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Flynn: Social Rejects Syndicate (Mackay Brothers Trilogy Book 1)

Page 14

by Erin Osborne

  “Flynn, can I ask you a question?” I suddenly ask, sitting up in bed as the credits roll on the TV.

  “You can ask me anything, angel,” he returns, that sexy smirk he’s perfected covering his face.

  “Why don’t you let me touch you?” I question him, needing to know the reason.

  “If you touch me, I’m not going to want to stop. Imogen, don’t you know how bad I want you right now?” he questions me. “Every second of every day I want you. I want to taste your body and feel how you wrap around me.”

  I stare back at him with amazement in my eyes. No one has ever been brutally honest with me the way Flynn is. It’s refreshing to know he’ll never hold back when it comes to me asking him questions or when we talk in the confines of our room. I’m not saying he’d hold back if we were out in the house or surrounded by people, he wouldn’t. That’s just not who Flynn is. He’s always honest if you want to hear it or not.

  When I don’t say anything, Flynn grabs my hand. He pulls it over toward his body, placing it directly on his dick. It’s hard and pulsing under my hand. Flynn moves his hand from mine, letting me keep my hand exactly where it is. The feel of him isn’t hidden since he’s only wearing a pair of basketball shorts. I can feel every single inch of him. Looking up at Flynn, his eyes are on me. Not on my hand holding his cock, on me.

  “Touch me, Imogen,” he grits out between clenched teeth.

  Instead of keeping my hand on top of his shorts, I pull them down past his ass, so I have full access to his body. If he wants me to touch him, I’m going to take full advantage. Putting my hand back on his hard length, I slide my hand from the bottom all the way up to the tip. Liquid coats my hand as it continues to leak out of him. I enjoy the feeling of him. He’s hard, yet feels like soft, smooth silk under my touch. It amazes me how smooth and soft he feels while he’s hard.

  When I can’t take it anymore, I bend over and use my tongue to lick away the precum from his tip. It’s warm and salty as it settles on my tongue. A moan escapes Flynn as he digs his fingers into my hair. I open my mouth and lower down his length. Glancing up while sliding my head down, Flynn’s head is thrown back into the pillow while his eyes are closed. The arm he has in a sling is clenched into a fist before his fingers stretch out straight. Another moan passes through his now open mouth as I slide my mouth up and down him.

  Flynn removes his hand from my hair. He directs my own hand down to his balls and shows me how to rolls them carefully in his had the exact way he likes. While sliding my mouth up and down his cock, I’m discovering I don’t have a gag reflex. When I feel bolder, I put my mouth down until I can’t move any further. His back almost arches completely off the bed as I keep my mouth there for a minute.

  “Imogen, you need to stop,” he growls out, his voice tense and full of lust.

  I pull back and look at him. The only thought running through my head is that I’m doing something wrong. My eyes shift to look at the bed while Flynn reaches out for me. He tips my chin up so I can look directly at him.

  “Angel, you didn’t do anything wrong. The first time I have an orgasm with you, it will be with me buried deep in your pussy. I don’t want anything less than that,” he tells me, letting me see the truth in his eyes.

  “So, lets make that happen then,” I tell him, sliding off the bed.

  When I’m standing next to the bed, I slowly strip out of my clothes. Letting each piece hit the floor as Flynn devours every single new inch of skin I expose. His eyes are filled with lust and hooded as he continues to stare at me. My body heats under his gaze. The blush covers my body as he smirks at me. I swear, his smirk will be my undoing. It transforms his entire face from serious and stoic to youthful and full of light.

  “Imogen, are you sure about this? I’m more than happy to wait until your ready,” he informs me, placing his good arm behind his head while his cock jumps against his stomach.

  “Flynn, I really wasn’t holding out for my wedding night or anything else. I just haven’t ever found someone I was willing to give it up to. Until you. I’m more than ready to have our first-time baby. Are you okay to do this?” I question him, needing to know this is okay and we’re not going to hurt him more.

  “I’m okay, angel,” he assures me, reaching his hand out for me.

  “I don’t want to hurt you for any reason whatsoever. We can wait to do this,” I tell him, not wanting to put him back in his recovery.

  “We’re not waiting, Imogen. I have you naked in front of me and I’m harder than I’ve ever been in my life looking at you. Your mouth and hand are amazing, but I want all of you, angel. Will you give me all of you?” he asks me, his eyes still devouring me.

  “I’ll give you all of me. I just don’t know what to do,” I tell him, letting my voice quiver as the nerves take over.

  Flynn sits up in the bed after removing his shorts and kicking them to the floor. He carefully removes the sling with a slight wince. I climb up on the bed and wait to find out where he wants me to lay. What I’m not expecting is for Flynn to place me on my back as he climbs over me. He’s not putting any weight on his bad arm as he hovers over me. Flynn leans down, pressing his lips against mine. I open my mouth, giving him an invitation he doesn’t hesitate to accept. Flynn devours my mouth much like he devoured my body with his eyes earlier.

  When he finally pulls away, I’m left breathless. Flynn doesn’t hesitate to move his mouth from my lips to my neck, kissing and nipping his way to my chest. He peppers kisses across my collarbone and down to my tits. He sucks one of my nipples into his mouth causing my body to arch up under him to press in closer against his. A moan is ripped from my throat when his mouth releases my nipple with a popping sound.

  Flynn moves his body lower and trails kisses from my chest down to my stomach. It quivers under his touch. Before I realize his intent, Flynn’s head is between my legs. He doesn’t hesitate to slide his tongue from my opening all the way up to my clit. When I try to clamp my legs closed so he can’t do that again, Flynn pauses and places my legs over his shoulders. Lowering his head once more, Flynn plays my body like a finely tuned instrument. He licks and sucks my clit while sliding a finger into my aching channel.

  My body is trembling under his touch as everything in me tightens. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’ll follow Flynn’s lead. He knows what to do and what’s going to happen. This is all new for me. I have to put my trust in him as he leads me over the edge. When my body can’t wind up anymore, the explosion releases.

  “Flynn,” I call out, as my breath rushes from my body and the stars shine bright to the point I can’t see anything past them.

  “Are you ready?” he asks me when my breathing is coming back under control.

  “Yes,” I inform him, knowing I’ll follow him wherever he wants to lead me.

  Slowly, inch by inch, he slides inside my body. I feel extremely full as my body opens to accommodate him. When he reaches my hymen, my body tenses up.

  “You have to relax or it’s going to hurt worse,” he tells me, his voice a low growl.

  Flynn leans down and kisses me. As we’re kissing, he pushes the rest of the inside me. Tears instantly fill my eyes as I squeeze them shut. He doesn’t move an inch while my nails dig into the skin on his lower arms. He’s still not putting any weight on his injured arm. Opening my eyes back up, I see him staring intensely down at me, worry clouding his vision.

  “I’m so sorry baby,” he says, his voice soft and gentle.

  “It’s okay,” I tell him as the pain lessens. “You can move now.”

  He waits another minute before sliding from my body. A sense of emptiness fills me while he slide out. Flynn pushes back in my body. Instead of the almost unbearable pain filling me, pleasure takes it’s place. I moan out and lean up to kiss the man making me feel so many different emotions in this moment. Once again my body begins to tighten in response to him sliding in and out of me. His pace begins to pick up with every movement. I begin to move my hip
s in time with his own. Wrapping my legs over his hips brings our bodies even closer though gives him room to move.

  My body almost freezes as another orgasm rips through my body. This time I don’t see stars, my vision goes black and the blood rushes through my body. It’s all I can hear. I don’t hear our bodies slapping together or the moans coming from Flynn. I barely hear him bellow out my name when he finds his own release. Opening my eyes up, I see Flynn’s face twisted up with his own eyes closed this time. The veins are popping out in his neck as sweat covers his body making it glisten in the light coming from the stand next to the bed.

  “You’re mine,” he finally says after slowly pulling from my body and rolling over next to me.

  Flynn carefully pulls me into his side and my head goes down under his pec so I’m not putting pressure on his injury. After we find our breath again and the sweat cools on our body, he gets out of bed. I watch with sleep filled eyes as he makes his way to the bathroom. I hear the water turn on and some shuffling around. Before too long, he’s walking back toward the bed with a washcloth in his hand. My eyes droop even more as he opens my legs and uses the cloth to clean up the mess we made.

  After tossing the cloth to the side where a laundry basket rests, he climbs back into bed. Reaching out, he grabs the sling and places his arm back in it. I curl up against his side as he turns the light out and shuts the TV off. As he pulls the blankets up over our naked bodies, sleep claims me.

  Chapter Seventeen


  LOOKING DOWN AT Imogen, I can’t believe how lucky I am. Imogen gave me the greatest gift I could ever imagine getting; her trust and faith in me that I was the right man to be with for her first time. She’s now sleeping peacefully with a smile on her face. Her long hair is draped over me covering me in silk as I run my good hand through the strands.

  I’ve never been with a virgin before. The women I fucked were all more than experienced and knew how to tease me and please me. Imogen is completely different. She has no experience and doesn’t know what she’s doing when it comes to pleasing her man. Every single reaction she had to me and what I was doing to her was absolutely real. There was no faking to make me feel good or as if I were doing my job. All of her moans and facial expressions, digging her nails into my arm, that was all real and what she did because I made her feel good.

  Now, I don’t want to take my eyes off of her. I want to make sure she’s okay when she wakes up and doesn’t get lost in her head about what happened between us. This wasn’t just another notch on my bed or something to take the edge off. Being with Imogen is an experience I want to repeat as many times as she’ll let me. My main concern right now is that we didn’t use any protection. I honestly didn’t think about it. Being buried deep in her was the only thing on my mind. We’ll definitely need to have a conversation about that when she wakes up.

  I’m not sure how long I’ve been laying here with her, just staring at her and watching her sleep. I know it sounds as if I’m some kind of creeper, but I’m not. Imogen captures the attention of everyone she comes in contact with and I can’t help it. She’s the girl I want to know every single detail about. I want to hold her when she’s upset, take her out and show her off, and let the world know she’s mine. Just like I knew, one taste of her is not enough. Not by a long shot.

  Imogen begins to stir. Her leg slides up my own as she rubs her hand across my stomach. I flinch as her nails dig into me. Not from pain, she hit a sensitive spot on my side. I can feel the smile on her face widen as she turns her head into my body. She’s awake.

  “Angel, how are you feeling?” I ask her, bending to kiss her head.

  “I feel sore in all the right places,” she says, placing a kiss on my chest. “Thank you, Flynn.”

  “For what?”

  “For making it special for me. I know I’m not what you’re used to, but you still made it special for me. A night I’ll never forget,” she tells me, running her hand up and down my chest.

  “Imogen, I’ll always do everything I can to make every single day special for you,” I tell her honestly. “I do need to talk to you about something though.”

  She sits up as soon as the last word leaves my mouth. Concern fills her eyes along with tears as she pulls the blankets tightly around her body. I can easily read the thoughts going through her head. Imogen thinks I’m about to tell her it was a mistake that shouldn’t have happened. That’s the last thing I’ll be telling her.

  “Angel, get out of your head right now,” I tell her, pulling her close to me though leaving her to face me so I can read what she’s thinking. “We didn’t use anything last night. There was no protection. I’ve never gone bare with another woman in my life. I had a check up just before that night in your dad’s office and I’m clean. I know you’re clean since you’ve never had sex before. What I don’t know is if your protected from pregnancy.”

  For several minutes, she stares at me. I can’t read anything in her eyes. Too many emotions are passing through her eyes for me to pick out one or two. However, the lines on her face tell me she’s confused and worried.

  “I’m not protected against pregnancy. Since sex has never been on my radar, I haven’t done anything to prevent it,” she tells me, a wobble to her voice as tears fill her eyes. “I won’t do anything to trap you either.”

  “Baby, if you end up pregnant, you won’t be trapping me into anything,” I tell her, meaning every single word. “I’ll be by your side every single step of the way. You will not be doing this alone. Ever.”

  Tears fall from Imogen’s eyes. I’m not sure why she’s crying this time. The only thing I care about is making sure she’s okay and happy. We’ll worry about everything else as it comes. Pulling her into my arms, I rub my hand up and down her back, trying to think of anything I can do to comfort her.

  “Where’s your head at?” I ask her, needing to know the answer.

  “I don’t know. Everything is all happening at once and I can’t seem to process anything,” she tells me, looking up.

  “Talk to me. Let me try to help you figure it out,” I plead with her.

  “Well, I believe you that you’re clean. You wouldn’t take chances like that with me. That’s not what I’m questioning. I’ve never thought about having kids before. Didn’t think it was in the cards for me. Now, there’s a chance, a really good one if the calculations I did in my head are right, that we’ve made a baby. I don’t want you to feel as if I’m holding you back or putting a damper on your life. A baby changes everything and not everyone is cut out for it,” she tells me, letting me she’s been thinking about this more than since learning we didn’t use a condom.

  “Baby, you’re it for me. I told you before that I’m done with all the bullshit I’m used to in the past. I want new, clean, exciting, and knowing that each and every day we’ll be just like we are in this moment. A moment where the world is on the opposite side of the door. If that includes us adding a baby to the equation, then I’m good with it. Like you, I never pictured kids in my life unless Lach and Hunter gave me nieces and nephews. If you’re telling me there’s a possibility of you being pregnant right now, I’m okay with that,” I tell her, placing a kiss against the corner of her mouth. “I know there will be changes if we have a baby. Am I ready for that? Probably not. However, I’m not going to walk away either. Imogen, we’re going to fight, argue, and have tough times. That’s a given. We’ll work through them. Together.”

  This gets a watery smile from Imogen as she leans up and kisses me. It’s a gentle kiss full of promise and love. I’m not even sure she realizes what she’s giving me right now. Or what I see shimmering from her tear-filled eyes. Her tears and vulnerability do something to me that I can’t explain. Yes, they bring out the protective instincts in me stronger than I’ve ever felt in my life. But it also makes me want to show her what she means to me in this moment. No, I’m not going to tell her I love her; we’re not there yet. Not even close. There are ways I can show her tho

  Shifting on the bed, I bring Imogen’s body under my own. She looks up at me with questioning eyes. Her eyes are so expressive and gives me an inside look into her mind. Sitting up, I remove the sling so I can properly worship her body. Imogen is going to learn what it’s like to be made love to. Not what happened last night. While I may not have gotten out of control like I normally do, it wasn’t making love to her either. Imogen deserves no less than being worshipped and shown that I can love her body.

  Imogen is resting in bed after me showing her how much I don’t care if she ends up pregnant or not. Of me exploring every single inch of her body, learning what she likes and doesn’t like. I let her explore my body as much as she wanted to. There were hesitant touches, gentle kisses, and feelings neither one of us have ever felt in our lives. At least feelings I’ve never once felt before. The minutes didn’t matter as they turned into hours of us spent exploring and touching. I’ve never taken that long to explore someone’s body as I did with Imogen. She deserves every single second and more.

  After heading to the bathroom and taking a quick shower, I make my way back into the bedroom. Imogen is still passed out. Her hair is fanned out behind her, covering the pillows in darkness. Instead of standing and staring at her like I want to, I pull on a pair of pants and look at my phone resting on the dresser. Before I can check to see who’s called or messaged, it rings in my hand. Looking down at the caller ID, I see it’s my father calling. He never calls me.

  “What do you want, Dad?” I question as soon as I answer the phone.

  “How are things going with you there?” he asks, not answering my question.


  “Why aren’t you out working with Sal?” he questions as I put the phone on speaker so I can pull on a shirt.

  “I took the day off,” I lie to him because it’s none of his business.


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