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Ask Me Why: An Enemies to Lovers Standalone Romance

Page 9

by Harloe Rae

  Fuck, this is the most inconvenient place to get hard. At least my dick is out of sight. The chance of me standing up in the next thirty minutes is real slim. I tug at the collar of my shirt. Dammit, that woman is the devil. I stretch my legs to ease the pinching strain.

  A low chuckle bursts through my untimely arousal. I lift my gaze to find Jordan smiling wide. I’m totally busted.

  “Fucking called it,” my friend gloats.

  I don’t dignify that with a response. He’s goading me. I know this. Doesn’t stop my muscles from flexing. My neck is so tight I’m likely to pop a button.

  Jordan leans forward on his elbows. The smirk curving his mouth says it all.

  “You don’t know shit,” I finally spit in return.

  “It wouldn’t bother you if I went to visit Thicket over my lunch break? I’m having a craving for something sweet.” He smacks his lips.

  The pen in my hand threatens to snap. “Are you done?”

  He grunts. “Hardly.”

  “Is there an actual point to this riveting visit?”

  “I came to collect you for the board meeting.” He nods toward the conference room. “Ready?”

  “Are you done messing around?” I counter.

  “For now. The afternoon is fair game.”

  I stand and take a lingering glance at the piles of untouched case files stacked on my desk. My time could be much better spent. But it’s not my place to argue. Yet.

  We walk the short distance in silence. Jordan opens the door and motions me inside. Natural light floods the spacious area. Several people are already situated around the glossy wood table. We take our usual seats near the head.

  Kathy appears beside me with a steaming mug of fresh coffee and a legal pad. “You took off before I could catch up. Anything else, sir?”

  “This should do it. Thanks for bringing these, Kathy.” I offer her a curt nod.

  She fumbles for a moment, almost tripping over her feet. I raise a brow, and she ducks her head, dashing off without another word.

  “Fucking women,” I mutter.

  “You caught her off guard by being somewhat pleasant for a change.” Jordan’s observation gives me pause.

  “What are you talking about?”

  He waves me off. “Never mind.”

  A hush falls over the room when the three partners trail in. Don, Gary, and Steve are all in their mid-sixties with a stature that demands respect. Their presence alone commands the large group huddled in front of them. One day, hopefully soon, I’ll be standing beside them. Fresh blood and all that. I puff out my chest, letting the power infuse me. It’s a feeling I’m comfortable with.

  “Hello, everyone. Thanks for joining us,” Gary begins. “We’ve had an impressive start to the summer quarter.”

  All three of them form an intimidating line in front of us. They started the firm, way back when, with a dream and a sliver of capital. I’ve heard the story a hundred times over bourbon at evening meetings. Steve especially loves to drone on about their glory days.

  But standing before me in this stuffy room is a trio of old men past their prime. They spend more time on the golf course than in the office. Not that I blame them. They built this company from the ground up. But retirement is calling them. I’m ready for them to move over and let me lead. Getting partner at twenty-nine would be a feat, even for me. I’m chomping at the proverbial bit to get that promotion before hitting the big three-zero.

  Don is waxing on about exceeding last year’s gains. I tap my foot to the beat of his wheezing breaths. He points to a dozen charts on the projection screen. The facts and figures blur into a colorful clump. I barely bite back a groan. Don’t they understand this is a waste of resources?

  I glance around at my co-workers. Most of them are half-asleep, drooling, and with their eyes glazing over. Fucking awesome. Not that I blame them. These meetings are boring as hell and a total snooze-fest. With a motivated team, I can turn this firm around and quadruple our profits. The picture of perfection I’m sketching in my head is ruined by incessant scribbling next to me. I glance over and find Jordan jotting down copious notes. I’m sure my expression is the epitome of flabbergasted.

  When did he become interested in keeping track of this shit?

  I crane my neck further, the chair squeaking in protest. On closer inspection, he’s doodling pieces of candy. What the actual shit is this? Fucking Braelyn, that’s what. I never get a reprieve. Ollie and Mary have been hounding me. I can’t even get my best friend to stay loyal. I’m fucking surrounded and outnumbered. Unfortunately for them, I’m a stubborn asshole.

  Jordan gets an elbow to his ribs from me. He doubles over with a sharp inhale. His narrow gaze finds mine. Serves him right. I smile, proud and wide. Jordan rubs his nose with a middle finger.

  I turn my attention to Steve, immediately regretting the decision. The density of his monotone chattering makes my shoulders slouch. A tap to my arm has me twisting back around. Jordan points to his piece of paper. I roll my eyes at his barely legible scrawl.

  Just give her a taste.

  Passing notes in a board meeting is a new low, even for him. What are we? Twelve? I shoot him a scowl, hating to admit how appetizing his words are. Stale coffee lingers on my tongue. Something sweet would hit the spot. Jordan’s words from earlier circle in my brain. I could grab lunch at that dinky cafe next to Braelyn’s store. If I happen to see her, so be it.

  A loud grunt grinds from my throat. I force out a cough to cover the disapproving sound. Even I don’t believe that pile of bull. There’s something about Braelyn. No use denying it. Her soulful gaze is cloaked in secrets. The urge to ask her why curls on my tongue more often than not. I want to rip apart the mask she’s wearing and see what’s hiding beneath. Among other things. But surface shit comes first.

  An abrupt clap drags me into awareness. The dynamic trio is wrapping up, and I’ve managed to miss the majority of their updates. Score one for me. And my decision is made.

  “Thanks for your dedication. Keep up the good work, everyone.” Gary gives the group a thumbs-up.

  Steven flicks his wrist. “Meeting adjourned.”

  I’m out of my seat before Don opens the door. I hear Jordan chuckling and fight the urge to flip him off. I’m already putting on a show by rushing from the room as if someone’s chasing me. An hour ago, I was lecturing him about being professional. The irony isn’t hard to grasp.

  My shoes skid on the carpet as I dip around the corner. Kathy is flagging me down, but I don’t pause.

  “Mister Stone? Sir?” Kathy’s footsteps follow me toward the elevators. “Darcy Gorden is on hold. She says it’s urgent.”

  “I’ll call her back later.”

  I hear Kathy gasp but don’t bother turning to catch the shock that’s certainly splashing her features.

  “But she sounds upset,” she pushes.

  “Don’t care. I’m not her therapist.” An idea strikes me. “Transfer her to Jordan Hughes.”

  Kathy’s hot pursuit stops. “From mergers and acquisitions?”

  “Yep, he’s her man. Tell him I sent her.” I smile, the expression feeling almost comical.

  “Where are you going?”

  The metal doors slide open in front of me. “To get some taffy.”



  The stop light flashes green, and I gun the engine. I grip the steering wheel in a tight fist, cranking hard to the left. Maple Street has never been such a welcome sight. I slam on the brakes, squealing tires announcing my hasty arrival. The mapped route was expected to take twenty-five minutes. I made it in under fifteen. The lead in my foot gets a gold star.

  I leave the air conditioner blasting. Without the arctic air pelting my face, I’d likely go up in flames. The damn summer heat is getting to me. I can barely breathe without igniting a fire in my lungs. And my tie is too fucking tight. I loosen the knot, undoing the top button on the collar.

  What the fuck am I doing?

>   Lingering in my car, flipping shit, is far beneath me. This chick has me riled up and I haven’t seen her yet. But the upper hand will be mine, as always. I’ll get answers and expel this weakness. I’ll just stoke Braelyn’s temper and solve this shit. In and out. That’s it.

  I turn off the ignition and step out onto the sidewalk. No one else is parked in front of her store. That’ll give us privacy. Burnt rubber stings my nostrils, but all I smell is sweet relief. There’s no escaping this.

  My stomach is ravenous, but I don’t spare the restaurant a glance. They don’t serve what I’m after. A switch flips, and I’m on autopilot. My sole target is Thicket and who’s waiting within. That glowing lollipop is mocking me, beckoning me inside with each perfectly timed blink. It might as well be a red flag taunting a bull. I hear that loud and shrill.

  I yank open the door with zero finesse. The frame clangs against the jamb but I hardly hear it over that damn chime.

  Ready or not, Braelyn. I’ve arrived.

  We’ve never touched, but my skin hums the instant I step into her sanctuary. Freshly spun sugar clings to the air. I breathe in deep, my blood buzzing.

  Braelyn is crouching in front of a display case when I stalk in. I’m hyper aware of my surroundings, a predator on the hunt. The fabric of her baggy shorts is stretchy, giving me a nice view. I had a hunch she’s been hiding curves. My body is strung taut, ready to snap at any moment. Braelyn is soft, too sweet. I’m going to ruin her. Too bad I can’t find it in me to care.

  She pivots toward me without rising, a warm smile curving her mouth. I catch the instant she realizes who’s stomped into her space. Those green eyes go wide, that smooth jaw slackening. The surprise melts off her face quick enough.

  She springs to her feet. “Brance.”

  My grin is anything but friendly. “Braelyn.”

  “What’re you doing here?”

  “Just browsing. Is that a problem?” I toss out the dare, raising the stakes with a quirk to my brow.

  “It’s one o’clock in the afternoon. Shouldn’t you be at work?”

  I glance at the window, rays of midday sun filtering in. “I’m taking a long lunch.”

  “Yet you’re here.”

  “A slight detour.”

  “One that didn’t include picking up Ollie?”

  I frown, the thought not occurring to me until this moment. My son will forgive me. Hopefully. “I didn’t plan this out. It was a last-minute decision.” Lapse in judgement is more like it.

  “He’s going to be disappointed to find out you stopped by without him.”

  I wave off her words. “Who says he’ll find out?”

  Depending on how this turns out, Braelyn might prefer to keep my visit a secret.

  She purses those Cupid-bow lips. “Is there something I can help you find?”

  I steeple my fingers in front of me, keeping the endless stream of possibilities from spilling out. Braelyn stares at me, waiting for whatever bullshit I decide to spew. But I like to keep her guessing.

  Any good sense remaining fizzles as heat coils in my lower body. I shuffle backward until my fingers brush the door’s cool glass. I’m about to make a big statement, but pause before pulling the trigger.

  A significantly delayed thought occurs to me. I take stock of our positions. Braelyn’s stance is defensive. I’m much larger than her. I won’t deny being an asshole, but I’m not interested in having this woman fear me. I’m crowding the doorway, blocking her exit. My presence might be considered intimidating. That seed of concern plants itself in my brain and sprouts roots.

  “Is it okay that I’m here?”

  Braelyn cocks her hip. “Why wouldn’t it be? I can’t afford to turn away customers. Even if you’re surly and rude.”

  Her snide response is less than helpful. I pull in a lungful of patience and try again.

  “Are you scared to be alone with me?” For some reason, her confirmation feels vital.

  Her smooth forehead creases. “No? Why would I be?”

  I ease toward the door, Braelyn’s fiery stare tracking my movements. I flip the lock, then switch off that obnoxious neon sign.

  Her narrow gaze flashes at me. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “You’re closed.”

  “Are you trying to freak me out on purpose?”

  “No. We need a few uninterrupted moments alone.” My dick is halfway to solid steel just staring at her.

  She parks two fists on her slim hips. “You might have a weak work ethic, but I sure don’t. I have a business to run. I can’t just fuck off whenever I want.”

  I steamroll over her snark. “We need to talk.”

  “I can’t imagine anything you’re gonna say is important enough to shut my store down.”

  “Guess I’ll have to change your mind.”

  I stride toward her with purpose. She makes a hasty retreat, knocking into the shelf behind her. Stacks of colorful bowls and matching cups rattle.

  “Do you get some sorta rise outta this?” I take a measured step forward.

  The furrow between her brows deepens. “Are you speaking in riddles again? Just a heads up—I don’t comprehend.”

  I erase another foot of space between us. “Do you like fucking with my head?” I almost make that word plural but don’t want her to bolt.

  “Not sure what kind of mental manipulation you think I’m capable of performing. But either way, the answer is no.”

  “Is that your final answer?” The smirk covering my mouth is ten shades past filthy.

  Braelyn blinks at me, her lashes lowering in slow motion. “Um, yeah. Pretty positive about that.”

  “You’re playing a wicked game, Braelyn.”

  She stays silent for a moment, tugging at the messy bun the top half of her hair is piled up in. Her sandaled feet brush against the floor. I let her stall, enjoying the show. She eventually peers up at me with heavy lids, looking the opposite of innocent.

  “Not sure what you mean. I haven’t done anything.” The breathy undertone to her voice wraps around my cock. Fuck, she’s good.

  I straighten against the strain in my pants. “Everyone gets a smile but me. Each and every person who walks through that door gets a pleasant greeting. All I get is a fake-ass grin and plastic attitude.”

  “Pretty sure you’ve earned that.”

  “Maybe. But that doesn’t matter. I’ve come to collect some pleasantries.”

  Her lips twitch. “Didn’t realize you noticed.”

  “Impossible not to. You throw hate my way with rapid fire.”

  “That’s filthy rich coming from the master instigator. I wouldn’t have reason to defend myself if you weren’t always on the attack.”

  I hand over some truth. “You seem to make it worse.”

  “Wonder why.”

  “Me too.”

  “What’re you gonna do about it?”

  I run a palm over my jaw. “Haven’t decided.”

  Temptation dances in her green eyes. “Need suggestions?”

  I picture her writhing beneath me. Those green eyes wide and dazed. Long blonde waves spread in every direction. Lips parting in pleasure. Lust pounds in my veins. Hell to the yes.

  “Pretty sure I can manage.” The words grate from my throat.

  “Yeah? Care to share your plans, then?” She’s focusing on the bulge behind my zipper. Her interest is even more obvious than the flush racing up her neck.

  “That’s for you to find out,” I murmur.

  “Are you just gonna tease me? Or actually do something?” She’s bold, and I’m ridiculously aroused.

  I narrow the gap between us, and her legs tremble. “I like seeing you squirm.”

  She lifts her chin. “I enjoy watching the steam billow from your ears.”

  I find a sliver of space to move closer. “Wanna hear a secret?”

  “Always,” Braelyn purrs.

  “You’re a damn distraction.”

  She snaps her fingers. “Guess it s
ucks to be you.”

  Her tactics don’t deter me. “All I can think about is wiping that sad look off your face.”

  “I’m fine, other than these inconvenient visits from you.” Her guarded eyes skitter away from mine.

  “Don’t lie. You want me. Just once would do. I’d turn that frown so far upside down, you’d never stop smiling.”

  “Cocky asshole.” She dips her chin, but I catch the blush staining her cheeks.

  I close the distance between us by another foot. “I’ll lick your clit until you scream my name. Then it’ll be my cock’s turn to pleasure you. Over and over until you beg me to stop.”

  Braelyn clears her throat, but there’s no disguising that husky rasp. “You have quite the imagination.”

  I’m hovering on the edge of her personal space. “That’s just the start.”

  “Thought you weren’t volunteering to give me an endorphin boost?”

  My shoulder brushes hers when I shrug. “Changed my mind.”

  “So glad I could persuade you to fall under my voodoo spell.” Sarcasm coats her words.

  “Happy to hear you finally owning up to it.” I sweep some hair off her shoulder, exposing bare skin.

  Her breath hitches. “I admit nothing.”

  “You don’t have to. I read it on your beautiful face.”

  “Maybe that’s part of my ploy. I’m just waiting for you to step in my trap.”

  “You’ve got a smart mouth.” I flick my eyes to her pouty lips.

  Her tongue darts out, dragging slowly across them. I track her sinful movement. We’re close enough to touch.

  “And you know just what to do with it,” I add.

  The veil lifts from her eyes, those mossy depths reeling me in. I’m helpless against the pull.

  “Do you like that about me?” she whispers.

  “More than I should,” I tell her honestly.

  “You don’t sound too unhappy about it.” Her rapid breaths puff against my neck.

  “Because I’m not.”

  “This sure is an interesting turn of events.”

  “Don’t go turning this into some grand gesture. You’ll be sorely disappointed.”


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