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Ask Me Why: An Enemies to Lovers Standalone Romance

Page 20

by Harloe Rae

  With the flip of a switch, the coffee begins brewing. The strong aroma of dark roast wafts from the steaming machine. My mouth waters at the scent, energizing me with one inhale. The smell is slightly less effective than Braelyn’s pussy. Lucky for me, I got a double dose.

  I open the cabinet for a mug. There’s five to choose from. My collection is not very extensive. I’ve never needed more than one at a time. Braelyn lives alone and has a least twenty filling several shelves. She’s always prepared. Even when I least expect her to be.

  Maybe I should take two down. Braelyn is bound to want a cup. It’d be nice to have one set out for her.

  The realization stops me short. Where did that shit come from? I’m planning ahead for her? It’s enough I let her share my bed. I should draw the line there. Encouraging her to stick around longer after waking up is asking for trouble. I bow my head and force out a slow exhale.

  This needs to end. But does it really? My hand pauses in midair, hovering at the halfway point. In the end, I take the mug out and place it next to mine. Something deeply broken and sharp settles inside of me. I rub at the odd sensation in my torso. What’s the big fucking deal? I’m already trudging into uncharted territory. Might as well push a bit further.

  Asking Braelyn to stay was instinct, a reflex I couldn’t control. It seemed like the only option. I’d held my breath, waiting for regret to rain down on me. But there were no gloomy clouds or sinking feelings. Nothing of the sort. Only that faintly familiar clink as another piece found its place.

  Because I’m greedy, or a glutton for bad decisions, I practically begged Braelyn to agree. I plowed through every reason she served. She was ready to leave and follow the rules I’d crammed down her throat. Maintaining that semblance of order no longer appeals to me. There’re always stipulations. Addendums are created for a reason. And I’m damn glad.

  Movement near the foyer has me lifting my gaze. Braelyn makes her way down the stairs, all sleep-rumpled and sluggish. She’s wearing her clothes from yesterday. Her blonde waves are more tangled than smooth, and a natural blush colors her lightly freckled cheeks. I guarantee she still smells like me. Why is that so fuck-hot to imagine? Our sweat mixed with arousal is a potent combination. Everyone will be aware she’s spoken for. Would it be too much if I demand that she doesn’t wash it away?

  Braelyn is unaware of my creeping, trailing her delicate fingers along the banister. Her bare feet shuffle along the floor. The wrinkled fabric of that bright skirt clings to her toned thighs.

  Damn, she’s beautiful.

  When she turns the corner and finds me waiting, her steps falter slightly. She blinks, over and again. Her smile is floppy and uneven. “Good morning.”

  “Morning.” I curl my hands into fists, killing the urge to hug her.

  We take several moments to ogle one another. Her gaze eats me for breakfast. I feel like a piece of meat on display. For once, it doesn’t annoy the shit out of me. I gorge on her tan legs for dessert. It’s my favorite meal. Braelyn sways further into the room, those hips composing a hypnotic rhythm. “You’re looking awful dapper for”—she glances at the clock—“seven o’clock. Do you always get up so early?”

  I toy with the lapels of my jacket. “This is actually late for me. I’m typically in the office by now.”

  Braelyn’s swollen mouth parts with a soft gasp. “What? No. Why?”

  A chuckle bounces my shoulders. I point to the freshly brewed coffee set in front of an empty spot. “Poured you a cup. Sounds like you need it.”

  She makes grabby-hands while moving closer. I shove the chair, giving her space to sit. Her ass hits the padded seat, and she scoots in. After taking a drink, her lashes flutter shut. “Oh, yeah. That’s the good stuff.” She licks her lips. “Wow. This is delicious.”

  I enjoy a sip from my own mug. “That’s becoming a common saying for you.”

  “Keeping track?”

  I tap the middle of my forehead. “Hard not to. Makes great material for when I’m alone.”

  Her slim brows inch upward. “Thought I was the only one fantasizing.”

  Blood rushes south, straining the material of my pants. Filthy footage of Braelyn masturbating goes straight into my spank bank. “That’d be a negative.”

  She peers at me over the rim of her mug, giving me another exaggerated moan.

  My grip tightens on the cup’s handle. “Glad to be providing stimulation for your taste buds.”

  Braelyn chokes on a large gulp and sticks her tongue out. “Ah, that’s hot.”

  “Yeah, just like that.”

  She huffs at me, laughter in her eyes. “You’re in an awful great mood.”

  I stretch my arms out. “Why wouldn’t I be? Got my dick wet before sunrise. Hot shower. Strong coffee. Gorgeous scenery. Can’t beat that.”

  She lowers her chin, but I catch the blush. “I’d almost call you a romantic.”

  I wink at her. “And you’d be dead wrong.”

  “Worth a shot.”

  “How’d you sleep?” I pull her seat closer, linking our fingers together.

  She covers her yawn with the other hand. “Really well, actually.”

  “Are you surprised?”

  “Honestly? Yes.”

  I furrow my brow. “Why?”

  Braelyn stares into her mug. “Even without the terrors, I’m lucky to get a few hours a night. My mind won’t shut off. But here? No problem.”

  I dust my lips over her temple. “You’re welcome.”

  She leans into my touch. “Ah, taking credit. Nice work.”

  “Didn’t I tell you about the endorphin release? Easy solution.”

  “Mm-hmm,” she hums. “Might have to make it a habit.”

  I allow the idea to simmer, almost expecting a sour bite to sink in. But again, nothing rises to the surface. Fuck, I’m knee deep in this shit.

  Braelyn giggles. “Don’t bust a brain cell. It was just an offhand comment. Maybe you need more caffeine.”

  “I’m not gun shy.” I point to the semi testing my zipper’s strength. “Feel free to take advantage whenever the need arises.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know,” she says.

  “Well,” I divert. “I slept really well.”


  I chuckle. “Such a smartass. That’s rare for me. Seems we have another thing in common.”

  She tilts a hand back and forth. “Fantastic sex leads to sound sleep. Who knew?”

  “There’s probably a few studies already proving the theory.”

  “Doesn’t mean further examination is off the table.”

  “Want a repeat?”

  She raises a brow at my suit. I snort and shake my head.

  “Dirty girl. I mean dinner. But there’s a condition.”

  “I’m listening.”

  I turn more toward her, our knees nudging together. “Can I ask a favor?”

  She sets her mug down and nods. “Sure.”

  “Feel free to tell me no.”

  Mossy green eyes open wide. “Please don’t suggest a threesome.”

  I frown. The thought of sharing her turns my stomach. “Hell no. Who do you think I am?”

  “It was a legit guess.”

  My scowl deepens. “For future reference, I’m not into that sort of shit. You’re plenty.”

  I want to erase the last two words the instant they escape. Dammit. What the fuck is my issue?

  Braelyn lets my slip tumble down her back. “’Kay, good to know. Spit out the real thing.”

  The knot in my chest releases. “Can you watch Ollie tonight? Mary has an appointment, and I have a late meeting. I shouldn’t be home later than seven.”

  She nods. “Conveniently enough, Kallie is closing Thicket this evening. I’m free after four.”

  “You can be here at five?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  I squeeze her hand that’s still locked in mine. “That’s great. Saves me trouble.”

smile is too sweet. “Happy to be helpful.”

  “Speaking of,” I dip closer, “thanks for lending a hand earlier.”

  She hums. “I provided more than that.”

  “If I didn’t have clients lined up and stacks of files to review, we’d be back upstairs.”

  “Promises, promises.”

  I growl in her ear. “Don’t tempt me.”

  Braelyn suddenly break away from me. “That reminds me I have something to ask you. All the sex and orgasms were clouding my memory. I forgot until you got all alpha again.”


  “Why were you cursing a blue streak after the movie last night?”

  I glance down, collecting the scatters of truth. “You two looked like a dream I never wanted to have.”

  She tips her head sideways. “What?”

  “You and Ollie on the couch. Cuddled up like that. Hit me in a spot I didn’t know was there. Just weird, I guess. Never mind.”

  Braelyn’s mouth curves into a secretive smile. “That was a very sweet moment for me. I would have stayed in that uncomfortable position all night if it meant Ollie was sleeping soundly.”

  “That’s part of the issue,” I mutter.

  Her lips twist to the side. “Of course it is.”

  I almost laugh at her flip in expression. “We don’t need to spend a ton of time delving into my fucked-up frame of mind. It was a moment of weakness.”

  “Have you ever been in love?” Her question comes out of left field, smacking me in the face. I let my expression grow taut. “That’s outrageous. I have a child. I love him irrevocably. To assume otherwise is asinine.”

  “That’s not what I meant,” she whispers.

  “Other than my son? Nope.”

  “I’m talking the passionate, Eros kind.”

  I scoff. “Absolutely not. Why?”

  She studies me far too closely. Her gaze flickers away a moment later. “Just curious.”


  “No.” The word is so soft my ears strain to hear it.

  “Why bring up the concept of love only to drop it immediately after?” Now that we’re on the subject, maybe a few boundaries can be reinstated.

  Her mossy eyes aren’t sparkling when she peers up at me. “I didn’t mean anything by it. Just popped into my brain.”

  Guess we’ll have to discuss our situation tonight.

  I drop her hand, checking the time on my watch. “On that note, I gotta go.”

  Braelyn startles, looking over her shoulder. “What? Where’s Ollie?”

  “Still sleeping. Mary is in the office, doing who knows what.”

  “O-okay.” She looks a little lost.

  I press my lips to the crown of her head. “If you’re concerned about exposing our cover, I’d get gone. Little man will wake up sooner rather than later.”

  She leaps to her feet, almost knocking the chair over. “Yeah, good idea.”

  That gets a loud laugh out of me. “I didn’t mean right this second.”

  She twists her fingers together. “It’s fine. I should be going anyway. Thicket won’t open itself.”

  “Well, if that’s the case.” I sweep an arm toward the entryway. “I’ll walk you out.”

  Braelyn is quiet, to the point of concern. Maybe I should prod deeper. But that might make it worse. We slip on our shoes and step into the garage. I press the opener, the gears grinding as it lifts. We stand next to each other without saying a word. The silence stretches, making the air dense and hard to swallow.

  I loop an arm around her. “You okay?”

  She seems to snap herself out of something. I haven’t witnessed this type of reaction from her in weeks. “Uh-huh, yeah. It’s nothing, I’m fine. Sorry for being weird.”

  “No worries, babe. We’re all good. This is still working for you, right?” I motion between us.

  “Of course. I’m not acting odd because of you. Promise. Just a funk.” She taps her temple. “This baby never shuts down, remember?”

  I pull her into my chest. “Except with lots of sex.”

  “Right.” She giggles, and the tension seeps out of me.

  “‘Til tonight then?”

  Braelyn nods, those green pools vibrant once again. “Looking forward to it.”



  I knock on the door, my palms still sweaty from the drive. My fingers shake, and I curl them into a fist. For whatever reason, my nerves are shot. I’ve tried to calm the chaos that’s building in my belly. There’s no explanation for the unsteady pulse thrumming through me. My day was uneventful, which suited me fine. Other than my strange reaction with Brance this morning, nothing has been out of the ordinary.

  As I wait on the stoop, a chill sweeps over me. A quick glance at the sky confirms thunderous clouds descending at a rapid rate. I can’t help feeling there’s more than one storm rolling in. But that’s just my weird mood whispering poison.

  Mary swings the door open, a wide smile stretching her weathered features. “Braelyn, welcome.”

  I offer a small wave. “Hello, Mary.”

  “Come in, please.” She moves over and makes a path, gesturing toward the hallway. “Have a seat at the table.”

  After slipping off my shoes, I shuffle into the kitchen. My eyes land on the massive windows along the far wall. A few hints of sunshine are fighting to peek through the torrential gloom. Rain is imminent.

  “Sit, sit.” Mary bustles in behind me, humming a cheery tune. Her giddy demeanor lifts my mopey spirits.

  One of the spots is clearly occupied, an open magazine and glass of iced tea waiting. I make my way to the opposite chair. Mary remains standing, wringing her hands together. I’m sure she’s ready to leave.

  “Shame about the weather. You’ll have to stay inside with Ollie. He was looking forward to showing you his sandbox.”

  I grin up at her. “Next time.”

  Her sharp gaze locks onto mine. “Certainly.”

  “Is there anything I need to know?”

  She waves me off. “Ollie is easy to please, as you know. Just hang out and play with him. He’ll love every moment.”

  That loosens the remaining knots tightening my chest. “I’m looking forward to that. How about dinner?”

  Mary begins gathering her stuff off the table. “Brance should be home by then. But you can check the fridge. Feel free to help yourself to anything.”

  I drum my fingers on the wood. “Great. Simple enough.”

  She pats my shoulder. “Thanks for doing this. You’re becoming quite the staple around here.”

  “It’s nothing serious. I’m not trying to invade your space or anything.”

  She laughs. “Please do, dear. These boys need you. Far more than you think.”

  I gulp audibly. “Um, all right.”

  “But remember, you’re not just getting involved with Brance. There’s Ollie to consider. He cares a great deal for you.”

  I’m unsure if she’s talking about Brance or Ollie. It doesn’t matter. “We’re just…friends?”

  Her lips purse. “That sleep together?”

  I choke on the suffocating air in my lungs. Mary quirks a penciled eyebrow. I’m sure my face is the color of a stop sign. Maybe that’ll halt this conversation. If only I could run and hide without being suspicious.

  “Well, um, I guess?” My voice is a meek whisper. Mary resembles my overly religious grandmother in this instance. Am I being scolded?

  She clucks her tongue. “Ollie isn’t blind, Braelyn. He’s very aware of what’s happening between you two. That child is so desperate for a mother. Well, that’s not true. He’s not looking for just anyone. Ollie is hoping you’ll be filling that role. Very soon.”

  I blink the moisture from my vision. Oh, that sweet boy. “He’s mentioned things along those lines. I try not to feed his comments.”

  “But your actions aren’t discouraging him.”

  I tug at the collar of my shirt. Is it hot in here? T
he pressure suffocates me. “I never meant to complicate things.”

  “I believe you, dear. Unfortunately, it’s far too late.”

  I avert my stare. “So, what now?”

  “You have to make a choice, dear. I’d recommend making it soon.”

  Mary’s words go along with my spiral earlier. How long does Brance plan for this to go on for? What are we doing? Just messing around? My heart is starting to nurture some pretty serious feelings for that man. Try as I might, remaining unaffected isn’t possible. I figure that concept was created for robots. Or Brance.

  At my silence, she prods further. “Ah, what’s the saying? Shit or get off the pot?”

  My shoulders shake with a laugh. “Really?”

  She sends me a knowing look. “Don’t judge this old bird by her fading feathers. I can keep up with the times.”

  I don’t doubt her for a moment. “You’re quite surprising, Mary. I appreciate that.”

  “Well, thank you.” She glances at the clock. “I must run. Just think it over, yeah?”

  “I will.” I nod and stand from the table.

  “Thanks again, Braelyn. Ollie is waiting for you upstairs. I held off calling him down so we could chat.” She winks. Sneaky old lady.

  Mary collects her bag, strides to the door, and leaves my sight less than a minute later. She can hustle when necessary.

  Thoroughly reprimanded, I trudge up the steps. I barely make it to the landing when Ollie zooms into the hallway.

  “Miss Braelyn! You’re here.”

  He rushes at me, and I crouch down. I wrap my arms around him, hugging him close. This is just what I needed.

  “Can we play now?”

  “Of course, sweetie. What should we do?”

  Ollie taps his lips, a recent habit. Pretty sure he picked that up from me. “How about Legos? Or Uno?”


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