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Ask Me Why: An Enemies to Lovers Standalone Romance

Page 14

by Harloe Rae

  “Whatcha making, buddy?” I lean in for a better look.

  He lifts his eyes to my face. “A dinosaur, duh.”

  I laugh at his no-nonsense tone. “I like his horns. Very scary.”

  “Those are teeth,” he corrects.

  “Ah, right. The better for him to eat with.” What am I saying? There’s a sharp thorn cutting into my hip, stabbing deeper with every subtle movement. Having Braelyn so close is messing with my mojo. I’m losing cool-points by the second.

  Ollie’s pinched expression reflects my thoughts. “Um, sure, Daddy. He’s having a salad for dinner.”

  I grin at his creativity. “That’s very humane.”

  “Huh?” His face twists into a more complex knot.

  “Never mind.” I let the bad joke roll off my shoulder. That stiff drink is sounding more appealing by the instant. But that would be admitting defeat. I don’t lose.

  Ollie shrugs and returns to his picture. He picks up a crayon and passes it to Braelyn. “Wanna color with me?”

  The green in her eyes is super-charged. That pleasing color is sending out happy vibes to anyone in a fifty-foot radius. I won’t deny soaking in a few. This woman cannot be ignored, try as I fucking might.

  Braelyn gets to work filling in a small section of Ollie’s paper. He watches her with more interest than his favorite cartoon. Is he that starved for female interaction? I’m really hoping to avoid further mommy issues where he’s concerned. If Braelyn fills a temporary gap, this battle is steeper uphill than I predicted. But there’s no need for a white flag. At least not yet.

  Realization dawns that I’m gawking at her just the same as my son. Our intent couldn’t be further apart. Mine is of the X-rated variety, extremely inappropriate considering our current position. A harsh bite clamps in my gut. I snap my gaze off those bee-stung lips, hard as it might be. Jordan is shaking with silent laughter, almost collapsing to the floor. I flip him the bird under my armpit.

  A beer gets placed in front of me. I shift my focus to the server as he drops off Ollie’s milk and Braelyn’s lemonade. His attention snags longer than appropriate on the luscious gold waves spilling down her back. I clear my throat, loud and annoyed. His eyes lift to mine and expand to saucers after noticing my glare. A cringe tightens his smile. He nods and scurries away with a pissed off bull chasing his heels. Pansy-ass bastard.

  But what does that make me?

  “Scaring off potential competition? Bravo, brother. You’re making me so proud.” Jordan’s jovial timbre is worse than nails on a chalkboard. His humor is wasted on me.

  I scowl. “Will you drop it already?”

  “Tell me what I wanna hear.” He cups his ear and edges toward me.

  I flick his lobe. “Knock it off.”

  “Oh, you love me.”

  I shove him out of my personal space. “Quit hitting on me. Your date will get jealous.”

  “Nah, we’re solid.” Jordan twists toward Sadie. She snuggles against his arm and bats her lashes. That was easy.

  With them occupied, I’m free to spy on Ollie and Braelyn. He’s resting his cheek on an open palm, fascinated by whatever she’s doing. Braelyn is bent over the paper and scribbling with broad strokes. She’s using three crayons at once. I can’t tell what she’s drawing from this angle. As if encouraging my creeper status, Ollie slouches lower and opens a clear path for me to see.

  “That’s really pretty, Miss Braelyn.”

  “Thanks, sweetie. I find peace in rainbows.”

  I catch the slight zigzag twisting his mouth. That’s a curious expression I see a lot. She must notice his delay in response.

  Braelyn lifts the crayons from the page. She traces the lines with her finger. “There’s something soothing about the colors. Bright and vibrant and promising. The arch is a guide I can follow.”

  “That’s some deep shit,” Jordan mumbles from beside me.

  I elbow him in the gut. He retreats with a groan. Braelyn’s green eyes land on me, pooling with something I can’t quite read. Her lips twitch with a half-smile, and I’m sunk.

  The server swings by to take our order. Braelyn gets a burger with fries. I find myself repeating the same. This gets another round of snickers from the peanut gallery next to me. I choose to ignore them.

  “Miss Braelyn?” Ollie wiggles on his chair.

  Her hands hover over his shimming shoulders. The protective move makes me grin. He senses her touch and settles on his butt.

  She relaxes in her own seat. “Yeah, sweetie?”

  “Can we play the ducky game until our food is ready?”

  Braelyn lifts her gaze to find mine. A question quirks her brow. I shrug and point to the claw machine. Her face lights up brighter than the arcade’s fluorescent bulbs. I hide my dick’s reaction under a napkin.

  “Will you teach me? I never win.” Braelyn’s pout is worthy of an Academy Award.

  Ollie’s nod is vigorous. “I’m super-good at it. My daddy taught me.”

  She winks at me. “If that’s the case, I imagine we’ll be very lucky ducks.”

  My son giggles. “You’re so funny.”

  Glad he laughs at someone’s jokes.

  Ollie grabs Braelyn’s hand and they skip off to the corner alcove.

  “She’s so good with him,” Sadie coos.

  Jordan smiles. “He loves spending time with her. They’re so happy.”

  The instinct to bang my head against the table rips through me. “Seriously?”

  They exchange a glance. Sadie is smart enough to avoid my glare.

  “Why deny the obvious?” Jordan juts his chin in the direction they went.

  Braelyn has her head thrown back, laughter pouring from her lips. Ollie jerks the joystick this way and that, determination set in his no-nonsense posture. There isn’t a pinch of doubt they’re having a blast. It’s more than likely I’ll have to drag them out when dinner shows up.

  “We’ll never reach an agreement on this.” I sag against the back of my chair. My legs are stretched out wide. I keep my features flat, masking the conflict waging a war inside of me.

  Jordan holds up a finger. “As Ollie’s godfather, I vote for giving Braelyn a chance.”

  “I second that,” Sadie echoes.

  I roll my eyes to the ceiling. “Not your choice.”

  “He’s practically begging her to be his mama.” There’s not an ounce of amusement in Jordan’s voice.

  Venom sizzles under my skin. “That’s a ballsy low blow.”

  He clicks his tongue and faces Sadie. “You’ll have to excuse my friend. He’s a bit tense about a certain meeting tomorrow. The wait has him edgy as fuck.”

  My head whips toward Ollie at the claw machine with Braelyn. He’s safely out of listening range. I turn my glare to Jordan. “Watch your fucking language.”

  He brushes off my concern. “My bad,” he deadpans. “It’s hard to remember the rules with such a stellar role model around. I’m not sure what gave me the idea it was okay to curse.”

  Sadie’s gaze bounces between us, settling on me. “What meeting?”

  “The partners at our law firm are deciding who’s joining them up on top.” I rub at the knot in my throat.

  “And our guy here is the front runner,” Jordan adds.

  That earns him a smirk. “Thanks, man.”

  He nods. “I’ll have the whiskey on ice in your office to celebrate.”

  I chuckle, but the sound is forced. “I can hardly wait.”

  Sadie taps her chin. “Speaking of that, having a significant other to share the joy with makes it extra special.”

  I drag a palm over my mouth, muffling the growl gaining strength. “Thanks for the suggestion, but I’ll manage without.”

  Jordan rolls his neck toward Sadie. “He doesn’t realize the perks. My man has never been part of a healthy functioning duo.”

  She rubs her nose along his. “Should we try harder to convince him?”

  Once again, I’m surrounded by Brael
yn fans. If I strain my ears, there’s a roar of applause rooting from her corner. Everyone loves her. I should be used to it. But I’m not ready to climb onto the bandwagon.

  “Hello?” I wave in front of them. “We’re in a family space, and I’m sitting right here.”

  They stare at me, waiting for my willpower to collapse. Fucking traitors.

  I grip a fistful of my hair. “I’m playing nice enough. I bring Ollie to her store without complaint. I tolerate her overly sweet demeanor. I abstain from the temptation she inadvertently flings my way. She’s everything I’ve spent my life avoiding.”

  The list continues to compile in my mind. Her natural beauty is a nuisance. The effortless connection she has with Ollie threatens to break me. I can’t lower my guard. If I do, everything will crumble. But my arsenal is scraping bottom. She’s bound to be the catalyst of my ultimate destruction.

  This game is rigged. The deck has been stacked against me from the start. They’re rooting her on without considering my feelings. Not that I blame them. But they should want better for her. I certainly do.

  Red fringes along the edge of my vision. I blink the anger away with a grunt.

  Sadie scoots to the edge of her seat. “All signs are pointing to yes. Just give in. It could be one night only.”

  Jordan gets out his pom-poms. “Have you asked what she wants?”

  I scoff. “No. And I’m not going to.”

  The noise he makes calls my bluff. “Wanna bet?”

  I lean back and cross my arms. I’ve never been in the business of losing money.



  I swing my hips to the swoony beat that’s crooning from the speakers. With a pep in my step, I strut by the front display cases while snagging misplaced items. Before disappearing from view, the setting sun makes a last-ditch effort to blast me with warm rays. A crystal wind chime dangles from the window, reflecting rainbows all across the floor. I follow the colorful path and shimmy down the far aisle.

  I’m still buzzing from yesterday. Having dinner with Ollie, Sadie, and Jordan was great. Exchanging fervent glares with Brance was better. His scorching blue gaze barely left me during the entire meal. That amount of blatant attention from him had me flustered and bothered. Just when I think we’ve established a truce, he stomps on the flimsy agreement and rips it to shreds. That man is something else, and I want more.

  The clock strikes seven o’clock, alerting me that it’s officially quitting time. I glance toward the entrance where the open sign is still blinking bright. The store has been empty for almost an hour. I could’ve closed early. At this point, I doubt anyone will be strolling in. A Dapper sundae will be mine in less than twenty minutes if I hurry. The promise of ice cream has me restacking these shelves with gusto.

  Not even a minute later, the welcoming chime calls out. I turn toward the front to greet the customer. But no one is there. Until he is.

  Brance appears from behind the counter, donning a dark gray suit. It’s no surprise he took the liberty of switching off my lollipop light. I’m sure he flipped the lock in the same beat. He saunters over with all the ease and confidence only a powerful man possesses. His light blue shirt is open at the collar, no tie in sight. My fingers itch to rip at the remaining buttons.

  The shock of seeing him leaves me breathless. I’m slack-jawed and openly ogling. Is he here to deliver a gift or punishment? As if it actually matters. It’s impossible not to stumble over the last time he dropped by alone. The memory swirls to the forefront of my mind. I swallow the saliva pooling in my mouth.

  “Can I help you find something?” My voice resembles a purr.

  Brance licks along his bottom lip. “I certainly hope so.”

  I tuck some hair behind my ear. “Where’s Ollie?”

  “At home.”

  “With Mary?”

  A sharp jerk of his head. “Nah. Jordan offered to watch him.”

  I scrunch my forehead. “Why?”

  “He wanted me to celebrate.”

  “What’s the occasion?”

  “I made partner.”

  A hitch stutters my breath when he stalks closer.

  “Wow, that’s great. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you.”

  I fidget with the hem of my skirt. The shorter length didn’t bother me until this moment. Do I appear desperate? Or not bare enough? I bite the inside of my cheek. There’s no use denying I want to hike the fabric up or strip it off completely. The neglected hussy inside of me fluffs her flouncy hair. She might get her way.

  An insistent ache is already building inside of me. I squeeze my thighs together, but that only makes it worse. “Too bad I sold out of cupcakes earlier. I would’ve offered you one.”

  “I’m in the mood for something you wouldn’t give to just anyone. At least, I hope not.” Brance’s long stride is impressive. He covers the distance between us in mere seconds. Before I can gasp, we’re separated by a few short feet.

  “You’re back for more?”


  My nipples pebble from the rasp in his tone. The abrasive grit scrapes against my sensitive flesh, and I shiver. I flare my eyes, devouring every inch of his impressive form. Brance is all male, and my body is yearning for satisfaction. I’m a quivering mess just thinking about him using that dominating presence on me tonight.

  Brance hovers just out of reach. “I tried so fucking hard to stay away from you.”

  “Why?” I drag in a deep inhale, savoring his spicy cologne.

  “Because you deserve better.”

  Only an arm-length keeps us apart. I could lean forward and grab him. “Says who?”


  “What about my opinion?”

  His taut jaw pops. “Overruled.”

  A ball of fiery lust burns in my throat. “Seems to me an appeal is in order.”

  I bump into the wall when Brance stalks closer. The solid surface behind me offers stability to my wobbly knees. He doesn’t stop until our chests bump. Rather than cower and feel a prickle of fear, searing heat explodes across my limbs. I lift my chin and face his menacing glare.

  “You looking for a rough fuck, Brae?”

  I don’t overthink his use of my nickname. I’m too busy drowning in desire. A heady dose of carnal pleasure gets injected into my veins. My lashes flutter as I drift on his filthy promise. “Yes. Please, yes.”

  I’m not above begging. There’s no room for embarrassment with all the tension squeezing between us.

  His eyes narrow further. “This won’t mean anything other than fulfilling a physical need.”

  I dutifully nod. “Uh-huh.”

  But Brance isn’t convinced. “Can you remain unaffected? I won’t chance destroying what little common ground we’ve established. Ollie will always want you around. If we crash and burn at this, things will be far more complicated.”

  At this point, I’m breathing lust-fueled fire. “Just orgasms. Got it.”

  The talking abruptly cuts off when he crashes our mouths together. I moan into the kiss, arching against him. His lips drift up my cheek and temple. The move is almost tender.

  “You’re such a pain in my ass,” he growls close to my ear.

  I shift against him, rubbing along the hard ridge prodding at me. The empty space inside of me weeps. I curl my fingers on the shelf, but metal doesn’t satisfy me. A chunk of finely toned Brance would do nicely. I want to grip his sculpted ass and soothe any pain he might be feeling.

  He towers over my feminine frame, bending lower to box me in. “You know exactly how to play me.”

  “Oh?” Do I? I’m having a tough time weeding through the sloppy state my brain is in. A pitiful whine wheezes up my throat, giving me away. I shake my head slowly. Falling under his seductive spell seems like a bad choice.

  Brance swipes his tongue along my bottom lip, sucking gently. He teases me with a nibble on my pout. “I’m treating myself to another taste. But this time, you’ll come in my mouth
.” His hand snakes up my inner thigh, and I spread for him.

  I bow backward, thumping my skull against the wall. The dull thud barely registers. “Please, Brance.”

  “Greedy girl,” he growls into my neck. The vibration against my skin gives me chills.

  One moment, my panties are snug and clinging to me. In the next, the lacy material is discarded in a pile of shreds. Brance lowers to his knees in front of me. He bunches the material of my skirt up around my waist. The stretchy fabric molds there, granting him a front row view to the most private parts of me.

  Brance hitches one of my legs over his shoulder. In this position, I’m open to him for the taking. He blows out a slow breath against my exposed center. I shiver from the tease to that overly responsive area.

  With the first swipe, I almost skyrocket out of my flip-flops. Brance chuckles against my slit.

  “So sensitive.” He bands an arm around my lower back, fingers digging into my hip. I’m effectively trapped between the shelf and him. There’s no place I’d rather be.

  His tongue is a sensual glide from my center to my clit. Holy whoa, I’ve missed this. But I don’t remember anything ever feeling this exquisite. He breaks away, a mere sliver of space. The mewl that spills from me sounds desperate.

  Brance peers up from his crouched position on the floor. “No crying, okay?”

  I huff. “That was a first time thing.”

  His grip on me tightens. “It’s a damn mood killer.”

  The need to laugh barrels into me. “And what do you call this?”

  “A necessary discussion.”

  “Trust me, there’s no threat of tears. If I happen to shed a few, it’ll be from sheer joy.” I scratch along his scalp, gripping fistfuls of that silky hair. I try to tug him into position, but he doesn’t budge.

  He squints at me, scrounging for bullshit.

  I motion around my temple. “Up top isn’t running the show. The goal is to only feel ecstasy. That’s where you come in handy.” I’ll say anything to get his mouth back on me.

  A rumble rises from Brance’s chest. “Fuck yeah.”


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