Flynn: Social Rejects Syndicate (Mackay Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

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Flynn: Social Rejects Syndicate (Mackay Brothers Trilogy Book 1) Page 5

by Erin Osborne

  Our situation isn’t ideal, but we need to make the best of it. Today is hopefully just the first step in coming to some sort of truce between us. That’s the best I can hope for and something I want. We’re not gonna be friends or anything even close to having a friendship. However, we don’t have to be mortal enemies either. We can form some sort of truce where we can talk and be civil with one another. I don’t want her to constantly question my actions and I don’t want to continuously question her about what she’s doing.

  Within an hour, we’ve got plates of food in front of us and I have a paper waiting for me to read. If I can keep myself busy for our trip, I’ll be better off. I don’t need to pay attention to Imogen. She’s someone who will work her way under my skin. I’ve felt the electric currents flowing from her to me and vice versa. It’s not anything I’ve ever felt before and I don’t want to linger too long on what this means. I’d rather keep to my usual of getting a woman in my bed and giving her a night or two before moving on to the next.

  Imogen digs into her food and doesn’t pay anyone else around her any attention. It’s as if I’m not on the same plane with her and she’s completely alone. I almost envy her freedom and lack of concern for anything surrounding her. I’ve never had a day where I’m just in the moment. Something is always popping up and needing my attention. Hunter and Lachlan aren’t the same as me. I run every aspect of my business while they tend to delegate more work out to the men under them. My men are always with me, except for now, and know exactly what’s going on. I handle most everything myself while allowing them to do what they’re good at. Now, I don’t have that choice. Henry and Liam will now be leading everything and reporting back to me. It’s going to be a change for sure. One I may have to implement more of when I get home.

  Once I’m done with my breakfast and coffee, I push the plate aside and grab the paper. Imogen is still eating as she watches the TV. I’m not even sure what she’s watching as a soft laugh escapes her. The sound washes over me and covers me in a level of peace I only feel in her presence. Shaking the paper out so I can read it, I try to force those thoughts to the back of my mind. The last thing I need to be doing is thinking about Imogen in any shape or form.

  The rustling of the newspaper gets to Imogen as I hear her shift in her seat. I can feel her eyes burning through the paper into me. Instead of acknowledging her, I remain hidden behind the newspaper in my hand. Now is not the time for me to focus on her. If I do, we’ll end up in the back where the bedroom is. I’m a man who knows my limitations and that means I know I want Imogen something fierce.

  Even though I’m trying to keep my focus locked on what’s in front of me, every single noise, movement, and sound coming from Imogen is drawing my attention more and more. It’s so bad I’m becoming frustrated and want to leave. That’s just not possible since we’re stuck on a plane together. Reaching down next to me, I grab my briefcase the flight attendant got from Henry. I’ve got ear buds in there and that’s just one more weapon to block out everything Imogen. At least until we land, and I can actually get away from her.

  After reading the paper from front to back, I refold it and place it on the small table in front of me. I’ve got work I can be going over until we land and head to the house Sal is letting us stay in. I’m not even sure who’s house it is. It’s not my business to know what he’s doing. Well, it’s not until we’re on the ground. I’ll be working with him. If I’m going to keep my head in the game and my mind off of Imogen, it’s important I remain busy and away from her.

  Pulling out my paperwork for individuals who want loans, I look it over and separate it into two piles; the ones I’ll have Henry give loans to and the ones who won’t get help from me. Some of the names I’m seeing on the paperwork are regulars who come to me to borrow enough money to get them through the month or whatever their case may be. I usually loan money to those individuals because they’ve established they’ll pay back the money on time and without us having to hound them.

  Most of the names I’m putting in the decline pile are those who I don’t know and have never worked with in any capacity before. While I’m not in town, I’m not going to take a chance on anyone new. It would be different if we were going to be closer to home, but that’s not the case. So, those I’m saying no to will simply have to go in a different direction. Maybe one of my brothers can help them out. Hunter and Lach usually don’t lend out money though.

  Part of me feels bad because most of the reasons on the applications I have people fill out, yes I keep a paper trail until the loan is paid back, have very good reasons to need money. While I want to help everyone in my community, I can’t do it. That’s why I pick and choose very carefully who I work with. And, why I also have anonymous donations to a select few families who are in desperate need. No one knows I make donations though. My father would kill me if he knew about it because he’s all about the money.

  I know with everything my family does the last thing I should be doing is keeping a paper trail. However, once the loan is paid back, the papers are burned out of existence. While I do have them, they’re locked up where no one would ever think to look for them. I don’t go there, and no one attached to me on a regular basis does either. I have one person who makes sure the paperwork is locked up tight in the last place anyone would ever think to look. If it ever does come out, people are gonna be pissed. Part of me does it this way because I’m a fucking asshole. I’m not the one who’s going to be implicated if anything ever happens. No one innocent will get in trouble either. There’s one person who will be getting in trouble and he deserves it more than anyone I know.

  I’m that guy who keeps my enemies extremely close as the expression says. They don’t know they’re my enemy and I like to keep it that way. These are the people Henry and Liam will keep an eye on as I go about business in the states. If any of them get out of line because I’m not around, I’ll be informed, and they’ll be taken care of and dealt with accordingly.

  With music blasting in my ears, I turn my focus from my thoughts and back to the paperwork in front of me. My gaze keeps shifting over toward Imogen as she’s moved from her chair back over to the couch. Her shoes are off, and I notice her toenails are painted a bright red, drawing my attention toward her legs. They’re tanned, tone, long, and I notice the smallest amount of ink on the back of one of her legs. I can just make out the black ink on her leg and I want to inspect it closer. To know what’s on her leg. It’s a permanent piece of art she loved enough to ink on her body. My curiosity is piqued.

  The flight attendant, no I don’t learn their names because every time I fly is a different one, brings Imogen out a blanket and she snuggles under it while the TV keeps playing. Before settling down completely, my gaze lifts in time to see her pull her long hair free from the mess she had on top of her head. Imogen shakes her head out and I’m captivated by her hair falling down around her slender body until it finally lays flat on her back. Rolling to her side, Imogen gets comfortable as she keeps her eyes locked on the TV. She’s having no problem keeping her attention off of me.

  Shaking my head, I pull an ear bud out when the flight attendant comes over to me to see if I need anything. After declining anything, I put my ear bud back and try to focus on what needs my attention. It’s a hard task and I want to give up on it, but I force myself to keep my attention on the task at hand. Henry and Liam are going to need me to give them updates once we land and I can contact them once again.

  Imogen fell asleep hours ago. I’ve been trying to work to no avail. Some of what I wanted to get done is completed, but not everything. While she’s been sleeping, I have taken some cat naps. I needed to stay up and work though. At one point I did walk over to her and make sure the blanket was over her completely and tucked a stay piece of hair behind her ear to keep it off her face so she could sleep. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

  Now, it’s time to wake her up because it’s time to land. Pushing all of my paperwork back in my
briefcase, I place it in the cupboard next to me before getting up to stretch my back. After listening to the cracking and popping, I make my way over to Imogen. I don’t want to wake her up, but she needs to be in one of the chairs. Reaching out, I gently shake her. She doesn’t even stir. For some reason, I get angry that Imogen is such a heavy sleeper. If I can’t wake her up by shaking her, even gently, she’ll never know if someone dangerous is coming after her. That’s never a good thing. Especially in the situation she currently finds herself in.

  “Imogen,” I call out, shaking her once more. “It’s time to wake up.”

  This time she begins to stir. Imogen’s eyes open up and as the haze clears out, she focuses on me. A soft smile pulls at her lush lips until she remembers what’s going on in her life. The second she does, the scowl is firmly back in place. Honestly, I find it cute as hell because she wants to be so angry at me and her dad for doing this to her.

  “What’s going on?” she asks, her voice husky from sleep as the sound shoots right to my cock.

  “We’re gonna be landing soon and you need to get in one of the chairs,” I inform her, trying to keep my mind on anything other than her and my cock that’s steadily rising to attention.

  “Oh, okay,” she responds, her voice still husky.

  I step back to allow her enough room to get up and move around to get in a chair. Imogen brings the blanket with her and wraps it around her body. I’m not sure if she’s using it as a shield against me or if she’s simply cold. Thoughts of keeping her warm fill my head and there’s an overwhelming need to take her to the back of the cabin where the bedroom is and make sure she’s covered in sweat and hot as hell. Those are the last thoughts I need to have as I turn my back to her and begin to think of anything other than her.

  Taking my own seat, we fasten in and get ready to land. I’m not sure if Sal is going to be the one meeting us or if he’s sending someone else. He couldn’t talk when I tried calling him to finalize details so I’m clueless. If there’s one thing I absolutely can’t stand it’s being clueless about what’s going on. I want to know as many details as possible about what’s going on because in my line of work it’s necessary. The more I know, the more I’ll be able to stay on top of every situation. Surprises to my men and I can not only hurt us, but they can also flat out kill us or someone innocent.

  Our landing is smooth as the pilot is one we normally use whenever he’s available. He’s not on our payroll so he takes other jobs whenever we don’t need him. Thankfully, he wasn’t on another flight since this is a last-minute trip. The second we’re allowed to get up, Imogen and I both unbuckle and stretch once more. She sits back down after a minute to put her shoes back on. It’s a simple pair of sneakers and they completely work for her. It’s been a long flight and I know I’m more than ready to be off this plane. I want solid ground beneath my feet and to hear what I’m gonna be doing now that we’re in the states.

  It takes a minute for the flight attendant to open the door and let us leave the plane giving me time to make sure I have my phone and briefcase. I’m pleased to feel warm air blasting us the second we get to the door. Bright sun shines in our faces and I know my sunglasses are packed away in my briefcase. However, I’m not going to take the few seconds to search for them while I look to see who’s here to get us.

  There’s a blacked-out SUV sitting at the edge of the tarmac just like Henry was parked when he dropped us off. Two doors open and I see Sal and Tommaso. They don’t walk any closer to the plane. Imogen lets me lead her from the airplane steps and it makes me feel better because I don’t want her falling down the steep steps. There’s already a crew getting our bags for us and loading them onto the cart to take to the SUV for us. That’s one thing I don’t miss having to do; deal with baggage claim.

  Placing my hand on the back of Imogen’s back, I lead us to the waiting men. I can feel the nervous energy flowing through her body as she takes them in. Both men are wearing dark suits that look as if they’re tailored for their bodies. Tommaso has his long, black hair in a low sitting pony tail while Sal’s hair is short. These two men couldn’t look more opposite except for the fierce expressions covering their faces.

  “Flynn, it’s good to see you again,” Sal says, holding his hand out for me to shake. “Who’s the beauty with you?”

  “Sal, this is Imogen. Imogen, this is Sal and Tommaso,” I respond, making the introductions.

  Imogen holds out her tiny, shaking hand for them to shake. She keeps her head held high and back straight as she takes in the new men before them.

  “It’s nice to meet you?” she asks, posing a question in response.

  Sal and Tommaso laugh at her questioning tone. Their laughter takes away a slight amount of unease from Imogen as her body relaxes slightly under my hand. They usher us inside the SUV while the crew finishes putting our bags in the back. This time, I’m in the front seat with Sal while Tommaso is in back with Imogen. I’m not happy about this arrangement, but I can’t say a word since I’m in Sal’s territory now.

  “We’ll talk when we get to the house. Imogen can get settled in while we have a drink and sort out some details,” Sal informs me as he starts the engine.


  I can hear Imogen talking softly to Tommaso in the back and jealousy like I’ve never felt fills me. I’ve never been jealous of another person in my entire life. This is not a feeling I like, and I don’t want to keep experiencing it. Especially where Imogen is concerned. Trying to push those thoughts aside, I keep my attention focused solely on the scenery outside as Sal gives me time to myself while he drives. This trip is not going to go how I had planned at all. Things with Imogen aren’t going to go as planned and that’s never good as far as I’m concerned.

  Chapter Six


  AFTER SPENDING MOST of the trip sleeping, I’m wide awake and more than ready to see where we’re heading. What I wasn’t expecting when we stepped off the plane was to see two more men here to pick us up. Especially one as hot as the guy who got out of the passenger side of the SUV.

  He’s tall with long dark hair. Even though he’s wearing a suit that looks as if it were made specifically for him, I can still tell muscles fill his body. Not the overstated muscles someone who spends hours upon hours in the gym getting, but the muscles a person gains from putting in a ton of hard work on a daily basis. I wouldn’t mind getting to know him. However, I have a feeling he’s in the same type of business as Flynn and that’s a massive turnoff for me.

  When we all get in the SUV, I’m in back with Tommaso. Instead of remaining silent as Flynn and Henry did on the way to the airport, Tommaso turns to me and begins a conversation. We keep our tone muted as Sal and Flynn sit up in the front.

  “Have you ever been to the states before?” Tommaso questions me.

  “No. I’ve always lived in Australia. The only time I left my hometown was to go to school,” I answer him, not wanting to piss him off.

  Plus, there’s no reason for me not to talk to this man. He’s not the one who accepted a deal with my father to use me as collateral. This man could be just as bad as Flynn, but I want to have some sort of ally over here. I don’t know anyone, but I want to have some sort of friend here. Even if it’s someone I normally wouldn’t give the time of day to. Otherwise, I would be lonely as fuck and I don’t know how long we’re going to be over here.

  “Is there anythin’ you’d like to do while you’re over here?” he asks, keeping his gaze locked on me.

  “I don’t know. That’s kind of hard to determine when I don’t even know where the hell we are,” I answer, letting my sass come out slightly.

  “We’re in a small town called Lockport. It’s a lot of farmland, but we have a nightclub and a few bars. There’s a casino too. There are some other forms of entertainment, but I’m not sure you’d be interested in them,” he informs me.

  “I’m not sure what Flynn will want me to do. It’s fine if I stay in the house wherever w
e are,” I respond to him, not wanting to cause a scene right now.

  Since I don’t know what’s going on and the dynamics of the three men surrounding me, I don’t want to step on any toes or make plans when I don’t know what Flynn will let me do. As far as I know, I’m not going to be leaving the house without him, so it would be unfair for him to say I’ll go out and do something if I can’t. This is exactly what I hate. I’d like to make plans and do something, but I can’t.

  Tommaso and I remain talking in muted tones while Sal and Flynn stay silent in the front of the SUV. Flynn’s keeping his gaze out the window and his body is strung tight. I’m not sure how he feels about having to leave Australia with me or what he’s thinking now. The only thing I’m positive of is he’s going to be missing out on a lot of his day-to-day life while he’s here babysitting me. Maybe he can head back, and I can stay here with Tommaso. I’m not sure how anything is supposed to work. At least Tommaso will have a conversation with me.

  Yeah, I don’t exactly want to have conversations with Flynn because I don’t like him. However, it’s better than remaining silent and feeling so utterly alone. I’ve only been with Flynn for a little over a day and have spent so much time alone. That’s not something I’m used to. Yes, it was by my own choice the first night because I was so upset by everything that had happened. I miss the few friends I have back home. If I had only gone out with them for my birthday, maybe I wouldn’t be in the situation I’m currently in. And Flynn wouldn’t be here in the states to babysit me. There’s not a doubt in my mind that’s the only reason we’re here.

  Before I know it, we’re pulling up to another large home. This one is a muted gray on the outside with large windows. They almost look as if they’re two-way mirrors because I can’t see anything inside once we step outside of the SUV. My gaze goes up with my hand on top of my eyes to block out the sun. There’s at least three stories to this house and just from the front, it looks extremely huge.


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