suitcases before coming back to get you.”

  “Wait,” I call out as he grabs my bags. “Am I going home?”

  My hopes instantly raise and cause my breath to catch. The man, who I still don’t know his name, looks at me with regret and something else hidden in his eyes. He’s getting paid no matter what happens to me so I’m not sure what the regret and other emotion is floating in his eyes.

  “No, you’re not going home. You’ll be flying to the states with Flynn in less than an hour,” he responds to me, grabbing my suitcases before leaving the room.

  Looking down into my cup, I let the heat from the tea filled cup soak into my skin. It’s warming me from the inside out because I feel frozen knowing I’m still not getting away from Flynn and his henchmen. Instead, I’m going to be leaving Australia with him and going somewhere else. They’re taking me away from everything I know and my father for some reason. Now, I really want to know what the hell is going on.

  At this point, I’m really not sure I want to drink this tea. I can’t be completely sure nothing’s in it to ensure I cooperate going to the airport and getting on a plane with them. However, I haven’t had anything to eat or drink in a while and my stomach is definitely growling and making all sorts of noise because of missing more than one meal.

  Sitting down on the edge of my bed, I hesitantly take a sip of the tea. I’m not sure how they knew what kind I like, but it’s my favorite kind. I drink tea when I’m nervous and not feeling the best. Right now, is definitely a time I need tea more than anything else. I’d like something to eat, but I’m not going to complain right now. I want to figure out what’s going on more than I care about eating at this point. Plus, the not knowing what’s happening to me or where we’re going is making me too nervous to eat.

  My stomach is turning on top of growling in hunger. I’m shaking and feel nauseous. This is all from not knowing everything. I am that person who wants to know what’s going on and where exactly I’m heading. It’s because we didn’t know my mom was sick and it suddenly hit us from out of left field. Now, I have to know what’s going on at all times. Especially when it comes to my dad. Right now, I honestly don’t care what’s going on with him. He’s the reason I’m here and so out of my depth I don’t know if I’ll find a way to swim my way back to the top.

  As I’m getting more and more lost in my head about things, there’s another knock on my door. This one isn’t as heavy-handed as the first man who took my bags. Once again, I don’t say a word because it doesn’t matter what I think or feel.

  The door slowly swings open and Flynn is standing there in a pair of jeans that hug his body in all the right places and a polo shirt that looks as if it will rip apart with one right move from him. I can see the bulging of his arms pushing the sleeves back a little with every movement and I can almost point out the six-pack of his abs. Flynn definitely looks as if he’s a different man when he’s not covered in his standard high-quality suit. The suit I know he wears when he’s conducting business.

  Shaking my head slightly, I turn my gaze from the man filling my doorway and take another sip of my tea. Tension fills the air between us. It’s so thick anyone coming even close to the room I’m currently staying in can cut the tension with a dull knife. Other than Flynn’s business practices, I’m not sure exactly why I hate him so much. Maybe it’s just the principle of knowing he breaks the law on a daily basis. Or that he’s nothing more than a man who uses women to notch his bed by getting what he wants and moving on to the next one. He’s definitely everything I’ll never want in a man. To the point I don’t want to be in the same area as him.

  “Imogen, we need to head out. I know Henry told you we were leaving,” Flynn finally says.

  “I don’t get breakfast or anything before we leave?” I question him, turning daggers on him as my sass comes out to play.

  I know I should be keeping my tone and sass in check when it comes to Flynn, I just can’t seem to control it. Flynn can kill me and won’t bother to think twice about it. Any of the Mackay brothers would kill me because none of them like to be talked back to. It’s a matter of them believing they’re better than anyone in the world. No one is going to get me to change my mind about how they feel about themselves and their family. I don’t like it and would never act the same as they do.
  They’re the type of people who believe they should be served first, not have to wait in line for anything, or do any menial task. I’ve seen Flynn’s two men here, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see maids and other servants working in the house. This is not a home; it’s a damn museum with a few rooms for people to sleep in.

  “We’ll eat on the plane,” Flynn says shortly, turning on his heel and expecting me to follow him from the room.

  Standing up, I make my way from the room. Flynn is waiting at the top of the stairs with a smirk on his face. I want to wipe it off as I slowly make my way over to him. Without saying a word, he leads me down, staying just in front of me as if he cares about whether I get tripped up or not. If he were any other man, I’d think it was a sweet gesture. With him, it makes me wonder even more if something was put in my tea.

  “Did Henry or anyone else put something in my tea?” I suddenly blurt out.

  Flynn stops walking and slowly turns to stare at me. For a minute, we’re locked in a heated stare down. Neither one of us moves or says a word. I can’t see any emotion or anything on Flynn’s face or lurking in his eyes. His face is a completely blank mask which makes me even more nervous then I have been since learning I was going to be leaving with Flynn and his men.

  “Nothing was put in your tea. Why would you ask that? Not a single one of us have done anything to give you a reason to believe we’d hurt you,” Flynn finally spits out at me.

  “First of all, you took me as collateral. No, no one has touched me or made any lewd comments. However, I’m basically being held as prisoner because my father has made some kind of deal with you that has nothing to do with me. Now, you’re walking close to me as if you’re worried I’m going to fall over at any moment,” I state, trying to keep my voice steady and calm as I give him my reasoning.

  “Imogen, no one will hurt you while you’re here with me. The second your father pays me enough money to make me believe he’s going to pay his debt in full, I’ll let you go. Not a hair on your head will be harmed while I have you with me. I’m simply trying to ensure you don’t fall down the stairs. Everyone in my house has almost done so on more than one occasion. That’s the only reason I’m walking close to you,” he tells me, keeping his voice soft and even.

  Nodding my head after looking at him to see the truth in his eyes, we begin walking once again down the stairs. Personally, I don’t believe they are too steep or has a reason to make someone feel as if they’re going to fall down them. I bet the only reason the men of the house do is because they’re rushing down them to head out on some nefarious mission. I really don’t know or care. As long as I don’t fall, I’ll be good.

  The man I now know is Henry waits for us at the bottom of the stairs. He holds his hand out for my cup and I get my first glimpse of one of Flynn’s maids. She’s a younger woman who’s extremely beautiful. Her blonde hair is put up in a tight bun while her dress falls down past her knees. She remains silent as Henry hands her my cup and disappears back into the background once more.

  Flynn places his hand on my back, and I can’t help the tremor that races through my body. It’s as if just the simple contact of his hand on my back is lighting a slow burning fuse. I have to put that fire out right now as I steel my spine and continue to walk out of his house toward the waiting SUV. It’s parked directly in front of the steps with the other man holding the door open. I’m not sure if he’s holding it for Flynn or me so I wait until someone tells me what to do.

  While I’m trying to appear unaffected by anyone here, I don’t want to piss them off either. As I said before, everyone in town and the surrounding areas have heard the horror stories about what Flynn does when he’s pissed off. If he doesn’t do the job himself, he has one of his men do it. I’m not about to let myself do anything to hurt me. Yes, I heard him when he said none of them are going to hurt me. However, I don’t have much trust in his word because of the stories I’ve heard.

  I’m not usually someone who judges a person based on what I’ve heard about them. At the same time, there are just too many similar stories about Flynn, and the rest of the Mackay’s, that there’s no way I can’t believe what I’m hearing about him. He’s not the person I’m going to put any of my faith into at this point in time. Flynn will have to prove he means what he’s telling me.

  Flynn lets me get in the SUV first. Once I’m in my seat, he walks around to the other side and slides in the seat. Our doors are shut as Henry climbs in and we’re off to the airport. I’m trying not to have a panic attack right now as we leave our small town behind us and get closer to heading to the states.

  The ride is silent as I stare out the window as the passing scenery. If we weren’t on a busy road travelling faster than safe, I’d contemplate jumping out of the SUV. However, I don’t have a death wish and I’d end up killing myself in the process. I’m not going to give in that easy. So, I sit in silence with my hands folded in my lap. My thoughts are racing all over the place about our change in location and where my purse and things are now.

  Even though I didn’t go through my bags thoroughly, at first glance, I didn’t see my purse, phone, or laptop. While I know they don’t want me to have any electronics, I’m surprised I’m not allowed to have my purse. There’s nothing in there for me to use to contact anyone. I’ve literally got my birth control pills, wallet, and a few other necessary items all women carry in their purse. You know what I’m talking about? The extra lip gloss, Kleenex, change I just toss in there, and a few other staples I feel I’ll need at any point in time.

  I’m not going to waste my breath to ask Flynn about it though. Maybe once we get to wherever we’re heading I’ll pull up my big girl panties and ask him where it is.

  The scenery passing by the window is turning from pastures and homes to more of the city landscape as we get closer with each passing second to the airport. Every mile carries us closer to my final demise as far as my mind is working right now. I’m letting myself get lost in my thoughts as the men don’t say a word to one another or to me.

  I’m so lost in my thoughts, we’re at the airport before I’m ready to be here. Henry parks the SUV right on the edge of the tarmac where I see a plane waiting for us. At least that’s what I’m believing is happening since it’s here and Henry isn’t driving to a different plane. Must be we’re not dealing with boarding the way normal people do. Another thing Flynn gets all because he has money.

  “You ready to go?” Flynn asks as Henry opens his door.

  “I have no choice in the matter, so it doesn’t make a difference,” I answer, keeping my gaze turned away from him.

  Once Flynn’s door is shut, it takes a minute for my own to be open. I’m expecting to see Henry standing outside my door. Instead, I’m facing Flynn. He holds out his hand for me to hold as I climb out of the vehicle. Again, there’s a shock of electricity flowing from Flynn’s body into my own, lighting every nerve ending on fire in another slow burn.

  The second my feet are steady on the pavement below me, I try to move out of Flynn’s reach as Henry grabs our bags from the back and places them on the cart. Flynn doesn’t let that fly though. He puts his hand on my back and leads me to the waiting plane. It’s as if I’m his latest woman though we all know that’s not the case. Maybe he’s pretending so no one looks too closely at the situation.

  As I board the plane, I take in the interior. I’ve flown before and this is nothing like any plane I’ve been on before in my life. Instead of the rows of chairs with barely any room to move, the space in this plane is spread out. Two couches line one side of the plane while the rest of the area is filled with chairs. None of them are on top of one another and they aren’t the uncomfortable ones in a normal plane. These are overstuffed and covered in a soft cream leather as I run my hands over one. Every couch and chair is colored in a soft cream while the interior of the plane is done in a darker brown.

  As I sit on one of the couches, I notice toward the front of the plane is a TV. There�
�s also a radio as I look on in awe. While I wouldn’t want to travel like this on a regular basis because it’s not who I am, I’m going to take advantage and relax on our way to wherever we’re going. If we’re gonna travel in comfort, why not enjoy it?

  Chapter Five


  GETTING ON THE plane, I take in Imogen as she looks all around her. I can tell she’s never been on a private jet before. Honestly, I don’t give a shit about it. For me, it’s something normal and I’m enjoying the awe and wonder on Imogen’s face as she takes a seat on one of the couches. She’ll have to move to one of the chairs as we take off, but then she’ll be able to get back on the couch.

  Today she’s wearing a pair of shorts showcasing her long, toned legs. Her shirt is form fitting, outlining her tits as my eyes continuously stray to them. They’re perky and look firm as she stands there running her hand over one of the chairs the closest to her. I want her to run her hand over my body in the same, soft gesture. While I don’t want to seduce her, I wouldn’t kick her out of my bed for anything.

  When Imogen notices the TV, her eyes light up and I instantly wonder what’s going through her head. I want to know where her mind’s at right now. Especially asking me if someone put something in her tea. That question caught me off guard because it’s not something that ever entered my mind when it comes to her. I want Imogen to realize she’s not going to come to any harm with me. I don’t hurt women.

  Taking a seat in one of the chairs the furthest from the couch, I get comfortable and wait for takeoff. When the flight attendant comes in and lets Imogen know she needs to be in one of the chairs for takeoff, there’s no hesitation in her changing locations. We takeoff as she gets our food prepared. I’ve heard Imogen’s stomach several times and want her to eat something good to show her I’m not exactly the hardass she’s imaging me to be.


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