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Ask Me Why: An Enemies to Lovers Standalone Romance

Page 17

by Harloe Rae

  Braelyn waves at me. “Hey, Brance. Thanks for the invite.”

  “It was Ollie’s idea.” That’s not true, but I’m good with giving him credit.

  She ruffles his hair. “You’re sweet to think of me, kiddo.”

  “Always.” His smile is megawatt.

  With a sigh, I leave them to catch up on the last twenty-four hours. I pay our round-trip fares and motion to the platform.

  “All set. Let’s go.”

  Braelyn digs out her wallet. “How much do I—”

  I hold up a palm. “I took care of it.”

  “You’re treating me?”

  “Don’t read into it. By showing up, you’ve made Ollie’s day.”

  She leans close, pretending to dust lint off my shoulder. “We’ll see if I can make your night later.”

  And just like that, I’m harder than stone. Dammit.

  “Wicked woman,” I growl.

  Her grin is all knowing. “You’re welcome.”

  She reaches for Ollie’s hand and they skip into the nearest rail car. The entire ride, he chats her ear off. He talks nonstop about baseball and all the batting average stats in his memory. Braelyn keeps her attention locked on him, but sneaks glances at me every so often. Those quick peeks are a jolt straight to my cock. I adjust in the plastic seat, spreading my legs apart to hide any evidence. A sense of ease settles around me while Ollie’s excited voice rambles on and on. It should be relaxing. But I can’t help feeling as though we’re on the tracks leading to epic disaster.

  When we arrive, the stadium is bustling with pre-game activity. People clad in red, white, and blue gather in every available pocket of space. The smell of hot dogs and victory cling in the early evening air. My blood pumps faster being here. I’ll always miss the thrill and hype of playing.

  We make an initial lap around the outer edge, checking out our options. Ollie settles on cheese curds to start. I give him some cash, and he hops in line.

  Braelyn digs in her purse and pulls out a pouch of Big League Chew. I feel my eyes bulge.

  “No way. I haven’t had that stuff in years.”

  Her grin speaks of secrets. “I actually carry it in stock at Thicket during baseball season. There isn’t a more appropriate occasion to have some than now.”

  I blink at her, trying to process this curveball. “You’re pretty fucking epic, Braelyn. Bonus points for the throwback.”

  She holds the package open for me. “Want some?”

  Like a moth, I swoop into Braelyn’s flame. It’s not bubblegum I’m after. I tug on the hem of her tiny shorts. “I like your outfit.”

  She glances down at what she’s wearing. “Yeah? I wasn’t sure about the dress code standard.”

  “You nailed it. You’ve been breaking necks since we walked in.”

  Braelyn tucks her chin. “I mostly care about snapping yours.”

  I release a rumble into her ear. “You make that sound sexy.”

  “You’re sexy period.”

  I skim my fingers over the strip of exposed skin between her waistband and shirt. “I better make sure Jordan is up for watching Ollie after this.”

  “Please do.” Her voice is a low rasp that wraps around every part of my body. When she tips against me, it’s a fight to keep my hands off her.

  Ollie finishes ordering and grabs his food. He saves us from being arrested for indecent exposure. Braelyn leaps sideways, separating us by a few feet. I chuckle and stuff my fists deep into my pockets. My son seems none the wiser and eats his second cheesy snack of the day.

  Between bites, Ollie glances at Braelyn’s outfit. “Why aren’t you wearing a Blues shirt?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t have any official memorabilia. I’ve never been to a game before.”

  His mouth pops open. I pat him on the back, encouraging him to keep walking. Braelyn gets a wink from me. “During the seventh inning, we’ll get you some swag.”

  Ollie claps. “Or you can win something from the cannon.”

  I nod slowly. “You can definitely take that chance.”

  She giggles. “I’m good with buying something. Then I’ll have it for next time.”

  My chest tightens, but I don’t comment. What’s there to say with my son around? Promises with Braelyn are fleeting.

  We continue wandering until everyone has something. After stopping for popcorn and peanuts, I guide us to the front row near the team’s dugout.

  “Is this where we’re sitting?” There’s a tinge of wonder in Braelyn’s voice.

  I shake my head. “Nah. We hang out here during pitching and batting practice. The players are pretty good about giving the kids a ball once they’re done warming up. Ollie loves this stuff.”

  As if proving my point, he’s hanging over the railing and waving to the coach. A few guys jog over to slap his little palm. Ollie eats up the attention, giving them all an award-winning smile.

  Braelyn watches closely, taking everything in. “So, you used to play?”

  I suck in a deep breath and look up to the cloudless sky. “I did. Second base shortstop to be exact.”

  “Yeah? In high school?”

  I scrub over the stubble lining my jaw. “Uh-huh. I was pretty decent. Made varsity as a sophomore. Scouts were already sniffing around my games. The coaches were grooming me to go pro. I ate up the attention like pudding snacks.”

  Braelyn glances over. “What happened?”

  “My mother.”

  I feel her stiffen beside me. This is the point where I always veer off-topic. But there’s something different about tonight. Fuck it.

  “My mother tolerated the sport for long enough. She wouldn’t have her only son wasting his life being an athlete. I needed to become some prestigious business owner or a crooked politician to appease her. That wasn’t the life I wanted.” I widen my stance and get lost in the diamond pattern crossing the outfield.

  I lift the hat off my head, only to tug it right back down. I lower the brim to shield my eyes. “It was more than her habit of being pretentious, of course. She knew how much I loved playing, saw it as a way to hurt me. Taking baseball away was a direct hit. My coach tried to reason with her. He was willing to sponsor me and take care of the paperwork. But nothing would sway her decision. She wasn’t having this sort of groveling at her doorstep any longer. She made it clear that any opposition would end in a bloody battle. It wasn’t worth his effort, or mine. My mother wouldn’t stop, and I knew that well enough. I didn’t let her see how much that crushed me. I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.”

  The popcorn in my stomach curdles into sour acid. I swallow the thick bile down, coughing over the darkness in my past. The only strength through this disgusting pit was the woman next to me. By some unspoken reason, I knew she understood.

  “She never laid a hand on me.” I spit the words out. “Her form of abuse was emotional. She used my love against me. A total mindfuck for a child. No mother should threaten to take her affection away. My father was helpless against her. She was the mom, and our system grants them full custody far too easily. He tried to fight her in court but lost over and again. She thought it was hilarious that I was stuck with her. Just one more way to torture me. I tried to leave a handful of times, but the police always brought me back. She was vindictive and spiteful. I don’t wish her hate on my worst enemies, even Veronica.”

  Braelyn shivers beside me, and I loop an arm around her shoulders. “I’m fine. Stronger because of it. She was my sole motivation behind becoming a lawyer. I wanted to fight for those who couldn’t on their own. She might have given birth to me, claimed the title of mother, but I never called her Mommy. I have to thank her for the valuable lessons. I’ll let Ollie play whatever sports he’s interested in. He can study any major. I already have a hard time telling him no. But that doesn’t seem like a problem.” One of the finest points of that fact is currently snuggling against my chest.

  “You’re an amazing father.” Braelyn grips my forearm, and I tighten my
hold on her.

  I stare at her fingers linked around me, choosing not to focus on the pounding in my chest. “That means a lot. Thank you.”

  She cuddles closer. “Thank you.”

  I bend backwards until her face is visible. “For what?”

  “Trusting me.”

  “Bottling it up doesn’t help anyone. You make it easier to share.”

  Her forehead bunches. “I do?”

  “Of course. You’ve been through far worse.”

  She looks down at her tennis shoes. “It’s all relative.”

  “Whatever makes you feel better.”

  Before I can open my big mouth any wider, Ollie bounds up to us. He looks at Braelyn curled around me, smiling in that secretive way. I drop my arms, and she slinks out of reach.

  “I was keeping Braelyn warm.”

  It’s a balmy eighty degrees out here.

  Ollie’s grin spreads. “That was nice of you. But the game is gonna start. We should find our seats.”

  I point across the field. “We’re in the home-run porch. Ollie’s dream is to catch a ball. So far, we’ve struck out.”

  He shakes his mitt. “It’s gonna happen today. I can feel it.”

  Braelyn squeezes the leather glove. “Definitely. This is your lucky game.”

  Ollie bounces in place, gobbling up the possibility. It’s bound to happen sooner or later with the amount of games we attend. Maybe she’s right about tonight.

  As we’re nearing our row, Braelyn glances around. She hitches a thumb toward the sign. “I’m going to the bathroom before the excitement starts.”

  Ollie stands quietly beside me while we wait near the aisle. I grab a handful of peanuts and start cracking the shells.


  “Yeah, buddy?”

  “Do you love Miss Braelyn yet?”

  I grunt. “No, Ollie. We’re just friends.”

  He peeks up at me, shuffling his feet. “Are you sure? She smiles at you a lot. Just like you smile at her.”

  “Positive. We’re just happy to be around you.” I ruffle his hair, but it doesn’t have the usual effect. Ollie’s features remain flat.

  In the next beat, his eyes take on their familiar sparkle. “You should hold her hand. I’ll take the seat on the end so you can be together.”

  My little matchmaker is back in action. Guns blazing at rapid fire.

  I look in the direction Braelyn went but don’t see her. “No, buddy. You can sit between us. Otherwise it would feel funny.”

  He stomps his foot, and I laugh. Ollie sees something over my head, his gaze expanding with something I’m terrified to discover.

  This time, his smile is victorious. “Well, what if you two get on the big camera screen? Will you kiss her?”

  The evening plays out before my eyes, and I groan. Inviting Braelyn to this game suddenly seems like a horrible idea. Or the best one yet.

  With a bit of coaxing, or bribing, Ollie agrees to sit between us. Until the sixth inning. I didn’t think much of it until that cheesy ass music started up. A knot the size of Lake Superior twists my stomach. This type of fanfare gives major league sports a bad name.

  Spread across numerous jumbo screens are unsuspecting couples, or two random people of the opposite sex trying to enjoy a simple non-date. From the corner of my eye, I catch Braelyn laughing and pointing. She’s enjoying the show, of course. I want to chuck a ball at the video camera hovering nearby. With each passing duo, the bricks in my gut crumble. The chances are damn unlikely they’ll plaster us up there.

  But, as my shitty luck would have it, Braelyn’s gorgeous face and my scowling mug flash on screen. I watch her eyes bulge, a flush already racing up that slender neck. Asshole I might be, but leaving her hanging isn’t my style.

  So, I do the reasonable thing. I lean over and kiss her.



  Brance buries his face in my neck, nipping at the sensitive skin. I arch up and silently beg for more. He gives it, thrusting inside of me faster and harder. Good Lord, this man was made for sex.

  He licks a trail down my throat while picking up his pace between my legs. The dual sensation is almost enough. I tighten my arms around him, nails digging deeper into his back. An upward arch of my spine. Oh, oh, yes. Brance does some magical grind with his pelvis. I crash our hips together and he hits my clit just right. Holy wow, my—

  Incessant buzzing yanks me from the X-rated dream I was having. Dammit, things were just getting really good. The fantasy is officially popped with my loud groan, followed closely by a stretch to make any cat jealous. It’s my one day to sleep in. Who the hell is calling so early?

  I reach for my phone, prepared to give the recipient a tongue-lashing. I falter when catching sight of the screen. There’s a slew of messages waiting from Brance. Even in my state of dismay, I snicker at his nickname.

  B-Ran: Good morning, Brae. Plans today?

  B-Ran: Ollie says hello. (image attached)

  The picture gives me pause. I rub the crust from my eyes and take a better look. That kid is so cute. Smiling wide for the camera, dimples on full display. I resume scrolling.

  B-Ran: Still sleeping?

  B-Ran: (image attached)

  When I open the picture, all the fizzling heat in my lower belly launches to piping hot and ready for action. I zoom in on Brance’s handsome face. He’s not smiling, but the cocky tilt to his lips is even better. His jaw is dusted with weekend stubble, just the right amount to leave evidence on my inner thighs and neck. Or breasts. I squeeze my legs together and check the time. Maybe I can self-love before coffee. With this new spank-bank material, my orgasm is already halfway there. It’d probably only take a few swipes. I scan the remaining messages with a quick glance.

  B-Ran: Nothing? Would below the belt work?

  B-Ran: Tough crowd.

  B-Ran: Ollie is getting restless.

  B-Ran: Wake up, babe. Please?

  Babe? Please? What alternative universe did I wake up in? We’ve been sleeping together for weeks, but I wasn’t aware that granted me an upgraded nickname.

  Plans of getting myself off are forgotten with a simple word. This is a game changer. Or I’m digging far deeper than he intended. Probably the latter. It’s just a pet name, the most causal one at that. But Brance using it feels very different.

  My cell vibrates in my hand, and I almost drop it.

  B-Ran: I tried the simple way.

  I furrow my brow. What does he mean by that? I jump ten feet straight in the air when my doorbell rings. The loud knock calls out immediately after. My lungs seize, and I cough out a breath. He wouldn’t just randomly show up. I glance back at my cell. This morning’s events have proven his recent unpredictability. Shit.

  With the speed only several mugs of caffeine induce, I get my ass moving. I toss on a shirt and stumble into some shorts. There’s no time for a mirror check so I pat my hair down into some semblance of tame. I dart down the hall, tripping over who-knows-what in my haste to investigate his level of crazy.

  I swing the door open to find Sadie standing on my porch. She has a hand raised, preparing to offer another knock. The disappointment clouding over me must show on my face.

  Sadie purses her lips. “Nice to see you too, Brae.”

  “Good morning.” The belated greeting doesn’t appease her.

  “It’s almost ten o’clock. What have you been doing?”

  I peek at my empty wrist, clearly missing the presence of a watch. “Uh, sleeping? It’s Sunday.”

  “So? Get out and enjoy the sunshine.”

  “Okay, thanks for the advice. What’s up?” I lean against the frame, crossing my arms.

  Sadie is smiling now. “I’m the reinforcements.”

  I blink at her. Without coffee, my circuits aren’t quite connecting. “Wait. Brance sent you?”

  “Don’t forget Ollie and Jordan.”

  “O-okay. Why?”

  She quirks a brow. “Aren’t yo
u gonna invite me inside?”

  I sweep toward the hallway. “As if you need to be asked.”

  “Here.” She hands me a plastic bag while passing by. “I took the liberty of buying you a new suit.”

  I peek inside, finding a crisscross of strings and some scraps of fabric. “Uh, what?”

  Sadie parks a palm on her hip. “We’re going to Lake Vask.”


  She waves off my question. “Sunbathing. Day-drinking. Whatever.”

  I take another careful look in the bag. “And you expect me to wear this?”

  She’s nodding too fast. “Trust me. This is the latest trend.”

  “Showing up to the beach naked?” My voice is a pitchy squeak.

  Sadie claps. “Yeah, you’re finally understanding. Brance will love it.”

  Thirty minutes later, I’m showered and shaved. My lady bits are tucked and stuffed into this microscopic bikini. I toss my hair up in a messy bun and throw on a coverup. My friend frowns at me, shooting a glare at the sheer dress.

  “That defeats the purpose.” She wrinkles her nose, the slinky material apparently offending her.

  I roll my eyes. “The summer heat is getting to you. There’s no way I’m leaving this house wearing next to nothing.”

  Sadie huffs. “It’s not that bad.”

  “Let’s see yours.” I lift a brow in challenge.

  She averts her gaze. “I have nothing to prove.”

  “Uh-huh, that’s what I thought.”

  She grabs her purse and heads toward the door. “Let’s go. The guys are waiting. You can drive.”

  “Because there’s another option,” I grumble.

  I open the garage and unlock my car. Sadie drops into the passenger seat. She flips the visor down and checks out her reflection, flawless as always. I slip behind the wheel with a sigh.

  “Whenever you’re ready to hand over the keys, I’ll be here.”

  I smile at her. “Thanks. The thought isn’t as traumatizing lately.”


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